ate Optician IN Give to to to conicicaoo above all other liberty SEE No Single Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday Nov North York unless paidin advance HUDSON STEEL RANGE WITH TANK ADMIRAL RANGE 30 CANADA RANGE Oar Top onto fetter Wo- Coal and Wood Cook toves Up Heaters and Drums All Styles PHONE 28 NEWMARKET I to lei Iron The need of a good iron tonic is always indicated it you feel a continued tense of weakness especially if ac companied by a pallid bloodless complexion A pale face is a sure sign of thin ironies blood The most pleasant and best way to restore this defi ciency is to take IRON AND WIN In it the bloodbuilding virtue is reenforced by the nutritive elements of prime fresh beef and stimulated by the addition of pure old Port Wine You cannot take it without becoming at once of the renewed strength and energy Ve make our Beef Iron and Wine in our own Lab oratory and know that it is the best preparation of its kind to be bad Price cents CANADIAN EXPRESS COMPANY DOMINION STEAMSHIP LINE ANCHOR STEAMSHIP LINE to Announce that they have Branches at km aurora a Savings Accounts A Business Accounts General Banking Business Transacted i The succession dues paid the On tario Government from the estate of the late George amount ed to It is the largest ever paid into the fund since it was first established and the Provincial Treasurer says it brings the revenue from this source to Several chefs and cooks of down town hotels were badly sold by a genius from the other side who offer ed them from to 5170 a month as wages He stuck them for about Twenty three months in the Cen tral with hard labor This was the penalty meted out to Randolph a colored citizen for assaulting Mag gie Burke a white woman who was his housekeeper A viaduct extending for sis miles along Torontos waterfront to cost and to obviate the neces sity of all street bridges the dream of the Levelcrossing Commit tee of the City Council Five cases of desertion from Stan ley Barracks are reported a reward Of is offered for each of the men Inspector Hughes wants the On tario Government to give financial assistance to an Olympic Association for training athletes to take part in Olympic games at Athens Why should the peoples money be thrown away on sport Those who volun tarily spend their loose change in that way do so without censure but to take money out of the public chest for the purpose would be a grave mistake Last Sunday evening at the close of the religious exercises at the Street Methodist Church Rev Geo Jackson made this an nouncement We will be pleased to J have all men and women who have no home in the city unite with us in the social halfhour at the close of this service The crowded church emptied slowly but in groups and three and singly tin- people gathered in the Sunday schoolroom at the rear In the itself there was evidence of here anil there with chairs around them and hooks upon imm Christian workers about greeting the strangers to the number of perhaps 200 present talk ing to them kindly giving invita tions to League meetings and en deavoring to sow seeds of religious thought Then coffee was served to alt who desired by willing Christian workers Altogether an hour Was in WAV the boil was touched A man then read a portion of the 15th chap ter of St Johns gospel three ver ses of Jesus Lover of Soul was sun and then the benediction At the door as the people passed out the two pastors and members of the Young Mens Club shook hands with them and asked them to come again The Milk Producers Association now sell by standard can of eight imperial gallons at per can This practically is lour cents per quart Counterfeit livecent pieces of coin age art In circulation So far as appearance goes it is difficult of de tection When thrown upon the counter it fails to have the Iring of the genuine Joseph Phillips former Presidknt the York Loan Co appeared be fore Judge Winchester last week pleaded not guilty to the charge against and the trial traversed till the December Sessions ball being given Contracts have been let for a very handsome and modern building for the Bank to be put up on King street cast next to the Janes Building corner Hint and Yonge streets Not for more than a quarter of a century has passed oil so quietly as this year There was a complete absence of rowdyism That the Toronto Hallway Co should pay onehall instead of one- third the cost removing snow the streets is now the around the City Hall Of course election day is last approaching Aldermen can think of lots of things now that they never dreamed of the past ten months John the London witness charged with perjury In connection with his evidence during the trial of the conspiracy case appeared before Magistrate on Thursday of last week and after examination committed for trial One day last week a man sold ten bags of potatoes to a lady but on being weighed vcre over lbs short The vendor had to pay for cheating For the Era Autumn Leaves Falling leaver us That the Summer oer All its heat behind us Winter Swiftly they Whirl below bed for the beautiful snow Blow it the gardens To enrich the soil Till the frosttouch hardens And their beaut spoil Gorgeous in Splendid to view Brown rod and bright yellow too All so glad and merry At the gained Apple plum cherry Dancing unrestrained Joyous and free As children should be Topping in gladness and bright liberty Flying fences To the yards at Covering their swards Barriers in vain Their course to restrain Heeding not if they return or remain Oer highways careering No regrets they Rich or poor not Nor heels Chasing the cars Like soldiers in wars Fighting to conquer for kings or for czars Leaving parent branches To endure the cold the winters chances them when old In many homes When old age conies Parents are left while their progeny roam- not even knowing Why they should depart as if while growing They had lost their heart Like leaves flying Love defying Keeling no grief tor the lonely and sighing Short their jolly outing Soon they prostrate fie Ended their ousting Left alone to die In their repose Under the snows Safe from the blast as it whistles blow What a magic power With its fairy touch Changing trees and bower Into tones so rich Brilliant gay Signs of decay AH earthly beauty soon pauses away Richmond Hilt Oct Enthusiastic Mothers When mothers become enthusiastic over a for little ones it is safe to it has high merit Every mother who has used Babys Own Tablets speaks strongly in praise of them and tells every other mother how much good they have her children Mr Alfred Hi Charles Que aya every mother to keep Babys Own Tablets in house al ways I have used them for teething trouble colic ami other ills of child hood and found them the sat isfactory medicine I ever tried These Tablet are guaranteed to con tain no poisonous opiate and no harm ful They are equally good I ho new horn baby or the well grown child and are a sure cure for nil their minor ailments Hold by medicine dealers or by mail at cent box by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co A Belle correspondent writing to the Gazette says Mr Whan was un fortunate in having one hundred and fifty do tars stolen from him at the Bradford fair That excellent Independent pa per is the manner In which the characterizes the weekly Sun The characterization is Just The Sun has no friends dealing with political questions It hews to the line utterly regardless as to whom tho chips will fall on See that the Weekly Sun the one pa per that fights the termers battles Is in your borne during the coming year In the virgin- forests of that land Australia ancient natives practiced their weird and mysterious rites of healing Much of their ancient lore will never now he known by modern man Sonic it however is known in certain quarters and even modern scientists have been amazed at the deep know ledge of medicinal plants possessed by these ancient natives When dis covered by Captain Cook the great explorer he wrote of them X did not observe amongst them any sign of disease Old men with out hair and teeth were full life and activity This wonderful health was found to be due to the twice tho size ordinary orange Of many another garnering in of the gifts from Natures bounteous But ol the harvests of the earth most important is course the annuaL fathering in of corn and rice the life for almost the population of the globe And How strange and almost starting is the appearance of a very large field wheat ripe for the sickle viewed from an eminence when a strong steady wind is blowing over the ex panse and raising waves and toeing billows as though it was the very ocean itself Now a sudden in the distance strikes the swaying sur face sweeping before it a great wave which like the long rollers of the ocean surges steadily along- the gold en sea until at length reaching its boundary the long line of yielding corn hows down and as it were makes obeisance to its mother earth Or when the blasts the gale are more fitful and irregular the surface is cleft and rilt into swirling whirl pools and tempesttossed agitated breakers and torn into throes of con vulsive turmoil commotion And then suddenly the windstorm ceases and unlike the sea at once all is calm and unruflled But we are told that at the end of the world there will be a Great Harvest in which the reapers will be the angels who will separate the fact that they used certain herbal 1 righteous from the wicked Happy as medicine What stronger they who clothed in the righteous- proof Could be had than this of the fact that the herbs of the field and the trees of the forest constitute natures medicine chest for mankind In for Biliousness great Australian household remedy you have the finest known medicinal es sences From coating to kernel they are purely vegetable They are an absolute natural remedy indi gestion headache biliousness con- arising from liver dis orders It now well known medicines hitherto in use mostly con tain bismuth mercury and harmful mineral products These iniiicral constituents ire very injur if taken for long and produce such effects as that of loosening the teeth causing the hair to fall out etc are entirely different and superior They are purely veg etable and contain no trace of any such harmful ingredients as the above They cure that which they are taken to cure and do not leave behind them evils worse than the or iginal ones Bilcans are mild in action and an thus suitable for the most delicate constitution They never cause griping or pain Taken at night they work while you sleep- toning up and stimulating the liver strengthening the digestive organs removing the causes headache ami when you awaken it is to feel like another person altogether as the saying goes cure head ache constipation piles liver trouble indigestion and all digestive disorders female skin biliousness sick headache bad taste in the mouth foul dlzzjness fainting noises the head feelings of uncomfortable fulness even after a light meal an aemia debility etc They also a general tonic and by improvin- the tone of the whole system enable to throw off colds etc They Improve the general circulation and are a boon to pale faced gills and weak women AH druggists sell at cents a box or post free from the Co Toronto on of price For the Era The Harvests of the Earth BY A BANKKK Many and diverse are the varied harvests ever being gathered In on this earth There is the harvest of the sea a harvest at times so that it is almost impracticable to garner it in as for Instance the recent phenomenal of so many million pilchards off life nfflti coast when acres of water were a teeming mass leap ing littering occupying a large number of men an entire week In the process of balling them out Or the harvest of the seis when one after another the might of the ocean Is fought and captured after A fierce battle for life by the hardy whalers of the north Then there is the golden liaxwiit of the magnificent orange gardens of Palestine and elsewhere the former probably by far the finest world each lofty tree a glowing har mony in gold and green loaded with a wild profusion of great oval fruit of Him who Himself satisfied Divine Justice in their stead will be garnered into a of untold joys and inconceivable felicities Facts About Canada One of the papers presented before the Ontario Municipal Association at its last meeting contained the following digest of facts respecting this Canada of ours Canada contains onethird of the whole area ol the British Canadas population is only the square mile population is to the square mile United States population to the mile Canada is as large as United King doms Canada is as large as Is Germany Canada is times as large as Manitoba is as large as ami Scotland The Yukon district is almost as large as France Canada has square miles of practically unexplored territory Canada has it is estimated COO acres of grazing land in the West The first carload of cattle was ship ped from the West in Canada exported in 1SJ0J over worth of cattle and sheep Canadas wheat yeild tor aver aged bushels per acre Canadas wheat yield per acre for the last ten year averaged bush els Average wheat yield of United States for last ten years per acre bushels Candidas wheat area In the West Is according to Saunders acres in ex tent Wheat grown in the Canadian North west is worth to cents more per bushel than any other Ameri can wheat Canada has as yet only acres under cultivation in West per estimate of ders Canadas wheatgrowing area in the West is equal to the area of land Scotland and Germany com bined Canadas Northwest land areas arc per cent larger than ten of the Western States Eightyseven per cent of Canadas farmers own their holdings Canada sold the United Kingdom in worth of farm produce of all kinds out of the S5000000 worth she bought Canada has nearly miles of railways steam United States over miles of railroads Canadas volume of trade has doubled in eight years Montreal exported more grain in than any other port In Amer ica Canada has produced in the last years In minerals Canada has the ks In the world iur John Johnson met a shook death to no Parry Sound Lumber Companys mlV try being caught a shaft TERMS per annum if paid in advanco Cobalt Mining Deal to Release an Option Forty thousand dollars in less than Ave hours Sounds like a deal on change doesnt or a discovery of buried treasure Hut it isnt I Merely a keen stroke of business in Cobalt mines Saturday morning at oclock a Toronto mining man interested in Cobalt affairs came to Mr Os ier of A Osier Co brokers have an option on Red property which expires tonight Will you buy he said and he rapidly put Mr Osier into possession of sal ient facts Mr Osier knows the Cobalt region thoroughly and he knew that the Red Rock property ad joined the Green property and on the Green property a al most fabulous richness had been dis covered It was whispered too that the Green vein had been un covered on the Red Rock location in half an hour ho had gathered to- gora capital to the option and it was placed in the tawa Bank here Then they enlisted the services of the and the and wires to hurry the cash northward There was some delay and the money was not ready for the vendors Timmins and until after banking hours was and refused but Mr Osier who followed hard upon the trail the wired greenbacks insisted that the option was good until the close of the day of Oct and that Hanking hours hadnt anything to do with it Mr Edmund Bristol who accompanied him on behalf of the hastilyformed Toronto syndicate hacked him up and and much to their chagrin had to surrender They made a Well give you for your option they said Mr Osier refused then No No No cant do that have consider those who are interested with me in this at Toronto Phis morning Mr Osier returned but the syndicate upon his advice will hold on and develop the property We have too good a bargain to let it go he said The vendors were too anxious to buy Did you pay more than the option price No sir was the reply There were some adjustments hut every thing is satisfactory The green property next to us changed hands for the other day and all the rich ore they have shipped was taken out of an open cut We will reorganize the syndicate and go tight ahead with the workl of mining the ore The purchasers arc Toronto men assisted by a couple of American capitalists The refuse dump at tho or Rose mine sold at a ton or about a quarter million dollars and it will be shipped to Providence for treatment At that price Cobalt people say the purchasers got a bar gain- Toronto Star Good health makes good na ture If everyone had a sound- stomach there would be no pes simists in the world Do allow a weak stomach or a bad liver to rob you of the joy of living Take and the world laughs with you No need then for rosecolored glasses Pills start health vibrations to all parts of the body while putting a ruddy tint on lips and cheeks Theres health in every box Health for every man woman and child Beechams Pills Sold Everywhere In boxes 2d i v