Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Aug 1906, p. 6

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r THE NEWMARKET rji ERA FRIDAY AUGUST 3 INKS Dr S NEWMARKET DENTIST to it Albert Broods Block on 2nd aid Tuesday of each month Miss Mary Reynolds Teacher of Piano r I MANAGER Will bo at MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs Terryfl- Pupils prepared for Toronto Con- of Music examinations i THE MARKET There was a large crowd and prices at the mark to pair I who are kicking because we are new walks will you please under- SUTTON Col Lloyd brought it on Tuesday But- Stand the truth of the matter Queens- W to 21c- chick- is progressive and the residents il Reach in his to sic to launch on Tuesday afternoon t villa ffs man if I Jackson airs Jackson Mr BALDWIN BREEZES Mr s est little villages on map jbther villages were as progressive The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Subscribed Capital HEAD JVPICE CANADA or Andrew Chairman Went- worth J Deputy rinmucl Fin ley Clou- lorj Esq sir WA Rates Ml Allien as BASEBALL we are they too would have new Our local team got another W lhni trimming on Wednesday at tee bands tbe without of the Sutton nine Score to 5 continually complaining about our Park Junior team Councillor whole hog and will play in town on Monday next anv the Rouse up and get what want That is the way j evcry Jones of Toronto Takes Mr Mr and Mrs Robert had Wolfes place as teller in the a narrow escape from serious injury Andrew has a couple of y visiun Editor Jackson Mrs Jackson Mr the and Mrs Jackson and baby Thompson were- guests at on What do k- Tuesday afternoon They drove over smart old for a from Orchard Beach A large picnic party came over from walked out J on the steamer on dav arxl spent a very fine day at the lit wL hi for several days Fur Manilla ALBERT a Agenc for Dominion Goods Arriving Point The games were watched wit ill for a great deal of interest I All the cottages at Jacksons Point Mr r are occupied and the boarding houses out in refilled Mr of 1 We reign Bank here ion Saturday last They were driv- regular boarders awl supjberry hunt Mr A is enjoying his tog south through the village when 0V every day He crop holidays at Jacksons Point in front of J Lewis the s a new music room ami Mrs Win Man A very successful social in horse bolted and turning around ran of four Visited at Ben las wk with the Methodist Church was j the buggy against a maple tree and These were Mann purchased a hand Quite a number have gone on a blue- though reports are held at the home of Mr breaking the harness got clear of the almost before the carpenters ter on Monday evening ID Nice Selection DRESS GOODS PRINTS GINGHAMS ETC Values i i BOOTS AND WALL PAPERS New Styles HATS CAPS READYMADE CLOTHING buggy Mr and Mrs were thrown from the buggy hut neither received any injury j Mr Ambrose of Mrs J Elliott and children have is visiting with his mother for been spending the past week at the a few days home of Mr Miss Mae of Toronto visited Mr A Miller of was Mr Eugene Flanagans last week town this week I Hill and children re- Miss Cross of is visiting turned on Saturday from a pleasant at toe home of Mr Milton visit with her sisters in Toronto got through their work Mr has also purchased feet at the rear of his property of some team general purpose animals at a lit offer for on which he intends to lay out a tennis court next Fall All the boarders I speak- very highly of Mr comc and Jos as he up some valuable Mr Thompson of is visiting at home Mr John Mr and Mrs Geo Haigh aid Mrs Rowland returned on Friday from a trip to Manitoba Mr Anson VanZant of Toronto spending part of his holidays at Peregrines Mrs of Newmarket was with town over MILLINERY it a 9 Sunday last Bird of was visit- j A number of the members of the at the home Mr Rams- AM drove to Roachs Point den this week Sunday last where they were met Mr Jewell of New Liskeardby Mr J Ardill of and A very successful garden party was betel at The Briars on Tuesday evening Mr John Clark the celebrated lecturer was engaged for Hie occasion and delighted the large audience Mr Welt is at again and is doing a big the Park MORTON PARK he Baseball Team of which Miss Bessie Robinson is field was In town on Monday and Tuesday taken across the lake in a launch and captain gave a concert on the Barrett is visiting at driven to Stroud where they at- of the Balmoral Hall one even- old home in tended divine service ing last week MOUNT ALBERT W LEHMAN The Peoples Shoe Store Dont forget that we carry the complete and uptodate stock in town of ladies and gents Fine Boots and Shoes Also mens and boys Heavy Shoes made to wear Note Rips tewed free of charge on bought at The Peo ple Shoe Store the Bank Mrs Harry Lapp of Cedar Grove is visiting friends in town Mrs of Toronto is visa ing at the home of Mr Thomas Mjss Mildred is visiting at the home of her aunt Mrs J El liott at Miss Ethel Shaw is visiting a the home of her- aunt Mrs Jno Moore Mrs of Toronto is visiting at the borne of Mr Geo Miss Marion Jennings of Toronto is visiting her grandparents in town Miss Smith and friend of Goodwood are visiting her sister Mis Mrs Robert Walker and the Misses Walker spent their holiday at Mrs WW Rears Miss Mabel Hansford was in town on a visit to her sister Mrs J Sib ley Miss Gertrude of Sut ton is visiting with Mrs T Watts Mr and Mrs are spending their holidays at the home of Mr Eli Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range VIVIAN One of the oldest residents of the Township of Whitchurch Robert of Vivian died on Tuesday afternoon lie was in his 89th year and had been in business in Vivian for the past 5n years Deceased was well known and greatly esteemed In former years he took an active part In municipal and political affairs He was a member of the Tp Council for years and also served as reeve In politics he was a strong Conservative He leaves four sons and three daugh ters William of Robert of Toronto Junction Na thaniel and George of Vivian Mrs Michael Jackson of Toronto Junction Mrs Simpson and Mrs McMulIen of Mr Hamilton and Mrs Bertram spent over Sunday with Mrs A Hamilton as he picks pointers when they talk horse sense Just a word re Mrs Mann ie in her younger days in the earl 70s as Miss Sarah Main- prize she was one North most successful scliool mams his studio Evidently she taught Mr great at of life the sad sad lesson of i living Mr Frank Tomilson has let be wa ter down in the pond to make some needful repairs to the It will it is expected be completed in a few days al most Miss May cream separator seems to me to be a ft very violent exercise lor a woman the concern If I was an agent Id be talking with a slick tongue to sell a ladys friend I iSssKmiJy Brooke of Col- happened in one evening when she was lege is spending her holidays with her j enjoying physical exercise I dont SHARON J ROWLAND J Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry a full line of PATENT MEDICINES REMEDIES And RHEUMATIC CURE Prescriptions and family receive personal attention or LLOYD CM end Druggist ri Jersey Grades for Sale Six Freeh on I V STOKES Albert Registered Jersey Bull Service He won mA Toronto as a calf J Mr and Mrs and family visited over Sunday with Mrs Stick- lands at Mrs J Graham was the hostess at a very pleasant evening given in honor of Mr family who are leaving the village The villagers have hopes yet of haying some repairs made to the jwalks when they see a few loads of unloaded near the centre of- the village to start a cement walk at that place Miss Phillips has been spending a few days with friends in I he city Mrs of Ottawa and of Winnipeg are spend ing a couple of weeks relatives in the village Mrs Frank awl daughter who hunt visiting the past with Mr Dells parents in returned last week to a few days with her parents before leaving for her home in North Dakota Miss Maude is spending part of her holidays in Toronto Tins attendance at church and Sun dayschool last Sunday was limited on account of the severe thunder storm The members of St James Church have bad chancel of their church newly decorated which add greatly to the Interior appearance Considerable talk being heard town regarding the laying of the pavement all through the village This fjeing caused by farmers ad residents of the other vil- in township their vhole cry la You have no right to be spends so much the alone Now just hold on all ye kickers Queen ratepayers alone arc the people who are paying for pavement No j township money being used at all and why should there not be public funds used for purpose There is a very large number of peo ple from country use our ftkle valks far more residents of the village and were the fair and pro per done the village would not have all the cost to pay Tle cost of pavement will be taxed against fci receiving in village arid the paynients vill divided over a term of years that the increase in the taxea on village property will be scarcely noticed So mother at Cedar Lodge Quite a number from here attended the Briars Garden Party on July Mr and Mrs Joyce of Washing ton have been visiting her grandmother Mrs The Union of will hold an excursion here on the of this month Band in attendance Rutherford and and Mr Brooke took dinner with Mrs Jacksons Point on Tuesday evening A recital was held in the annex DrawingRoom last Thursday even- j existence Baldwin is the place of fancy shed enjoy a snap shot view as she was not posing for a photo Id call in some of my gentleman friends to show their great sand Wheres Jacob eh Mr Ben has cut several fields of grain that were so severely damaged by the hail storm It will make I feed Mr Owen after spending some months at Port Huron has returned home Youd never make an Ameri can citizen of Bert so long as grand ma Charlie and Baldwin Roys were in A serious mutiny broke out in the fortress of Finland in which the loyal troops were finally the week end at Mr Ridouts nig Mrs P A MacDonald will return next week after spending a week in Buffalo Mr Sep field South Georgia commonly kndvrn as baby spent AT THE VoMHetb The recent heavy rains so swelled the River Speed that the new jam at Forbes mills at was away The hailstorm in Saskatchewan says Dr Saunders covered an area four miles wide twelve miles long and destroyed acres of crop At on Sunday there was a downpour of rain in hours which according to records has not been exceeded since 237 inches being recorded The man John Stewart who eloped with a widow Mrs Bliz zard and was arrested at was fined for desertion of his fam ily by Magistrate Munro of Rochester July A rear end col lision between two eastbound freight trains occurred at Hoopers Crossing on the New York Central railroad two miles east of early to day One man Engineer James Clark of Syracuse was killed and three hundred sheep and about fifty cattle were killed The accident wan caused the first train breaking in two sections In the middle Fishing is tlie order of the day large bass have- been caught Mr Robert Tillet sr with Mr Hills were successful in catching a nice string of fish Mr Lennox was calling on friends last Sunday even ing Mr M private secretary to Hon J P Whitney and family will return to the city after spending three weeks at the Park They will he greatly missed as they are very Miss Edna daughter of T Rob inson Moose Jaw was visit ing Mrs Peterson Jacksons on Monday and Tuesday Miss Eng land is accompanying Mrs P Evans this year at the Park The threeyearold daughter of I Bailey of lore Bay was struck by a rail falling from a fence awl was kill ed A vounc girl near Man was terribly injured on Friday She got caught In a mower knife and one lee was severe at the ankle GET THE HABIT PHONE GEO WIGHT THE QUALITY E Slaughter in Prices all places Walker Sutton deserves recognition as an enterprising citizen Miller and have the contract of erecting a fine busi ness block for him that will be an ornament to the village Draper avenue open ed- the threshing season on Saturday He threshed barley a fine sample crop Miss Kitty Mosquito soprano prima dona and BullFrog violin virtuoso water fid dler the famous duo are remarkably liberal with their selec tions at present May they die young and happy Jerusalem is the Mecca of berry- pickers at present Thlrnbleberries also are promising Mr Will Shaw sends us a sample of most excellent quality of a new variety of spring wheat he has raised The ears of the sample sent are five and a half inches in length and if the harvesting proves success ful should make a handsome return A wideawake farmer will semi in an order for seed Charles Priugle is in the city to be present during a surgical operation on his aunt Mr Win Turner Only one Ross OBrien candidate out of five from our school passed the recent High School entrance examina tions The others were tiny tots of ten years who should not be allowed to write for several years yet But parents get anxious to have their ba bies show their smartness purchased the stock of Cutbbertson Wait at rate on the dol lar we will sell Of cost for the next three weeks the undermen tioned goods so as to reduce the stock before moving it to our store yards of English Print reduced to 10c per yard yards of Dress Goods regular reduced to pair Corsets The Beat Make 50c reduced to pair Corsets The Best Mgke reduced to reduced to Hoys Suite Reg J150 reduced to Mens Tweed Caps regular reduced to 36c Mens Shirts regular reduced to Mens Tweed Pants regular reduced to Mens Tweed Pants regular reduced to Wall Papers at Below Cost Muslins arid all Summer Goods away below cost Thread Spools for Also the Stock of Boot Shoes at reduced prices COMB ON I Ask to have your parcels delivered WIGHT The Leading Merchants Vinceiincs lm July Six work men were killed in a boiler explosion today The first homegrown peaches were on the market at St Catharines on Saturday The gain in not profits for its fiscal year ending June total Thomas buildings and stock at were destroyed by lightning Sunday Tire barn of David on the mountain near Milton was burned by Sunday Lightning struck Hospital on Sunday Miss McEoan a re ceived a slight shock The only son of Erastus a farmer near was drown ed while bathing In the lake Sunday Eg II Take a look at our stock Wall Finest lines brought to Wall item per roll up Faints the- kind that Full stock Now is to put it on Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices MADE IN CANADA Machine Oil Paris Green Voters List Notice OF EAST County i Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per sons mentioned in sections and the Ontario Voters List Act the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the lists made pursuant to said Act ot all persona appearing by the last revised assessment roll of said municipality to be entitled to vote in the munici pality for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first post ed up in my office on the 27th day ol July and remains there for in spection Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take Immediate proceedings to have the said corrected according to law Dated this day of July A J HUGHES Clerk Sharon The Ontario Bank HAS OPENED A ranch At A general banking business branch where all their old East friends will be welcomed and accorded the same attention and accommodation as at their NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager We Went All Over UNDERTAKER SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Central Office Bell Telephone Co No extra charge to Cemetery Send the Era to absent friends to get this furniture We wanted something different something ex clusive and we got it If you want something unlike any thing else la town come here where choosing is easy The store was never before morn full of all that is right in Furni ture and if we know anything about buying moneys worth Is here ALLAN Mm PETER PAN COLLARS Just arrived a fresh Lot ol the Celebrated in Peter Pan Collars This is all the go New York and London and are selling like wild fire here We are also showing a very exclusive line in other styles of LADIES FINE NECKWEAR LADIES BELT In all the latest shades Sky Navy Brown Cardinal Red White Black and Gray Some thing Very Special at cents and cents Arriving daily now fine quality Canadian Peaches extra nice for serving with cream for pies or for preserving Price large Basket to Basket WANTED We open to buy Its- No Ono Clover Honey for Cash If any to offer name your price Johnstons Cash torei Sutton

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