Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1906, p. 5

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v THE FRIDAY AUGUST I- ir i I LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Public 8treet Newmarket to loan good Farm Security Lee BARRISTERS fcO Dominion Bank Chambers Cor King TORONTO Private and Trust Funds to Loan at Current Kates Iiennox Barristers o fl Cboppln over Parlor Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat on Saturdays and Court Days FT Solicitors for J Rosa ft Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Weeks When Looking v5 For High Grade holdup business is being played in all directions Toronto Hot a Patent Medicine on are call at Bros carpenters went out last week on nonary Counter and you are dry strike and now toe farm bands our I Cream Sodas- the Ottawa Experimental Farm talking of less hours of or A Lively Dash will take a tramp Hon Mr Last Dr Wesley out Ms buggy to talk to person on Huron street and while his back was turned his horse started off a Scientific Treatment for Catarrh by Breathing Medicated Air Our Toronto better Toe Dr shouted hut it vas not heeded Toe buggy was deposited with the nearest telephone pole and the horse mad for home Turning of Main it slipped on A delegation of the employees of the Intercolonial Railway recently waited upon the Minister of Railways and asked that the passes be restored to employees of the road and their fam ilies Just why the country should give passes to families of employees of the Intercolonial and deny them he pavement and teit through tra luce panels of the Methodist church the fence The horse was extricated by two or three men who happened to hard to solve cars is a problem INSURANCE J A Agent for Money to Loan interest at Current Kates At the Newmarket be coming along and when the Dr An Ottawa I rived he found horse in the stable Savs apparently none the for its that a I Duncan AUCTIONEER collected Sims street Newmarket Bolton Practical Painter House UiiDEczComer church Street Press despatch dated Mr from Sydney that a tramp rcfornatviy is to be established by the Government of New South Wales Tramps are to put upon a farm and fed on bread and water If they want better food must work for it When one is valcy between buyers caused a slight spontaneously willing to work he is run on butter during which prices discharged as cured If the tramps went up to Other prices as Co- of New South Wales are anything like Masons turned up in considerable I force on Saturday afternoon to wit ness- the ceremony of laying the cor nerstone of the new Beaches Ma sonic Halt near the corner of How ever since has been known avenue and Queen its formula has been given to The Hamilton Steamship Company druggists and tn fact to all fi0 to build a new steamer people who could than the and the ate the true merit the combination She will carry and of healing oils and balsams of will be speedier also The is composed Canadian Shipbuilding Co is to have leading physicians endorse the vessel by next and prescribe it for catarrhal season troubles In fact quite a few of Kerr principal of Allen them use it themselves to break up a Glen Science School Scot- hat comes with outfit a t destroys all catarrhal germs in the had a conference with Mayor air passages of the throat and no soothes and heals the irritated m a W will ask a fiaure for Farm Produce Fair market last Saturday Lyman Jackson MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Papers at private residence If lows Butter IS to 23c to 20c Dressed chickens to to pair Raspberries to Jl Black box Black Currants Apples to basket Potatoes 2Cc peck basket Tomatoes It basket Callages to Cauliflowers Green Corn 1 Flowers Bunch Spring chickens lb Old Hens It Ducks Pigeons Hides 10 to lie Calfskins to Sheepskins to Tallow ic It jiLs 6 the specimens of Canada they will be soon on to the discharge racket Although marriages by Christian Scientists of people of that faith in this Province are being performed it appears to he unlawful The matter now been referred to Attorney- General Under the Marriage Dr A contends that only the recognized denomina tional teachers and preachers have authority io marry that the law not to the Christian Sri- enlists The agitators will now com mence another agitation in favor of the law with regard to solem nization of marriage NEWMARKET DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones CaM JAMES A convention of the Ontario Fish Game Protection Association will bo held in Toronto on Aug and Sept 1st A ringing note is being sounded those who kill fish for sport against- the peasantry who catch fish to eat and for a livelihood membrane and effectually drives from the system all traces of catar rhal poison one should confound with the patent medicines that are advertised as catarrhal cures It is as superior to them as the diamond is more valuable than cheap el ass The complete Hyomei outfit con sisting a neat pocket inhaler a medicine d Omei Costs aim can be obtained for cents making it the most economical method of curing catarrh as well as the most re- liable figure for horse power from the Com mission although horsepower is estimated as Torontos capacity The Ontario Government is fortun ate in securing accep tance of an appointment on the Gen eral Hospital Trust An account of for the of Hon Justice Maybee as final u im- and a bottle but and extra to one of the parties interested in the home of Mr and Mrs George Vine Avenue is cannot obtain of caus011 If you your dealer it will be forwarded mail postage paid on receipt of the l The Write for consultation and blank that will entitle to tlarUiellc aged yearsate scr vices of our medical department out charge The Booth and the Building Ithaca Sunday A number of doctors were called in on the case hut no relief Sydney James ajcct and the son of of the Mont real police force dived into the Hay from the deck of the steamer Cuba on Five Winnipeg People Drowned Departmental Exams has ajcain proven itself io an institution of merit The result of the rxent examinations is mo3t bass and to per cent of the speckled trout were successful we would like to make Ontario wa- Gasoline an Saturday afternoon and was drowned tion in the River Younz was a pantry on board steamer City of Montreal Winnipeg Aug A merry picnic a couple of chums was en- terminated in a tragedy ioyK a swim Thev boarded the day afternoon which resulted in the steamer Cuba as it left the wharf is reported too that the coiien- five members of to live from her and swim to will be asked to sanction an sh when she had got out a short amvndment to the Act distance did not appear a it illegal take bass uuJer party left the city in a tor he entered the water and if was of inches also to up minutes More the was o- a close season former or prohibit the sale of Hospital staff worked for an hour entirely Sporting most immediately A man in a boat resuscitate him without success Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at th THE LEADING TINSMITHS OSBORNE SOUS Opposite Smiths Grocery the names of those who passed Teacher II Mulroy Honors Tench Honors Honors Watson 8ee Here I have a lot of Work Horfiea that be before the hired month Is up or says she wont attend to them any longer and we want her leave so help me of the difficulty by buying the A Newmarket Livery Boyds Livery The undersigned Is now running a Vnlon Bus to all trains Orders by telephone for all parts of the Town pill receive prompt attention A BOYD Old Stand EVERYBODY EATS SIMPSONS ICECREAM I Our Cream fa of the Pure Cream and Sugar excel In DELICIOUS TASTE GREAT FINENESS EXCELLENT QUALITY j Come and enjoy a dish while you order your Bread and Ma trie Young with Til tin passed within a few feet and refused lo Rive assistance or permit them to to his craft for fear of upsetting of weeks we vin somewhat recent discov- awful fate alone survive by which potatoes can be made l experience Mrs Brown most exactly like ivory and the pro- res- duct was usl in the manure- Ptlon accident has cause tore of buttons and An regret in the city I exchange gives the following account it appears as though a sort of preserve for their A couple trntion to j duct was of the process transforming is tobe added to the list io imitation ivory Tbe potato must jj in the mclanOholy accident be a vry one not bruise all Wash it in diluted Her grief upon Mug restored to con ic acid and learning fate of her Ma trie without Latin J Kennedy J Morgan Johnston Jessie Guerre attended nearly any dye school Albert and wrote here obtained a Teachers certifi cate with honor In 40 on A on the aggregate percentage Ik children was almost more than same solution her distressed condition land her recovery is almost despaired of SUMMER DIARRHOEA IN CHIL DREN till quite clean on the surface then it slowly in was washed in until it is quite solid j and dense Wash thoroughly in tepid water followed by cold till quite free of acid ami then dry in a warm I cupboard or some such place or cane beautifully and take hat the Old Man Says There is no reasonable excuse for any man to live in a town if lie does not like it If you have no word of commendation to say for your town its institutions or people emigrate You wont stop the town dock by going away The church bells will The each paper The The Toronto World has Just given the Ontario Municipal and Railway Board appointed some time and Public School Board The Board met on Tuesday night Scott and and McKay the Whitney Government a rather lionor vorc punch in the ribs so to speak and a hackhanded swipe at the Gov ernment It As to Commis sioner Kittson whose life up So this time has been in the avenues of mer chandise we are not in a position to Judge we are to judge Chairman the actions of legal The minute of meting were A In the and confirmed corporations in pari a- must confess to tit tie A communication from Ml Job As Mr il0 way mI that he had not yi received the letter of acceptance of toe public view of a application until a few rajhvay issue Hut none of ago and that In are a bar to their serving the had accepted situation in people and province provided ton thy start in to do the service Hut Moved by Mr McKay seconded must do more than sit in an Mr that the Chair be audi- fioe or go for holidays stud wait for to Interview Mhs and A her to take the Principals appointed lw ought be fully and ready to do business by this time A man that starts a now job going on a summer vacation thinks more of his ease than of his duty room during the Model Term In event of Mi not available that the to wire Ml km of and be en gaged that he to ad hi the and Mall and The following accounts were dreci to paid During the hot weather of summer months die first unnatural looseness same musical ring the childs bowels should have e same mediate attention so as to check the ami disease before it becomes All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy followed a of castor oil to cleanse the system Rev Pastor of the first Little Falls Minn writes We have used Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years and find very valuable remedy especially for sum mer disorders in children- Sold by J Y rough ton and all Druggists I A Cartwright Man was kill- id by lightning while asleep lu bed Tlie Nixon House at Little Current was destroyed by fire There was insurance of but the whole was There were forty in the when fire but no one was injured H The tannery of Clement intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema la al layed by applying Salve As a cure of skin diseases this salvo Is For by J R and all Druggists Travis The last one credited on In was burned with all Block and machinery The Furniture and The loss will be 150 were authorised to procure Raker Morrisons flour mill and an enamelled urinal for boy a elevator at were at the Mxlel Moved by Mr firimmn ftre to have from of city was killed by a Mr Manning that Dr Scott and about 20- runaway here on Saturday McKay and the P be authorised to draft a I Some island rockn points in the St the Aug Mary Law led by fire on Sunday afternoon Toe fouryearold daughter of George law l J it 14 The ictfulnting the sale cigarettes and charging a fee of for a license wis by Judge Win Talbot and brought suit against Tliey claimed that The profits oil cigarettes were not suf ficient to pay the license fee and that it was therefore excessive London Aug 10 Arthur a young wctlonman was sentenced Jtwlge this for four years in the Kingston Penitentiary ami twen tyfive lashes for criminally assaulting two little girls In both cases he vas discovered before had accom plished his deigns letter 11 run ton On motion condolence to Mr the Hoard adjourned i A for Pile of them I rindstonej Itching Blind Bleeding Protruding Islatd were sold at auction for fid Piles are authorized to grand lodge of the Independent order 5W afWaterUwh money If of Oddfellows closed this sparkling water will have Mr same healthgiving propeilics Speak a g00l word for your neighbor if you can if you cannot dont everlasting ly enlarge on their faults If you have become thoroughly disgruntled move away go somewhere where tilings will suit you Just Do What is Right When Molly came home from the par ty The party was out at nine- There were traces of in her bright blue eyes That looked mournfully up to mine For some one had said she whispered to mo With a face on my shoulder 1 id one had said there were sobs in tier voice That they didnt like something she did So I took my little up in my knee I am old and exceedingly wise And I said My dear now listen to me lust listen and drv your evis This world Is a world in deed And the people are hard to Milt And man who plays on the violin Is a bore to the man with the And I myself have often thought How much better t would be If every one of die folks that I know Would only agree with Rut they will not the very best way To make this world look bright Is never to mind what people say Rut do what you think is right Aug The fiftysecond iMU falls to cure in to days It was unanimously decided to meet next year A I ji e 1 in i li m a a J A ALLAH E W A JACKS FOR l I I We Have It Again I All in White SPOOLS A Good Line to Buy FALL 36 inches Wide yard AT THE- Toronto Jobbing House socneTHiNG in- I Clothing is you this Hot Weather We have the Goods at Right Pniees LL NEXT DOOR TO L ATKINSON MAIN Jqif JV75Vr THE MASTER SPECIALISTS OF AMERICA Wo know and of men Ilk an open book Wo been curing them for 30 years Wo given our lives to It and thousands upon thousands of men restored to Vigorous Vitality today living monuments to tho skill knowledge and success of Kennedy Korgan We never hold out hopes we never undertake a case wo cannot euro Wo made so thorough a study of alt diseases of men of Varicocele Stricture Blood Hydrocele Nervous Debility Paralysis Bladder Urinary and Kidney Diseases Weakness Loss of Vitality and have cured so many thousands of cases that if there is a euro for YOUR disease you will find It hero When wo a case there fa no such as failure We charge nothing for consultation and our skin and experience aro your We will explain to you How and Why Wo Can Cure You why diseases of men knowledge skill of Master Specialists Wo do not require to experiment with your case as wo know from experience in treating thousands of cases exactly what to prescribe for your symptoms Dont bo discouraged if you have treated without success with Quacks Electric Bolts Trials etc You must get cirednd alone can euro you Our New Method of tho teat for yearswhy should it fall In your case Kid case prove you need not pay us a dollar We iou S any Bank In this city as to our financial standing If you cannot call BooeJn W if I STREET DETROIT I r I

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