Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Dec 1906, p. 2

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HKS the Stray Dog very here two by proving Mastiff Owner Can have me property and paying MB Newmarket Wanted work Three in family Write to MRS HOUGHTON St Toronto a A Christmas I k Again the and again it is our joy and plea to- extend a Merry Christmas greet ing to all our readers and express the wish for many happy returns of this- commemorative season It is a beautiful characteristic off Toronto NEWMARKET EKA FRIDAY DECEMBER Miss Millard from the Christmas spirit that it enlarges mens sympathies and widens the cir cle of human acquaintances recogniz ing in every man a brother The Christmas occasion affords an oppor tunity for the distribution of benevo lencefor the exercise of the grace of is Miss Carter of Toronto visiting at her home Mrs Wagner gave a seven hand euchre afternoon rifts Sutherland a Seven hand euchre on- Monday afternoon A Lindsay if Toronto letter It is said that about persons visited the Zoo on Sunday afternoon to see the animals and birds in their winter quarters An orderin Council has been passed by the Ontario Government lessening the grants made to Provincial public libraries in which there too large a proportion of fiction The new re gulations require that orily per cent of the books shall be fiction eluding juvenile- literature THE HOUSE OF 4 4 J Card of Thanks Mrs Bell desires to express tier to the neighbors and the friends who were so kind during the is and by a proper the cor ner of Queen Street and aim response to the necessities an claims v of those about us we can make the Mr home from- world better for our having lived in j Toronto by a it To our mind the ideal Christ- mas is the performance of deeds Miss Ada Lehman returned home illness of her late husband and in con- happiness and good willnot j Mount Albert on Monday for the the funeral arrangements the circle in which holidays- we arc wont to move but extending Dr Coulter of Ottawa Deputy acts of Charity to those whose lives was in Town on have not been crowned with a success Saturday that brines happiness to home We Mr Arthur Douglas of If there is a country under the Sast is tbe guest of Mi J canopy of heaven where the people should rejoicewhere the Christmas A J Cam of spirit should is the Land visited with friends in Town of the Maple Canada of Sunday ours The bounteous Providence of Grace Cane is home for the the Almighty has crowned the year holidays from Ontario Ladies Col- with an abundant harvestpeace ami prosperitv abound on hand and ami Mrs If Ross of is prores s were at Mr Ross towards national status The St on Sunday mand for labor exceeds the supply entertained and prosperity is attending our man- a party of people on and commercial life- It Wednesday therefore that the ap- J A has been Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited for R A SMITH as A FOR VotingMonday Jan A CHRISTMAS AND A NEW TO ALL This is No am a candidate for the Newmarket Reeveship FOR Lady and gentlemen voters invited to mark their ballots for yours truly T J WOODCOCK Municipal Elections And of Public School Trustees lor The Town of Newmarket should M to the house all the with becoming thankfulness to account of rheumatism the Giver of all Good and as a we should labor for further- j 9Wii a a nee of all thai makes for human happiness Again wish all our readers the compliments of the sea- son and trust they may indeed en- noon or a number of Miss Stella of Toronto A MKRRY CHRISTMAS Municipal Elections A Smith- who has served on Mrs J Jackson of couple of days this with her- mother Mrs Bayly Ars Cane pave a progres sive flinch Party last Friday after- visited over Sunday Willi her uncle Mr Lewis St Mr Wip of Sound is visiting his sinter Mrs IE for the Holidays Mr and Mrs of Toronto attended the wedding of Miss Gertrude on Wednesday Mr Oscar of Toronto was Public Notice In hereby tor the Officer of Mayor Reeve Councillors for Municipality of Town of for IublfcScbo Trus tees for ld Town for tbe will beheld In the Town Hall on Monday Dec hour of pm by the- S- If are for tbe office herein before mentioned than are to fllr- the wrae the voting the several Polling SubDivision at the shall be by Deputy of the respec tive Polling follows No I lic Heel House Prospect corner of Public No in Market John Dolan No in Old Council Cham ber A J On Monday the day of January nine am and closing at Ave oclock of above Polling Hub I Is compos of thnt the Town 1 ring on the tide of the Grand Trunk No fa composed of that pari of tin Town lying on the Grand Trunk fend South of Street An od rtouth Of Northern limit of Block P from Main Street to the No of of the Town lying Went of the Grand Trunk and North of Lot Millard Ave and North of Block P from Main Street to the Trunk Rail way J Newmarket Dec Choice Property FOR SALE at corner of St and Town f Newmarket Large brick house table orchard Apply on premises or to A WILLIAMS Newmarket Mr the Town as Councillor for years has yielded to the solicitations of a I tending the wedding of Mr J friends and will be a candidate Black in Wednesday for the JIayoraltv for Mr Mr and Mrs of McKay will evident be his op- Man are spending the holidays with portent parents Mr and Mrs Dennis Messrs Woodcock and Keith arc in Miss KLsie Ross and Miss Florence P have returned from the field for DeputyReeve also Mr for the Christmas holidays There appears to be no activity in Mr Wesley was home connection with position of Toronto Medical College over Sunday cillor though a number of are ion account of his grandmothers death Mr Thompson of Ham came home on Sunday mentioned WHITCHURCH There is prospect of a lively election in this Township Mr the present Reeve will probably be opposed Mr Powell ami also by Mr Seneca Ba ker For Deputyreeve Mr Foote and Mr skinner are in the field There count of the death of his Mr Bell Miss returned from the Wednesday after spending a week with her grandmother Mrs 1 f Mi and Mrs Richardson Will probably be four or five normna- in tions as founcillors ft EAST relatives near There is no change in the situation Mr of will oppose Mr John writes- Having for the whether Mr in proper style Thermometer re- John Moore runs or not below zero Heaps of NORTH snow Mrs Richardson entertained This township is never short of can- about young people to a pro- didates when nomination day comes euchre on Wednesday even- At present it looks as if ins in honor of Miss of Reeve Barker will be opposed Mr Aurora I Kenton The names of Messrs Ira J Rev Fletcher of Drayton Morton and J Davidson are also iOnt formerly of Newmarket has Wood Wanted tenders will be received by to supply the Indus trial Home with Fifteen Cords of fourfoot Maple and cord wood All to be firaiolass body at to be Maple cut vith a aw Tenders to be in not later than Deo and wood delivered not later than of March Wo accepted J Inspector Boarders Wanted with be bad at Mat lor a number of mentioned for County Council honors There is a great deal of grumbling and dissatisfaction in municipal mat ters in this year some claiming that the old council have been too extravagant and run the finances too low others say they have neglected to repair many cul verts bad places in the roads A number want a clean sweep and many names are mentioned as candidates at the election For the Mr is likely to oppose the present Reeve For the Council Messrs R McDonald Philip Newton may he in the field but as nomination day draws near there is a rumor that one or two of the present council may drop al lowing the election to go by acclam ation do Mrs John and children of Niagara St are visiting her father Mr Harris Toronto Junction this Mrs T Bowles daughter of Newark arc vUiting over been honored with the Presidency of the Wellington County Sunday School Association Mrs Mofse bible class teacher in Christian Sunday School about young people in the school room on Wednesday evening of hist week A splendid time is re ported Mr and Mrs Irwin of Shar on leave for Detroit today to spend the holidays A sloighloid id New market friends drove up on Wednes day evening and gave them a surprise and enjoyed jolly lime Mrs and Mrs C F attended the annual convention of the Ontario Womens Institute at last week There were about delegates present There are be tween ten and eleven thousand mem bers in the Province now Mr John Hicks of Bay Citw Mich writes It would be hard to get along without the It has been a regular visitor at our house for a good many years and are looking for it today with iust as much interest as ever Wc hope you the people of North York will have a and also a happy New Year with her father Mr The many freiads of Mr Robert Aurora arid the marriage of Phillips who Uvea on St her Miss Gertrude here on about a mile south of this place will last night Humphrey was knocked down a horse at- taehed to a cutter He was carried into Dr Lehman s where it was discovered that a couple of ribs broken Last Saturdays Gazette announces the formation of twentyfour new mining companies with a total capi talization of Geewhiz what a tumble is looming up when the bubble bursts Rev Tovell of Queen St Methodist church has been invited by Wesley Methodist church Hamilton to ac cept the position of pastor for next Conference Mr Oliver Bainbridge who register ed at the Iroquois Hotel last week lias travelled miles mostly uncivilized countries during the past ten years While in he was presented with a ring made from part of a human skull by the King initiated into a native secret order Mr- says the ritual hears a resemblance to Masonry and may be an offshoot of the same root The Exhibition surplus says Man ager lor was over It is said the Toronto baseball grounds have been sold to Har ris for The Grand Trunk has paid the city fifteen years rental for part of the Belt Line route How much does Newmarket or Aurora get from the Metropolitan for the use of their streets and public property Rev J Graham has been led Associate Secretary of for the Methodist Church Commissioner Coombs of the Sal vation Army said eight steamers had been chartered to bring people to Canada Dr says the city water now in an excellent condition and can be drunk without boiling Antonio years old an Italian section hand on the Grand Trunk Railway lost bis left leg and right foot being run over Tuesday in the yards John street Sixteen checkers and porters who were employed by GTRat Union Station have thrown up their positions and none to San Unless some relatives can be found to fall heirs to the estate of Miss Bennett of Toronto Junction who died recently it will revert to the- Ontario Government A Meeting was held Tuesday of icp from the Toronto Sun day School Association the Ontario Sunday and the different Bible classes of to arrange the details of the visit Mr of Chicago inter national training secretary of the Sunday School Association who is comtne to Toronto on Jan for the purpose studying the adult Bi ble class movement preparatory to appointing secretary to take charge of that class of work On Mondav last two strangers play ed an old confidence game on James L Bell of Chesterfield at the Union Depot Bell in a free and easy talk finally asked him if he could cash a for Bell gave them- in cash and soon af ter his friends left him He then went to get the cheque cashed and found it was worthless This took the ring out of Bulls confidence in the honesty of the strangers who had buncoed lorn The 10000 of Toronto debentures lost last week have been found During evening Miss Lillian bad both arms broken in a to- accident at High Park Newmarket and Barrie MORE UNTIL Its hard to realize that the time so short We have one of the LARGEST ASSORTMENTS a Goods ever shown in town and at within reach everybody MAS TIES About to choose from nil different kinds and scarcely two alike in and Bow Many of them worth each and none of them worth less than 35c each While theylan your choice for each LADIES JACKETS FOR pure Linen Handker chiefs and each Silk Handkerchiefs in phi in and t in led also some pretty colored silks 50 and We are determined to every Ladys Jacket before and if price counts for anything we will accomplish this Your choice of any Jacket in tho house for Jackets in the worth as high as Move quick if you want a snap LADIES MAS GLOVES For Men and Boys Kid mid Mocha We some special value to offer One worthy of is a line of Manufacturers Samples ling at pair worth up as as One of the most enleusjve ranges ever shown in North York in Stoles Ruff and to 2000 Table Linens and Napkins A useful present for any man to give his wife Tabic Linens to to SLIPPERS A Big of Samples worth and pair- your choice of the loti for pair MUFFLERS Made in the Imperial Squares Ways Mufflers and Padded Muffler- to 100 each Of French Flannels A beautiful range to choose from jn Blue White and White per yd CAPS Persian Lauib bought at a big reduction All worth 500 While they lat 206 vices at pm and at in the The Misses leave today evening to spend Christmas holidays with The Sons of Temperance here hold their sister in Pe a concert on the 28th The talent consists of two comedies one entitl ed A Rough Diamond or Country THE ALTAR ct Newmarket thcrInLaw Mr Comic fay Mr of Toron to to Miss Gertrude daugh ter of Mr J Muir of the Bra staff the Methodist parsonage Aurora on Dec by Rev A Bedford Milford Rose to Frances both of Whit church Singer of Aurora KettWby Quartette and Miss Mamie Love- of West Franklin vocalist also Styles orohestra The thirtythird destroyer built by Japan since the war was launched Saturday KETTLEBY a- by fir now yajul Mua The fuel situation Brandon has very Borne of compelled to cloze arid there are many en- without fuel Margin the Winnipeg Saddlery warcleJe at Sid thirty dollar be pleased to learn that he is re covering from the operation which performed on him for appendi citis in the Hospital at Buffalo some three weeks ago He Is now able to sit up and expects to return home In the course of a few days British American of the says Mo- daughter of Mr and Mrs and of Mr and Mrs Win Karl formerly of mile a day for the I Out has just returned Wo have established from a trip to New York Boston At the Board of Trade banquet Even to Messrs Mackenzie Mann in To ronto Week In course of the remarks of the latter he said It is ten years ago this month we completed the first hundred miles of Canadian Northern Rail way TOdav vu have three thousand tulle of railway In Western Canada and Canada This over oik last ten In Vctrn new towns Buffalo and Cleveland a population of people It ley received a number of our to build westward tributes to her a Tuesday about noon away after a very great amount of suflerlng directly from the effects of a stroke The funeral took place Thursday afternoon at pm from his sons residence on the line Mr Tat ton and Miss Mil dred Tat ton Ida granddaughter left this for the home of the latter in Michigan to spend the Christmas holidays On Wednesday last a very happy event took place at the home of Mr when Miss unite in marriage to Mr Black A most enjoyable time was spent The presents were of a most We join their many friends in wishing them a lorn and prosperous ami life Mr met with at acci dent Ibat cauttcs him to carry his hand strapped to a Ho caught his iaiit in a pulley and It a Very severe wrenching that will require some weeks lo remedy Miss of Ballantrae viiiiting at Mr lrctors the few dtys Wc clip the following from the Fcterboro Review The of the Bank of Ottawa In Pete was opened in centrally located premises on George street about a year and a half ago under the aide and efficient management of Mr A A A very large business which is constantly increasing speaks in no unmistakable terms of the prompt at tention courteous treatment and ob liging spirit of Mr and his staff of seven assistants who have the interest- and welfare of the bank as well as that of its numerous customers heart Mr Is a son Mr A I of this Town THE CRADLE In Town on Nov and Mrs Fred a to Mr son Town on Dec to Mr and Mrs A a son TRAVISS In Town on Nov 30 to Mr ami Mrs Ale Travlss a daughter THE LEADING Furaitare Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash BLIZZARD GRAY In Toronto on Dec by Rev J Fa1- Mr Blizzard to Miss Florence Gray both of Newmar ket the 9 of the brides aunt Mrs Newmarket on Dec by Rev A Brace Mr Ell of Richmond Hill to Miss Lottie A Jones of New market BLACK the of Dec by- Eider at the home of the brides sister Mrs Wilson Mr J Black to Miss of the Township of King The happy couple left on the train for their bridal- tour THE TOMB In King on Dec 52 months Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Street near Newmarket Dec Jane Cumberland wife of Mr Robert defend aged DENNEIn Newmarket Dec fr Herbert Marsh son of Mr yearn Mr Jones of Toronto spent Sunday at the home of Mr Pais ley Mr and Miss Burnett were in Toronto a day this week Mr Smith had tho InLsfortuno to dislocate his shoulder by upset off a sleigh Mr M Rose and Frances Story were united in tho holy bonds of on Wednesday last Their many friends join in wishing them a long and happy life There was a very large attendance at the Christian church on Sunday morning Mrs W Tranmer is Spending a couple of weeks with her parents in Miss Jessie Sage lias- returned to her home here alter a few months stay in Miss Mary Donncll of Sutton was the guest of friend Miss Delia Fairies for a few days Miss is visAting relatives in Pickering for a couple weeks Mr Rose and lady friend of Newmarket were guests at Mr A one day last week It cost the ratepayers of Whit church nearly for damages and law coats last year Kirjg on eo lit his I year i UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY 4 L calls attended to a v residence S ft MAIN ST NORTH All receive Careful and Prompt Attention- NOW hake

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