Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Aug 1906, p. 4

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H AT WHY GIRLS ARE PALE THE ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 1900 changes in the Public School lACl the made at the recent of the Legislature J Superintendent of Education has ran appointed and an advisory fevrr Tvfm and an advisor tfuVill be in November next dual have the gen- than any j supervision and direction of all Introduced in Canada onia time have been on Of Hie Public and High are litarc School systems and the Advisory They Need Rich Rod Blood Dr Williams Pink Actually Make SPIDER SILK Three years ago Miss Ellon who holds the position of Elasticity and The astronomer after the experience of years has found that the spi der furnishes the only thread which can be successfully used in carrying on his work writes Ambrose In the Scientific American Council begins discharging Hit of the Minister in all educational subjects All official cov et natures cure for Bad Stomach is however to be con- Dyspepsia HEADACHES Skin Diseases he Act aims at securing a Kidney better training for all Public School Rheumatism Teachers and an increase in their sal- Irritated large grant has teen made are the of apples oranges figs and prunes These juices J Normal Schools at Stratford the Deputy rfl Btoori- The Act of aims at securing are- concentrated and by secret pro cess the juices combined in a pe culiar manner This new combination much active medicinally than fresh juices yet so the union that act on the system as if they in truth a natural fruit medicinafWxironger than sny other known run To this combination of fruit juices tonics and internal antiseptics are added and the whole made into tablets These are every where for a box or for limited ton and Bay These with the three ones at London To ronto and Ottawa will the present year supersede nearly all the County Model Schools so that all the teachers will have a Normal training from the A change is also the dis tribution of the grant Instead of be ing on the average of pu pils it Is apportioned on cost of school- buildings and equipment with the amount paid in tctchers salaries This will have the of raising salaries liMChtTs the province and thus prevent the from the ranks of the profes sion to in oili er callings Portland Cement RAVEN LAKE BRAND Ottawa pftss despatches we learn that the rtcent treaty with the Alberta and Saskatchewan one square mile of tcrri- each family of five while those who prefer to live separate from J the will be granted acres lea oh OF- Park Avenue NEWMARKET An Ottawa press despatch says that there were persons pardoned iir the fiscal year ending June Canadian penitentiaries mainly for irxxl conduct Of this number were under the The were released OF COURSE You will give vour or Girls a Business Course as they finish or Vh School work and before you wlect school be sure write for our new cata logue We are KUcr work now than ever arid can guarantee excellent results Fall term from Sept j The Globes Ottawa dated The expectation here is that will le to meet on that the session will until It is not thought that the Government will pro- pose sweeping tariff chaises is no secret that tlie arc ransacking the country order to fir material for scandal charges They have committees at work in cality who report from lime to time to headquarters lady in one of leading stores in Halifax was a pale delicate looking young woman who then lived at home with her parents at Amherst She complained of Mineral weakness and loss of appetite Her blood was thin and watery and she looked almost a shadow cheeks Were sunken all trace of color had left her face and her friends she was going into a decline bad no energy says Miss Roberts sufiercd so much from the headaches and dizziness and other symptoms of anaemia that I felt I did not care whether I lived or died One day however when reading our local paper I road a testimonial given by a young girl in favor of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and as her symp toms were almost identical with my own I determined to try this medi cine Before I had used the second box I began to find benefit and I con tinued taking pills until I had seven or eight boxes by which time I was fully restored to health Today Miss Roberts looks as though sh had never been ill a day in Iter life she has no hesitation in saying sh owes her present energy and health to Dr Williams Pink Pills Bad blood is the cause of all com mon diseases like anaemia headaches paleness general weakness heart pal pitation neuralgia indigestion arl the special ailments that only women folk know Dr Williams Pink cure these common ailments because thev rich red blood bracing nerves giving strength to every organ in holy Do not take pills without the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrap per around each box Sold by medicine dealers at cents a box or six for from the Dr Wil liams Medicine Co A Boy and a Cigarette Render People Homeless Ottawa Aug A small boy smoking a cigarette in barn on Wall Street Hull shortly after oclock this morning a fire which destroyed thirtyseven houses and rendered forty families represent ing about two hundred souls homeless The lost is about of which but will be met by insurance This THE OBSERVING ROBIN Bird Where to Bore For once observed a robin boring for In a country doorjard It Is a common enough sight to witness one an angleworm and drag It from burrow In turf but I am not The lines mostly used are from to of a thousandth or an inch in diameter and In addition robin I am to their strength and elasticity the speaking of bad a nest of young in a have the peculiar property of maple near by she worked standing great changes of temperature neighborhood very Industriously for and often measuring the sun food She would run along over spots although the beat so Intense short grass after the manner of robins as to crack the lenses of the stopping every few feet her form ter eyepiece yet spider lines are not erect Now and then she would suddenly bend her head toward ground and bring eye or ear for a the least Injured The threads of silkworm al though of great value as a commercial product are so coarse and rough com pared with the silk of tbe spider that they cannot be used In such instru ments Spider lines although but a fraction of a thousandth of an Inch In diameter are made up of several thousands of streams of fluid unite and form a single line and It la because of this that they remain true and round under the highest magnify ing power A SCHOOLBOYS DECISION Cor Yonge Sib Toronto M WATSON Principal Catalogue on request Telegram puts issue between I Premier Whitney and the chairman of the Railway Commission in this shape OnVuv laid hold of lion J P Whitneys promises of straight cleanhanded government Mr Whitney is forced to a choice as to whether he will keep prom ises or will keep Mr Murphy on Railway Commission I The decision should be quickly made The bargain to be arid Mr Murphys resignation accepter Different Might Have Charles Wesley one of founders of Methodism was at school a gentleman of same name Intro duced himself by letter to tbe boys father and declared bis intention of making Charles his heir eays a writ er From that time forth the bene factor discharged the boys liability at school and behaved as the handsomest nil the year round After some years the Incognito asked the boy If he- would accompany to Ireland Charles eventually decided against go ing The stranger went his way alone In Ireland he struck up on acquaint with a person who adopted bis name of Wesley or became the first Earl of grandfa ther of the Marquis of and of the Duke of Wellington Had Charles Wesley accompanied his bene factor to Ireland there had been do Methodist church British India might still have been menaced by foes even If It remained British at nil Napoleon would never have met bis Waterloo and England might have become an appanage of France All this turned upon decision of a schoolboy ORIGIN OF LLOYDS roJrtei were cap- Sooner or later the one conclusion reached moral shipwreck to v ho lfe In financial specu lations on market Anoth er instance brought to light Toronto last week when a young Am erican was rested on a charge of from a Pittsburg Hunk He admitted bis guilt state that the money was all gambled on the stock market and In v inning the affections of a fast wo man Like many predecessors he lost money borrowed from the bank vtakoj that aajn and radially got deeper and the hole he fled from justice and is now behind prison bars others take warning The world lasting to the man who essays to live by gaming the Atlinia speaking about a Moit lb- vessel cleared for Canada the York JUdial says- Harvey on of at the offices of J York respecting on shortly af- toe overcharges of Metropolitan oclock while at the met with a flat denial It Comanyf vbarl however that cents Was aiot- single fare from Toronto to Newmarket Is no If AY VfMLK THK Hallway au- lbrities but it sounds verily like a whopper for management to here is a in the of charging more than a two cent thrifty farmer He knows that the rale Thirty miles demands only a briyM may but a day fare awl if it Is but 1 prepare- for the that from Street to Farm an liable to follow So it fcbvjM be north of King every town on street it diarrhoea may at- can miles from North member family station to Newmarket Chamlrlain8 land twice totals The Ontario Cholera Diarrhea Board of Hallway is the best known medicine- for of three should be at liven for York County In tin as is Is to this over- delay may prove fatal in maximum rate between For tale by J Brobton andjthfa Town Toronto til tfvtv We ofter One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY A Co Toledo O We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years ami belie hirn perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation 0 f a Wcntworth farmer bad a filly stolen from the field and two other farmers horses Hon Mr Minister of Ma rine and Fisheries stales that new fog alarms and other aids to navigation will he in the St Lawrence Mrs Carey who charged leaving murdered her infant at Port Credit in May last concealing the re mains In a woodpile will he tried for the alleged offence at Brampton Assizes which open on Dec STOMACH AND CON STIPATION one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are consti pated Mr Chas Baldwin of Kd- III says I from chronic constipation and troubles for several years but thanks to Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets am almost cured Why not get a packet of these Tablets ami well and stay well Price Samples free For sale J and all Druggists o Premier formally open- the new mill in the Western Canada Flour Mills Company said he believed were lit tV pres ent Vestern wheat crop ooot EVERY WOMAN Should know about try sil verware all bright metals awl mount ings like magic without paste or powder Che clean quick bandy way Price For sale by A Smith Trial Samples free 1 Humble or Europes Great Maritime Two centuries ago man who bad a cargo to send to the Mediterranean contrived to get rid of some of the risk by Inducing a friend to take an Interest with him It was necessary to writ out a statement of contract to wbteh the guarantors subscribed This was underwriting These two men happened to be frequenters of Lloyds coffee house in London which was a favorite place for the merchants of tho town to gather to discuss business or to gossip Others Immediately saw the advan tage of the scheme which their col leagues had devised and on next voyage the risk was parceled out among a larger number of the patrons of the coffee house Out of this small beginning has grown the great European maritime agency still bearing the name of the coffee bouse proprietor and which not only writes risks on vessels nut rates them und publishes their ar rivals at every port the world over no matter bow small or how remotely sit uated From The Annals of tho American Academy t A Factory Chapel For more than half a century lace manufacturing firm of Messrs Thomas Adams Co Nottingham England have on all their work people who number hun dreds of both sexes a short service each morning prior to commenc ing their days work firm have a large chapel underneath their ware house with an excellent organ the choir composed of their own em ployees Is one that would do credit to many of our leading places of worship A local clergyman attends each morn ing for the service which lasts about half an hour and sermon preached three times a week Aonnumci A blind man and a spaniel dog lead ing him with the of chain furnished a curious sight on Chestnut street the other day Pedestrians looked on In amazement and followed blind man his friend to see any thing curious would happen when they reached street crossing enough the dog harked when the curb stone wan reached and In that way In formed the blind mini that ho should be careful and step to bear intently upon IL Then she would spring to boring tbe turf vigorously with her bill changing her attitude at each stroke alert and watchful throwing up the grass roots and little jets of soil stabbing deeper and deeper growing every moment more and more excited till dually a fat grub was seized and brought forth Time after time during several days I saw her mine for grubs In this way and drag them forth now did she know where to drill The insect was In every case on inch below the surface Did she hear it gnawing the roots of the grasses or did she see a movement In the turf beneath which the grub was at work I know not I only know that she struck her game unerringly each time Only twice did I see her make a few thrusts and then desist as If she had been for the moment deceived John Burroughs In Outing For warm weather our stock of For a Daraaln WifeHenry dear Husband Well Vlfe I want to make bargain with you you will let have this afternoon I will let you do worth of grumbling about my Hereditary Mrs Mary Ann OReil ly player Mrs Clancy an no won- Isnt her Uncle Barney a mover The- reason said Undo that stupid men get along bet ter than some smart that they dont- keep all and enemies COQUELINS REPLY Requisites To reduce Groceries and to do It quickly ve make some Special Offerings some Hot Weather Propositions and our surplus stock should vanish even with refrigerator assistance and your judgment and your discretion it move How the French Actor Cot Into Bob One of most famous of the tler clubs In Paris is which Is called the Sub Rosa The elder great actor was present one night at the clubs weekly feast applied for member ship Now the only rules of the Sub Rosa men are Think much Writ little Re as silent as you can presiding with this last rule In mind answered the applicant by lng before tumbler fllled bo full of water that another drop would have caused It to run over under stood The club membership was ob viously full Over the table was suspended rose the club emblem While glass still stood before him broke a petal from the flower and laid It so gently on the water that not a single drop escaped A man could Join and make no trouble Around the table ran ripple of smile and little claps and nods of approval and then as If of one accord nil began making bread balls Then a cup was passed from band to hand and each deposited his ballot In ft and all were found to be round Not one had been pressed flat In sign of disap proval So Joined the Sub Itosn club Warwick James Price la Success 400 pkgs Ammonia the 10c line for loc Chloride Lime 3 for Bar Laundry Soap the Best for Bars Eclipse Soap Pure Soap 1254c Bars Castile Oatmeal Bars Soap 25c lbs Lima Beans 25c lbs White Beans lbs Hardys Japan Tea Black or Mixed Are you acquainted with the merits of our Teas know of their superiority If not test tliem Do you Phone 35 VIA The right of every consider cottage a 1 Can lie Englishman to a m his castle was never but once questioned and that was by a London magistrate who was presiding In an action for trespass My client said the barrister la making bis plea la a poor man ho lives in hovel tills miserable dwelling Is- in A forlorn dilapidated statehut still thank Cod the labor ers cottage however ruinous its plight Is still his sanctuary his castle Yes the winds may enter It rains may enter It but the king cannot enter It What Not the reigning klngV ask- ed Joke loving judge To and Saskatchewan Feared bo Friday Vlzer a familiar negro about town In a certain part of Mississippi hod found dead and being a member of no church or lodge very unusual for a negro there was no to pray for bis soul In the great beyond A few old Intimates however carried body to the cemetery In a rude plno Hob of the number an old darky was called upon for few remarks Dob removed his lint stepped rever ently Badly toward the open and In solemn funereal tone said Friday Vlzer you Is gone We hopes you Is gone we you Aug Aug for the going trip OI additional for the return ticket under conditions as below DATES- Stations south of hut not including main line Toronto to Sar- including Toronto Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north except north of Cardwcll Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section From all points Toronto and east to and including and Kinyton and north ol Toronto and Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions One way second class tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only Representative farmers appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Govern ments will meet laborers on arrival at Winnipeg Free transportation will be furnished at Winnipeg to points where laborers are needed A certificate is when each ticket Is purchased and this certificate when farmer showing that laborer has worked thirty davyn or more will be honored from point for a second class ticked back to starting point Ontario at prior to Nov 1st tickets will be issued to women as well as to men but will not be issued at half fare to children Ticvets arc good only on special Farm Laborers Trains For lull particulars sec nearest ticket agent or write Foster Toronto ATKINSQN AGENT NEWMARKET Trite greatness first of nil Is a thing of the heart It nil with robust and generous sympathies It Is neither behind Its aye nor too far before It It Is up with age and ahead of It only Just so far as to be able to lend Us march It cannot slumber for activity Is a necessity of Its exigence It Is no reservoir but a fountain Hitchcock Cheaper than Shingles Don you want Barn Chicken Houses as dry as your kitchen Roof them with Petersons Wire Edge Ready Roofing For a he related I held my breath My she Interrupted admiringly how strong you must He edged blushed and felt lb bis vest pocket for a Husband You are not economical Wife if you dont call a woman economical who saves her dress for second mi Id like to know what you Is like not t It cheaper than shingles and you can put it on yourself With each roll of Wire ire caps cement You need only a hummer RU you can make all the buildings roiuproof finowproof and fireproof Our booklet tells about the roofing that never leaks and lasts a lifetime Let us you a free copy and samples of l Sold by hardware dealers everywhere col and 1 HI What reason does he give for paying his wife alimony He says that marriage is a lottery and ft and alimony Is a gambling debt Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET doing and and ptn LEAVE TOHONTO Cluing and 1180 pm and am and and pm Town Carting and general loft at residence Mrs Hunter rear School will prompt attention

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