NEWMARKET DENTIST Albert Block on 2nd at of each month SATURDAY Sept MOUNT ALBERT The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available Capital OFFICE CANADA or Andrew Gauli Cbalrtnan Went- north J Chair man Pamucl Ki- ton Alex Current C DAVIDSON Albert Dominion The Peoples Shoe Store Before securing your winter sup ply of footwear be sure and call at The Peoples Shoe Store and see the large stock of heavy proof Rubbers Socks and Felt Shoes lor the cold weather No trouble to show NOTICE We sew alt rips free of charge on goods bought at this store Fine Shoe Repairing LEHMAN OPP SOVEREIGN BANK MOUNT ALBERT Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J D ROWLAND J Mount Albert r ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a full line of PATENT MEDICINES AmoDK them REMEDIES and RHEUMATIC CURE Prescriptions and family Receipts receive pergonal attentfoa day or night LLOYD Druggist Jersey Grades for Sale A band old J STOKES Mount Albert UNDERTAKER SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Office of Bell Telephone Co charge It to Cemetery Farm for Sale Acrea from Albert good In firet state of cultivation Apply to Albert two Vi at tl2t0 tad THE MARKET Prices were than usual at the market Tuesday Butter to eggs 30 to f chickens to ducks geese turkeys Mr John Graham is confined to his home with a sore foot The James Bay Railway opened for on Monday running a mixed train The Franklin Christian Church held a successful social at the home of Mrs Thirst on Wednesday Mrs Johnson is Ml with ty phoid fever Miss Lunan of the Centre Road is ill with diphtheria Mr E Brooks and family moved to Newmarket this week Dr James Forrest accompanied by Mr Eugene went to last week where the doctor pun based a highclass driver We understand well taggers have been engaged to clean about wells in town This looks like a step in the right direction in view of the large number of typhoid cases PERSONAL Mr Walter Marx was home for a visit with his parents on Sunday- Mr Steeper spent Sunday with friends in Miss Mabel Walton is visiting her sister Mrs at Zephyr Mrs Brown of King City is in town on a visit to her daughter Mrs J Kightley Miss Ollie Dunn spent Sunday at the home of Mr Alex Zephyr Miss Bertha Ross visited Mrs John in Zephyr last week Mr A manager of the Sovereign Bank has recovered from an attack of typhoid fever Messrs and Al lison were visiting friends at Roachs Point week Mr J of Toronto was a visitor at the home of Mr Eugene last week Mr is visiting friends in Pickering ooi HOLLAND LANDING The many friends of Mrs Will Tail will pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent illness Mr Martin Taylor was taken seriously ill on Friday aid wax at once summoned and latest report he is recovering as well as can be exacted Mr returned from the last week Miss Webb visited friends in last week The Methodist Anniversary and Thankoffering is changed from the to the 1 1 of November Service at pm conducted by Rev Scott a former pastor Mr J Keck ley intends leaving shortly for his home in England We wkIi him a safe voyage Mis has returned from Mr I has erected a wire fence around Ilia house which adds greatly to appearance Wonder if that young- man would like to test the stove J We noticed an item in the about the young man rapidly re covering when his lady friend called but we know of a young man who turned suddenly ill because there was ft trip to the lake proposed MANAGER y boarding here instead of driving out from Newmarket day An epidemic of chickenpox in a mild form has broken out in this section BALDWIN As usual Halloween passed off quietly here We have a moral lot of youths here A Baldwin hung Johnny Taylors gate up in the trees Other dislocated a few gates and a few trifling foolish capers And why do they do it Nobody knows He has cbntractl fyljfc Duncan Crawford to take in and what is variously estimated thousand to sixteen hundred of turnip and under favourable weather conditions hell do it too foe he is a hustler He has enlisted the services of half men and you bet theres a cloud of flying that of any oilier kicker I over saw One morning she is angelic in disposition In the twinkling of eye she becomes an incarnate as no doubt you Teas Is so ptonounecd that tea have nothing but lot it on a teapot Infusion Everybody was wading into the roots last week consequently there was a scarcity of help and some hands thought the time to strike for big pay but as there wan no unity Uncle John Taylor returned tired and happy a lovely outing in He didnt have the cu riosity to branch out and see much of the famous scenery House was more comfortable than outside which is a bit cold at this season Mr striken their efforts amongst the were abortive Ive been told some were pleased or displeased to accept even a lower wage Report of the prevalence of typhoid fever in New Ontario prevented sever al of our burghers paying a visit there Scarcity of water is the Art writes principal cause Preventative Boil Winter has set in at Cobalt and water surrounding country Hes had a vciy busy summer in no wise about a market being Mrs Ben Im pleased to in Sutton Even though report son the way to convalescence f buyers from Toronto have has had a severe illness ed to be present twould matter as Geese are still moving southward little came they from La Belle Paris giving warning of early winter I Yes even though our good friend never or hear of wild swans any Geo Herbert Johnson is trying to more Do you it yet will we fear no evil The They can be found in Niagara River farming community have no faith in an eye she fie rid surmise feels nervous The days are getting like a bears tail mighty I CEYLOH TEA Every is end of Virgin Purity Loan Package 30c per lb At Your below the falls also in Lake Erie at late fall and early spring where they often fall a prey to the few remaining eagles about there They are a hand some bird and fairly good grub They appear to have no voice like other 1 birds Our hunters paired off this year Dr Graham J Dick Kirk Joseph Foster Crittenden Albert Defoe and Sutton Mr Richard Young Union spent Sunday evening at his sisters Mrs Ben whom he found much better If that wary old Tory desires material to repair his now faded and worn coat I presume he can get the necessary material on application to our neighbour Ben Tomlinson Last week Thomas And if the Game round in the bush he Hallo v are fast iug a of a past age and the soon er the event is allowed to pass over without such foolish actions as usually take- place the better for all peacelov ing citizen One of the large windows in Wights was broken whether accidentally or otherwise and it re mains for the culprits if they are men at all to pay for the damage done Sunday and Monday November the and are the Mate net for the anniversary and Fowl Supper of the Methodist church Fuller announcement next week The tax collector in town on Wednesday and every person wax glad nee him not We notice the are a little higher than lost year but you know that has to be Mim of New market Model at Mr A over Mr Travwi of was in town a couple of days week Miwi Jane of Port Mich visited with her neiee Mrs J Wight a few lant week The Bank moving into their new office week block The the tamo building as the drug Mr If in charge and ha commenced Wardens get after some of them look out for a breeze The limitations of the law are two deer to each individual Some have bagged as many as eight in times past A wellknown local bachelor whom for convenience we shall call conceived the capital idea of spending the winter in the metropolis and thereby amassing wealth After con juring over it some time lie finally summoned up his resolution gave Fred minute orders respecting the care of the stock kissed mother good bye presume and away to the Hub Here he secured a sit as a locomotive fireman After a laborious day in which a whole chapter of accidents happened a I want to go home feeling filled his heart It- could not be shifted so sent in his resignation and took the flying express for mother home and Susan His is an earthly Paradise home now J as is making a great hurlyburly the pine stumps with his screw machine Hes taking them out at the rate of fifty per day and twentyfive dollars a little speckled steer and a jackknife to wager on the machine taking out any stump on deck Mrs Thomas is very feeble at present We should be pleased to nee some improvement as she is a kind neighbour Master Charlie Owen though at the tender age of fifteen a con- For Sale 1 Good Driving 1 Good Hone 1 Homo J COOK Mount Albert THE HABIT happened upon three coon cubs enjoy ing a snooze in an old stump The dog got into a scrimmage and found the little coons a big contract to handle Ben was in at the finish with the It takes a mighty good dog grit from the tip of his nose to the en his tail to wallop a full- grown coon They fight to the death Its time to be thinking about Christmas gift rather early for presenting them therefore you may imagine Taylors surprise when Rose presented him with a sweet doll that can cry kick and wink eyes etc May she be another little Rosebud Billy is a happy dad A strange coincidence A short time ago there met in one of our Owls residences three men with only a single good eye apiece Your scribe is truly thankful to those interested that he is quite another chap now he has regained his appetite A month ago he was a slabaided gaunt old bird but is now rounding up When a parrot or other bird is moulting they become mute I presume thats the case also with Owls Having recovered we have piped up and singing in our usual manner Some great divines John Wesley Chas Henry Ward declared their belief that animals possessed souls I leave that perplexing to more learned Owls to ponder over hut I do believe in animals being possessed with good and evil spirits We read in Scripture where the devils entered into a herd of swine and all rushed down a steep declivity into the sea and were drown ed Grandma Millers cow seems thus possessed Space will not per mit a detailed record of her fcata in kicking etc but they double discount SUTTON All preparations for the market which opens Monday 2th are now completed This week a fine new platform was placed in front of the store part of the Town Hail which is to be used as the Market House Heating is being flocked after and two sots scales installed New seats ami tables being placed in position and every thing possible is done to in crease the comfort of the pat ions Several of the very best buyers of Toronto will be present and every thing points to a positive and success right the start Mr Dixon putting in new show cases in his jewelry stoic We arc sorry to have to record the very severe illness of Mr John nell from heart trouble We under stand that the chances arc very slight for his recovery Mr Frank Cuttle is very ill with typhoid fever at Mrs Brooks and infant son have gone to stay with Mrs Brooks mother for a few weeks The farmers telephone is at last in working order the central office at Mr J Mrs Cross is having the Central for the Bell telephone installed in her jewellery store Mr Tremayne bus been ap pointed a Notary Public lor Pro vince of Ontario Mr Percy of Toronto is spend ing a few weeks holidays with his parents here Council Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Village Council was held in the Town Hall on Monday night AH members Mr Young appeared in re ference to the Town line between and Sutton Moved by Mr Taylor sec by Mr Osborne that the Reeve grant his order on the treasurer for the following accounts Wo have much for you to see days so come often and look to yous hearts content Nice clean goods the beat aOord We would particularly like you to see the following lines Puritan Underwear in Childrens Misses and and Draw- ers Ladies Vests long sleeves natural color for due A big range of Customers know what extra good wo have in these goods White Flannelette English Twill worth for yd wide stripe Flannelette in Pink Blue Fawn worth for 10c Loch Lomond Shirting worth for Full range of from to Newest shades in Venetian Broadcloth for Ladies Fall Suits at Boot and Shoe Stock was never better looked after We do boast of their cheapness but of the guarantee we with every pair boots sold that you get FULL VALUE for your IN GROCERIES Cleanliness and Quality go band in band In our Food Stuffs we neves sacrifice Quality for the sake of a tew cents Try our Japan Rice at 7c lb Long Clear Bacon lb Victor Rolled Oats lbs for Breakfast Bacon It Soap bare for Pure Lard pail Handy Ammonia for We can give you American lard tor pail but it does not give tho same satisfaction Half Car Load of the famous Oil to make the long evening 25c Gal gals for You cant get too much of a good thing Come along You will surprised what can for you at J HAPPY THOUGHT CANADIAN NATIONAL SOUVENIR AND CLASSIC MOUNT ALBERT J Dent work on roads A Millard 2175 moving lamp post M frame screen 200 sewer pipe JO Mrs blacking stoves Notice accounts due me and not settled before the tenth of November next will be put in Court for collection W K1TBLEY Sharon Carried If GO GEO WIGHT to THE QUALITY HOUSE ALWAYS PREPARED o aware It would ho a shy old season that would creep up on this stoic un- matter how suddenly Spring may jump into Summer or Sum mer into Kail we manage to beat it out by a bit While our customer were holidaying last July we were looking ahead to cold weather and buying so that we could be able to make just such an as this All the cold weather wearables arc here awaiting your looking and there are enough of them goodness knows to make it safe for us to say COME to all of you The UnderClothing Section Invites You Yea it fairly coaxes you to come so the Hosiery and Woollens for all purposes also Caps and Mitts BOOTS AND SHOES Our shelves are stocked with Boot and Shoes made by the Bent of Makers Try a pair of our Hot Shot Lino for Men GROCERY SPECIALS Fore pkgi for Life Chips for 25c Soar per bar bars Comfort Soap and 1 Washing Compound for 1 O ON IN Pearl Itico per Buckwheat package Heat American Coal Oil in gal lots at per gal to have your delivered WIGHT SON The Leading Merchants QUEEN 8 V I L ZEPHYR The boys hail a good time on the proceeds they got at Fergus last week Dr Henderson Of Hamilton has taken Dr Armstrongs practice Mr McDonald of Knox church took the services in the Presbyterian church Sunday night anil delivered a splendid sermon The special ser vices will he continued this week next Mr Thompson of occupied the pulpit in the afternoon in the Methodist giving a most prac tical sermon to a very large congre gation The of November was fittingly observed by the local Orangemen in holding an elaborate and apron social Miss Crawford of To ronto pleased her audience Immensely in her role of Vocalist and the Haven- shoe quartette rendered excellent music We are learn that Harry has found it necessary to undergo a second operation in To ronto this week Page Kerry Is busy erecting a car riage house which make an im provement to the property Representatives from Brock and Councils were to meet Wes ley here Tuesday to consider his claim for damages for injury July 1 2th hut the members failed to appear ooo TO IN TWO Take LAXATIVE Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money l it falls to cure GROVES signature Is on each box Jflr James Henderson of St Thomas received a telegram from SuitfrMgc that his brother one of a party of hunt s had been accident Wiled A Great Bargain Young Cattle Yearlings for Sale also milking Cows and Horses Throe Brood Sows and Six Little Pig Terms or Six Months Credit M Lot Vivian PO Yearling Steer The looser can come and claim it Once More Once more let us tell you about those Extension Tables Once more permit us to say that if you need such an article wo have the identical you need GOOD Tables ours are you know and the lowest priced one in the hunch is a really first- Tabic We have marked all these Tables at prices that ought to cause them to change owners pretty quickly If y wi cn day we will gladly show them to you ALLAN MOUNT ALBERT 3 very Market Day Monday Nov AFTERNOON Quality Nice New Pattern Color Cadet 27 to in wide Pino even spun weight and perfect quality Re and ftuo seeds Reg heavy good for Grey Union good width yard for Pk Pino Grey 7 in wide Kxta guaranteed all wool yard Military Flannel very yard Fine Flannel vorw ftMl Allwool Navy and Flannel SO and IOc vard w All Wool DUnkoU White a cto wove good 8tln Table Extra Satin woven sod- 76o V Mfopwfa Umbrella Double He Reg etch for 1W Runner IN Dial a Johnstons Cash Store Sutton A