J V THE NEW MARKET ERA FRIDAY AUGUST a Weeks WHAT IS Hi dDOC flomcComers Picnic of the relatives of tho Webb family including visitors from Kansas Indiana Michigan Ohio and oilier stales bad their annual picnic at Bond Lake last Friday and spent a most delightful time renewing etc A Concert Will be given at Ewers Bros lauranf every Wednesday night Out A switch board at the electric light station was up didoes last Saturday evemop to the annoyance of ihe storekeepers it affecting the busi ness part of the Town A Bad Fall Mrs Jane Wilson mother of Mrs It Manning was spending Monday Bond Lake Resort It appears the York Radial Railway Company contemplate making a plea sure resort of considerabe magnitude at Bond Lake A Telegram report two weeks Sale Register WEDNESDAY AUGUST The Ex ecutors of the estate of the tare John Morton have a sale of three valuable Parcels land in the township of North said to take place at the residence of P Morion ven at 2 oclock For terms ami other particulars sec posters W Kavanagh Auctioneer LEMON Miss Ilk Baker has returned from a visit with friends in Kirg- Institute say on The wheat and the Tares says It is probable that a new pic- nic grounds will be shortly opened on Miss Meed a is visiting at the residence of Mr Jos Cody of the Metropolitan Railway friends in Churchill During the absence of Mrs Cody she north of Bond Lake Mr A J Pat- Miss Ruth and Miss Green opened a door which she supposed led sod George home- of were the quests of upstairs and she fell down containing acres and friends in town over Sunday cellar steps Fortunately there were- including Lake Wilcox for the sum of Mr wife and daughter no bones broken but she was badly I and it understood that the have returned to Buffalo bruised property has been purchased by the Miss Forsyth of Markoam and Miss Toronto and York Radial Railway Irwin of Toronto were the guests of I Company which at present controls the Misses Cook for a few days last Methodist Church Bond Labe Park week At the prayerservice last week Mr Our League held a very successful ice cream social on Mr Cooks lawn one evening- last week There was Last Sunday morning there was on- for organ- large crowd in attendance and the a small congregation but Mr Mil- se in the program was excellent We all hope ton delivered a splendid ser- handbook of the Department of that there Will be another one in the in the evening the church was Ontario at the home of hear future acked and scores or people were turn- Street on Mrs White daughter of from the doors The Black Sept 1st at pm to Junction visited at Mr Knight sat down hard oi all kinds interested are invited to jogs over Sunday of and said many t meeting The objects many friends things in his peculiarly goodnatured Somens Institutes arc the will be pleased to hear of her success The singing by Rev J H Ration of knowledge relating to do- the Departmental Exams Con- Hector wife and daughter was also J economy a better understand- emulations very and appropriate of the economic and value Miss Tillle i mi of Nothing and fuels and a was the guest of Mrs W Taylor n more scientific care and training of Ewers Bros IceCream Parlor with a view to raisin the And Bakery will open some day next general standard of health and moraln the past week will be in full blast of our day evening Aug Look out for hand hills about the inst as to tW dale ol opening Be Sure Come Friends Church Last Sunday morning Elder Prosser gave an excellent sermon which was In the evening the pastor continued his series of sermons to young men his subject being Tact a factor of success It is land will the next Sunday and Miss Wilson the evening Miss Annie Palmer whose work for this church was so helpful a few years ago will be at both services The public are cordially invited The home of Mr Wllison New market was the scene of a v the rest of them and sample gathering last Thursday evening the Cakes and Pastry at Ewers Bros when the members of the Armitage the of the opening Union met to congratulate Mi on his recent marriage and sonorous a Toronto Junction Juniors Won rrs Bible handsomc I thunder of wild harmony now as The Toronto Junction Shamrocks sntaiini to curling roller hurtles along the won the junior championship and is against the The Cave of Music BY A BANKER For the Era A few miles off the west coast of and romantic Scotland ris ing solitary from the great ocean lies a- remarkable example of Natures bold architecture The island is composed entirely of ba salt much of it carved as though by the hand of man In pillars of hexag onal form each fitting with its with geometric precision accuracy By some unexplained means the small island has been hollowed out into deep recesses the principal cave formerly known by the Gaelic appella tion of or in plain Eng lish Cave of Music being a lofty arched natural minster the entrance fifty feH wide guarded by clustered shafts and col umns rising sheer from the ocean support the semiGothic root each column a perfect work of natur al art jet black and polished in parts as though by human skill And well may the vast cavern be called the cave of music Entering and proceeding along the raised to the further end of liiis na tural cathedral its solemnity awl majestic sublimity the wonderful transparent emerald hue beneath clear as crysiil and and quavering- in jviiilc ca dence as the heaving waters rise and fall as though a bevy of sea fairies were gambolling and disporting them selves and Hashing rays of gleaming light which glint and shimmer in rays and streaks on vaulted rool and on pillared shaft and scilptured pendant all this positively bewilders the en tranced visitor and overwhelms with its grandeur and its august stateli- And if perchance a gale arise then as the foamcrested waves surge in with ever rising force the music of the is no longer a rhythmical melody but a I bold sonorous diapbuson a rolling A Our Goods are all bought for Spot Cash which means a saving of from to per cent Our cus tomers get the benefit of this sav ing Table Linen Inches wide regular 60 inches wide 26c regular 35c 72 Inches wide 35c regular ar WRAPPgRrm for Cotton Cashmeres all colors lie Check Ginghams yd and Shoes This Is a great success We keep everything you want In Boots and Shoes and Save you from to on every pair you buy THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER are now clearing out our entire stock of Goods damaged by water and in the fire of Tuesday morn Aug District No by Ifiatm that Miss Bessie fit- Newmarket at the Island on Friday last by a score of to echoes or now careering backward game was very and Respite the ram there was an Jatoty morning the air and startling the very irds the returning wave meets an- into loam and driven into spray ami spindrift And as the psalmody ol Nature is ever forth whether from this The Black Knight J Hector wife damage was done to any the spec ter attracted large congregations in or the players The score at quarter time was In the Christian Church on Monday billow and the contending waters flofltttl a MM flood rocks AcWte game tigress outplayed their opponents but up to halftime both teams had a chance to Deal and the At half time a free fight occurred Union Sabbath cave of music or in music of the wind lout was stopped before any serious gathered here this eveii- in other of her harmonious to express to you our sincere of your untiring efforts our behalf Your kindness and pa- j will the angelic choirs join with the I ever by spirit of those who have sained an us deep feelings of gratitude and J inheritance in that land of fi and BANK BUILDING so of too in heaven Down Sluice Box anthem and psalmody and the Methodist Church on Tuts- Shamrock Newmarket 1 at half day evening The Knight is time Shamrocks 3 Newmarket at going through the Province in the in- time Shamrocks New teres 1 of the Alliance market and at full time Shamrocks and quite sure tlat where- Newmarket ever he goes he must arouse the con- j Mr J Kearns proved a very strict sciences of people on the mestion of referee an1 had men on the fence The abolition of the Bar His ad- with the exception of two or three in- dresses are full of wit sarcasm irony stances they for very minor the peculiarities oratory fences The trio sang the negro melodies with effect the daJghter quite York County Fair a musician busy completing I the Prize List for the North York A FirstClass Orchestra County Fair to be held in Newmarket Will be in attendance every Ion and of night at Restaurant I ember and expect to have the copy in the hands of the printer this week your words save us from many a fall We beg of you to accept this token of our heartfelt thanks it we tender our heartiest con gratulations and hope that you may both long be spared to enjoy its teachings and that we may all con tinue to benefit by your instruction Signtd on behalf of the school ft THRILLING OK WO MAN COLUMBIA of song through faith in the Son of God who suffered in their stead in Vancouver BC Aug Carried ever singing the praises of the titer by swiftlyrushing water down a sluice I will while it lasts a big KliTTLKBY continued dry weather and then thrown onto the ore dump with sufficient force to fracture one leg and sustain several bad ureas es was the unhappy Mrs McArthur who into the wilds of northern Colum bia in to be near her husband while he toiled on his mitring proper- York Aug A ty on Lome in the faraway The Sun from Home says Some River district Hut Mrs Mc- ago The Sun announced the Arthur docs not repine she is skilled divers from 1 to be alive and to he able to take interest in outdoor British realy for stove for or a cord wood anil Hardwood Limbs at low juices of mixed wood cut for lengths Body Hard- Locating Sunken Ships TURKISH YBAKS AJO j New Farmers Headquarters Coal Order your winters coal before the 1st of September and secure Summer Prices North End Flour- and Feed I W y Police Court We accidentally omitted last week to repot I the case of Foster vs It was heard before Lloyd Police Magistrate and Mr J McKay J P Mr Foster of Holland Landing sued Mr Walter of for claimed as wages due his daughter for work The evidence went to show that the girl who is years of age hired at a month but about the middle of the third month she left without giving The court do- cMod Vat wt I to may I more ban two wage which Mr had Mr the ast has tec of the double object an in t it even hough it is only from the There is every prospect that the pleasure to the farming com- Kiting aunt mat it v w u were sunk by Admiral in at iij ror Youth of the sluice she did so with now in the National Museum head down stream Otherwise she would certainly have been killed morning by Mr Brighton In feel of water at bottom of Bay with the of Hue in do Stole Jewels prizes will offered for look their departure for ea near where the products of the farm t ho ban- Wiis week Mr of the ladies and as both the went with them on Deathbed Foster haI to pay costs n the case but the application of Mr Mf rfuri chard solicitor who asked pay for time lost attending court was not al lowed years and we sincerely hope that th Mrs John of Newmarket are found at a depth feet the visiting at Mr ruins of an galley which was doen Fire Brigades a similar On Saturday last funeral of Mr conveying The galley number of Bands can be induced was quite and U feet wrde It ly attended the busy bar- Mr was taken off very Another from near Holland Landing was tried on Saturday after noon before Justices Woodcock Mc Kay and Mr charged Mrs Win McOlure with hav ing wilfully plated could easily be partaken of Cattle or the young thereof contrary to the Criminal Code went to fchow that a owned Mr awl valud at had partaken of poison o exposed and died Mrs admitted that had placed of liver with poison on it on the top of the some time prior to the death of the dog for the pur pose of poisoning trows which were a peat in that locality Mr vantci to refer the County Crown Attorney but JusUcfs Slallard and McKay that there was no evidence that Mis wilfully placed poison where if could be par taken of by cattle or tbir and the hide to bear their own costs On Information of Mr Partridge a boy Walter SmiUi appeared before tod J I McKay J P Saturday charged with stealing from the plain tiffs orchard Smith Ma guilt finod 1 and with warning not occur again market the Society has ever seen Watch out for further particulars CLASSES THAT BEAUTIFY Bye Strain Causes That worn worried look which mar otherwise beautiful fea tures That glasses can be removed by and uptodate CORRECT LKNSKS Our neat Rimless glasses and Spectacles please the most exacting CO Jevelere end vest time having ao attack of quinsy breaking inwardly and choking him before it was possible to get me dical aid The remains were Inter red in the old family plot at burial ground on line Among those from a attending the funeral were his Mrs Thomas and husband of now a mere hulk filled with five feet of sand The precise epoch of the gal ley was the details of its construction an Big Demand for Children Red Wheat per J J Kelso superintendent of per bush Goose Wheat of Ne glected Children reports that the ap plications for children for adoption ascertained hut some of in excess of the supply Of its construction suggests that as there are in the history of ancient ship- applications sent in building of the tho Roman period have brought up The divers will continue their work when tlic maohinery is ready and rim winter gales over Meanwhile chief sliver will ho Toronto Mrs Mr Itohl In trying to salve Urn Italian communicate with I a Mr oH in and wife Mr Spain but the supply ol both sexes appears to have almost Live StOCk Market pletely run out Over children about time any who are desir ous of having children adopted should send in particulars further sug gests that all municipalities or insti tutions who at present arc the support of homeless children him as per bush Barley per bush Peas per Oats per bush PJ06 0 43- Louis Aug Acting under instructions cabled from J P OBrien a laborer employed in wrecking of the Worlds Fair buildings has unearthed an alligator bag containing jewels valued at which was stolen from Mr and Mrs P Henry Clayton of shire during a visit to Lofiisana Exposition two years ago jewels were stolen from a trunk 0 and they were not missed until the Claytons had to England af ter a tour around the world They bad no means of knowing where tho jewels bad been stolen About a month ago a Hindoo servant who bad Been In their employ during their trip was fatally Injured by an elephant in 45 Shorts per ton India and on his death confessed Hay per ton per per doz roll per lb per bag your Mrs North Mrs and family and Mrs of Aurora Mr Elmer of Ft Francis was only member of the family Who was unable to attend the funeral Order of Foresters here unite in MetlKfJjst people for so kindly allowing the privilege of holding their special service in the church on last I Mrs Rendal of Toronto Is rusticat ing with Mrs Miss of Toronto Miss of and Miss Black burn of North Town Line were the guests of Mrs Thos last week Kills Lloyd of Toronto has vWIUng In this the past len days It is easy to say what vou would do in another mans place out when it comes to doing the proper thing in your own place well thats different 00 that he the jewels while in St He said that he became fearing detection had them into a hole in the wall manufacturers building Later he again wished to secure the gems 0 Toronto Markets but on returning to the place In Toronto this week export cattle were scarce and sold from 8125 to 8140 choice to modium to good to oulls to cows to to 176 choice to have been placed by the Wintor Wheat now I during past year in Canada Wheal per bush Spring Wheat per bush Aug Brighton Aug A very sad drowning accident occurred near hero last night in Welters Bay A Frit a young man living Brighton left for Bay in a Pcaa per bush Barley per bush Rye per bush Oats per bush Buckwheat per bush Hay per ton Eggs per doz Tub or Crock Butter 0 20 M9K milk rows to 860 calves trolling on the way It is sun- Presses Hogs per milk cows to chickens per lb bad secreted them he could not reach bottom of the hole between the plaster ami the side of the Faring to make any enquiries the Hindoo dc- roin St with the 0 I tons leaving the jewels in their hiding place OBrien was generously 0 by Mr Clayton and employed as the latters personal attendant common tock 250 to feed small canoe The wind was bluing 4C0 to stock bulla to and he was thought to hate 34 to Export ewes are sold at 8150 lambs at to ojc lb and sheep at Hogs are down to 70 for off oars with 25c less for lights and fats Fed and watered 4n Toronto Country points arc paying o- till January lor Before we bring happiness to others wo must first bo our selves nor will happiness with in unless we confer it on others the lino and sunk He was frond Potatoes per bag i