fcV A I THE NEWMA CHINA lews the flab whit is Last Bui Not Least Is the Final game in the Junior A series at toe North York Fair on Wednesday Septem ber to HALL St Johns Church The Forty Hours Devotion will be gin in this Sunday morning at oclock Mass Father Edward of Toronto will preach at toe vesper service oh Sabhath evening Recital An organ recital concert will take on 1st of October next the Methodist Church here under the auspices of the Choir the date further announcement next week IN THEIR Hockey A meeting of the Hockey Club was called for Monday evening for organization purposes but after consultation it was deemsJ prudent jto adjourn for a month as many tnot jit rather too soon to elect officials take organization action A Committee was appointed to look players Miss E Milliner For M Hughes has commenced trimming the openings Look for some stylish Millinery in their show rooms this season Directly Opposite The Stand Wills Probated The will of Crittenden of North showshu left a j estate of A feature of the is bequest si a j lied daughter the goes to his widow and remaining children Turner deceased of ville lift an estate valued at The husband receives and the and WORTHY TO A stalk of corn was grown on the farm of Mr Henry L Glover here which measured feet in length the first ear being eight feet from the ground Beat that I Bills are up giving notice of a pub lic meeting in the interests of Local Option All who in favor of this invited to attend at the Sunday School Hall on Monday even ing the of September to dis cuss the advisability of entering upon a Local Option campaign for this township this year Short addresses interspersed with music may be ex pect Whether you believe in per sonal Abstinence or not you are urged to attend and help the meeting by your presence and advice DRY TOWN We are all glad that Rev has been returned to us again as pas tor of the Free Methodist church by the conference for the third year We hope that preacher and church will still pull together the same as during past two On account of Rev Good ridge being tinder the doctors care Alderman preached on Sunday morning to a good congregation from the text What is man that ate so mind ful of pod is so mindful of us may We not forget Him Who has done si much for mankind HARVEST PAST o PINE ORCHARD AGENTS FOR CHILDRENS SHOES and MENS- FINE- TAILORED GARMENTS North Leading Yorks AGENTS ENGLISH DRESS GOODS Colemans Meats fc we are receiving new every Jay and will continue tolo so for several weeks to come the big bulk of New is here so that we can rightly say our Fall Stock is complete ami we think we can safely say more Complete than you ever seen any stock North York before Every Department is bristling with bright new goods the best productions of Canadian and Foreign Producers Come- whenever vou can You will find goods as represented and prices if anything a little to a lot cheap er than other stores quality always considered Back of this you have our guarantee to refund your mon ey for anything you are not entirely satisfied with BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESS GOODS FOR AUTUMN WEAR are proud of our Dress Goods Stock and justly so We have all that and French manufacture ranging in price from per yaiyl to S2U0 We Dress Goods Nothing Better Enough said Come and see our Dress Venetians Broadcloths San Toys Poplins Panamas Cloth man Cord Cord Chine Lustres Henriettas Serges Clan is best and newest of agents for Goods of fashions popular weaves Savoy Cloth Zephyr Cloth Otto- Tartans Novelty Tweed Suitings LADIES AND MISSES FALL AND WINTER COATS Our Stock is represented by a direct importation from London England and what we considered best from three of Canadas leading manufactures Every effort has been made to get the newest an mo fashionable styles in Makes Materials and Colorings The Most Fashionable Mate rials are Tweeds in larifC and small clouded checks hi Light Medium Oxford Greys and Tan Shades and Vicuna and Beaver Cloths in Black styles are loose and semifitting backs I lengths- l to inches with and without collars Some are finite plain others silk braid trimmed Come and see our ts We have a large stock all displayed in Ladies Wear which lias been rearranged since were last here WITH ITS USUAL among eight is divid phews arid nieces The late Lewis of Bast left to his widow for life ami on her death iti is to be divided his children Mr and Mrs of spent Sunday at Mrs Mr was successful in winning several prizes on his dogs at the ex hibition Messrs Van and Walter Hall left on Tuesday for he where they think of locating if UPTODAT TOOK pleased with lite country Miss Blanche Howard has returned to her home in Brooklyn New York after spending the summer with her The Leading Reliable Tefcon I Gone to Montreal The Editor of is week and the of the friends here Office stall are running the business j Mrs Murray ami IE you sec things not expected Mrs of Ottawa have heeu the cover errors which surprise you guests of Mrs Van for a few- place blame if any on the days of those who have been called to assume duties and responsibilities to the man who usually sits at the helm Dont forget this and then say things that you wouldnt under other circumstances what Is more we his inti mation to be a order for v2ek also as the editor does not expect to return till one week from tomorrow We have rented a firstclass English Bulldog for two weeks of cheap poorly made trashy Clothes They are a snare and a delusion are dear at any price Make the acquaintance of 20TH CENTURY BRAND Clothes and youll know why so many men of moder ate means look so smart and stylish Here and here only Miss Dora of Toronto is visiting at Mr Hills Mr Jack Miss Mary Doyle of Ottawa tailed on a lew here on Friday last BEACH A few prizes awardod at the Horticultural Flower Show still LADIES CHILDRENS AND Look at this for list of the Hes Makes of leading of boots and shoes the of which we have for The The The Sovereign The Maximum The Albert The Victoria The and The Instruetor Shoe for These Shoes are widely advertised all over Canada and represents the best of as upwr WATSON Agent Newmarket The Reliable Store Our Aim Fair Dealing UPTODATE AT RIGHT PRICES I below all but Curtains from to Worth to Bet Oqod4 lb ftg tor for VarrUUw Dry Beat BET DINNER DISHES FREE DDL late in the Treasurers hands would save tune and trouhle it prize winners would call and same during this month wait for a convenient season Just what other people tell us of results Rev Hairier writes I my for seven years my as result of he first I hat in Era driving a load of on Main street last Mr Mellure Con of drove over some newlyplaced broken stone which caused lire of the front wheel to loosen and drop oft The size of the him wonder just dumpcl rockeries Workmen have been husy then broken stone with a coating of fine gravel Dont Forget North York County Fair Sept and Concert Wednesday even ing the Magistrates Court On Monday last Mr to of the Dominion Hotel was summon ed a bench of J consist ing of Col J I and John to to a charge of violating the Liquor Act He was fined WO and costs Some thing like 11 worth of liquor was seized on the premises on Friday last magistrates have not yet I elded as to its disposition It Mr vas given monlWi of the prermt license year dispose of stock Not all being told at the end of ihe tjme he con tinue selling and the action on Mon day was the result the same of This summer report looks somewhat deserted now compared to its smart appearance during the past two months and more Mr Yates took Mr Walter Suther lands goods down to Newmarket this week on the way homeward Some complaint was made that the was closed before the as it some trouble with regard to mail matter sent via Roachs rry On enquiry it found that town Rev Partridge performed grievance was more imaginary than that MARTIN COMPANY NEWMARKET Miss Wright that place had become imaginary real Black Kiss fishing continues good especially along points between Ken nedy point Mo re ton Park and Snaks Island The past ton days has charming Weather here Tlie lake most of the time like a sUxrt of glass the nights refreshingly cool and Mr Maclean to build a cot tage next to Zephyr Villa early next spring The rdi seem these the hustle of domiciled all summer have a few yet quiet quests They made them one About guests were present on occasion tended the Ex one day 255 Persons Buried Alive Sept Practically without Another old passed away on Warning Me side of a mountain rising Monday in the person of Ross above the Township of Kwareli broke aged years by one the old away and in a sea of semiliquid mud residents of the County are leaving sand ami stones swept down on the vacancies grand old men and women township and overwhelmed and fated it Some persons have Slaughter of Jews Disorder at London Sept The Times INCHON AURORA buried alive Fiftyfive bodies already have been recovered from the mire which is about six feet deep Sage is attemling he to the lives lost count- funeral his aged mother in catl ford crops were destroyed Kwareli Town- Mr Law and Mrs Dick of King- area of live kilo- wood were guests of Mr on Sunday Mr Win wears a smile Us a girl Miss Fairies had the misfortune to On Sunday last Mr Tench Hut we hope it passed away to that bourne from I M which no returns at the age motors in Die district Of in were fired upon and subsequently tlc Caucasus When a deputation by Similar disasters are common the rabbis went to the eoimnnltrit valleys imploring him to give ftrlers end This bus been a year of disasters the bloodshed he replied that he wont not give the all of the hand the following telegram at has been communicated to us to the He says Our idea is to go to work effect that according to refugees who have reached Warsaw the disorders at were the result of a -Iclihcratc- program and statement that the trouble arose by an on a patrol is entirely unionised I he massacre began in two different and remote quarters of the town as soon as red light was shown on the city lower Poles who were were told by the soldiers irt he as oilers were to till only Jews All through the night Jewish houses at and sKni say a hundred thousand dollars to show wo arc in earnest and the probability it be ing a good paying undertaking and in the end one of the grandest works in Canada fox benefit of the people large It is too soon to anything of the ways I ex pect to utilize and I have a lot of grand ideas to keep hi the background until I get the charter clear of Ml years Deceased was born in Worcester and with his parents moved to Philadelphia thence lo Canada TS older residents North York will that in I he days gone by he was engaged in busi ness at Newmarket and Recoil but he spent a considerable portion of his life farming and run ning a sawmill on the concession of King Township Deceased leaves two daughters five sons to mourn their Iosh George Harrow of and bis daughter Miss Annie arrow recent ly returned from a months visi at Miss Mary of Sutton was tho guest of Mies Delia Fairies for a couple of days as the following partial list shows Mount Vesuvius destroys a doon cities ami towns causing lost of ami lives in California ami lire In organization bad While this was passing shot The Out the homo of his Mr and Mrs John Brown of Lemon- g Francisco result in the destruction employed and whole were ville visited Mrs on Sun- of pro- The Jewish killed and day wounded number hundreds The Walker- Is spending a in Chili and fire in Valjlc is spreading to Warsaw and other of weeks in Toronto cause a loss of lives and j towns where it Is feared the Miss of Toronto is the guest of property Hundreds will carry out their pro of Mrs J Patterson Sinking of emigrant ship in which demanding the Miss of Sunderland is are drowned visiting for a few days with Mr horrors in France ends the lives Johnson men Mr Morris is at sex Centre Overflow of Rivet in attending the funeral of his mother- China drowns Chinese Inlaw Mrs Moore delivered an excellent address to children last Sunday soninlaw An agitation for a half holiday for the Town Public and High Schools will no doubt eventuate all right for rnoon wore same ftw lhe to allow Mrs J had two North York charges gainst her of Fair at and Gravel wo Orders by aU to tor tea atia violating the Liquor Law The fined her ISO Jo each cue and tho fine payable week this will wind up liquor vend ing at Oak Mr of Toronto acted for the defence arid Mr for the License Inspec tor It is understood the Methodist- Sun day School will hold their annual ral ly on Sunday Oct Rumor 1asit that A bo appointed station agent for Radial at this place Mrs Win Ougb arid Miss Gertie have returned from a recent a wrt ft to Urn Wore trial ended to amuse- Mn at or spec tore Mr and Mrs J Baker visited with friends In town on Sunday Mrs I Sea ton of is spending a few weeks at her old home brought in tlie following verdict There was a good attendance al the Quarterly Meeting which was held In Wo that chum of the Christian Church Sunday Miss A Conner is from the city for a few weeks Miss Burnett Is staying in for a month or two surrender of all revolutionists threats of lire and massacre the whole population Georgian Bay Canal Baby was Strangled o York formerly of Thornhill whore lie is at St Thomas Sept present visiting has the out forty mlnuUs the jury letter to tho mayor ami tbo inquest Into cause of City of Toronto of infant daughter ot Little Smith Tho undersigned Is asking the On tario Government to grant him a charter to build a canal connecting the infant child Mails Smith be- Lake Ontario With Georgian Ray and the hours of three and four a In consideration this he undertakes on Friday September 7 In to drain and reclaim acres Mrs Smiths rooms in the Victoria marsh lands on the line of west Block to be strangulation done of Holland River without Miss had a cousin from its grandmother Mrs Smith J lowering Cooks Bay or the waters of visiting with her Lizzie Smith the mother of Mr and Mrs yindy of Pins Or- child who Is In tho detention ward of Mr visited Richmond chard was under roof one the hospital here Is likely to die her Hill Aurora Newmarket and Brad- day this week temperature tonight being and has seen the reeves mayors councillors and clerks who will en dorse the application to the govern ment for the charter Other municipalities which to join with him mav communicate with Gambling at Fall Fairs The World says that a large of requests arc being received by the department of agriculture from parties who would like to operate games of chance of one kind and at the fall exhibitions people seem anxious In what games are against the law ami what ones are permissible It is slated by Superintendent Cowan that according to the new act governing agricultural societies that no mention is made of knife or stands but all forms of drawing num bers from envelopes games which have been very popular at many exhi bitions are against the law The department Intends to he very strict this year in prosecuting viola tions the act relating to games chance at exhibitions ft is felt that sufficient warning baa been given to these characters during past two years to have a lesson and therefore any par ties arrested this year will be prose cuted as severely as possible September Yesterday was the hottest day this place has known except for ten ysars degrees in the shade degrees at Brandon Man are going up vory rapidly 48 new bouses have been built on Maryland street south of in the last six months Era till January lor X- A- i reeves mayors till Jam ji v I