There Is one thing that will cure it Half Vigor It it regular scalpmedicine It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease The unhealthy becomes henthy The dandruff dlsap- had to disappear A to you healthy hair no druffjnoplmplesno eruptions of Sold lor XVBQtftmAiiv of thtilve eVorsof will a Miss a very Lowtll aim ILLS CHEERY Friday last Mr Ira met with a painful accident He was up in a hayloft four feet above the beam jolly tennis tea on and was operating a bay for when The lie trip rope pave and hV a have been having ewfii distance ot twenty feet J races lately by an empty Wagon rack He bad four Monday tien regatta ribs fractured and also received sever- rtad the internal trembled as into I elf coming pry soon I was M My l Lite rl i i Miss is in Mark- ham for a week or so I Mrs left this week fox visit to friends in I Miss from Strange spent Sunday at Mr A number of yourg people from Al bion spent Sunday at Mr Austins- The ears passing through Skylark be has a dark horse if the time is just as heretofore The logic when my wife returned ld speaks or itself- Because general on my knees praying and S good health will put many or I Earned from i Interest a year ami Mrs Griffith of quests at Mr Ted Porter is spending men fc to a multitude of grave- nurses and out that loves lot not have heal Hi Be- inc v cause an epidemic disease keeps the I No more drink or me CSS he For Sale I The convenient comfortable Dwelling on street Newmarket occupied by hour now makes things quite lively- especially the horses ooo lasers energy that frightened my poor wife days at his sister-in-laws- cottage us do nothing to check its ravages I wasroiolcinc in a a tooltoot of the motor horn Because the and jails from the heir of drink is heard quite frequently along the afford work to many and horn the hell of shore Mr Alex Warden passes in let us not seek to lessen the the mercy and love handsome new on his way number of criminals lest we throw my little girl to pointy Dr Kmory men out of- employment Do- And with these words he hooted his and Mr Bert fon Presbyterian jup for us all to Cane out Newmarket as we looked at evening in his I- Scotland Miss Grace Brown has been a week with Miss Thompson at the Bungalow few improvements have been made Mr and laUfthter Ihc Post Office this year Maud of Box Grove spent a day last Mrs Fred Porter was the hostess J A week at Mrs Mabons a tournament on Wednesday Rev T Leonard of given in honor pi her visitors Miss i Be Your Own Landlord And buy a homo Instead of paying renta I have three nice houses tor sale GEORGE VALE Cor Park Victoria Avea sign ago I have told the story the Mvthodist pulpit here last Margaret Andras and Mr Fred meetings and a more or less Sunday afternoon The contest was most exciting the it has happened in Mr Joel Lemon has returned final game being won by Miss Burrows Various hffi- from where he was visiting awl Mr Arthur Oliver his daughter Mrs Conner Miss Minnie Kcofer of Owen Sound Mr and Mrs Patterson a couple of weeks with Miss childs sweefibet Why J am an Abstainer fiSS Lotus start air ftfa why am an you the the pledge twentyseven years Men ever Is the authorized version I Soon Jesus loves you Trust Sign the and help us to at many poor drunkards And then sat down I know that mans time J do not I ever heard him or saw I only know this as tame I felt that my ideas A WV3 I Y A COMPLY For Sale market were the guests of his mother on Sunday A large number from here took in icecream social at on Thursday night and report an Comfortable Brick House and Large time at Krigomeiw Hey and Mrs T ihg upon the campers on Wednesday Mr H Cane brought hem up in his motor I It is fashionable at summer after I became a decided Chris- I walked tianand began to do some definite total Abstinence had work for ray Lord and Saviour in the or Par of St Belfast I was explain the greatly discouraged by the amount of was ttie last words that intemperance and tippling that abound- id in the district I saw that the one treat hindrance in my ears ards I Trust Jesus re the poor drunk- HAS MAD HOUSEHOLD fi Apply to Donald Christian church held a picnic on Mr lake shore hat Jess and in short sleeves I became to live for work for premises 105 Prospect Burnetts lawn on Thursday tickles the mosquito something to rescue the Good and Driving House I Several of the classes of the for ladies to churcn among the I was trusting Jesus and Easy terms St or Barrister noon The regatta anl sports at Newmarket tf I Mr delivered quite an Orchard Beach next Monday is all the press sermon in the Christian here- Amateur sports are For Sal6 church last Sunday morning Using for the occasion Miss and Mr Mr ami Mrs and Dr of of were in town on Sun Newmarket were Visiting over Sunday day at Lloyd Lodge Quarterly Meeting service be Poles are being erected in the Methodist church next along the trolley track to Sunday morning A fine brick house on Victoria Avenue in toe town of Newmarket all modern conveniences centrally lo cated A very desirable property Apply to A WILLIAMS Hut signing the never occurred to for the of the drunkards- that me to sign the total abstinence go debate ended thank God in my myself for the sake of example coming a total abstainer I was brought up according to not an active or aggressive one the strictest sect of the Pharisees to look with pity if not with contempt upon those weak ones who require a About five Farm for Sale J acres more or less south hall of 2 rear 7th Con Good House bank barn stable underneath soil clay loam in good stale of cultivation Plen and water Good orchard Apply on the premises or to ASH Armadale PO Mr spent Sunday here or Too late The members arc by the success this week the wires It begins to look a realization of opening day before the season closes The not being in operation this summer has been a great disappointment all roum However all things come to those Who waitarnl guests at Orchard re encourag- of th icecream of Aurora is about the most successful lunge fisherman point and the ilia the palm for bass This tor last week KESWICK pledge to keep them from strong drink and thought it was only such who did sign or ought to sign the pledge I verily believed within myself thatll would to a lowering of my manhood to sign any promise to abstain alcohol I was to learn and that through little child that there was a more Wood upon them stood weep excellent way than I had and three children years afterwards I was ordained to the sacred office of the ministry and was catted to work in the parish of Christ Church Liverpool One day- I was summoned in haste to the house of one of our people There upon the floor lay a dvd young man who in the frenzy and fury of drunkenness had stabbed himself to heart There with his very his fenced by letter in Social given on Monday evening The of tt hard well dimt or the to get through the crowd A eope be say the bills which waiters f tend con bring back some old For As good a farm as is on St acres Lot Whitchurch one mile from the centre of Aurora Not one foot of broken land on it All that cleared is underdrained Good buildings 26 acres wood all Firstclass in every way Cant be beat Apply Box Au rora SwOtf I were strikingly original both in com- position aiKl get up aef gerly sought for as souvenirs KEEL faces to Orchard Mrs and two children Toronto Mrs to pro- j Mfs the object of the social was to vide chairs to replace the very ancient i and uncomfortable benches now in use Toronto a further opportunity was offered to J aso Mrs the wellwishers to help in the work i J- Joy and fain- ity Toronto At Mr Manns hostelry we noticed placed upon it thus showing to Saunders Mrs by giving fifty cents to buy or speaker jocularly expressed it dow a chair the givers name as to to the r House and Lot for Sale On Timothy St East at the rear of the Model School House In good repair Hard and soft water Good icehouse poultry house near ly an acre of land with fruit trees This property can be bought for or- less Twothirds cash bal ance oh easy payments Apply to MRS HUNTER Newmarket Farm for Sale yet to come his sympathy jn temperance work Several responded to the appeal Were you one If not I still offers A short program was given after the the way the Master Himself had the His great apostle Si Paul set forth when my meat make will eat no flesh while world lest I make brother to offend One evening I was present at a large meeting and heard a most earnest on of temperance think if I were to characterize ttic address more accurately I would call it a Gospel Temperance for tic ileal with that Stand point 1 he had finished I realized more fully the need for energetic tem perance work in the parish but 1 did not at all realize that if I were to go iMn dcclarul if the widow am orphans and I vowed other to offend j before God as long as spared and iLu 0 a nee I Net proceeds thirty g aoI cake rapid- iy- The next regular GTL will be held in the hall on August 1st at 2tyyi Will all please he prevnt and on time Visitors always cordially wel come Press son ami Mis Flanagan Mr Mrs and daughter all of Toron to Omitted last weekMr and Mrs and Miss Toronto also Mr and Mrs and two Mrs and family Mr Toronto I At visiting with Mrs J arc Miss Miller Miss taper also Miss of Toron to Mr to the city last Saturday I were at Manns resort last Sunday and the who entertained there 1 must begin myself becoming an ab- came three days later and knelt by that- mans coffin side by side with me Tight I have feptlflqJJO reason to take back a jot or tit Ho of that vow made before God Yea rather I have had too many terrible cases of vice and crime and sin caused by Intemperance in my parish to remind rue of sol emn covenant How can I do other than abstain when I think of terrible ravages of alcohol The man who loves his Saviour and for His sake loves souls redeemed stands appalled before the dread ravages of alcohol in and women year drunk SEEM FAVORITE ALWAYS LOOK FOR- WAME A THE WILLIAMS CO P Hamilton WANTBD fe ysMFiii Oil u Ogilvies Royal Household Lukes Reliance or Aurora Bell WE HANDLE WHEAT OATS CORN MEAL BRAN SHORTS FEED VICTOR FEED AND ALL KINDS OF CHOP WHOLE GRAIN Flour and Feed Store phone 22 Huron Street VvVV soon as the speaker sat was a stir in the middle j 1 Almost as down there of the room and iii man stood up platform setmod craned our necks to see who it was He seemed a stranger to most of that Mr The Joseph new nearly completed front of Mr been tivatl 107 acres more or less being the half of East halves of lots store ha and in the 4th concession of Whit- of paint church about lour miles from New- On evening last a and two miles from James game of baseball was played in the Bay Station Good brick house village between and drilled through the upper shell by frame house and two barns soil her resulting in a victory for the in of good clay loam in good state of j home team by a score of TJ to day numbered V7 About the same number were at Mr Weavers drug On Monday Mr Watson of to a coat Newmarket captured a live turtle near his camp at Farthest mea suring inches long and one foot across the back From a hole passing into eternity every or drunkards It is to crushes me makes me to sec its 1 worktammy hand outstretched over this We saw that Ihe fair land of ours and sweeping into a little and the darkness of the Kravc thousands of my brother men As I think of the brave men the fair women the tic audience However he began helpless children done to death by very quietly saying that lie would I this accursed thing my wonder is not tell his story He thought jt that am an abstainer hut that support what the gentleman on every man who loves his country and the platform had just been saying No bis God is not one too Ven coming from the plat deacon Madden St Lukes commenced his story somewhat LivciKol in Temperance Tract which it had apparently been fastened it is to have previously Rev IV Madden and family are captured and escaped pending the week camping at Mr Walter Jackson lclt stream Good orchard For Wilcox Their son who is in the wood Cottage on Saturday to return particulars apply on premises Port Arthur is to his duties it the Observatory ard well fenced of hard soft water also a this fashion I have een a bal fellow worse than any of you in this room I ex- peel I have been a drunkard have associated with evil companions- J went through I have been a leader amongst ft landed right every kind of sin I have IC struck my poor wife when drunk and my little children God Rochester July L Kivc I have been a wretch Late Hailing was burned to death at one ive I have been a wretch Hailing was burned to death at an tic Saturday night I returned to my early morning at North street dserable home mad drunk and after Five other persons narrowly escaped or to cursing ami swearing and creating a With their lives from the burning Isturbance lay down and went Mothers from I cut if in The the the of Time icy iiii on Wire It or Pa Wive Edge Ready mm COils less in ordinary A lifetime Jt is fire proof cQinfoilaljIe quarters for live A poultry mill iimkes ideal roof for horned hams bonus etc And booklet free Write for Hardware dealers everywhere will procure it for you Mfg JOHNSON Pine Orchard his holidays with them On Friday last the Baptist Sunday he store anjl icecream sleep I in storey into the arms morning I woke up raging of policemen several thrilling the revolutionist with tlo awful craving for l mono- loss by tho destruction the Russian city of recently fired s Farm for Sale or Rent Part No in more or Con consisting of from Port Hope lcctrlc storm in were all stunned enjoyable evening Good borne of Mrs lames Pearson at on vice last Sunday evening Miss Morrow of is vinlf- with sister Mrs Cane I waited little to in her tirl with the eighth A special car took vith her sister Mrs Cane ifk at her for drunkard isIwh Frame House and good Or- party out at oclock After Mr VariNorman having other I chard with choice fruit Ihe place spending the afternoon In making rangernenls In view is offering the bedroom f in a good state of and enjoying a vlbit lunch was Boyd properly sale The words wll is a served The on the Hog was originally erected for a rich Bandy regular evening car all reporting an boarding house on the excellent Mine While there officers The above property will ensuing year the new working or Bennetts theatre went in took her In my arns sat by the Are farmers south and east of the town devastated by a hall storm accom- well Sonic who have lost lightning on Tuesday night tieally their entire crop are without Grain is tangfed and lodged Others have the benefit of I i I am so glad that Jesus loves me Jesus foe even me iA severe storm passed over Government worth up to last Friday hall damaging Hi per acre tor a total loss the crops and the barn of Mr Tho Good Machinery Com pany of Hamilton ha vo assigned FALL OPENS Enter any time Magnidcent cata logue free J Cox A Cleveland July 28urhi a severe electrical apd rain which For further or Queenavllle a at for wlllr wan a I paused waited but she must swept over city this At London Tbos Plant a carperihavciicard me for she called out people were killed While a a were elected eing the new president executive seem injured internally by falling with up things earnpt and coming wUptx6 j I tier where she had learned holt of IlKhtnlVigsf fuck John hymn She said We sing it at a drlyer him and Band of Hope was kllied panic wnx was in progress and thu minister was 6rYcjrirfcUe flnal prayer year promises active one Four tougiis attacked Hudson at Winnipeg The has paid in down and kicking him about lb head her to Sing it again She be- among the mourners In another laid for railway arid shoulders He drew his baton a voice of the city Frank Munn a and beat them then request driver by his team In was frightened by the storm ran over him if JJrr at near was Ujem under submission with yer They are under aresL Paul being by lightning and At Beaver Man Mr Crockers house was struck by Tues day night and Mrs Crocker was paralysed by bolt made by flremen CO TO COBB TWO LAXATIVE Druggists refund money If W lgnatdre box 54-