CHINA Items OS HI fi The and Ladder Section of the Fire Brigade are required to attend ft meeting in Fire Hall Wed nesday evening HALL Store Extension Messrs J A Allan Co are an extension of feet at the rear of their store to meet the demands of their ever increasing busi ness St Pauls Church The members of Chancel Guild will hold a Social in the Sunday School Room on Tuesday Oct A good program will be given between and pm Gaines and refresh ments afterwards All are invited The WaterWorks Womans Institute The regular monthly meeting of Institute held last Saturday after- noon at the home of Mrs ft was a great The spirit of meeting was in no way dampened by the inclemency of tho weather Those who braved the storm in returned in the sun shine A piano olo was given by Miss Annie this was follow ed by a paper on Domestic Science by Mies Emma also a paper on the Object and Benefits of Womens Institutes by Miss Frantic These papers were Both very interest ing and helpful to the members These were followed by a discussion and the rollcall when many good recipes were given At the close of the meeting a delicious lunch of sand wich pio coffee was served The subject to be discussed at next regular meeting which is the first Saturday in November will be it What to do in an emergency IN THE Engineer has no less than eight waterservices waiting to go in but it to be impossible to find men to do the digging By con siderable coaxing he managed last Monday to get sufficient assistance to stop five small leaks in the mains in various parts of the town A Serious Fall Directly Opposite The Old Stand Saturday while assisting to tear down the old Allan Foundry on Timothy street Mr Fred Bowser lost his balance and fell to the ground fortunately no bones were broken hut- he so bruised that he was not able to move out of the till Tuesday WITH ITS USUAL A IB The Leading Reliable UptoDate Telephone Newmarket The Reliable Store Large Supplies of Fall and Win ter arriving Everything Up and at Golden Rule Prices MILLINERY Mifti Hill has charge of the Millinery JJcpt and as ha he much experience in Toronto will to give beat hat Ufa lion and make a Fine Dis play on Opening Friday Saturday and Monday Oct 12 and What Is Needed is at present the unsub scribed balance that is required to on- able the trustees of Pickering College to rebuild and thoroughly equip their College on a scale sufficient to supply the needs of this century and satisfy their ambition In other words the building and furnishings will cost 70000 something that any Town might be proud to secure Thanksgiving Rates Special rates will be issued on the Metropolitan and tho Aurora good going on Wednesday and Oct and 18th and good to return until Monday Oct The former single fare will apply for this special rate good between all way points Late service from Toronto at 30 pm on Thanksgiving night for New market and intermediate points also at pm from Newmarket for Toronto and intermediate points on the holiday only Methodist Church The earnest and practical sermons of Rev are drawing larger congregations Sunday If this continues there will soon be no vacant seats in the church In the absence of the organist Miss Edna and Miss Cane divided the the honors The fellowship service last Sunday morning was fairly well attended and a splendid meeting Next Sunday evening the pastor will commence a of sermons on five fools The public are cordially invited North Yorks ding- Store AGENTS FOR PRIESTLEYS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats M ate New Fall Styles made by the best makers of these garments An exceptionally large stock to choose from and full lengths Priced ranee from to SPECIAL Heavy Winter Rain- Coats in Fawn and Dark Grey Covet Cloth I and full lengths at and Ladies Blouses In- Navy Red and Green different color figure Special 5o Boots for Ladies Prices Below All and w Sand and Gravel by promptly aUetded to tor pur- Come them WOOL Very Sudden Death Last Tuesday afternoon call to Mary mother of Mrn I Wright came to her without the slightest warning and parsed away in peaceful After dinner as was her usual cus tom went to her bedroom to lie down for a rest Mis Wright and her ftister were at home all the afternoon and their mother appeared to be sleeping com fortably When little Hazel came home from he had occasion to go up stairft and seeing her grandma lying partly open she to her Receiving no reply she louder the time Mrs Wright heard her calling and wonder ing that there no reply- he went and found her mother beyond all consciousness A Dr was phoned for immediately but when lie arrived he aid alio had been dead for Home time was an old resident of Newmarket and had been a widow for many yearn the past years fehe made her home with her daughter being with her during the years they in Manitoba a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist Church for over CO years She leave the two daughters Hoove mentioned and two Bonn Mr Wm of Toronto and Mr Lundy of Stratford both of whom were here yesterday to attend the fu ller il ftt41 Johnston of Mutton is paying doz for and to for butter The meeting will be at the home of Mrs Invite your friends to join the Institute o 9 Mr Green sides and his son has re turned home from the West Mr Walter Madden of preached in the Methodist Church Sunday Evening Rev Laidlaw preached in on Sunday A number of tho ladies of the Methodist Church gathered at the home of lwis Mount on Wed nesday afternoon October 3rd and presented her with a beautiful rocking chair Her many friends ivhh her prosperity and happiness in her new home Mr Ellis Pratt has returned from Manitoba and what his next under taking may be can only be Owing to the inclement weather farmers are having quit a serious time housing their second crop clover One of our farmers says he can not get cars enough to take his potatoes to market Well if such is the case with him his brother farmers many of them carry their supplies on their back Mr Proctor who much afflicted by a stroke of paralysis is also inconvenienced in his speech as well as the use of his sight arm and hand Master Harold Cook who was feared to he seriously ill is much im proved Some or applications have been made relative to the purchasing of the Estate stock Investigation of Horse industry of Ontario At the last essloa of the legisla ture the Minister of Agriculture se cured an appropriation for the pur pose of making an Investigation In to the condition of the In dustry in the Province of Ontario This work now being undertaken by the Department of Agriculture of Ontario and will be commenced ear ly in October The object of this Investigation to obtain Informa tion to be used in deciding an to the bet policy to adopt to encour age more extensive breeding of a better class of horses Following are the principal points which will be considered In the course of the Investigation J number type quality and breeding of stallions and brood mare- in the Province What conditions have affected or are the quality and number of and brood mares in the various Mictions of the Prov ince and If the effect for whether or not conditions could be applied In other Sections and If the conditions have not a effect what could be done to improve What class of hordes can most profitably be raise- In different sections of the Province under the natural conditions found In those The of owing horses by a syndicate and any other plan at present adopted Ontario other than private ownership views of horsemen as to the advisability of a Stallion Inspection Act Suggestions from in the horse to what win be to improve con ditions of the horse business gen erally In order to procure informa tion the Province will be divided Into eight district Two competent and expert horsemen have been and to each district From to six weeks will spent In each district by the for that district The dis tricts will be composed of num ber of Counties grouped together the number making up each district now goods thoroughly up-to- date as to style Stoles Scarfs Boas Muffs Col larettes Jackets etc A big var iety of different Furs to choose from Prices to suit everyone A low top boot very in appearance in button and lace Patent Leather or fine Vici Kid Low Walking Heel Goodyear Ex tension Solo the most correct thing in Ladies Footwear as worn in all American Cities Prices and FINE TAILORED GARMENTS FOB MEN Is this kind overcoat you waul this Kail If it is you know now where to get it And you also Good Childrens Footwear SPECIAL Ladies Black Astra- Fur Jackets best Italian quitted linings Storm collar wellmade well for We were never better able to servo the Little Folks with good sound reliable shoes A visit will satisfy you that you can get just what you want 0 1 Print Wrappers for Wellmade garments in Navy Grey and Blue rcg price SI for Wrappers for Mill Racoon Wombat Dog find All new goods Thoroughly made with good linings from reliable tanned skins Prices range from 20 to Wrappers for Grocery Department Try the new Breakfast Food Toasted Corn Flakes per Curtains Drapery New Goods Just Arrived New Tapestry Carpets from 25c per yd to New Union Ingrain Carpets 25 to per yard New Velvet Squares New Stair Carpets New Hugs Mats Japanese Tapestry Axminster Velvet etc from to Si t New Tapestry Curtains New Jute Carpets to New Tapestry Squares to New Swiss Applique and Lace Curtains New Tapestry Damask and Chenille Tabic Covers Now Madras Muslins Spot Muslins Art Muslins Clothes and Stylish Clothes when you see them The garment shown above is one of the famous Century Line Note the and flowing lines and the it No fancy prices Just price lor quality A decided by the length of time required to go through a county Each county will require from four to nine day The information will be as detailed as each in the Inspected The Informa tion regarding mares cannot be got ho accurately but a great deal of information can ho roiHj each his vicw a the stallion owner in as to the number type and quali ty of the brood mares the Committee having an opportunity of this by noting the appearance of the mares Keen while traveling through the district Regarding the other matters of a more general nature information will be procured by observation anil by conversa tion with met by the Commit tee who may have any knowledge of the local conditions In addition to the work aw outlined it being arranged to have one public meeting in each County at some pont centrally lo cated and where a special Inter est Is taken In home Industry The object of the meeting Is to give any person who so desires an op portunity of views to the Committee The meeting In each County will be held Immediate ly after the Committee has completed the work In that County In each Institute Dis trict to the one following The work should the sym pathy and cooperation of all own- em of stallions and of all who are interested in the horse is hoped that the Committees will be given every facility for procuring the information required and that very interested will take belng to how industry of this Province can best be improved Mr and Mrs Darby of Toronto were the guests of Mis Lem on during the past week Mr and Mrs White of were guests of tho formers mother last Sunday Mr M Cook of is visit ing at Mr Hamilton Cooks at pre sent Farm for Sale Con of Kin Ave 8 Toronto NOTICE Is hereby that Court will be the by the or he County Court or the County of at Temperance Halt on IWtl at pm to hear and determine the several f In Volet of of for All Court arc to attend at time and Dated Oct V A J Clerk Farm for Sale or Rent bclnfi West lot 13 In 3rd Com ot Whitchurch Good clay loam in good of cultivation an4 clean Buildings and fences in good repair Well watered Possession this fall Apply to Newmarket or to J CRAKE 3w Bradford NOTICE la hereby riven that Ontario Volen Mat Honor Judge of the County Court of JhoCitror at on Jay or lK at pm to hear ana several of Vetera of Municipality of the Town of Newmarket for All having tho Court to attend at the Mild and place Dated Oct lOOJ Miss Lottfc Leonard has taken her departure for Hamilton where she Is Am attending tho Normal College Miss left Tp of East TICK la hereby that COUKT OK be held by Council Court on Friday I November 2nd at pm Council ltoom to hear complaint If last as of the Villus of Saturday lor Toronto she has Secured a position We Wish her Cement In said hamlet vIIIoko cess A number from here attended the great Fair at Friday and Miss havo hcen visiting Lyall Mrs French and Master Gordon trict Secretary han been returned spending a couple to in the of procuring the names and lion owner and laying out the Glance crowded out till week- Totftl amount or levied of amount Dated Kaat Oct AJ Clerk J Clerk I APRON PATTERN most convenient route for the Com- to follow while in dis trict He been to Its this way explained tt fence runs between nccompnny the Commute and to mine He claimed that I arrange for public meeting In on his land and I insist that the County where the ho is trespassing on mine Now what Secretary wan unable to do the would you do If you were in my work the of the place If I were in your place has been to the daUH and points at which public will held Plled the lawyer Id over ami The a cigar have a drink with la ai ilUn act btcli fall to and all new THE HOME JOURNAL la a all JlOME a wcitoto ard irJi full of and aVd and on faint Of laity boy a and hereby Klven a will be held to Voters List Act by Honor or County Court at Aurora on tho 3rd day of Nov ember at pm to hear and detcruilno the of errors and Votera Mm of or the Township of for at the Court aro re quired to attend at the anld tlmo and place J Clerk It IUi and settle the controversy in ten muc haw mIrutes Jut stand I rxci Reeled Arrangements have a o completed for the date irato fc allowed for each Intitule vour r and the at which committee- and courage I need will transfer from Institute dl- money cheap at but In btoir to to Tut Hour fniliiaY and Alton for THCKOMEJOURHAL SUPPLIES FLOUR Penitentiary ill l Mtin JO DAWSON of Ottawa October r