Weeks OH A Christian Church The sermon test Sunday by Prof J Dales University Toronto were greatly appreciated by Congregations A Good Sign to the rush orders at the Office Specialty Works all depart ments are working overtime three nights a week till 10 oclock and it is expected this wall continue till nearly Christmas There are cow about 230 on the pay roll Brleflets This is the Kings birthday Good morning Shake I Are you a candidate lor municipal honors For the time surveyors were chaining the Market Square on Friday last for the Radial Farmers have been on the pull since the late Squaw pulling turnips A farm in East was offered by auction in Newmarket last Saturday but It did not reach the re serve bid -1- Presbyterian Church There was good attendance at both morning and evening service and a good vote was given for additional elders The result will be announc ed soon and the date for ordination appointed It will- be of no little interest to this congregation to know that the Warren Church Organ Co has receiv ed the contract for building the Memorial organ This is the Company which a Pipe organ in this church in- a few weeks- There was a good attendance at Teachers are com ing forward for the work There will be a of teachers and Bibleclass next Sunday at close of the School for selecting officers to take the place of those removed Superintendent Secretary and Important information In connection with the concert on Vednesday evening Nov we fcpg to call attention to the following re port up to Oct 1st Presbyterians Methodists Church Roman Cath olics Baptists other denomin ations have been treated in the Free Consumptive at This institution is supported by vol untary contributions from the pub lic Premier Whitney in the Ontario House said Personally I do not think too to grant for this worthy cause but owing to the requirements of the country we are only able to make a grant of A splendid programme has been prepared and all that is now neces sary is a large attendance so as to realize a sum worthy of Newmarket See programme elsewhere Gets Another Appointment clip the following from the Ev ening News published at the Cana- Some two weeks ago that portion of the territory In the province of Manitoba and Ontario through which the line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway runs was proclaimed under the provisions of the public works act William A who for the past years has been police and stipendiary magistrate for the dis tricts of and is an nounced from Ottawa as the stipend iary magistrate for the proclaimed territory His jurisdiction will ex tend from the city of Winnipeg on the west to the boundary be tween the province of Ontario and Quebec a distance of some fcS3 RUB ON SUNLIGHT SOAP LEAVE 30 MINUTES RINSE WELL Sunlight other soaps used the Sunlit directions Hard are things of the homes where Soap is used as directed- yy Sunlight- Soap will not injure even the fabric or the hands and the clothes will be perfectly white woolens soft and fluffy t The reason for this because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure contains no injurious chemicals indeed nothing but the active cleansing dirtremoving ties of soap that is nothing but soap- Buy directions- 5c YOUR MONEY REFUNDED by the dealer from whom buy if you find for complaint BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Program of Benefit Concert Town Natl Newmarket Nov PART I Overture THE NEWMARKET BAND Address MR JROBERTSON SoloSelected MISS KATIE Recitation Selected MISS CRONE Piano Solo Simple MASTER GORDON Solo The Island of Dreams MISS VIOLET Solo The Lighthouse MR PARIS Solo Sing on MISS BERTIE COULTER RecitationSelected MISS MANN Solo A Dream J- MISS MAUD RICHARDSON Selection TIIE NEWMARKET BAND PART Trio Hear Our Prayer Abbot MISS BERTIE COULTER MISS EVELYN MR CODY Piano Duet Selected MISS EDITH PERKINS MISS LILLIAN BELFREY Solo I Know a Lane in Springtime MISS VIOLET Solo Heroes and MR J D be There MISS WILSON Peaceful Nights A Glover MISS MISS ALICE HUGHES Piano Solo The Fountain MISS ETHEL SHERIDAN MR FRED HARRIS Recitation Selected MISS MABEL CRONE Solo The Veterans Song MR PARIS GOD SAVE THE KING not allowed Miss Edith Perkins Accompanist Doors open at to commence at sharp Man of Hall at Rogers Drug Store A of the 1 Church has recently beep graded socjded giving a very neat Walter Eves has a handsome new sign in front of his warehouse Toe North Town Line is a heavy coat of gravel not was needed The Band boys arc delighted with the new bandmaster He is a player and comes from Wool oyer to sell paving a large contract year are enabled at thc old low price which jtyeami a saving of twenty percent see for yourself and Oilcloths tt T Snap For the the present Mr have his residence at Kenora that being considered the most con venient place for his work As al ready stated Mr has filled the position for some years He first appointed a police magis trate by the late Sir Oliver Mowat and had Ms residence at Sud bury for years In by way of promotion he was removed to Marie and in was stipendiary magistrate the Government On the advent of the Whitney Adminstration to power his salary was reduced per annum The portion was finally fcholijhed some months later to be refilled a few days ago as already announced Mr will fill the new posi tion with credit to and the Dominion Government He Is thoroughly familiar with the work assigned to him having had a larger experience in particular line magistrates work than any other wan In the province He is and painstaking in the clerical part of the work arid his Urge long experience together his intimate knowledge of the criminal law enable to barge the of bis office with acceptance to all abiding people Mr was at one time one of the most proserous merchants in Friends Church Services next Sunday at the usual hours AM and PM Evening a Murderer was dealt with The Womens Missionary Auxiliary had an lesson on Heralds of the Dawn from the Forward Mission Study Course at the home of Mr Jacob Doyle on Wednesday ev ening The members are looking forward with pleasure to the next meeting Sale Register TUESDAY Nov 13Sale of furniture etc belonging to the estate of the late Peter commencing at one oclock Terms cash K Kavanagri Auct WEDNESDAY Nov 14 Messrs J Widdificld Son will have a sale of stock implements furniture etc on lot 27 of Whitchurch east of line Orchard 11 credit except for roots and fowl Sale at one sharp Smith Auctioneer THURSDAY Nov Buying for Christmas when we counsel early shopping we mindlul your interests as well as our own of At present our fines gift articles In Pearl Brooches Pendants Pearl and Diamond rings in very Three or lour weeks hence the arti cle you want most may he gone Look through and have It laid away for you till wanted Try Our Own Silver Polish Beat on Earth A CO Jewolerb end Opticians Mr Perry Morton will have an extensive and unreserved sale on lot 21 one north of Credit till Oct next except for hay and straw or five per cent for cash gale at sharp Kavanagh Auctioneer Postponed Sale FRIDAY Nov Mr will have a sale of horses and highgrade cattle and sheep on lot con 2 East limbury mile north of Newmar Sale at one oclock Auctioneer SATURDAY Nov Hunter Mount Albert will hold an extensive auction sale of New Im plements Carriages Machinists and other Tools etc at oclock Six months credit on sums over 5J0 J Kcster Auctioneer a 1 Rev A Is conducting revival services in Markharn i M Prime Minister of France has declared that a part of his policy is to maintain the peace of Europe Two of our most popular young people were united in matrimony at St Johns church on Monday morn ing of last week Mr Doyle son- of Mr Stephen Doyle Miss Bessie K elm an daughter of the late Kelnian druggist of Newmarket It was a very pretty wedding the church being handsomely decorated for the occasion with palms ferns etc and the ceremony was perform ed within the altar this the first couple accorded that honor in the church Rev Father Whitney officiated As the bridal party entered the church which notwithstanding the early hour was with friends Miss Clara Kelrnan sister of the bride played Mendelssohns wedding march The charming bride who was given away by her brother Mr J of Midland was gowned in point desprit over white silk trimmed with Valencien nes insertion and satin ribbon and carried a bridal bouquet of lles of the valley The bridesmaid Miss Nellie Mc Caffrey who looked in a gown of cream serge carried show er bouquet of crimson roses The groom was supported by brother Mr Frank Doyle The happy couple have the honour of being the first to be married in the santuary of St Johns Church During the Miss Nettie Kennedy sang Ave Maria and at the close of the ceremony the parish priest delivered a very nice address to the and groom As the bridal party left the church Miss played the wedding march from Lohengrin After the conclusion of the cere mony the bridal party drove to the home of the brides mother where the wedding breakfast was served The grooms gift to the bride was a gold necklace with pearl pendant to the bridesmaid- an engraved locket and chain and to the groomsman a stickpin Those from a distance who attend ed the wedding were Mies Walsh and Mr Harry Owen of Toronto Mr and Mrs James Of Mr and Mrs J L Kelman of Midland and Dr Kclrnai of Henderson Minnesota The bride was the recipient of num erous and handsome gifts and the groom was also very kindly remem bered by the Hockey Club The happy couple took the morning train for Detroit and other places amid the congratulations a host of friends in which the Era heartily joins LEMONVILLE Mr and Mrs M Regan gave a re ception at their home Hall Oct in honor of Mr and Mrs J Regan Mrs Regan received her on the drawing room which was lighted and fragrant with the perfume of many flowers She was wealing black silk touches of mauve and Was assisted by her daughter Laura who was gowned in pink silk with a white silk yoke The many beautiful and costly presents received showed the high esteem hi which the people were held The guests then adjourned to the tea room where a sumptuous repast prepared the decorations being pink and white carnations and green shaded lights The tables were pre sided over by Mrs J Lemon Mrs Lemon and Miss Doyle as sisted by Lemon and Leathers After doing justice to the tables and many suitable speeches being made the remainder of the evening was spent in games of various kinds and dancing Among those present were Mr and Mrs Lear Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs To ronto Mr and Mrs J Mr and Mrs M Guthrie Mr and Mrs IV Cooney Mr and Mrs Lemon Mr and Mrs J Lemon Mr and Mrs Clarke Miss Marie Miss Gertie Ross Miss Kato Ryan Miss May Bruce Miss Liz4e Ryan Miss Ida Miss Min nie Ryan Regan L Guth rie Kingsbury Peck Toronto Miss Cooney Cooney Miss M Doyle Wallace A Clarke A Guthrie Marie Lemon and Clarke Council has agreed to 40c per yd VHeiif Tpf3kfoc Boys wear Corsets per pair Nightdresses Plain col ors and Lace Trimmed Flannelette Lace Trimmed- Drawers We carry the largest stock of these in the trade Tapestry Carpet from up Carpet Union Carpet from up AH Wool Carpet Oilcloths and Linoleum from one yard to four yards Large of patterns r Good and Shoe No wonder we are doing the dress We are agents for the best makers business of the town The newest of Boots in Canada This and uptodate fabrics can be seen that the boots you buy from are us at moderate prices Miss the best that can be made We are occupies our DressMaking also agents for the Maple Leaf Rub- Rooms upstairs bers There are none Just as Good THE BEST RESULTS FROM BRUNTONS BAKING POWDER Up to 24 mills on the Dollar What have you got for It Vhere are the Market Improyements Where is the New Factory employing 200 more men We have Worth of hoes for Sale Mens Hockey Boots In the SOVEREIGN BANK Newmarket Markets November White Wheat per bUBb 0 0 80 28 30 Red Wbeae per bush Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat Rye per Barley per Peas per bush Oats per Shorts per ton 20 00 0 Hay per ton Butter roll per lb per 28 Potatoes per hag Chickens per lb- 0 Ducks per 0 10 per lb Turkeys Toronto Markets 75 76 White Wheat per busb Red Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat Id Barley per 0 0 i UptoDate Merchant Tailoring Dress Goods Sundries f Peas per hush Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush Rye per busb Hay per ton Tub or Crock Butter per lb per do Wo a well assorted stock of ami Child Underwear Ladies Wrappers worth for Grey Flannel per yard Shaker Flannel yard wide yard Our Tailoring lilted up the Tailoring Department at the rear of the when wo will be phased to show you a Com plete of Suitings Overcoatings Pantings Is Your Coal Bin Full Dressed Hogs CO 0 If ft Ducks per lb Turkeys Potatoes per bag 0 0 0 0 Grand Trunk Railway NEWMARKET Going South and and pm North and and pm LEAVE TORONTO North pm and am and pm Going and am 610 and pm Private Funds to Loan At per cent on Farm property Enquire at Era 17 the P water one for 1800 TO I si fccae3 told