Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Nov 1906, p. 8

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Si A- Hammer blows steadily ap plied break the hardest rock Coughing day after day jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way Ayers Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing and heals the torn membranes Cbfirrr It of fcTB hud I It for KTtxt kixr n rife AH suss FILLS HAS constipation retard trio with Fills House Building Lots Corner and fits property car be and balance on Apply to Mrs- John Hunter AND WILCOX LAKE evening of last large boarding at Lake ivai burned the ground Tors building was owned by Mr Cam The is supposed to- originated mice- igniting matches in a bureau in an room We understand the partially covered by insurance -pro- is selecting the frying tests BARRIE are supposed 1jaaA a DAIRY PRODUCTS BKad Tho Coo SW J 2nd Sydney Leonard V Butter one in roKT 7 Evans i 2nd Frank Brown 3rd Crock- Lemon Frank Drown 3rd Stent ens Butter lb Campbell good- preparation been responsible for by the its At 3 shed p of Shortly before the dry a away was ablaze totally destroyed with all intents 93000 insurance a House to Rent On to Mia It J Apply to Newmarket r CUItTIif KcuHb For Farmers A Good Sow nlnepljra two weeks Choice Grade in Newmarket- Farm for Sale Lot Kin Ave Toronto For Sale be fctnan Is willing work I want to sell my ice A House and Lot for Sale On Ontario Street West rooms Good Situation MRS WRIGHT Newmarket For Sale ftoodyarrf a process to its quality is omitted slighted ff your that you want Royal because the makers guarantee it Hills Co Ltd Montreal Ten Good Building Lots on Andrew Street Apply to J PARTRIDGE Newmarket For Sale The convenient comfortable Dwelling on Botsford street Newmarket occupied by J A A largely attended meeting of the Clippers Club j held for the purpose of closing the of the club for the year The Ring wood Clipper have had success iltat this was the finit year of their existence Receipts Show that the has a balance of on hand The club has ft large members and to reorganize early next year They expect to put a strong team in the field AURORA Mr who has travelling in Europe for the two months returned home on Saturday A fa corning from the north Tuesday morning was very near los ing a large load of hay by fire The man was driving down Yonge street near smoking a pipe and spark ignited the hay and for a min ute or so it looked as the whole load be burnt However the fire was stifled by a heavy coat and the man proceeded and knocked ashes out of hi pipe and said he would have a smoke later The friends of Mr Henry Reynolds 2nd con Whitchurch near Aurora whose barn and contents were burnt after harvest met at the home of County Councillor a short time ago and decided on mak ing a presentation to their neigh- hour A committee was appointed and in a few days collected the sum of about The sum of 210 was handed the committee by citi zens of Aurora Farm To Rent the half of lot In Con ofRaat known as About teres down and part plowing done Two wells orchard etc Wilt be for of For particulars apply to A Sew market and Lot in Newmarket For Sale To Rent Timothy Street Weat Apply Millards Factory to Farm For S North of Lot I tn4 of acre til cleared fcllcUy and watered bank within i tut be or In J year to veil and watered iritu where Farm for Sale or to Rent north half of lot con For further particulars apply to PO arm for Sale or Rent acre feeing lot in 3rd of Good clay loam ttattf of cultivation and clean tad fences In good Well Watered tola fall Apply to Vr or to J CRAKE Bradford Early on morning the re sidence of Mr Moics of wan discovered to be in fid me The family away for and the cause of the fire i a mvtry The building was totally destroyed with contents The were avcl by the neighbours The building placed at about with Mime insurance On Tuesday night of last week Home lawhths one rfmahtd a window for Washington using whiskey to do so A few but a very few in our village would a way of helping the In eyes of honorable citizen such an act inteiifie- to the cause that uses and such means None the will the Option voters by their gun- Such conduct should be properly arid promptly dealt with by in authority true citizen would rejoice to see such characters meet their just A telegram has been received In from Winnipeg announcing the death of Mrs Mr was proprietor of a drug store here for some yea moved with his family to Winnipeg a short lime ago Mrs Simeon vldl attending market fell on the sidewalk lured a leg above the knee Wart carried to the hoine of daughter Mrs Williamson and under the care of of a High School Keen engaged lo Hie public school on of near BAKER HILL Miss Baker who has been very ill with typhoid fever we are pleased to hear is improving as well as can he expected Quite a number attended the Bap tismal service at the line on Sun day last Mr J we understand lias leased his two farms on the line here to his son Ira for a of Mis Baker a of days in ibis week Mrs Baker visited for a few weeks with her son in Burlington Mrs McFarlane has returned to her home iu after a few weeks visit with her sisters in this place Mr Will wears a smiling face these days Its a hoy Mr and daughter of Vivian have moved into the house lately vacated by Mr John Dough erty Mr Will lost a valuable horse one day last week The farmers are busy harvesting their turnip crop some having at ready finished Misses and Patterson arc visiting for a time with relations in Ml Albert Mr A Yates was the guest at his sisters Mrs A Law on Sunday Miss Burnett is spending a few weeks with her cousin Mrs Rev at The Convention was well at tended on Tuesday Very interest ing papers were read which were very instructive Delegates were present from Newmarket Toronto and Drayton Little Miss Albert has been visiting lor a time with uncle Mr liar wood o Empire Elephant Potatoes W J Evans V Beauty of Hebron W Steph ens Earl of P J Wat voo 2nd Stephens Allan Stephens Swedish Turnips Geo Leonard 2nd John Edwards Allan 2nd Sydney Leonard Field Carrots long- J Child 2nd Stephens Field Carrots short G Allan 2nd Walker I Table Carrots John McDonald 2nd Trios Cooper Stephens 2nd Goo Glbe Leon ard White Cooper 2nd Stephens Blue Stephens PAINTING IN OIL Painting in Miss J P ton Painting In oil any Kitchen 2nd Kitchen Painting on Glass or China -r- Brown 2nd Brown Plritlng Plash or J P 2nd Mrs Smyth Painting Satin or J P 2nd Mrs Smyth Painted Panel- J P 2nd Mr- Smyth Water J P 2nd Walt Edward Drawing Miss J P LADIES- WORK Fancy 2nd Mrs J Graham Work Fisher- Whisk Holder Miss 2nd Miss B Fisher Fancy Slippers crochet- Mm J Graham Miss Fancy Slippers knitted Miss 2nd Miss Babys Fincy Jacket- 2nd Fisher Ladys ShawlMjK 2nd Mrs Smyth Woolen Smyth 2nd Miss J P Woolen Socks J p 2nd J p Woolen Mittr lady Miss 2nd Mis Hooked 2nd John McDonald Photo Frame lace Miss cheon 2nd Miss L Fisher Tea 2nd Waller Edwards Tray Cloth drawn work Miss 2nd Mr J Graham Tray Cloth embroidered Mrs J 2nd Wilmott Sideboard J Wilmott 2nd Wulter Rd- Bureau Cover Wilmott 2nd Mss Fisher Toilet Miss McCul- chon 2nd Mjs M Wilmott Cushion Wilmott 2nd Mr J embroidered- Miss M C Wilmott 2nd Mis J W Laundry Bilk J Graham 2nd ten Fancy Pillow J 2nd Mv or point Mrs T Smyth 2nd J Graham Drawing on Net Mis M systematic saving of something each week- even 200 or 500 will in a few years enable you to take a course at college to buy a home take a trip abroad or get almost anything else you may Wish tor Commence to save today O opens an account arid interest is paid fees a year IK PEACE In the first months of the Japan war had a striking example of the necessity for preparation and the early advantage of those who so to speak have shingled their roofs in dry weather Tin- virtue of pre paration has made history anil given to us our greatest men The indi vidual as well as tbe nation should be prepared for any emergency Are you prepared to successfully combat the first cold you take A cold can be cured much more quickly when treated as soon as it has been con tracted and before it has become settled in the system- Chamberlains Cough Remedy Is famous for its cures of colds and it should be kept at hand ready for instant use For sale by J and all druggists ooe Settled with Red Man Dominion Scott of Ottawa who Iviii spending time in the Height of Land country have completed with the No 9 aiirj sonic miles cast ami of Quebec line GOO Indians were treated this year have he terms a total of in all have been set band subject to sanction provincial authorities good timber is said to be in- in several of lie reerve and there may be more heard later in this pin lit sides this on tie land each Indian for fiit and for each succeed- sums to be pud the The Dominion pays all the of the and later the tost of ducatiou Newmarket Albert Queen A MAN NEWM Y A MAD IN CANADA DEPUTATION FOUNDED ON VERITAS WELL AS AG ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE p THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING MONTREAL P TORONTO LONDON HAMILTON OTTAWA ST JOHN AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE What We Claim for At the regular meeting of the King Council held here on Satur day a petition more than of he duly qualified ratepayer was jnaytu for the sub mission of a local option at the approaching In viiv of tint fact that the petition fully twentyfive per cent of eligible to on the matter the was to a vote of trie council and unanimously adopt ed The id will Conic at the Maun- as the for Mr of Toronto has opened up a general store of dry clothing groceries etc in the new block south of the Traders Hank building The scholars in the lower room had holiday on Monday owing to the ill ness of their teacher Miss Clare King Agricultural Society met on Saturday to receive protests and transact other business pertaining to the fair Mrs who has been spending a few weeks In town Jolt on Saturday on a visit to Mrs at Mr James Fax Miss May Dickin son and Mr J Cameron have been engaged for the Produce Associations concert to be held on Friday evening November 2nd in the hall 2nd Mrs Graham Drawn Work Miss 2nd J 2nd Point Smyth LacMrK Smyth 2nd Mr Krxcy Fish er 2nd Mr hllk eiubMIss M Soft Pillow on 2nd J Doilies in 2nd Walter mb In 2nd Mis Table MatK crochet Mr A Graham Photo if 2nd Coronation Braid Fisher 2nd Mrs 2nd Centrepiece in M 2nd Mr T Centrepiece darned Fisher 2nd A Wootten Irish crochet Miss Centrepiece In M Wilmott 2nd Mh FOR A Brick propif of John DArcy room good cellar Uble new lost It ft more tfthltf Apply on toe or to A J 1 Humbert The Sun as a farm journal Is writ ten lor Wie practical farm er is not firJed with long essays or doubtful theories hut gives In plain everyday language a host of helpful suggestions lo the tillers of the sod Jn this particular the Sun without an equal You ought to it regularly l Toronto There are- fever In 40 eases Hospital of typhoid Dear Mother Your and d Do you know about Gee St my It only rdilU all of air ItU Jkirmleu vA to rctunxd 25c vA J14 tray Bed Spread Wm Brow KniUfd J Fancy cotton Smyth 2nd Campbell Fancy Quilt silkMi C WIU 2nd Mm 2nd Ml o Fisher B Fisher Col WorkMlss M Wjlmott 2nd Mrv J Col on J Wilmott 2nd Mr Col fclk on Fisher 2nd Mrs J W Outline Cotton A Rival for the Winter Fain From the interest being manifested in the approaching Ontario Horti cultural Exhibition which will be held in Toronllo Nov to it would appear that this exhibition is rapidly becoming a formidable ri val its way to the Winter Fair at This year the railways have agreed to run half rate excursions to the exhibition from all parts of the Prov ince and to advertise it along their lines This it is believed will greatly increase its attendance Al ready it is evident that the exhibits of fruit flowers and vegetables will far eclipse those made at the two previous exhibitions In fact it is that Hall will not be gin to accommodate properly the ex hibits that will be made A feature of the exhibition this year will he the presence of the Black Dyke Band from Yorkshire which has been secured at an expense of to play afternoon and Evening throughout the exhibition Four different conven tions will beheld in con junction with the exhibition including the annual convention of the Fruit Growers As sociation the Ontario Bee Keepers Association and the Ontario Horti cultural Association Among the most notable exhibits will be displays that will be made by the Ontario Fruit Stations the Central experimental Farm at Ottawa and the Ontario Agricultural College at The latter institution is arranging a special nature study exhibit which he inspected by the senior pupils j of the city schools of Toronto who have been given a part holiday for this purpose Tin exhibition Is to be opened on the evening of Tuesday November by Premier Whitney There is rea- sou to believe thai in this an- I exhibition will become as noted in Canada as he Royal Horticultural in London FERR0L is an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and if It were nothing more it would take front rank because of the quality and quantity of the oil used and the scientific method of preparation But lias special claims which take it out of the ordinary class of Emulsion altogether For instance FERROL combines Iron and Phosphorus with the oil and no other emulsion contains these ingredients although it is well known that they should always be administered together as each is the complement of the other is so scientifically prepared that the first processes of digestion are actually performed in the process of manufacture and the emulsion is ready for instant absorption into the blood This is of the utmost importance to persons with delicate stomachs unlike other emulsions is positively palatable and not one in a thousand find any difficulty in taking it contains the three essentials of life viz Fat Iron and Phosphorus they have never been combined before holds the record for increasing the weight has received more from medical men than any other preparation on the market will cure any case of Consumption that is capable of cure is an absolute specific for Colds Croup Bronchitis and all kindred troubles is an unfailing remedy for nervous pros tration Chronic Rheumatism and Neuralgia Finally the formula is freely published and In taking you Know what you take NORMAN LTD Newmarket Out hands Wash your hands with warn water dry with a towel and apply Chamber lains Salve just before to bed a speedy cure certain This naive Is also invaluable for sore nip- J 2nd all druggist TWO YOU WANT The Newmarket Era Best of all Weeklies I The Family Herald and Weekly Star Montreal FOR BOTH Wilmott 2nd S of Hamilton was dan- And with the Family Herald and Weekly Star will beautiful picture ever given to newwr 22x20 inches entitled A TUG OF WAR ft ii wo dollar oil worth The Bra will supply all local new markets Roolni cinatlon th greatest weekly covering eV MUV wounded in the hip through lind Miss 1 ideutal discharge of a shotgun 2nd Aniftrong with whom he wan walk- you tbe Globe a family Portion Hah or American magazine In lam doubt the beat fanners paper on Continent iS noil elt ho paper printed In Family the English language gives its such hi P Herald and Weekly Star wnlea hi lbe be at office lho picture may Call or scndyour fiubscrlptlon to Era Newmarket

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