Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Nov 1906, p. 4

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NEWMARKET For Women are the finest medicine in the world for women As 4 mild and gentle laxative as a positive and speedy cure for Constipation and Biliousness as the only cure weak and irritated kidneys and espe cially for that pain in the back as a positive cure- for headaches and as a general tonic to build up and invigorate whole system stand supreme In cases of irritated Ovaries Ovarian Pains Vaginal Catarrh Excessive and Scanty Menstruation Ulcerations Bear ing Down Pains and all those troubles peculiar to women I- HOT a An Ottawa press despatch says Sir Fleming who Is Chan cellor of Queens University has giv en put that Mr John Charlton had given 50000 as a Thanksgiving Bay gift to endow chair Queens tor moral philosophy An Ottawa despatch states that the Conference between the Dominion and representatives of Manitoba Ontario and Saskatchewan tin- subject the rcariaicmui of tin boundaries J will bo on lay on liVCK TAtXT have the most remarkable effect Ninetynine cases out of a hundred of Troubles are due to neglect Bowels become constipated kidneys irregular neglected and the poisons of the body which should be carried off by these important organs are taken by the blood carried to the female organs and poison them thus starting up a train of female troubles are made from fruits and by their remarkable action On bowels kidneys and skin rid the system of poisons purify the blood and restore the delicate organs of generation to new vigor and health No woman who suffers should ever be without them 50c a box for at your druggists or sent postpaid by OTTAWA The Dominion Government has ap pointed Mr Justice of the Kings Bench Division of the High Court of Justice a Judge upon the rota for the trial of petitions under the Controverted Act He takes the place of the late Mr Just ify Street According to Departmental returns at Ottawa the total immigration to Canada for July and August was Through ocean ports there arrived and from the United States This makes an in crease over corresponding months last year of per cent Commenting upon the query as to why some rich graduate does not leave his money to Toronto Univers ity the Kingston Whig remarks Whats the use The management has only to say to the Government Come down with another and it is provided The Provincial milch cow is a wonderful animal tkat tk test years experience in buying materials designing constructing testing is the record No wonder Sleighs look handsomer run smoother wear longer Let us show you the new SLEIGHS BUZZARD Newmarket It is said there is another rush be ing made fir Report has it that the discover of gold in the vicinity harder Lake the cause The gold appears to occur to small quartz stringers which are numerous in places but it- has not yet been de termined whether the rock as a whole will he payable to work Word comes from Ottawa that the Federal Government have decided to abolish the of Commissioner of in London filled until re cently by Mr Preston is still intended to maintain an of ficer in London hut he will not be known as Commissioner and will be directly responsible to at Ottawa Mr Bruce gtlion agent at been selKtci for London In a Deadly Decline- in Time by Dr Williams Pink Pills V Before- my daughter Lena began taking Dr Williams Pink Pills she looked more like a corpse than a live girl says Mrs Geo A of South Oat Her blood seemed as though it had all turned to water Then she began to have bad spells with her heart At the least excitement her heart would beat so as to almost smother her She grew very thin had no appetite and what little- food she did eat did not seem to nourish her She was treated by one- of the best doctors in this part of the country yet she was daily growing worse and her heart got so bad that we were afraid she would die She slept but very little and would frequently awake with a start and sometimes would jump right up in bed these starts would always bring on a bad spell and leave her weak and exhaust ed We had almost given up all hope of her ever being well again when we decided to try Dr Williams Pink Pills After taking a couple of boxes she began to sleep better at nights and color began to return to her lips From that on she kept right on gaining and alter taking eight boxes of the pills she was again in good health She is now fifteen years of age the picture of health and since beginning the pills she has gained about forty pounds in weight Only those who saw her when ill can appreciate the marvel lous change Or Williams Pink have brought about in her condi tion I believe that had it not been for the pills she would be in her grave today and it is with feelings of great gratitude that I write you in the hope that it may benefit some other sufferer And Dr Williams Pink Pills can do just as much for every weak ail- I palefaced young woman who is slipping from anaemia into a deadly decline Dr Williams Pink Pills ac tually make new blood In that way they strike straight at the root of all common diseases like anaemia headaches and backaches heart pal pitation indigestion neuralgia rheumatism and the secret ailments and irregularities of girls and wo men Sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail at cents a box or six boxes for from the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co 1 Boys Smoked Cigarettes Norwood Oct About five oclock last evening William on a farmer living neat this village saw some toys running barn and on round the barn to see What wrong found the place on fire The barn together a wagon a large- number fowl and his whole seasons crop was com pletely destroyed The hoys had been smoking cigar ettes ma Hie Ontario Power Co had an conference with the iij Cabinet at Toronto d and although no official statement of vlial transpired has neen given out yet it is hinted with niueh assurance the Government is about to en ter into an important contract witli the Ontario Co in accordance with the terms of the Beck bill by which the horse power asked for by the municipalities in the province can he supplied It is announced that the Ontario Government has decided to throw open tor exclusive settlement by those entitled to take up locations under the vercrans land grant act six new townships tin northern Ontario They are sixmile square townships and each will accommodate Ml an aggregate of The townships which will be opened up on November are and in the northern portion of the district of and Carnegie close to the Malaga mi River and Murphy and near the Porcu pine River in the district The land is good clay land Bad Accident on Sunday Atlantic City Oct More than majority of whom were Philadelphia cut for a Sunday holiday lost their lives hero today when three- rain on the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pari new thirdtail electric line from Camden the was whirled the draw J bridge the Thoroughfare and sank in fet of water l I a All travellers and those en gaged in outdoor work should always have a bottle of Hirst Pain Exterminator at hand It is the most powerful liniment manufac tured and gives instant relief in cams of Wreathes and Sprains It also cures Neuralgia and all kindred troubles at all dealers Try Utile for indigestion and dyspepsia Ask your dealer or send us direct A handsome card free THE P CO- Sells More of Chamberlains Cough Remedy than of All Others Put Together Mr George a merchant at Mt Elgin Ontario says I hare the local for Chamber aint Cough Remedy ever since It was In troduced into Canada and I sell as much of it as I do all other lines I have on my shelves put together Of the many dozens sold under guar antee I have not bad one bottle re turned I can personally recommend this medicine as I have used it my self and given it to children and always with the best results For sale J Brought on and all druggists Mrs Mary Court ice and Mrs James Wilson lost the lives in a fire that destroyed the I Ionic for the Aged at The work of extending the Grand Trunk Railway Ottawa from To ronto of and Kington ho forward once under the of Hon A AttorneyGeneral sal ten are ordered in all Canadian military fetation on November in honor of the The Times rises to re mark The control of political patronage in the federal and provin cial civil service in Canada is some thing which is usually held at a fairly high value by both political parties and yet it is something which proves a grievous burden to the party which controls It has proved such a curse in Canada that a strong desire Is becoming more and more apparent among the best men in both parties to have the disposal of pat ronage taken out of- the hands of party politicians altogether There are always a host of disappointed office seekers who become actively hostile to those in power if they do not get a position The Whitney chickens must be coming home to November in roost or official patronage is not veraarry of the birth of bin Majesty sufficient to go round Kev Dr and Mr Alexander have been invited to viit for the month of January A tor Blind Bleeding Protruding 11W Druggie are authorized to refund if cure la to I at r An interesting witness in the Lon don bribery investigation was one who gave a direct contradiction to Jerry Collins state ment In regard to receiving money for his vote Jerry seems to have rtcen planning to out to llb To ries Mr produced a paper which Collins handed him as receipts from a number of voters for money paid them- and asked Is this your signature replied it is Where did you sign it asked Mr Witness re plied In Jack hotel Coll us asked me to sign the paper and said that It would benefit him as he was expecting to receive some thing from the government I feign ed for his benefit I have known that man pointing to Collins for twentyfour or twentyfive years and I would do it to help him hut I never received one solitary cent from Mm That is all right Jerry This to Collins who shook Ms head King Edward VII of tor Catarrh that as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when enter ing- it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputa ble physicians as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by P J Cheney Co Toledo 0 contains no mercury and Is taken in ternally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine It Is taken Internally and made In To ledo Ohio by J Cheney Co Testimonials free Sold by druggists Price per bottle Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation is better than other soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals Sunlight Soap is pure soap scientifically made Every step in its manu facture is watched by an expert chemist Sunlight Soap saves labor and the wear of rubbing which common soaps require in washing fabrics Most Ancient Form- Warn Burned Cement concrete and specially concrete will according to some authorities solve many of the hard problems confronting the archi tects and builders of modern struc tures Cement Is known to have been used by the Chaldeans Egyptians Greeks and Romany The most ancient form of cement was simply burned limestone more or less pure used very much as ordinary lime is used at the I present lime The were the first to adulterate lime by adding cer tain clay soils for the of making a cement of a hydraulic na turethat Is one which would set harden under water who lived I In the first century A describes the method of modifying ordinary burned limestone and converting it into a form of hydraulic cement In ancient times it was that the best cement was made from the hardest rock this opiuion was not modified from the time of the Romans down to the eighteenth century How ever John the man who built the second Eddystoue lighthouse la coarse of- the various cements for use in the founds- poll SALE BY A BRUNTON and masonry made the important discovery that the quality of hydraulic cement depends upon the amount of Clay in the limestone This Is conceded to be most Important discovery in the art In nearly twenty centuries On the Isle of Portland in the south of England there are certain quarries of limestone which have been worked for many years la former times pro ducing building stone Id an Eng lishman named Joseph of Leeds patented a process for mixing and burning lime and clay The prod uct looked so much like the Portland limestone that he called it cement from which the commonly known name given to nearly nil kinds of hydraulic cement was derived Chi cago News 5c Buy hand follow Brother Limited Toronto J Established CAPITAL ALL PAID UP jsq UNDIVIDED PROFITS DEPOSITOR Interest Payable Times a Year on Daily Balances GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Newmarket and ROSS Manager For Scientific Wreck The government has taken possession of a short strip of track near Berlin and Is planning to execute a unique series of railroad accidents The London made to order Every variety of mis- 0 Young Cattle and a switch will he every in of Potatoes ASHTON Bible defect in wheels axles and eat 7 Whitchurch Holt PO equlpmeut will be tried out and the the London conspiracy case now grand finale is to he an Immense head Magistrate of Tor- on collision of locomotives These AA exhibitions are not planned by onto the plot thickens Sensational the government as a national amuse- evidence was given several days ago j They are for the purpose of Brown respectable WHITCHURCH FARM FOR SALE experiment so the en- nud railway experts may study merchant who declared that ways means to prevent accidents Jerry Collins the figurehead of the of all kinds In the future him of getting an Railroad disasters have occurred with alarming frequency In the German em pire It Is estimated that the German railways lose 1210000 annually through damages After the causes and effects of each variety of wreck been noted It will be the task of the government officials to devise safe- guards St PostDispatch offer of from Conservatives to over to their side and threatened to hand over his incriminating books a lie has since done Jerry told Brown all this in the store o the latter where ho had taken refuge from the rain The names of two or throe prominent Conservative workers were by this witness as men whom were mixed up The Underwear That Is Guaranteed You get exactly what you pay for or you get your money back when you buy UnshrinkaWe Hi Every dealer handling STANFIELDS authorized to refund the purchase price should any STANFIELD garment ihriok from any came Safe Underwear for you to buy isnt it There la some reason for the great ly Increased at the ELLIOTT Tallest School Student Carl Fletcher standing six feet seven and a half Inches In his shoes a mem ber of the class of 00 of the Seattle Jerry Collins stated High school will hardly claim offer No can disputed to being the tallest high school lmuuI in the States Soph the more Fletcher Is hut eighteen years touching this investigation and not old so that by the time he reaches ftnd mans atature he should have added at least three more Inches to his height the and The abnormal development of Carl Hole voters of both political parties in Fletcher upward la not readily as cribed to heritage Fletcher per Is but five feet five Inches the school boys mother Is four Inches taller than her husband All of the members of the family arc of normal height al though an elder brother manager of the drug store Is six feet two inches Seattle Times to an extent that deserves condign punishment We have no smpathy with political hacks or bribers no mutter whether Liberals or Tories they are a menace to the peoples liberties Perhaps it is necessary in order to conspira- to allow men who turn Kings witnesses to go unpunished but Jerry Collins confessions reveal The The biggest telescope lu the world la the Common telescope five full feet In diameter twenty Inches wider than the character such as prison walls It was constructed ten years been built in order to protect society by Ir A A Common a well I herefrom known astronomer of England who wanted It for research work He died soon afterward his fine telescope became Idle Two years ago It was purchased by the Harvard college which proceeded at once to 1 aiii mount It on tho observatory grounds at flJI vICl IJf Cambridge work has been nccesJ partly slow for mounting a great tele- Is not like building house JUDICIAL 8ALE OF IN EAST PUU8UANT the In a ccrUla action lu the of Justice will bo by W uaub Auctioneer at Royal TORONTO students have taken positions at elaries per month to Writ today for hand some catalogue We can place you on the road to success Commence now J ELLIOTT Principal Cor Alexander on A woman that respocUi herself is beautiful than a etar more- beautiful than many stars at Arthur who lives near Cornwall lost Ms arm in a threshing machine Something got caught in the cylinder and he attempted to re move It when his arm was drawn to and terribly r A New Potato Vegetarians will doubtless hall with delight tho advent of a new potato blue of skin and yellow of Interior which is about to be placed upon the market This potato is known the commersonl violet and is the result of scientific cultivation at Head ing It has distinct flavor of Its own Epicures describe It as a combined flavor of turnips and Lot Number ft intboStb of of East In containing Sulphur Most of the consumed In tho United States comes from Louisiana where are vast deposits at a depth Saturday the 3rd day of from COO to feet As there Is a oclock noon following proper- layer of quicksand hundred feet thick the It was Impos sible until lately to get out paying quantities however It Is cured by driving down two pipes One pipe carries a Jet of steam which com- in contact with the solid bed melts It into liquid This lfr then forced to surface by through the other pipe known IdTaudft County of or farm rfmniiot Farm Upon two Dwelling and onehalf addition barn a driving and there la an orobArd and a running property Thy farm la conveniently situ ated being lice from Mount Albeit 1 a poat from acrea farm under cultivation bal ance being used paaturo land growlhtlmber per cent la bo paid to VeudoraSoUcltora and remainder al expiration of wllh- ii will bo at fi- tit Toronto Part of the Estate of the late Esquire Toronto LAND ACRES Situated miles the Town Newmarket and threequarters a mile Pine Orchard Railway Station County ol York Soil Clay loam well fenced with wire and rail well tile drained Land level with sufficient roil to car ry the water Splendid flows through the acres of hardwood rock elm maple etc Is almost virgin Some fifteen acres cedar There can easily worth of timber sold on this property buildings of a and kitchen also a frame wood shed all In good repair House con tains rooms Modern barn 80 erected in on con crete foundation Foundation walls feet high Stalls for head cattle besides box stalls and one doublo box stalls for horses Complete automatic water system- iron bowl before each animal Largo now steel windmill feet high Root house will hold bushels Five- ton weigh scale let in barn Ce ment floors throughout all stabling Over barrels ol cement used la construction Upper part of bam is constructed with fine large timbers and contain plenty of room This build ing cost in cash besides work farm hands Largo driving barn and lately remodelled on concrete foundation with concrete floors Some worth of fat been fed and sold oft the farm each year during the past flvo years re quiring a large quantity of grain be sides what was raised on ths farm hence a large amount ot has been made and spread over the land each year The property is in fine condi tion offering a splendid opportunity to a farmer desiring a highly cultivat ed homestead Apply to J A Wellington St E Toronto fa Of YEA Other bo atandlng of ife apply to Vendor wndU wTnelS8olloltor2fci EAIIQ Itdnatlfcllryon u tbron without iwt uem Tradx Marks DieiQNS ln on or pat an Co Scientific ifci waakl ttfAW 8U

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