Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Aug 1906, p. 8

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Drone For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Aycrs Cherry Pectoral for coughs colds weak lungs bronchitis con sumption You can trust a medicine the best doctors Thentrustthisthenext time you have a hard cough I a to do I trio to ooa I it to all or im Wftjhlnjtoo J- Co lit io of LIS ronfo have days with his WIDE AWAEK AND CO- WORTHY TO c took lays Saturday excursion Beach look the Is- VAN0OMV TJicse trips popular as Report will change lake next ply hi ferry between by were The electric storm Sum ay after noon so much damage in various parts of left its trace here also Kwiit anil Orchard Stevens bavin a valuable colt be made lightning- Several of his horsey to across the Jake standing a- tree the take ad vintage of trolley Fortunately- the others stead of ttw cape Mr Stevens was There are more tourists at re- horses at the time and saw from the Stales across the which struck the ami fcoao season caused the colt drop The and family of was from stock with his wifes valued at He had Miss cash a short time ago the Among the at VanNormans horse was insured was total are Mr and Mrs Joy and of Mr Joy is a son keep regular All and gently laxative For Sale AURORA known as The Terrace- Both VanNorman and Manns are now filled to were marriages utmost capacity with fiuests The convenient Brick- f deaths Mondays register totalled nearly Dwelling on street the first each for dinner at Manns for Newmarket occupied by sjx months of this Tear dinner on Sunday J A J Jpllowlwg jteMt of Sunday evenings service was held tobe levied the lawns of Messrs Rannie and this municipality for county purposes Oliver conducted by laymen Dr Jenera purposes Indus- leading in service of song with trial Special Mr Oliver at the piano Mr a total of l St radian lev the devotional Board of has and Mr Rannie speaker At- the staff by the appoint- lance very of Miss Annie Windsor of Ring- the visitors from the city over Sunday Dr Miss Be Your Own Landlord And buy a home instead of paying heavy rents I have three nice houses for sale VALE Cor Park A Victoria wood Miss Windsor is- to teach Sale hematics Science- the Form Jackson Mr Karl Oliver Mr work will be dropped with the Montgomery Mr Bert Cane of the Board This action has Miss Amy Thompson from rw a lie market Mr and Mrs J House and Large the Miss Alice Mader Miss Mabel Lot riood Stable and Dm House made to in Mr and Mrs T Simpson Eur terms Apply to Donald Fer- on the premises 1 Prospect St or to Barrister For Sale Cane and Mr Norman Rogers Mr and Mrs Geo of Halifax are visiting at Mr John Wright of St Mo j formerly of is summering here from Aurora were town on Friday last in search of a man and horse that had mysteriously While trawling from his gasoline A fine brick house on Victoria disappeared from a farm near Aurora last Friday evening Dr Avenue in toe town of Newmarket As the County of York have a stand- a lb lunge modern conveniences centrally lo- reward for the capture of stol- death of Miss Macv MeKellar in en horses our local cops were on the Toronto last Saturday night caused a out Constable got eefine of treat sadness among the campers She was here last week her college chum Mrs K Hi to up vane for whom she acted as search located the horse about miles north of the new family of bridge The man had are spending a couple of his way on Thursday weeks at Zephyr Villa driven the horse gain until he turn ed up at a farm house a few mile- north of Newmarket at which place A very desirable property Apply to A WILLIAMS Farm for Sale a clue of unknown man with huge going of Hoi- Landing He at once took up acres more or less south half of rear Con Good House hank barn stabje soil clay in state of cultivation Plenty of hard yards- into he and soft water Good orchard well un fenced Apply on the premises or to ASH Armadale PO lie was arrested and afterwards found For Sale to be mentally Tle owner of the horse came to Bradford on- claimed his property and Mr Titus Robinson wife and six- daughters of Toronto formerly of Newmarket are spending a mouth at- Morton Park They were over to the Regatta on Monday Mr L Robertson of Toronto Mr of Miss Bra of Winnipeg and Miss Large of Virdn Man are guests at Mr T J took it away Constable on St reports him as being a very liberal Miss Hose of Mount As good a farm as is acres Lot Whitchurch one man Witness mile from the centre of Aurora Not one foot of broken land on it All that is cleared is underdrained Good buildings acres wood kinds in every way Sunday afternoons storm was is visit with Miss Rosamond J Mr Phillips wife a few days at Mrs Andrews Miss Gladys is visiting at A census of the campers and lKarI- be beat Apply Box usuaI in this section The along the shore from in Hon Dr Pines Cottage was damage to the already seriously dam- en on Monday evening and numbered crops A thunder bolt struck and Lot for Sale the residence of Jacob on the A Kalathurnpian jiarade took place of passed through the on Monday night There were some On Timothy St East at the rear room in which Mr Heisc was sitting fine voices in the hunch of the Model School House in good singed lie paper bordering on repair Hard and soft Good ceiling and passed out shattering a stable icehouse poultry house near- of the verandafi in its course an acre- of laud with fruit trees two of the children were MAKE HAY THE SUN This property can be bought for playing right near the post or less Twothirds cash without even a shock t on payments Apply to Building operations have never been THOS HUNTER active hi town in the past twenty H Newmarket as arc the present season five new residences are now well on the wav to completion and all are tor Sale large substantial brick structures which will lie architectural ornaments acres more or less the in their respective localities In half of halves of Ufa lion Mr is erecting a and in concession of Whit- enrnodjou barber shop with public church abOJt four miles from New- lathing rooms on the flat above market and two miles from James Corson ten are building a two- Bay Station Good brick house stores block to present of- alto frame and two barns soil fice which was damaged last of good clay loam in good state of fall and last hut by no means fcA cultivation well fenced Plenty important is new public school of hard toft water also a never- building now well under way Sun There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and ho prepares for the showers that are liable follow So ft should be with household Dysentery diarrhoea and cholera may at tack member of the family with out warning Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy which is the best known medicine for these should always be kept at hand as Immediate treatment is ne cessary delay may prove fatal For saiu J Wrought on Good orchard For particulars apply on premises or JABKZ JOHNSON Orchard Farm for Sale or Rent Part of Lot No in Con of of isjti more or Frame t bar and good Or chard with choice- fruit The la in a state of J Part of the soil in a clay loam the balance a rich handy loam not a foot of waste land on the place above property will sold at a bargain and payments made J ifilt For further par ticulars of or Safety for Children to out one in the World a cultivator might prMuC from it in ten thus with Never kick a dog to which have been properly Introduced Twenty deaths due to heat on Surrday arc reported from New York I For stealing a trunk and a and a quantity of goods from off truck at the station Stratford John Smith and Thomas Ward were given two years in the pen itentiary and William days little one the that day of fleroc cyclone pot contain one par- of Ottawa on- Sunday of or harmful about six oclock and motbT lil Appreciate the extent of of dollars in BabyVOwn there I- were jtojA safety An the tower of St Andrews to the child will Church wan thrown down and lie roof promptly cure the of St Jean torn completely minor of The strike Is a success Seventy thousand men are If you would only speak to Murray It might do some father and I have tried bur to glimmer of ambition talent In her and she da of either Shes nothing but Mrs Allans fell on the of her with despairing ex- The colonel nodded head soberly and sympathetically as the of the moment Shes vry young isnt Shes of all Bea thirty Louise nearly twentyfive and Florence Is twentyone But look at Each one Is established chosen profession and winning -uc- The colonel was Remember ing of Bess poems pa- medicine and jl rind eomplalitn contain r dnngrou When to recently guarantee they come Mr If mil n Que lor nl pait- Bold dealer or by mat Union among the box from Medicine democrat been Kep the in the and trouble and find men are cur JC3T I DO FEEL A I LECTION and copies of old mas ters he did hot feel that either affirma tion or culled for And at eighteen they had all decid ed definitely what they wanted to make of themselves while Polly Murray when I asked Polly this morning If she had even the vaguest sort of an Inclination toward any oc cupation In the world what do you sup pose she said She told me that she hoped day to be the mother of as many charming daughters as I had and If they were half as much worry as rpfne were site thought she would have occupation enough Murray are you laughing at me The colonel leaned Ids head back and laughed heartily In spite of the accus ing reproachful of Mrs Allans eyeglasses Its Just like Polly to say that he And by Jove I believe she means it too If I were a little younger say thirty years Id have try myself and encourage her In her chosen career By Jove I would in deed Cousin Sarah Pollys a mighty pretty level headed little girl and Ill be hound shes a good cook If It mitt Jacks career that was at you wouldnt turn a serious prob lem of thin kind Into a Joke What if his only ambition In life were to be married The colonels sobered suddeuly the thought Jack debonair twenty- Jack married But Its absurd Sarah Jacks a man Its different One expects such In a girls head the same a taste for Ice cream or rose color or mutineer But Jack Is ambitions and talented and well started In profes sion now By Jove Im proud of boy am Indeed lies a fine fellow Taken after his dad But married The colonel leaned hack his head and took another laugh Why If the young rascal even sug gested such a thing Id flro him back to college or send him down to the mines to work off an attack of romance on the brain And yet you censure me for desiring something better for Polly than mere marriage Mrs Allans tone was ag grieved thought surely that you would understand and sympathies Murray and your Influence might possibly direct Poll Into making soinc aort of choice Walt minute The colonel rose from his near the fire There the atom of the front door and the sound of quick light steps In the Come get worm before you go home Tack called voice Theres a Arc here In the study The long dark green portieres parted and Polly stood In the doorway tall blithely youthful and pink as rosebud the teased the color to her face There wyro snoAuakcs cling ing to her big brown hat and to her tarn hut she was merry and hap py auspiciously happy the the study thought Hello dad Jacks face looked over her shoulder youre here been for a trot along the drive Polly and I thought that- yon were upstairs studying with Polly said Mrs long he you sre here you may soots colonel and I been your career Polly be lone fat stole and trailed It raedltatUsjy along the of the at ho- Wt The to your any lurking you possess Polly but you muai- or discouraged of thereat geniuses of the world gifts age a of ttarf UnLrtdleyoung said Jack cheerfully irie colonel ignored the interruption Polly He felt the ap fimhS of Mrs Allans eye f consider the question any special predilection Thats It nodded her- head until the scattered rain drops from her Thats Just what- do feel Colonel a special x For what in the name of a ease Pol Allan Mrs Allan leaned forward In amazement For Jack Polly smiled assuredly her hand Into the one that sought it Hes going to be the object ray career There was a tense silence The at Mrs Allan Allnu back at him conflicting sensations The para- one was a smallput solid of amused aatlsfactlohih tha colonel discomfiture Shall It be the mines sbf asked The sijimred shoulders He had met honorable defeat before and face it like a soldier and a gentleman madam neither Seeing aa It Is Polly and her career are at stake I give my consent ana wish tier ill suc cess Jack stretched out his disengaged hand You blessed old dad he said and the colonel had the honors of war get it it it A CANADA Running and- to Wanted a Dig Barl A newspaper tells the story of a storekeeper in a country town who after twice telling a young man that he had no Onions reverted to the matter after the customer had- gone I declare he Bald do knov but what It was that feller A similar tale Is told by a wo man who being in search of a catch rain water applied to village innkeeper Have you a hogshead that I buy she said with the elation that she had learned In hood The Innkeeper shook his head Not any sort t of asked with gentle- persistence I thought you inust have a good many I wonder what set you thinking said the landlord he considered havent ken a single hog for tan years back and when I did keep I never had any call for their heads It was the young womans turn to look horrified Oh I dont know anything about hogs beads she said excitedly I want a hogshead an old molasses hogshead or something The landlord looked at her and light dawned at last 1 believe you mean you want 4 ho said smiling broadly You step this way and take your choice of what Ive got b A Very Fanny Joke The head of our firm had a trying experience one Fourth of July said a commercial man lie thought he would play a funny Joke on his family so a day or so the holiday bo bought one of those candy boxes made lii Imitation of cannon firecracker He secreted this In the pantry where he thought It would be rafe But his little son eight years old discovered the and also discovered that was tilled villi can dy lie helped himself to contents and finally finding empty he made way with It and a real cannon cracker Fourth of July came and the head of the family smiling broadly downstairs and placed his big III he touched a match to the fuse thinking but what It was the candy box on the table His son and vanished from the scene about thin time In about thirty seconds there was an ox- plosion that wrecked a once happy breakfast table and one hour Inter the worst spanked boy In Detroit had aob- confessed to on Irate father why the Joke had failed Milwaukee Ben- Unci Learn last a ALWAY8 LOOK FOR THE NAME WILLIAMS CO MONTREAL P LONDON ST VNTRrHVYWHERE I OWNER WOULD USE PATERS0N5 WIRE EDGE ROOFING AND KEEP you want sick them Wire Edge Ready Roofing iTy Leaks and dampness are bound to creep in it you roof the buildings with eh ingles or tin makes roofs airtight waterproof and fireproof and lasts lifetime It keeps barns chicken houses and tool sheds always dry Cheaper than shingles You do Our booklet tell how Write for it te of the Ixt dealers hive it or will for MFC CO Limited 1 To Manitoba and Saskatchewan or the trip 5M0 additional lor the return ticket In the middle of the table A Il6 14 en regardless of lite vvlfea lli conlitiona as below DATES Stations south of but not Including main line Toronto to Including Toronto Old In the early days of dentistry a hicko ry plug put Into the cavity to Oil the tooth ought to be This plug had to be gently pounded Into Its position Old Judge Peek- ham was somewhat addicted to strong language and when the dentist began the rurt0 ha Milton a bis work Judge Indulged In j classic the tapping plug continued he throw all dignity to call therefore a complete and the four winds of heaven and that which Ills a became perform justly- and than elegant When however ho all both from tho chair after what seemed to and public peace- and war an Jntermlnablft period of agony he pulled out all the stops In bis vocab- for a grand climax lion on his listener seems to been and lasting- As the judge passed dentist to a patient Wasnt it It wasnt really to pound half so long but to enjoy bis inflection that I almost the hickory plug Into splinters Wonderful command of the hail Main line Toronto to andstations north except north or Junction and North Hay Section all points Toronto and cast to and Including and Kingston and north of Toronto and Junction on North and Midland Divisions One second tickets will be sold to Winnipeg only farmers appointed by Manitoba and Saskatchewan Govern ments will meet laborers on arrival at Winnipeg transportation will bo at Winnipeg to points laborers arc needed A certificate Is furnished when each ticket Is purchased awl this certificate when executed by fanner showing that laborer has worked thirty days or more will he honored from that point for a second class ticked back lo starting point in Ontario at prior to Nov 1st will be Issued to women well as to men but will not be at half fare to children are good only on special Trains For lull particulars see nearest ticket agent write Foster Toronto 9 ATKINSON FALL OPENS SEPT Enter any cata logue J ELLIOTT Cot AY Wilson Photos Are the Best V PHOTO I i

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