When be liver is out of Order calomel salts strong liver pills and purging mineral waters wont do any permanent good When a person is bilious the liver is not giving up enough bile to move the bowels regularly and some of the bile is being absorbed by the blood In other words the liver is in a weakened un healthy condition Now purgatives dont acton liver at all The merely irritate tbe bowels and afford only temporary rtiief But are the one true LIVER TONIC They act directly on the liver strengthen and invigorate this vital organ and put it in a normal healthy condition also stimulate the glands of the skin and regulate the When liver kidneys are normally healthy there can be no biliousness no constipation no kidney trouble no impure blood no headaches No other medicine known to science so reliable and so effective in curing Biliousness as these fruit liver tablets are fruit juices with tonics added and are free from alcohol and dangerous drugs a box or for Sent on receipt of price if your druggist does not handle them LIMITED Ottawa Talk tk Q- 1 e us Whether you want a or seated Bob a Speeder a Fancy Sleigh or an allround servicable one make them and we sell them Just tell us which style is needed We will show it to you and give you some mighty con vincing reasons why you ought to buy a TUDHOPE SLEIGH Newmarket Oil will find juO the Underwear you wan size and weight in Stanfields Unshrinkable Underwear r York County Council York County Council will convene For its Fall session on the inst In view the corning change in the constitution the Council conse quent upon the legislation of last ses sion of the Provincial Assembly it is not probable that matters of any specially marked importance will en- gage its attention A city evening paper intimates that the proposed grant to the new General Hospital to be erected in Toronto will likely be considered but under existing cir cumstances we apprehend the Council will deem it unwise to alter the de cision reached at the June Session when it was moved by Evans and seconded by Mr Powell That the proposed Bylaw grant ing the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars to the Toronto General Hospital be submitted for the ap proval of the ratepayers at the nest municipal election and that the County Commissioners be in structed to give the necessary notice required by the Municipal Acts This motion was carried on the following division Yeas Messrs Evans Hart man Michel and Powell Messrs Ley Rogers and the warden Without repealing this resolution which we have no idea will be lemptffl no further action on the part of the County Council is neces sary The Commissioners have their mandate to give the requisite notice required by the Municipal Act and then the people will pronounce their opinion Until after the Fall session of our County Fathers there- Ion- we do not consider it would be prudent for us to discuss the pro priety or impropriety of the electors of York to vote for or against Tickling Bourassa Now It is amusing to say the least to note the many complimentary things the Conservative press of Ontario are saying about Mr Henri since he has tie- en his independence of Sir and the a ration Ottawa There are only on a par how ever with the fluttering compliments doled out to Hon Mr a few short years ago when he took a fit of independence and had to vacate his seat In the Cabinet Of course in the case of the latter our Conserv ative had a certain de gree of reason for patting him on the back for it was on account of his protectionist views that he posed as an independent and because of which he received notice that hi resigna tion would be acceptable to the Gov ernment With Mr the Newmarket Mother load fa her Praises of the Great Con sumption Preventative My ion was taken down with Pneumonia Mr A O Fisher of Newmarket Two doctors at tended him He lay for three months almost liko a dead child His became so swollen his heart was pressed over to the right side Altogether think we paid to the doctors and all time ho was getting worse Then we commenced the Dr Slociim treatment The effect was wonderful Wo saw a difference in two days Our boy was soon strong and Here is a positive proof that will cure Pneumonia But why wait till Pneumonia comes It always starts with a Cold Cure the Cold and the Cold will never develop Into Pneumonia nor Pneumonia into Consumption The one sure way to clear out Cold root and branch and to build up the body so that the Cold wont come back is to use ftS Fad The clear Christ those in w I debate on the eluded he considered the Finance ilinisUcill nDnii7tso estimate Ottawa Toronto and Montreal that the Government introducing legislation regaVdirig the Insurance to amend the existing election The Star correspondent says Government has already consideration to this adds the Act as prpowil certainly include clauses of the Sifceea Per Bottle Larger and all OR T Limited Toronto A FairEgged Bird A South American traveller has captured a rare bird whose interest to science is that it is a quadruped It is known to the natives jib the or gipsy bird For many days iiltor hatching before itis able to fly the young one uses its claws climb up hushes and trees The front feet gradually develop into wings The favourite haunt of this strange is among the huge flowers of the low muddy places In size the is about as large as an ordinary pheasant It lias a weird mournful cry calculated to disconcert the traveller when he is in the midst of a wild unfrequented country New York Tribune Sells More of Chamberlains Cough Remedy than of All Others Put Together Mr George a merchant at Elgin Ontario says have local agancy for Chamberlains Cough Remedy ever since it was In- trcduced into Canada and I sell as much of It as do of all other lines I have on my shelves put together Of the many dozens sold under guar antee I have not bottle re turned I can personally recommend this medicine as I have used It my self and given it to my children and always with the best results For sale by J and all druggists drastic character receive this intimation satisfaction It he- that a special committee th of amendments to the present election Taw under consideration last and the opinion prevailed on favor of requiring every elector to record his- ballot in mentary on penalty for a term ofyeaW Bv inserting to the bill to bo submitted it willvmeel the case of the voter who cant to ose the time to cast- unless one of the candidates makes worth his while The objection the very conscientious elector who dont care support either of the candidates running is not worth con sideration If he has a dislike to supportinathoe in nomination he can cast a spoiled ballot and thus ease his conscience -ooo- Each leal an Agony Dont you believe in nature Dont you think that skin and blood diseases such as the above can best be cured by applying natures own herbal extracts From Bible times the herbs of the field have been commended to mankind for this purpose ZamBuk is a combination of the finest medicinal herbal essences concentrated purified and ren dered highly antiseptic ZamBuk eases pain stops sup puration and heals all sores and skin diseases A herbal balm operating in natures own way Note well following cases PROOF OF POWER Mr Montague June- of TaTiaiock About four year ago tore carted to break out on my I lo chock them but no effect Ilheo burned hem took away for a time but only for a lime and they caused me pain Sore then to break my head I went to the doctor who me that it w- eczema A it very careful He gave 10 which I rubbed on hut all my care I to get I then tried several advertised remedies but to the same end One day I read a report about and I lit that what it had one for other people ilcoulddoformeMeoot for a ample The result of the uo of a was so tUfictory that I at once a full -nopiy- I obtained a wbox of for internal use Within a very time there was a marked mi nt I applied in with the directions and very icon the scales re ami the completely no truce of and It all Her out will be ypa send this coupon and cent stamp to CO Toronto nereallRot I am cured to cured Mm of fays Our irl May If ad eczema on the soil p head and pain lii patches treatment failed flrrt cation of awed agony ana the wo had used ft few iba cured It is ihe duct ever brought for all injuries and USE AMBUK IF YOU SUFFER FROM I any skin Ulcere running blood poison chilblain- hand- ore cut burn and by I hog cure the ailment by the hard and removing the ion t Li ah by i he w inner lenlins the over All SO cnU receipt price and box or from CO Oar Toronto better A correspondent who appears to know whereof he speaks has this to rase is different as he ha say regarding sporting rules If to perfectly man the weight for every Canadian climate from Halifax to the Guaranteed too Ait your for There la tor the ELLIOTT have positions it from yet to a Write tor tux you on fcfce to auceeoa J ELLIOTT hut Money dont grow on trees ft by lire fire you It to get hot fltritiid the Ip- of any political or economic principle dear to our Conservative friends as a party On the contrary- his political opposition towards the Premier is because the latter to the sending of Canadian to Africa without the consent of that the present too much to Protestant in On- in the amendments made to the autonomy hills of Alberta and and because they the legislation of last session in re gard to the Lords Day Observance Act True the member for may he sincere in differing with the on the above questions but this cant he said of a large per cent- age of Conservatives or the patty press supporting the Opposition in Parliament As the Hamilton Her ald properly puts it if they valued principles as highly as they do party advantage they would sym pathize with rather than with for while complaint against Sir Wilfred is that he has gone against Quebec senti ment the charge of vatlfim is that he has been too seivient to sentiment th matters mentioned t Is the Opposition are not careful as to the role they play if thereby they can possibly compass a breach the ranks of their HANDS Wash your hands with warm vater dry with a towel and apply Chamber lains Halve lust before going to bed and a speedy cure Is certain This salve is also Invaluable lor sore nip ples itching piles and sale by J and all druggists we are to have rules let us play them If knives boots or suns are allowed very well If our athletes are to be paid very well But why write out a set rules prohibiting these give our word of honour to slick to them and then kirk bite play ringers and behave generally in a dirty unmanly way The roughs and toughs should he ruled alto gether from amateur sporting circles rata BUid are authorized to II to to dayi of Ointments Catarrh that Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians as the damage they will do Is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by J Cheney Co Toledo contains no mercury and is taken in ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine It Is taken internally and made In To ledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by druggists Price per bottle Take Halls Pills for con stipation A At the in last week Hon Fielding Minister of Finance re turned by a majority of over Mr It the Conservative nom inee This shows quite a different result from the preelection despatch es which appeared In the Conserv ative organ at Toronto dear girl sometimes fellow feel cheap a bit a Bay Suilf Cut this out and take it to J Rroughtona drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlains Stom ach and Liver Tablets For Bilious ness and constipation they are They Improve the appetite strengthen the digestion and regu late the liver and howela Dr Williams Pink Pills Cure Ob- Indigestion After Other Medicines Fail When I troubled with indigestion did not bother with it thought it pass away nat urally But instead of doing so it developed into a painful chronic af fection which spite of all I did grew worse and worse until had abandoned all hopes of ever getting relief These words of Mrs McKay of Norwood should serve as a warning to all who suffer distress after meals with palpita tion drowsiness and Ions appetite early warning of serious trou ble to follow I used to rise in morning said Mrs McKay feeling no better for a nights rest I rapidly lost flesh and after even the most frugal meal I always suffered severe pains in stomach I cut my meals down to a few mouthfuls of food caused agony My digestion was so weak Some days I could scarcely drag myself about house and I was never free- from sharp piercing pains in tint back and chest I grew bad that I had to limit diet to milk arid soda water and even this caused severe suffering In vain I sought relief ill medicine I took seemed useless But in the darkest hour of suffering help came While read ing a I came across a euro that was similar to my own case wrought by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I thought if another person had been cured by these pills of such suffering as I was experiencing surely then was hope for me and I at once sent to the druggist for a supply of these pills The first indication that the pills were helping mo was the disappear ance of feeling of oppression Then I began to take solid food with but little feeling of distress I still continued taking pills with an improvement every day until I could digest all kinds of foci without tho least trouble or distress I am in splendid health today and all the credit is due to Dr Williams Pink Pills Dr Williams Pink tills go right to tho root of indigestion and other troubles by making rich red blood which tones and strengthens every organ of body is why they cure anaemia with all its headaches and backaches and side- aches rheumatism and neuralgia and the special of growing girls and women of all ages Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at cents a box or six boxes for by writing The Dr Williams Co Ont Sex its Era to Stepping off a moving car last week and Sherburne Streets Thomas was thrown to the pavement and fractured his right near the thigh also bruising his and arms Controller J J Ward says ho will earl date move that a byla be people on January 1st for change in our system of civic government from the present- one to government by six commissioners It is now alleged the License Board of West York has refused a man a license because he is a liberal The case is being taken to the Provin cial Rev William Frizzed pastor Queen Street East Presbyterian Church was taken suddenly ill while at a meeting of tho on Friday evening He was threatened withapoploxy for a time but happily these symptoms have passed away and the gentleman is improving Hon Nelson will arbi trate between the Berlin Com pany and tho York County fanners who grow sugar beets complaint of farmers is that the company is failing to provide cars for hauling the beets to factory The Ontario Hail way Board has in timated that a test of street car fender- will lo conducted in this city on the It understood a largo number of fenders will bo tested including several Toronto invention Mr Elijah Westtoan a hardware merchant of Street was found dead in a chair in his room at Col- borne Street last Ho was once trustee and Past Grand of King Solomons Lodge Another motorist was fined of for exceeding the speed limit on Palmorston Avenue some days ago Autodrivers will loam to keep within bounds of speed limit when their pockets are touched At a meeting of Ontario Bank shareholders a few daya ago a com mittee was appointed to look after their interests and also to take legal advice in determing right of shareholders to recover from tho directors for alleged negligence curator has not yet issued any state ment concerning the losses of the bank Things aro no better this year than last Out of General Hospital houses inspected by tho Medical Health Officer that official reports that are in an unsanitary con dition Provincial Secretary has notified Property Commissioner Har ris that thero will hereafter be a weekly from Toronto jail of all destined for tho Central This Mr Harris will allow rfacb jail inmate to bo provided with cell nominations will take place here on Dec and polling day on New Years day Lots of citizens must either forego a visit with friends or stay home and vote It is estimated that about licenses have been issued to persons on the deer hunt and about hunting licenses The Hat of deer hunters include four or five ladies who accompany their husbands Hunters Excursions Going October 9th to To points In on 0 Railway To points to Port Arthur Burglars broke into the home of To St Mario Port Arthur Mr Goldsmith Anderson St and via Northern Navigation Co got away with three diamond rings To Georgian Bay and Lake Superior and 50 in money The Italian who was shot in the leg during tho riot on Thanksgiving Day is not recovering at the Hospital very satisfactory While making his escape ho went through a plate glass window and his hip was terribly lacerated Bloodpoisoning is feared from wounds if a Occidents will Happen But if you are prepared for them beforehand they are soon mended Wrenches Sdatlca and Strains yield instantly Hirsts Pain Exterminator Always have a bottle with you at all dealers Try Little liver A perfect afterdinner pill Will assist digestion Ask your dealer or send A handsome souvenir card free P P CO Hamilton OnL points via To points on Co extra charge will made lor meals and berths re turning to certain Quebec points Going Oct to Nov To Midland all points Severn to North Bay Argylo to Coboconk Lindsay to All points to Depot Har bor All points on Lakes Lake oi Bays River All Tickets Good Returning until Dec For and lull Information call on J WUIoughby Town Agent J McDonald Passenger Agent TRENT CANAL TENDERS FOR VATER POWER SBAIiEDTBKDKIaddrcacltothciinor- Ported Teodor for Water rower wilt be received at tbla office until oclock on November rortbo surplus Wat or Power at Dam No on Canal tendering must understand that In the power tho below must in no wiso with and Department the right with out compensation lciace4to raise Dam No two root a an of good faith will be rcuulred to expend In power not than within month and not leas than within mouths from the date or tender terms of leaso shall bo for 31 year fnr three like terms but rent to shall bo subject to adjustment at each renewal term of must bo attached signature of full name nature of occupation aod or re sidence of each member of tho and bank cheque for the sum of must accompany tender this oepted inust bo endorsed over to Minister of Railway and Canals and will bo forfeited if party tendering decllnM on tho terms elated f offer submitted The accepted cheque thus sent In will bo returned to the respective parties whoao ten ders not accepted This Department docs not however bind accept or any tender By order Secretary Department or Hallways and Canals Ottawa aird October Newspapers Inserting this advertisement without authority from Department wilt not be paid for It