Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Sep 1906, p. 3

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J- THE FRIDAYS Buster Brown at the Fair Dont Forget York County Fair Sept IS and Concert Wednesday even ing the A Championship Saturday afternoon at Preserving Season demands Kettle You can got it Clans Hardware Looking Around Superintendent of- the There is fun for too crowd at the Point a championship match will York Radial Railway aod Fair Buster Brown will put in an place between the of were up hero along with the Bell Piano Junction and the Organ Co Main Building music Ball faced at 3 pm stand course too boys and girls will want to see if Poster has his dog with him WaterTakers Correction The report that the Arc at tne last week was caused by a f lamp upsetting not correct A good many people are wasting sleppill water tbess hot days Citizens should the floor remember that only for necessary for family use and riot to waste at taps inspector will Friends Church To- spec ting progress made on the Queen Street bridge to present line with the now branch northward It is not likelv that the line to Or chard Beach and Jacksons Point wilt be put in operation before early in spring require to make an example of some before just cause for com plaint ceases On Wednesday the fun on the reservoir completely emptied it the Fair Next Week North York Fall Show next week Wake your entries this wck prepar ation day next Tuesday to take place Wednesday and Thursday public admitted last two days Grand entertainment in the Rink on Wednesday evening Reserved seats may secured at Brought on s drug store Death of Mrs Keith Deceased was interred at Newmar ket Cemetery on Wednesday last funeral obsequies first taking place Services next Sabbath at the usual in St Pauls Church conducted by hours II am and pm J Deceased came A meeting will be held in the meet- to this country from Ireland wither house on Tuesday at parents when a mere has re- pm in commemoration ol the sided for the past one anniversary of Yone year leaves three children to street Monthly Meeting of Friends their loss viz Mr Keith All bearing the name of Friends and Councillor Newmarket Mrs the public are cordially incited Ad- Thomas of Maple and Miss Minnie dresses will given by Dr J J Keith at tho home here The Mills J William Peckham and others pathy of our townspeople will go out will be provided at pm in with the bereaved family in their loss the school room Orders Taken for Fall Hats before opening days at Hughes He Defaulted Harry Clifford was served with a summons to answer Saturday last to a charge of carrying spirituous Park- Avenue residents rejoice in to a who was the- again having a street Jjht the list by reason of his over- of Church street after several indulgence but did nil appear A of darkness was a short piece of new surface drain aijourjed J I laid at the corner of Main and McKay and J Esquires J Timothy streets this week wer on the bench Why does a passing lame dog re mind one of the multiplication table Reception Because he puts down three and A large cumber attended of Mrs Walter Eves on Prospect avenue on The guests Methodist Church were presented in the drawing in toe drawing room by Miss Fisher where the bride who waa charmingly gowned in her bridal costume received In the dining- room where a dainty luncheon was served Miss Hawker of pre sided The decorations in the draw ing room were of white asters in the dining room toe were pink and white carried out in carna tions while streamers of white ribbon were hung from the electrolier and caught at the four corners of the table Dont Forget County Fair Sept and Concert Wednesday even ing the Obituary la Toronto on- Sunday last Mrs Amelia Fleming wife of Mr Robert Fleming HarnessMaker formerly of Newmarket passed away to that great unknown land from whence no traveller eer returns agod years The remains were interred in The Love last Sunday was well attended and greatly en joyed all present The pastor de livered a very appropriate sermon and a number partook of sacrament In the evening Rev gave while admirable sermon on Temptation How to Overcome It The League expect to re open on Monday by a literary and musical program and social evening An invitation is extended to all young people who have lately come to town j as well as the young of the congregation You Want to See Who are the Champions of Canadas Lacrosse come to Newmar ket Fair on Wednesday The directors the North York Ag ricultural Society also Mrs and Mrs Shaw of Toronto sunt wreaths of flowers to adorn the cas ket of deceased at the funeral Dont Miss The Greatest Lacrosse Game ol the Season at Newmarket Show Coming The are to present a high class concert the last week in October Par ticulars later Reserve the date Morse Wants currycombs fiy nets Lap rugs dusters waterproof sheets the Church Home for the Aged cheap at Hardware Our Top onto Letter A Warrant is out for the arrest of Harry Griffiths for many years foreman for Geo harness- maker St and a great society man It is alleged that he is a de faulter to Doric Masonic Lodge to toe tune of and belonging to Ancient Order of Foresters Stanley Kingsley a bell boy at the House was sent to one the banks Monday morning by Frank a clerk to Kings- ley dd not return and it is feared ho has gone to some city across the line- Whitney is having lots these days yie wea ther was extremely hot part of the time Tho announcement is up at the Queens Park that the election to fill the vacancy in the Local House or will take place this month Exhibition of is over Sat urday was the last day and it came to an end with a brilliant display of fire works Twentythousand people were there for the windup The annual tournament of the To ronto Club was held on Saturday afternoon under perfect con ditions There were seven events in all and each one was cleverly eon- tested Several instances of prostration from heat occurred on Saturday Three of the choir boys fainted dur ing the ceremony of laying the corner stone the Osier wing of III 53 Championship Lacrosse Lovers of Canadas national game this town and vicinity will have one more chance of seeing a championship game this year at North Yorks Great New- Fair on Wednesday Sept when market Cemetery on Wednesday the two best junior teams of the Can- ceased was rtic daughter of the late Lacrosse Association in the Joseph Hewitt who kept the old final game here for the championship Nor tl American Hotel half a century of Ontario The teams to day are ago in the when stages champions of the North- used on Street between em District and the winner of IheTo- to and Landing He lived Junction and St Marys series however to sec fourinhand which shall he decided at to- carded for and de- day Friday The Directors of the velopment of the Town from a small Agricultural Society are to he corn- hamlet to an incorporated municipal- mended for their foresight and One by one the active people prise in securing this great game as of forty and sixty years ago fast Jan extra attraction for the Fair away the deceased- being Bradford Aurora Toron- of thein The older people this to were each holding out big inVjcc- of North York especially will re- merits to the Association and the inernUr deceased as she teams to play the game in old North American and after- their town Remember the date the wards the wife Mr Fleming who day of the Fair the hour on a harnessmaking trade oclock and 25 cents admits to all lor some years Mr Bolton Hewitt the Fair and Championship match of this town is a nephew of deceased JKxcursions are arranged to market from To- Remember J and St Marys for this game The Lacrosse Game at Newmarket Public School Board The Board met on evening Rjs Manning and McKay were present On Mr McKay took the chair The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed The report showed her on the roll and the average at tendance in the several Divisions to follows I V 57 VII Total fees There are now teachers in train ing registered at the Model School At the recent Entrance Exam candidates wrote and were eight being awarded honors A letter was from Mis the Board for grant ing her a years leave of Principal was instructed to purchase a map of Ontario and a map of Canada Th following accounts were to be paid on Wednesday is for the of Canada Quests at the Wedding guests not resident in who were present at the marriage of Mr Wm Howard S Cane of this town to Miss Bertha May were Mr arid Mrs if Cane Cane Mr f P Cane Mr Mrs J E Cane Mr and Cane Mr Vernon and Mr Hoy Miss Mr Mrs W Widdiheld Miss Belfry Miss Hon J SLtid Mrs Davis Miss Davis Mr An drew Davis Mr and Mrs Aubrey VijMr J- Mrs Mr and of Mrs Putnam Paisley Miss Seattle Miss Sara Mrs Bell Mr and Mrs Mc- Mrs Merrick Toronto Dr London gland arid Miss Belfry Miss Pear- ton the Aylward Mr Mrs Gamble Port Hope and Mrs Mr Hill i Mrs Davis Mm Sherman pa Mr Mrs Laureree Mrs Thompson Mr and Mrs together with zroomsmen in the article nag Dont Forget North York County Fair Sept and Concert Wednesday even ing the till January for Ohorre and Son 7129 itarshall L 200 J Meads John Savage and Co A communication was received from the Fire ranee Co In reference to the repairing of the Model School where It had been In jured by lightning On in the Board adjourned Stove Snaps f At Binns Hard wan Steel Range hole with tank high shelf used mouth only Art Countess Double Heater with oven new A shape for Royal Art Heater with oven 12 Town Council N At Same Old Low Prices MEW Immense variety of Dainty Pat terns at same old Low Prices A Few Clearing tinos White Muslin Blouses 51inch Dress Goods Lace Curtains long Cooked Meats on ice sliced to suit you Good For years have been the ac knowledged leaders in dress and this year is no exception You see now uptodate Fabrics with us house in the trade can du- shall be pleased to have and have a look for no plicate you call self Boot Shoes The Best makes at lowest possible prices Wo keep everything in Boots THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER ii A44 CM Hughes Millinery our Fair Days show Spectacles That tired which so many experi ence after reading la caused strain What you want is to have your eyes fit ted with a proper pair of glasses us examine your eyes We vill take Wry pains In your you tan of properly fit ted A CO end opticians The council iluyor in the met on chair th MeKr CniKr Smith and Morgan were also present The minuter of meeting were read and confirmed The council wont Into of whole and the following ac count ordered to be Dun cm Lloyd Wilson Can Foundry Co i freight 4K CO I Mfg Co a freight United Factories 1 and Co pipe It freight A Thompson 215 f and Co Can Co 85 Can Son Kite Co 2800 freight WJ It to HI Sheet Wo The account of and was to the and Com to paid if found correct recommended that applications of J Main O MlllardV Lane and If for water service be granted A deputation from the Agricultu ral asking the for grant to the matter referred to the Finance Com The new Dominion Government sand pump is at at eastern gap deepening the channel out in the lake and Making new land on the breakwater to the west the south pier The drouth which has prevailed for some time has resulted in a shortage of the supply for the city Some of the small dairies could not make their usual deliveries the first three days of this week A polo field has just been completed at the Woodbine by the Ontario Jock ey Club It is in the turf at the oast the steeplechase course The club has also had a smooth bowling lawn made in the western field lor the Do minion Howling Association The late Dr one of To rontos foremost divines made re quest shortly before his demise that his fmeral expenses not ex- teed thirtyfive dollars a noble ex ample in funeral simplicity Some people throw on lots of on such occasions and afterwards so hungry to bed By the overwhelming score of to 1 the Island Indians scalped the Colts of Cornwall at Island oval on before a crowd of about lacrosse enthusiasts The old postoffice will not be occu pied the general delivery stall till the first of November The Arcproof floor has been laid and now the elec tric wiring is being done The win dows and the glass roof over department have been begun Burglars entered the premises of Saunders sponge merchants at William street on Friday night last and stole in cash besides four blank cheques were signed hut not countersigned The workers of the arc planning election of a new head quarters to contain a Hall the pres ent Frances Homo for and a new large boarding home at which young work ing women in receipt of low wages may sccurj accommodation that will guarantee comfort and safety at the minimum of cost On whole there were fewer cases of at the this year than last In there were cases reported to the detect live department of people having their pockets picked and value of the property lost amounted to During this hist there were cases reported with losses valued at JIJII lefts than previous year It no doubt somewhat amusing to residents of the County to find To ronto papers speaking of jurymen at the raiding in Markham West etc Another Italian has Urn victimized like his compatriot on Centre street hut the loss of MOO is A record of accidental deaths in the last completed year of the citys life is an unpleasant reminder of Torontos growth says the Tele gram On Monday evening Mr F Allan look a select party for a ride around the city In his new auto The electric coach is named The King awl he had about SO in his party The King Is the first of four electric coaches which will be placed In commission lor general busi ness of touting the city It is equip ped with four motors and power is supplied storage battery Tins speed can he regulated from four to fifteen miles an hour Th man who would have prophesied years ago that such modes of travel as are now provided auto carf would certain- AGENTS FOR Mens clothing by the Well Known firm of Co Toronto ALSO agents for Messrs Crawford Bros Limited Fine Ordered Tailoring Toronto illinery on 2nd floor this season Miss Fletcher in charge Special clearing prices of Ribbons per yard Ostrich Tips 25c Ladies Ready-to- Wear Skirts Retail at Wholesale prices SOVEREIGN BANK BUILDING Sir William has been elected by acclamation as Chancellor Toronto University The Ontario Jockey Club fall meet opens tomorrow the Sept Bet- tinfl is likely to go on as lively as A ever notwithstanding the decision of the Police Magistrate last year aslJj the Court of Appeal has not yet de- whether the pcpalty imposed on the bookies can be exacted or not The Toronto Lacrosse Club disband ed for the season last week and the various players returned to their ro- homes What a misnomer to call it the Toronto Lacrosse Club when the nearly all elsewhere players is bring ing- the game into contempt for paid players think nothing of a game to the highest bidder More than half the samples of milk sent from this city to Ottawa to he analyzed were found to be more or less adulterated dont wa ter their lacteal produce guess It must he the city jabber The Hand of the Guards gave a concert Saturday evening it plays well but they dont heat our own city bands in outdoor or street parade music Steamboats arc now In the rate awl passenger fares are only cnts be tween Toronto and Hamilton This knocks the railway and trolley all silly While undergoing an operation on Saturday for throat trouble Bristol suddenly collapsed and died despite the efforts of four physicians Mr lames Chester was reelected President of the Toronto Milk produc ers Association at the annual meet ing of the association on Saturday af ternoon Tho tiny hands of the six months old motherless grandchild of Osier MP held In arms Mrs Osier guided her hands laid the corner stone of new wing of the Church Home for the aged on Ave last Saturday This wing- which bears tho name of Osier Is the result of Mr Osiers gift There was a large gathering present for occasion Annlo daughter of was terri bly burned on Tuesfty PIION 22 I have just received a car of Coal known as Red Jacket No thing better TRY IT AND UK CONVINCED North End Flour and Feed store W become a reality bo ftl for the asylum in jTtTP lK order stranger things ttvelopment Is her dress with when it became ignited from the flame of a candle Annie was burned from her waist down to her feet Over persons left Union Sta tion on Tuesday for West on harvesters excursion Live Stock Very little change in prices The cattle market continues dull in Toron to was the top figure paid for exports Butchers choice to cows to to feeders to milk cows calves to ewes arc sold at to Iambs at 1 to and sheep at to Hogs are still going down for cars lights and fats Q Pauls Sept Michaels crown has been stolen It at francs and contained many beautiful jewels The crown adorned bead of the statue of the Virgin In the Church of St Newmarket Markets September White Wheat per bush a Hod Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per Goose Wheat per bush per bush Barley per Peas per bush Oats per bush CO ii -1V- nV 0 per ton per ton Butter roll per lb per doz per bag 20 20 a Toronto Markets September WW to Wheat per bush 0 0 per bush Whoat per bush Barley per bush Peas per Oats per bush Oats now per bush Buckwheat por bush Rye per bush per ton chad roll per lb 0 0 0 0 48 78 38 U 0 0 00 0 0 28 0 22- 0 20 on the famous Mont St Michael tho coast of Brittany one of the spots- j most by American tourists Per in France The crown was subscribed Per lb for in 1875 by Catholics all per bag over the world placed on head of the- statue in the of St J Last Friday Calhouns saw mill at Bent to the hospital She was clean- Mlclracl which to an order of Racquet River was wrecked by a boil er explosion ten killed and watchman t To Cure a Cold in Owe Toko Laxative Quinine Seven In 1 9 raorih This L g Core Crip on every box 4

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