Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1906, p. 8

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i wn MORTON PARK ORCHARD BEACH The afyiual picnic of was at Morton Wlay of The on the Sun- Park boat tOO Mr Arthur second George bad a too cut oil morning broken glass Buckshot be was STUFyViDLlSC Do you pin your bat to your Cant do It Havent enough hair It must be you do not know Aycrs Hair Vigor Heres an intro duction 1 May the acquaint ance result In a heavy growth And we know youl never be gray A tits lint I It led I an I u rttta Mitt Of PIUS MEW An estate of load came lay shout- oclock and morales were favored with the by town- band fco Ai wf tW deserve credit for their tie His father and whieh4iKjts Tbc most interesting feature bound tile toe on at once and it teal estate in at was the duck race to be doing nicely although be is left by will of Margaret- the popular traveller suffered a- Rood deal for a couple J JansUrquhart to her husband Toronto with Ms days George be merchant u- are spending a of weeks as it was ago oooi Morton Park he fell off his and heaviest part of the season has a T readied The proprietor re- While the ltel up Nobktoii civic holiday- will oc bass fishing at the events at Echo follow Aug close vicinity to the Park lend for football and very Rood this season Con- sports Brass catches are reported in attendance the afternoon and evening For tbe- concert tic bucks A Rankin following talent has been Jessie Irving reader Hamilton ROACHS POINT A ifcrs voealist ind dancer of tMic SL jott baritone comedian Rich vocalist of Toronto raising For Sale Mr John Hamer had a barn The convenient comfortable Brick- on Tuesday clad Dwelling on street marsh hay industry quite Newmarket occupied by brisk these J A position of Clerk of West rendered vacant by the death of Mr Evans has been fill- Sal0 by the appointment of Mr Edgar was very sad accident occurred on at residence of Mr mson butcher of this place The hired girl was pouring boiling wa ter but of the Kettle into preparatory to washing the breakfast when the pan upset ami the water ran down the back of Mr Wil liamsons baby who was on floor The little thing so greatly it into convulsions and death end ed its asony on Friday night It is a severe blow to the par ents who lost- another child a year ago by death This ten months old and a fine A fine brick house on J son of the Victoria Yesterday morning Mr John Avenue in the town of Newmarket drove into town all modern conveniences centrally and in A very desirable property blacksmith shop lo make aboUt having his horses shod healthy child The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon and the very Apply to A WILLIAMS FOR SALE Lot containing acres and a good stable one mile west of Newmarket on Yonge St Apply to PATRICK GUTHRIE Newmarket with his hog wagon attendance expressed the of Parkers of the public for the bereaved to make enquiry parents Hotel here has its full complement of guests Tourists are angling all around the Point and up at the Islands Chris over a many pennies as guide and oarsman Mr had just got to the door of the blacksmith shop when bis horses mov ed up Holland street increasing their speed as they proceeded on At the corner of Holland and streets the covering of the water tank was torn off and the horses and wagon just escaped snasl- into a buggy A short distance got into trouble opposite YatesSyoiht was cut alone was quite a When he was pulling up the anchor a wave struck the other end of his boat caus ing Mr Rankin to lose his balance the boat was Three men jumped into a boat on the share- and went to his assistance in trying to get Mr Rankin- into the boat it was upset also Ah came along and gave the and a sail boat that was anchored while the were watching the canoe races went to the rescue once liot in the whole party Mr President of the Canadian Press Association and De puty Minister of was of Mr B at Bay View Villa for the weekend Dr Arthur of New York is spemling three or four weeks here with his mother His sister Mrs Walter Scott of Sutton and baby over on Saturday master has taken Mr tons cottage for August Miss- Priest of New York is also a guest here Miss Elsie Phillips of Newmarket spent the weekend with Miss I Mrs Voss of Cleveland is the guest of Miss j Miss spent the end with Mrs F 1 and Mrs Angus Williams spent fie a it tore be a buckshot be a bullet VCHI Kivc fe a Well wfiat can Oh kin do anything The old answer is kv an Well what Oh ilV nfiL the do can you I kin do a little a little and a and use the typewriter little J to si r strike a trial balance just that lean just that Can you take charge of a- set of books No not exactly arc on taking a 1 A LISTER MANAGER NEWMARKET 4 nd can is sup- Farm for Sale beyond the post tfic runaways I Mr Law of was in the tM r JaUVCZll with a water wagon or Sunday evening Call again Mrs that is being used by workmen in lay- the cement sidewalks and almost j Mr Armstrong of Toronto spent a acres more or less half drajrfWieil it breaking the of Mr of Lot rear Con J I f t Will Wright Russell Good House bank barn stable and ran Miss Browning of Toronto is renew- llewfU in this place and vicm- Dickson of has Among ttie Newmarket people here r fljwitt Andy Mr in underneath soil clay loam in good state of cultivation Plenty of bard and soft water Good well Apply on the premises or to VM ASH Armadale PO fenced by letter in front of Mr Geo resi dence Here the horses freed them selves from wagon and took dif ferent directions but were cap- It I For Sale As good a arm as is on St Lot Whitchurch one mile from the foot of broke that is cleared Good buildings wood kinds Cant be beat Miss Lois Webster who for the past for a few weeks A of visitine ber aunt Mrs Story is two for a few weeks SL5t I The number of at his resort is greater this a large percentage however are act see how letter from me Well its a long time since that way Im abit rust This world is overcrowded who are filled with this brief conceit I can do anything Thev ire the buckshot Cool day sir what can I do for you I want a job What can you do Im a carpenter What tell carpenter do anything that a carpenter posed to do Can you and plaster No Im not a plasterer I I was a carpenter Well we need a man you can start in the morning Versatility is a dangerous posses sion This man was not versatile he was a carpenter the bullet How insane the idea tbat to the is to destroy the dignity The treat universities are turning out more buckshot than bullets A little delving into history a lit tle idea about the transitoiiitess of nations in this great whirl of lime a A ft OOP J I PRICES TO SUIT LOOK FOR THE N i I I ll I lltl I with Miss Collins of Mrs Maclean of Toronto was in our burg this wcek new faces Ave years has taught the primary The Misses Barnes are j The evening room in the Public School here has their Mr of Barms lor a short time the and Rev preached a Aurora Not selected by the North Toronto opened the I it All to a position on J Moorbv of i unoerrained their veiling and timely sermon rrS lis Mrs Johnson and daughter I A of people in a hay rack through our is in every of Toronto who have been visiting ui J Au Johnsons parents here for a lew ake last week Apply Box fe they had a peasant trip Mosley Street left on Tuesday for Mrs Cower has been on lie sick i l lis for a few days We wish a on along the blattering of dead languages of Greek roots and Latin verbs a little knowledge or lie the veins flowing to and the pumping arteries of the heart of valves and ducts a jab at political economy and a feint at political science and he is a an and he the world his for th6 asking Have you mcto do Whats your qualifications Im a and read lum and can talk on ancient- history That wont do hot if you can talk on trousers give you charge of- a House and Lot for Sale Sparrow Lake where they will remain for a week or ton days Mr Eli who has been man- On Timothy St Bast at the rear of the Aurora Hardware company of the Model School House in good for the past ten months has severed repair Hard and soft water Good his connection with that firm stable icehouse poultry house His Honor Judge Morgan held a an acre of land fruit trees court here last Saturday morning to This property can be bought for hear the appeals against the decision or less Twothirds cash of the Court of Revision the on easy payments Apply to ment roll There were only two THOS HUNTER peats namely William Newmarket and William Linton These men claimed the assessment of their farm lands which was at per acre was excessive After listening to speedy recovery Miss Jessie of Toronto thc of her sisterinlaw for Miss Minnie Cray was in town on Sunday Hamilton a visitor at Zephyr Villa few days this week 1 A tig 1h i re on lb on considerable attention THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING oMPANYOrnc MONTREAL P Q LONDON HAMILTON OTTAViST- shore oupuMte lay evening at- dollars So he tried but he was a buckshot thing as Not Mrs A good story illustrative of the prosaic nMire on whicli art makes no is told by the New York Evangelist monument room at Trinity Church is the large marble tablet in memory of the late Bishop It is a Dasrelief representing the Good Houses for Sale IN Brick House on Main Street Frame House on Queen Street Brick House on Ontario Street Frame Ontario Street All the above are in good repair at present occupied Will be sold on termM Newmarket the explanation of Assessor Love as we as that of thc parties concerned His Honor decided the assessment Was not exeeftsiVs and dismisses the peals and confirmed the assessment A Lesson in Geography sired tripped the light the main deck the steamer the trip A Lawn Tennis tournament is As tlcre are a number of courts among thc cottages tie con test will evoke considerable ay under heaven have you that theological school Tommy Pa what is Isthmus of Panama Pa The of Panama Tommy is a narrow strip of land connecting Central America with postponed events in connection might hot Well what been doing at for four years Well to tell you the truth lor one solid six months we tried to decide who wrote the Pentateuch and finally decided that it might have been writ ten by Moses and then again that it Bishop portrait in the agony of death sinking into the arms allegorical female figure presumably intended for the Angel Death It is said that aged couple from the rural districts were being shown through the church and long the old lady re marked to her husband op but regarding the angelic a good likeness of the attentively Its avcrypoor one of Mrs Hupbard I knew her and site ddnt look like that or one Grand frank Railway the United States Mr If Vanant of Collingwood is spending a time with relatives here Mr and Mrs J of Pine Or chard were visiting wth parents Mr ami Mrs J Davis Sunlay r I Mr Barns Is having his sisters will be received address- visiting with for a few days to the up to the first Cook of ftc city spent day of September for the last roof purchase of that store and premises I Mr Morris we Re J Estate The Easy Way with the Regatta took place at Echo Hollow last afternoon in order to escape the strong breeze which was blowing from the North- West a number of people lined And this man is studying for the ministry Have one Idea Columbus had one idea and that it was Land Ahead Napoleon had A schoolboy on being asked by his tt shore to witness the proceedings hue one ilea and that was Power- teacher how he should Hog him re- most interesting of which were the Washingtons was Independence plied double canoe race and the upset canoo Lincolns was Freedom for the poor If you please sir I should like it rat Following are prize win- staves Florence Nightengales was upon the Italian system of -penman- Who can I help upward strokes heavy and Mixed double canoeMiss Keith One idea one specially with the down one light Ashley KHgour Margate Cole- nm e am awl there man can no failure InUitds starting for the North West wish him success Mr and Mrs Johnson visited a few days with Mrs Walk er Miss J Patterson has returned as TUB BLOCK Corner Mam it Streets New market The or any tender not accepted For rent nd particulars of sale apply to a couple of weeks visit in folding delivered very inter- Administrator Citing last Sunday I Mrs Paisley of Albert was Farm for calling on relatives and friends in place last week acres more or leas being the larvjh and a lady Wei half of East halves of lots were visiting in one day ted in the concession of Whit- week church about four miles from New- Mr and Mrs liar wood are and two from James at J Station Good brick house aUo bouse and two soil hum of threshing it of good clay loam in Rood slate of heard in our fenced Plenty Mr W Miss fyaxnbyof bird fcoft water alto a never- Chunhill were In our on stream Good orchard For The members of particulars apply on premises have decided to have an cream social on evening 21tt JOHNSON of on lawn of Mr Orchard A program UAf Do You Suffer from HEADACHE LOSS OP SLEEP TORPID LIVER BILIOUSNESS FILLS will quickly caut dixit wmplxinU healthy action lo vcry You will like a a few dote of rid of Improve headache and Give Positive Relief fa all cue of Coarii- and The excellent obtained by of worthy of the they They have helped la lrtti Single canoe boys under Arthur Kilgour Jack Murphy Crab race canoes Ashley Cecil Kjlgour Single canoe gents Ashley Ed Murphy Swimming boys under Lyman I Not a Man Who never dresses up or cares how he looks except when he goes see some lady Who thinks that a comfortable- homo plenty to eat and suMsiy any woman Who thinks the woman gets him for a husband will he lucky the rest of A newsboy in Chicago said Ill 1c rich some day and I wont forget the newsies then And the motto burned itself into his soul and or other he gave a little better shine than the other fellows and a few years ago on a Christmas eve in Chi cago saw hundreds of newsies feast ing in bis immense store windows on I Madison Street in that same city as be had called Shine sir Paper sir 1 What a tribute to thc possibilities of all ideal He was no but a bullet a man with one Idea and his eye always should looking for the Interests of the main chance Do one thing well is the of specialist There is a girl In a hotel near here A dogs bark may be worse than his bite but give us hark lease A Great Bargain Young Cattle Yearlings for Sale also milking Cows and Horses Thrce Brool Sows and Six Little Pigs Terms Ccsh or Six Months Credit M Lot Vivian FOUND6nc Yearling Steer The looter can come and claim it Farm To Manitobaand august v From all stations tho r line Toronto to Saynia via Stratford Toronto AUGUST From fctiOrontoto via all ioltrJFeoi acst Yffrbnto ions east to Kingstou all stations nortvlnereof from station north of Toronto and Junction I AftRAWOMNTS WSTUnNINO Offices Department of Railwajfs CANADA Boyds Boarding At the Popular ORCHARD SUMMER RESORT For Sale Contains occupied ply to rooms at present all For further particulars VANNORMAN Orchard Beach NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the and Tend er for Bridge Substructure will received at this until oclock on Friday the of August for building substructure a Swing Bridge on tho Holland River section Trent Canal at the crossing of the aide Queensvllle be tween Lots and Township of East County of York Plans- and specifications work can boseen on and after this date at of the her sex Who bosses his sisters and does not orders for think it necessary to show them the one time and rarely makes same consideration as other mistake a dish She Is no good Who his men friends anything else cannot cook or his conquests among fair sex and But thinks that no woman can resist him other girls arc running In an out Who does not regard mat nave as a wllcs the tables and takes the partnership in which must be orders ami puts them irr her brain pan mutual concessions but would be that ly to think lie owned his wife Who would like to humiliate his wife by making her beg for every dol- she desires for and tell J what she Is to do with it Success -VOOO- a couple are hut not mated itJH a sort of friction match ftsrEra Aird because she loes one thing well all tin other girls envy her This is the age of specialist Concentrate Do not scatter your forces bo a bullet keep your eve n main then you will will cOOQrV till January for FALL TERM Ottawa at too of the Superin tending Engineer and at the office IO ELLIOTT TORONTO ONT Enter any time Magnificent cata logue free J ELLIOTT Principal Yonge At Alexander of En gineer A Kerr Holland Landing Ont at which places forms tender may be obtained The lowest or any tender not accepted order vV I K JONES Secretary Department ol Railways and Canals Ottawa 25th July Inserting this advertise- without authority from de partment will not be paid w Pump business for Nine Roomed Brick House and SSop ft apply to

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