SvS TIIWMAEKET A NEWMARKET DENTIST frill fct Albert Block 2nd Tuesday of month FRIDAY Miss Mary Reynolds Teacher of Piano MANAGER THE MARKET r There was the crowd at the market Tuesday Butler to Will he at- MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terry pupils prepared for Toronto Con- Miss Alina is visiting her who had been chum near years in the employ of J Quite a number took the sports has purchased the barber business oil territory of Music examinations Dr Smith dentist has been at Orchard on Monday Mr Wright ol had sweet corn ft in on the 2nd on his holidays has returned and will August be hero Friday next the WATCH This Space N EXT WEEK MOUNT ALBERT BASEBALL If the Mount Albert nine were firm believers in hoodoos and as slated in a recent issue of the Ux oricide Journal their belief was by the result of the game at bridge on Friday last Pitcher Shields put the Indian sign on toe batsmen their best ami i bravest swat the surround- or make puny hits to the infield scarcely a hall being hit outside the diamond the Oxbridge southpaw also pitched a good game and receive giltedged support The score was to in favor of Mount 23 The score innings 1 Albert I Batteries Cooke On Monday the Park nine cm me up Program for the League AUG Life Favor ite Parable and How it Helps Herb of Frank late of in after two weeks ill- from that far oil time of typhoid He was In his ih perform- year He left a widow and three Adam himself small children jon nis newly invented instrument Friday Ira met with a both instrumental and vocal has painful accident He was up in contributed to the recreation Me Matt 119 hayloft four feet above the beam end mankind And air down Miss Luke- is 11 Mr Ross Social 27 Missionary Meeting How Meth odism is Canada Became One Body Master Max Missionary SUTTON was operating a when the melody have held sway rope gave way and he fell a distance triumphant jubil- Literary of twenty feet alighting upon in strophes of poo- bad four awl exultation the Sin of Ph empty rack He lured and also received severe injuries -goo- internal lamentation and mourning only in or grief and Miss Dales Toronto is spending few days with Miss Phillips Mr and Mrs Turner and Miss Pat terson Toronto spent the holiday at Mr Winter stein Mr and Mrs Mahan and daugh ter of Buffalo arc spending a- lew quite recent limes combination on a large scale 1 vocal and While cutting bananas of a bunch that was hanging up in his store Mr days with the formers here H Mann of Sutton noticed a snake Mr and Mrs and Miss slick out its head A search was Union iook in the excursion to made and a brown colored snake about on Monday awl report a from Toronto for a friendly two feet long was pulled out very pleasant trip w t The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Available Balance of fiuiirlljcl game The attendance was the Mr J was in Toronto on Mrs James French of is seen at any game here awl as the Tuesday spcnrlinc a few days with the were evenly matched excite- Mr and Mrs H and chant mem was all the way through of ColHnjrwood are visiting Mr The pay car struck the town pitchers were hit bard and at- here I Monday but as the man at though there was fast fielding on both Mr Crocker of Toronto spent switch was asleep it failed to Rive us sids runs came in freely The to- civic holiday at his home here call ard passed on to the next Toirtl HEAD JKKICB CANADA BRA or Andrew Cblrraan J Deputy Calr- Wa Sir Alex lo6Sle Accepted it Current DAVIDSON CSMITH Mi Albert A vent tor Dominion excelled with the bat the vis- tors in the field They were also The hum of the threshing machine is W LEHMAN The Peoples Shoe Store Dont forget that we carry the complete and uptodate stock in town of ladies and I Cents Fine and Shoes Also mens and boys Heavy Shoes to wear NoteKips sewed free of charge- on sboe3 bought at The Peo ples Shoe Store Opposite the Sovereign Bank Council Meeting The regular meeting of the Council faster on bases than the home team Monday last in the a in this vicinity It has The score by innings chamber All members present aroused some to the fact that Time 2 l I- IT Communication was read from or no raan much less a thun- Clerk stating hat the County when a ten acre Held of rates lor would be as follows purposes Industrial Home is Special 21 I Mt Albert Batteries King Shields Draper Miss is laying low Prospects for a good turnout of seed are good Mr John at the time of writing is in a somewhat critical con dition We wish him a speedy is visiting at the home of Mr I covet Move by Councillor Taylor second- On account of the absence of Mr Frank Kiteley is a visitor at1 by Burrows that the following from a special meeting of the the home of his counts be paid council called for Monday evening Mrs It Rowland of Toronto is vis- sidewalks l0 business was Our A Millard roads civic holiday is therefore as far oil as J Taylor lumber J sidewalks Wall Finest lines ever brought to Wall Papers from per roll up Pain Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices has of instrumental music been to perfection And most magnificent and sublime musical perform- ever heard all down the centuries is the triennial rendering by a choir and orchestra of four thousand Voices and instruments of a selection from Handels great oratorios The National Anthem having been sunt with a wave of his wand trie conductor starts The first note of that grandest and musical coin- position ever written by mortal man The Messiah After a few recita tives and stirring airs and choruses with a triumphant shout the great chorale For unto us a Child is commences gradually sinking down until almost in a whisper the chorus murmurs out And His Name shall be called then after a momentary pause with a mighty roar accompan ied the blare of trumpets toe beating of cymbals the resonant blast of a multitude of cornets and bassoons the booming of the mighty organ and the serried array of string ed instruments the thousands of sing- rend the very air and with one voice in unison thunder out Wonder ful Counsellor the Mighty God the Prince of Peace The pulsating people are offer in the sum of itself trembles and vibrates 52700 for trotting and pacing tins the- kind that Fall stock Now is to pat It on SI 3 MADE IN CANADA Machine Oil Paris Green J It may be interesting to some of those people who oppose horse racing at fairs to know that Toronto s it ing at the home of her son Mr T Rowland Mr Guy has gone to to relieve Mr JO Theaker of 7O the Sovereign Bank who is onfW account his holidays Dent roads and sidewalks 18 Miss ArnoM and Mr sewer pipes 50 of Toronto were in town on j Mr who was in town a visit his daughter Mis wards returned to his home on Chicago Aug Following a run on its doors and the discovery that ml a thrill of awe or almost indeed Mr Cowan the superintendent a of stupor must course through the veins of every one amongst that vast audience as listen to the soul- stirring paean And then comes the wailing threnody He was despised followed by the mournful and vet joyous chorus He was woundcxl for our transgressions the bank had lost J0000d in bogus stripes we are healed notes the Milwaukee Avenue Hank has closed its doors State Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range Tuesday Mrs was visiting friends in Baldwin last week Mr Cameron is home from Montreal on a visit to his parents here He next A McKwIyin and Mrs and Miss Hazel are calling on old friends in town this week Miss Tail of Sharon is visiting at the home of Mr Kightky Mr and Mrs Stokes spent Sun- 1 day with friends in bridge 1 Moved by Dr Greenwood seconded PostmasterCcneral has by Councillor Osborne that ft given a mail contract to instructed to take charge ion Line and the steamship Ottawa of the Town Hall Keys and allow no- sailing Saturday will inaugurate a thing to be stored therein without an new service with order from the Reeve or some mem- Aug The report of the her of the Council and collect the street railway directors for the nine rents therefor in advance as stated in months June 10 showed a net vrrr order Carried gain over current expenses of Moved by Taylor seconded After paying Out in that the charge for siorag in charges which provided for Town Hall per month estimated profit for nothing less than 9250 for any period the three summer months is per ecu I or portion used Carried oil the capital It is Couneil adjournal stood that the citys light and power department will make an equally sat- statement The vicinity of has been Ami so it goes on now an anthem of praise now a air now a pathetic elegy or a trium phant song of exultation ami rejoic ing And then soul in that vast audience rising at the first bar that majestic The Chorus peals forth and the thought flashes through tire mind of the entranced ami spellbound list ener that this wondrous paean in praise of the Redeemer must approach very near to the joyous psalmody of high heaven itself -doo- or fairs has defined horse racing very nicely and it remains to be seen whether he will the nerve to withhold the grant from the Toronto exhibition if they persist in haying racing and happen to clash with Mr Cowans ideas on the subject Send the Era to absent friends NEW The Ontario Bank HAS OPENED A ranch At TO IK TWO DAYS I D ROWLAND Take LAXATIVE Quinine Mrs Jennings is visiting at the Tablets Druggists refund money if I of her daughter Mrs Stiver Cure w GROVES signature on each box 26c Miss Mair of Toronto spent holiday at her home here Mr Joshua of Toronto was a visitor at the home of his brother I Mount Albert UNION T ALBERT DRUG STORE f Ve carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES REMEDIES J rheumatic cure and family Receipts receive day or night LLOYD Mr Robert on Monday Harriet Hall Toronto visiting Mis A- Dunn Miss Ida Johnson was visiting at the home of Mr Dunn on Mon day- WEST FRANKLIN I Rev Cornell of the and Elder grosser exchange pulpits next at Franklin at am SHARON Mi and Mrs Walt land and their daughter Mia of Chicago spent week with Mrs Thomas RroWn of am have gone to for their holidays I Miss of Toronto Spent over civic holiday at Mr visited with several very severe elec tric storms this summer the one on Sunday last being fully up to the av erage The high wind overturned the shed at the Presbyterian church line King wrecking it A bolt 1 of lightning struck the spire ol the Mr Norman Smith purposes AlWoB damage to extent of perhaps five hundred Recently Robbs barn was struck hut no particular damage A few t our young people took in the regatta and acqpatic sports at A very pompous woman attempts led to leave a car while It was in and the little conductor for the west in a few days to spend the remainder of he summer in sight seeing few of our young people took in regatta and sports at the lake on J Dennen of Keswick will fill the pulpit In the Christian church on Sunday next Aug Service commences art J oclock George Harrison was sentenced at to three years in the pen itentiary for forgery GET THE HABIT leave a car while it was in and the little conductor her with the usual Wait till the car I eddy Dont address as lady sir she said haughtily I bog your pardon maam but we are all liable to mistakes was the Immediate reply PHONE GEO WIGHT SON Jersey Grades for Cow on band old STOKES Mount Registered Jersey Bull Por wn A Toronto ttA 1st J Wesley a very raising on Monday He now have a very large fine barn defeated the home team here In a match Monday by a fceoreof to Taylor been for Court of I OK to Ha mooting of the High Court of Ontario to I August and I Stir ilglurn jjblic libraries are unknown lUfiOfjfj public ihat public house for liirtyix or one for men Jxve yea of aye the publican la J THE QUALITY HOUSE Hstiny County to borrow to ri Of ft of refuge jaA a fifty year- the popu lation hay tent too pr OJmher puMic cent Slaughter in Prices purcbaficd the stock of Wait at rate on the dol lar ye sell of coat for the next three weeks the undermen tioned good so as to reduce the stock before moving ft to our store yards of English Print reduced to per yard yards of Dress regular reduced to 36c pair Corsets The Best Make reduced to pair Corbels The Best reduced to 37JC yards of Vrapperette reg and reduced to Roys Suite Reg J reduced to Mens Tweed Caps regular reduced to Mens regular to Mens Tweed Rants regular reduced to Tweed regular reduced to Wall Papers at Below and all Hummer awnv below cost Thread Spools for Be Also the Stock ol Boots Shoes at reduced prices COME OH IN Ask to your parcels delivered WIGHT The Leading Merchants Strayed j 1 From lot Con a Red Heifer Calf with white spot on back months old Reward for in formation leading to its recovery at STORE Albert Change of Business A general banking business branch where all their East friends will be welcomed and accorded the same attention and accommodation as at their NEWMARKET BRANCH Manager S We Went All Over to get this furniture We wanted dirterentrsomothing ex clusive and wo got it Mr Watson has bought out he business of Mr in Shar on and will a cut on Goods Boots and Shoes ami Hardwire for a you want something any- few days Call and sec and thing else in town come here wanted choosing Is easy I What the Old Man Says Small towns have drawbacks No man need try in vigilant lit tle centres to lead a double life There are faithful sleepless watchers at each end of the line With several sentinels nlong the line report his doings his failures to 00 and his misdoings Everything else failing his very are searched Tlie faithful conclude from his smallest move ment or lack of movement what he must have meant On return home after every absence his friends and neighbors crossexamine him as to detail He had butter tell the truth because someone will in due course- turn up to point the inaccur acies In a faulty narrative In large cities very few if indeed any of your wilt worry or at length about your Incomings or outgoings Few If any outside your own imme diate circle of home and business life care Mr your doings while away Tliey arc all too busy too many moving back and forward to ho kept track of The small town has not It fs true the sanitariums ami the pro fessional nurses of city life nor the freedom of the latter from neighborly vigilance but it has the big city beaten to a whisper when it comes to the food supply Brown the butcher for instance were to kill Smiths lumHawod cow or Greens blackleg bull or Johnsons steer that had been afallln ever since spring or did bo refuse keep his shop neat and ckvii every one in town would be notified of his misdeeds and ami his business soon come to a stand he might well in fact quit the town for the dark deeds of which ho had been guilty would bo recited week and week out as regular as the jKilms of David With each his would sumo Increasing blackness UNDERTAKER SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Central Office of Bell Telephone Co No extra charge 10 to Cemetery The full store was never before of all that Is right in Furni ture and If we know anything about buying moneys worth lo here ALLAN f n as- PETER PAN COLLAR Just arrived a fresh Lot the Peter Pan Collars This is all New York and London and wild fire here We are also exclusive line in other styles of LADIES FINE NECKWEAR Celebratec the go in are selling like showing a very LAD IES BELT In all the latest shades Sky Navy Brown Cardinal Red White Black and Gray Some thing Very Special at cents and cents EA Arriving daily now fine quality Canadian Peaches extra nice for serving with cream for pies or for preserving Price large Basket to Basket are open to buy MOO Iks Ono Clover Honey or Cash It any to otter name your price Johnstons Cash Store Sutton a-