r THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DECEMBER Weeks Local Pews WHAT OH A Methodist Church Large congregations last Sunday In evening both aisles were pack ed Sermons the pastor greatly enjoyed as well as music Mr O Barker sane at both services Christmas is the theme nest Sun day Special music by the choir Furs for Nothing would be more Acceptable to a lady for a present Martin Co has the largest Stock in North York to choose from The Market Grocery Mr has bought the of Mr Hardy and will open on Saturday morning We wish him every success Hockey The Midland Seniors are expected to play on Friday of next week tie Who Runs May Read Established appears below the name Bank Mont real on Mining Stock A couple of gentlemen were in Town a lew days ago from the Rainy River district and were seeking to some our people the minim industry The of beneath the yellow stuff they exhibit certainly showed bonanza ad Pauls Church right enough to handsome bevelled plateglass now the front door of their branch here The hours appear in plain type Christmas Entertainment The Methodist Sunday School holds its annual Christmas Entertainment in the School Room this evening A splendid program has been prepared by the children There will be a Christmas Tree and Santa has promised to attend the distribution Rifts Small admission charge Proceeds for charitable purposes Program commences at pm SecondHand Stove Bucks Brilliant No good condi tion only at Hardware To Ladies If in doubt buy Neckties for men Ask for Purple Seal Brand Hun dreds of patterns to choose from at The Bee Tuscan Lodge The officers elected for 13C7 are as follows Rogers P Morgan Cane J Clark I Fortune Chaplain T Auditors A Smith J Good Skating The voung people are enjoying tir steel runners Mr P has a fine open rink on Fairy Lake lit by electricity with comfortable shanty to rest and dress in There are two Other private rinks further around the bend The Skating Rink opened on Wed nesday night and the curlers are hav ing a time The Town Band is to be at the Rink tonight Dont You Think A Carpet Sweeper would save or sister a lot of work It makes a useful gift to at A Friends Church A successful Sunday School en tertainment was given last Friday Tea in the schoolroom at oclock followed by a splendid lan tern exhibition On Monday evening the annual Sab bath school meeting was held and the following officers appointed for another year Asst Frank Cornell 2nd Asst Starr Secretary Roy Cod v Treasurer Elsie Phillips Organist Florence Willis Services next Sunday at the usual hours Morning subject Did Christ reconcile God to Man or Man to God Evening Presbyterian Church Dr Robertson lecturer in Apologetics of Knox College Toron to will ordain the recently elected elders at the morning service next Lords Day The Elder will meet at am in the base ment There will be special Christinas mu sic for the evening service at which Dr Robertson is expected to preach Strangers are cordially invited to services The annual congregational meeting will soon be held Will the different organisations sec to their reports A good meeting is looked for The ladies the church purpose giving a of socials in the school room the firs ol which will be on the evening ol the of -Jan- Fur ther particulars later A Merry Christmas To all our customers thanking you for your liberal patronave and soli citing a continuance of your orders Villi Town Nomination Bills are posted requiring the elec tors of Newmarket to assemble at the Town Hall on Monday Dec from to and nominate a Mayor a rod six Coun cillors more candidates are nominated than are required to Ml the said offices the election will be on Monday Jan The financial is now In the printers hands and will bo for Inspection It will well for ratepayers not to tor much a hurry to their votes fataternent by the Council is ttianmnfiy people tuppose and explanations 1e public meeting- Nominations for four Public School Trustees will alto be received at the game time and place 1 J- Metropolitan Railway Extra service will he provided for days before Christmas a car on Dec and the holi day Dec leaving Toronto at pm also a late car from New market for Toronto and intermediate points at pm on these nights Dec and 25th Metropolitan cars expect to run on the new entrance to Newmarket next week Childrens Sleighs Iron Banks Carts Wheelbarrows Snow Shovels Brooms Toy Carpet Sweepers etc at Hardware Whitchurch Nomination The ratepayers of the of Whit church are required to assemble at the Public Library Hall Vaiidorf on Monday Dec 31st at oclock to nominate a Reeve DeputyReeve and three Councillors to compose the Council for If more candidates are nominated tfcan required to fill the same the election will be held on Monday Jan Police Court Police Magistrate Lloyd and Coun ty Councillor Woodcock had a regular field day last Monday Foster of Holland Landing charged Mr and Mrs Connors with forcible entry into his house and they both were committed for trial Jacob of Whitchurch charged Thomas with stealing a heifer It appears that it was a stray animal and son drove it home for safekeep ing The case was dismissed The third case was between Jacob and Jack the latter being charged with stealing a wrench It appears that and were working the place on shares iid being anxious for a settlement placed a suit in court This aroused bad feel ing and henee the charge which was dismissed for want of evidence Tuesday next being Christmas Day service in this church will be as fol lows At am Holy Commu nion at am full morning ser vice and Holy Communion At this service there will be special and everybody will be welcome All communicants parish are most earnestly invoked to receive the Holy Communion at one of these ser vices The church will be decorated with evergreens as usual No even ing service Christmas Market The special Christmas market last Tuesday was a y at success The quantity of produce was nearly dou ble the ordinary Saturday market and prices were throughout Tur keys ran from to He lb geese to ducks chickens to 90c pair butter to 15c and eggs as high as doz Mr bought lbs of turkeys lbs geese 50 lbs ducks several pairs o chickens Messrs Knowles Smedlev Hunter and Fleming all had good full loads market expected here again to- Dry Body Wood Also light wood at Pear son and The Turkey Will have a delicious Jlavor if roast ed Hi one of our seamless savory Roasting Pans All sizes at Hardware St Pauls Chancel Guild On Tuesday evening St Pauls Chancel held a Concert and Ba zaar in the Town Hall which was fairly well patronized The was tastefully decorated with flags bunt ing and evergreen trees giving a de cidedly effect Alderman Robertson presided over the meeting during the program consisting vocal instrumental and elocutionary numbers from lowing members of the Mioses Evans Florence Mann Pauline Gertie Wier Gertie Corson Master Hunter of St Augustines Choir To ronto and Mrs Richardson ably assisted with vocal selections the latter fully sustaining her reputa tion by an admirable renderire of I Cannot Sing the Old Sows After the program the hinds of the Guild were aujpnCtticd by the Fancy Goods and refreshments while the enjoyment of the young people- was added to by games and a informal dance you dont see our Stock before you decide on your Watches Brooches At prices that cannot be c in Cut Bowls at Bracelet Vaiches Dainty pieces in Improved in Sterling Come and look through No trouble to show Goods A CO and Specialty Luncheon The regular monthly annual luncheon of the foremen of the different departments of the Office Company with Mr Schmidt Local Superintendent pre siding was held Court Room adjoining the Proctor House on Wed nesday evening After the business was concluded the n l local also General Manager of Toronto Mr Weiss an oHidal of the company from Roches ter Mr Houghton salesman and manager of the branch at Ottawa and representatives of the press sat down to an excellent luncheon served Mr Simp son of the Newmarket Bakery in a very tasteful and satisfactory man ner Toasts and songs fol lowed Mr Schmidt presiding Gen eral Manager occupying the vicechair It was an evening to he remembered and evidenced the very cordial feeling between the officials and foremen of depart- merits in the factory The employes now number about and the fac tory is crowded with orders We have not room for a report of the af terdinner speeches this but punctured with the spirit of hopefulness for future success Mr has just returned from a trip to the coast and brings glow- ine accounts of business suc cess in the West To Men If in doubt buy Kid Gloves for la dies Perrin renowned French Gloves in all shades can be bought at The Bee at and per Pair Presentation Ah a arm chair was left at the residence of Mr a foreman in one of the Departments at the Specialty Works with she following address attached which snows the good feeling that exists in this de partment To Mr Dear Sir We the undermentioned entire the Enamelling Depart ment of the Specialty Co Lim ited wish you to accept this small present as a token of the es teem which exists amongst all for you We have considered this Christmas time a fit and proper season for thus demonstrating our feelings towards you and joining our sincere and hear ty wishes lor your every prosperity together with this small present which will he a remembrance of us in lime to come We would take this opportunity of thanKing you for the kind consideration and general good- fellowship which you have shown to us all durlne our various terms of service with you and we thoroughly appreciate the fact that the rough and smooth which is life Is made easier to hear with a kind word and a cheerful ac tion which has ever been yours In conclusion we can but join together to wish and your wife and fam ily a Right Merry and a Bright and Prosper New Year and may we ever exist In the same good- fellowship and feeling which- has been yours to give and ours to receive to remain sir Your servants J Rogers Clif ford Wilson Frank Ralph James Hoi brow Mr Will Martin and Miss Cynthia Cook vat Miss Cooks on Sunday- Miss Leonard of- Hamilton Normal College is home for vacation Mr Russell Jordan of University Toronto is home for his Christmas The Ladies Aid met at the Parson- ace on Wednesday afternoon Mr Gordon French has returned af ter spending a few weeks with Rich mond Hill friends Mr John moved into the house by Mr We weiconse the family into our midst- Ob Monday evening at the close of the revival services scholars and teachers of the Seodav school took the opportunity to present their su perintendent and Wbfe class teacher with a pair of ebony backed military brushes in a morocco case Mr taught for nine years and has been superintendent for two years but has now resigned is leav ing our midst Miss Lizzie French read the address and the presentation was made by Miss Stella Cook The address was as follows Dear Teacher and Superintendent We the scholars and teachers of the Sunday School on toe eve of your der parture from our midst desire to ex press our appreciation of your ser vices our behalf You as Sab- hath School teacher have taken a interest in our spiritual wel fare in eplaining to us from Sabbath to Sabbath the paths of duty and righteousness wherein we should walk Your kindly greetings have been an index of your friendship ami regard for us and trust that al though we mav be separated by dis tance your thoughts may often re vert to us in kindly sympathy and that we may still have a place in vour prayers and we pray that in whatever sphere of labor you may be placed that our Heavenly Father will guide you by influence of His Holy Spirit and that you may have many friends to love and respect vou as sincerely as those who now address We ask to accept this small gilt as a slight token of our esteem and we trust that you may he lciig spared to use them and we pray that in the great hereafter we all shall meet to join in toe new song around the heavenly throne Signed on behalf of the School Mr was taken by surprise but gave a touching reply and ex pressed his regret at severing his con nection with tho Sunday School but he hoped that his pupils would en deavor to follow his teachings in the years to come Mr Lawson has taught in he Pub lic School here for eleven years and both he and Mrs will be greatly missed in the town Thousands of pretty presents for Mens and Ladles Wove s from j Ladies Kid Gloves all the latest shades j Every pair guaranteed Lace and Fancy from each to Silk Handkfs from to Linen Initial for men at Fancy Lace and Silk Collars from to Fancy Wool Shawls from to Silk Wrist Bass from 2oc to And Thousands of other lines Better variety and lower prices than have ever been shown in Newmarket before BOOTS a SHOE Large Stock of Slippers to choose from Grocery Figs lb Raisins lb Seeded Raisins Full pound package 10c New Peels Nuts Oranges Candy THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Newmarket Christmas KESWICK The Sunday Schools of the Chris tian and Methodist churches re busy preparing for their annual The Christians hold flairs as usual on Christmas night The Methodists hold their anniver sary on Sunday and 3Wh and On Sunday Rev of Aurora a former junior pas tor on the Circuit will preach morning and evening The annual entertainment will he held in the church In addition to the usu al program by the schools a couple of young men from Mr Charles and Robert Sanderson arc to be present and sing several solos and duets A Christmas Tree is In he erected on which prizes of an ex cellent collection of good hooks will placnd for the children of the school My rim Silver is to act us chairman The Sons of iYiiiperance Division is booming just now On Tuesday the election of officers took place with the following result A Alice Dolly Pollock Cook Treasurer Terry Conductor Carl Morton Asst Conductor Edith Draper Sentinel Harold Winch Outside Sentinel lads tone Chaplain Mrs Lane- Miss Williams Organist Morton J As the of Municipal elections draws near old is beginning to wake up an unusual ly lively election is expected The change In the law the Reeve representative to the Council Is going to make a strife for that position Some of our are talking of coming to the front again Mr John informs us he is In the field for Mr Ira Morton Is being very stronglv urged to run Either of these two gentlemen would make an able representative as they have both had considerable experience in municipal matters We hear from the other side of the township that Mr John Hamilton Mr Isaac Kenton and Joseph Davidson are spoken of as possible candidates We under stand hat the present Mr W Barker does not Intend to run The friends of Mr will be very sorry to learn that he continues In very poor health His physician advises Mm to have an operation His trouble is a gathering his ear near the brain it having gathered and broken ten or twelve times Mr Mann in tends to consult a specialist Mrs is on the sick this week Ice on the Bay is making very slow to the heavy crust of snow on it Quite a number from here attended the market at Sutton and some brought back prizes Mr Angus King is spending week in Toronto Under Williams able manage ment very interesting exercises are being prepared for the closing of the school on Dec Wanted A shoemaker in Keswick The S of are still progressing rapidly On Tuesday evening last the winning side in tbo late contest were treated by the losing side and a very enjoyable time was spent A series of concerts for every lodge night for the next six months has been arranged Any person wishing a good time should enlist in the or der as soon as possible Keswick lias certainly got on suit The stores have a display Frank Crittenden and his mo ther intend leaving here for a visit to Michigan on Friday of this week The Grand Worthy Patriarch also the J rand Scribe are invited to in stall Urn officers for the next quarter her fine J THE LEADING Dry Goods Merchant Tailoring CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK OF MENS NECK TIES AND NECK SCARFS The Very Newest Styles and Patterns for the Holiday Trade ALL NEW GOODS TO CHOOSE FROM Fancy Vests for Christmas Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs Visit our Tailoring and you will find we have the goods the Prices Right For Style and Qual ity we are bard to beat PRICES A Call Solicited The Leading Tailor Shop on evening next Established Canada has the gjiin elevator in the world million bushels Live Stock Market Big market in Toronto on Tuesday and prices dropped a little Choice exporters ioVlfcf Choice butchers toylOl Heavy Feeders to Short keeps to Other prices same as last week of in hogs cars in Toronto lfi15 fed and Water ed awl at country points CAPITAL ALL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Interest payable Times a Year on Dally Balances GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED and ROSS Manager Newmarket Markets December White Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush Spring wheat per bush- C3 Goose Wheat 0 Rye per Barley per bush Peas per bush Oats per bush o 30 per ton 0 Hay per ton Butter roll per lb Eggs per 40 Potatoes per 0 Chickens per Turkeys ooo Toronto Markets December 10 Red per buah 0 White Wheat per 0 Spring Wheat per bush Wheat per bush Barley per bush Peas per per Buckwheat per bush Rye per Hay per ton Potatoes per bag Butter per lb 40 41 0016 Dressed per 76 40 Eggs per do per per lb Turkey per lb 0 Miss Jessie Sage has visiting for a time with her parent- Mr and Mrs W Patters of New market were visiting their many friends in this vicinity the week rev and sister were visitors in our burg on Sun day A number were on Sun day morning to hear Jew front Toronto Mr J of again renewing old r lor a few days The scribe wishes all i the Era the compliments of the season Mr I Morris is home spend ing the summer with A larger number people look Ad vantage of the excellent of last and to to hear the converted Jew Quite a number here the ordination Mr ker Hill on Tuesday Rumor has it two of our young peo ple were married lust week eo4 Church Anglican tea and entertainment on Tuesday evening was a great success Methodist Sunday School have been preparing for time past for their annual entertainment to he held In the auditorium on New Years Eve The principal feature entertain ment will be the cantata entitled King Winter The Methodist Church at Goodwood was destroyed by fire on Friday night The attendance at the StouffvlUe Public School and other schools in this vicinity has been greatly inter fered with lately on account of the mumps Considerable interest is beginning to be shown in municipal matters Rumor says two or prominent citizens have aspirations for the RAILWAY SYS 1MB Christmas New Years HOLIDAY RATES TERRITORY Between all stations in Canada also to and Port Mich Buffalo Black Rock Falls and Suspension Bridge AT SINGLE FARE Good going Dec and returning until Dec Also go ing Dec and Jan 1st until Jan 2nd AT FARE AND ONTHfllD Good going Doc and also 20 and and Jan returning 3 For tickets and lull inlormaUoa call on J WiUooghbyTofim Agent J Agent