Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Jul 1906, p. 2

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AW 6 I fi THE Here We Are Orders for sodding lawn mowing and general garden work promptly at tended to by the undersigned Clip ping and hedges a specialty Queen St Hast Newmarket A Great Bargain Provincial Government has pointed Mr A Little of the Crown Clerk of Cattle Yearling for Sate of milking Cows and Horses Three in succession unusually taJeht- lie as several tliriUipx acts of more thai usual In terest a Promises to a decided acquisition to the- pre- gram a A trio vow ladies Susan Whit- taker Ada Agnes Rogers and Lilian Murray Heal all of Toronto are named as the provisional directorate a corporation to be known as the Atlantic Oil Co Limited in last Saturdays Gazette proposes to prospect for open exploredevelop work improve to be clerk j maintain and manage oil wells and the the location of which is not stated to J Stevenson Dr reports that His Majesty Kins Edward finds it impossible for him to visit Canada this year The was so informed on Tuesday by the Secretary of State for toe Colonies who gives several reasons for declin ing the invitation of the Dominion Parliament This is a general dis appointment to Canadians ap- Oar Society Column PERSONAL J Mrs Whippet spent last week with Mrs Win Keith Mrs Low is spending two or three weeks at Oakhill Lake Miss Ross clerk at Roches has gone to for her holidays Mr Hughes is spending a couple- of days at Orchard Reach this week Dr of Henderson it l I r also Cows and HPW Brood Sows and Six Little Terms or Six Months Credit Lot Vivian PO FOUND One Yearling Steer The looker can come and claim it the Legislature lor and compact macadam pavements and to a byeelection The down dust is promising very Walter Eves J P V Brown Manager Aurora Mercantile Co Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE toehold and Specialties Wholesale Only Office and Show Rooms Block Newmarket Good Houses for Sale IN Brick House on Main Street Frame House on Queen Street Brick on Ontario Street House on Ontario Sneer the above art in good repair at present occupied Will be sold on easy terms Newmarket holding the election has been with held owing to a petition by both po litical parties of the riding who pro test against having harvest opera tions disturbed an election well on the streets on which it has been laid The press js poking fun at Town Mrs Art left on Tuesday re- to spend a couple of months with in Dakota Miss Irene Kirby is spending her NEW i i to a couple of anything but ornamental Minister or Education cacti to adorn tfe front of the City inquire into and re- Hall The Ontario Commission port upon the price of school Edward Foley the waterworks fore- hooks Has been appointed Mr Geo man injured last night of Hamilton driving from his daughters home at has been named as legal counsel to Norway died a little before pm the Commission The members of Monday in St Michaels Hospital the Commission are Messrs of St Thomas and J A Cooper of the Canadian Magazine Toronto Mr A el man of the Normal School To ronto is Secretary Everybody S A Y Photos Are the Best J WILSON PHONE PHOTO Farm for Sale or Rent he was taken after the acci dent His skull was fractured Mr Foley being thrown out of bis buggy against a telegraph pole A remarkable feat in marksmanship was performed on the Long Branch Rifle Ranges on Saturday afternoon when I Simpson of the Grenadiers made the won derful score of out of a possible seven at each of the 500 and yards ranges twentyone in all Seven thousand one hundred and fortyfive this is the registered dog population of the City The writ the Caldwell to be held August was issued on Monday The Canada Foundry Company is asking the courts to step in and pro tect it against the Bridge Workers union A writ for an injunction to restrain union officers from in timidating boycotting etc was is sued on John Thompson of Fourteen hundred Masons are at- was a on a colonist tending the Grand Lodge of Canada train bound for the west which convened at Hall Wed nesday morning The Minister of Education for On tario has directed that after June and a return ticket to Liverpool were there will only be two grades principal Valuables stolen of professional training schools Fifteen hundred people left for the The Dominion Parliament prorogued last week with he usual pomp of such occasions and the peoples re presentatives have returned to their respective homes taking with them the wad they call indemnity The speech from the Throne at proroga tion contains he important announce ment that the convention between Canada and Japan regarding trade relations bad been ratified Special reference is also made to the passage of Act for the better observance of the Lords com monly called Sunday Our Toronto better Part of Lot No in the Con of East consisting acres more or less Good Frame barn with underground stabling Com fortable Frame House and good Or chard with choice fruit The place Deputy la wellfenced and in a good state of It is cultivation Part of the soil is a small politics clay loam the balance a rich sandy loam not a foot of waste land on the place The above property will be told at a bargain and payments made to suit purchaser For further Wculars inquire of H or JOHN for university graduates and students with senior teachers standing to be provided at and that for students with junior teachers stand ing to he provided in the reorganized system of Normal schools The Ontario Premier is being so- smelters in the northern district are censured and ludicrously car- negotiating with the Temiskarning on account of the dismissal of Commission of chairman of the Parks Committee for her sister Mrs George allowing a spreading rubber plant and Stark in- Toronto Mr and family left last Saturday to spend a week with friends in Rochester Mrs McArthur and daughter left for on Monday morning and expect to spend a month away from home Sarah Belfry of Hamilton arrived here on Saturday and will spend the holidays with Mrs Cane Mr Walter Jackson of the Toron to Observatory is spending two weeks vacation at Inglewood Lake Mr BAm principal of Georgetown HS Mrs ajd children spent Saturday and Sunday at the Miss Lucy Brock returned to The City last Friday after spending two weeks vacation under the parental roof Mr Irvine I Ross of the staff has been transferred to the bank- in Renfrew where he will go in a couple of weeks Miss May Brock is spending her holidays with her uncle Mr Wooding lumber merchant of Marie Mich Since coming out to the farm on Yonge Street Newmarket is favored with the presence of Chief Justice and Ladv Mulock j Misses Clara and Gladys returned home with their Aunt Mrs John Warren of Toronto who was up calling on friends on Thursday of last week Mr Stanley Brock has sent to Newfoundland on a business trip by the Harris Abattoir Co of To ronto and expects to be gone about weeks A pianoforte recital was given by the pupils of Miss Millard at her home on Wednesday afternoon which was greatly enjoyed by a tf The best whitewear and best made Canada are branded with the trademark feature of season and Near Toronto he missed his valuables and the matter was reported to the train crew Forty dollars- in cash west on the last on Tuesday StaffSergt of Toronto made I ten and won the Secretary of State for War match at Three firms who desire to erect make a special these goods this shall be pleased to show them to all our cus- regardless of whether or no you are ready to buy all Sale the Fisheries IK- j Mr J Lennox architect of thej Kests j characterized as new City Hall was charged before j Mrs John Savage returned to the Police Magistrate on Tuesday Newmarket last week after spending An automobile driven by Mr John with conspiracy perjury and false A Oar rick assistant manager of pretences and pleaded not guilty Queen City Oil Company collided The HydroElectric power EtSTsw L Decoration Day NEWMARKET CEMETERY Wednesday July At PM The different Orders the Town will be invited to attend and address es may be expected by the Mayor and Resident Clergy also vocal and in strumental music JACKSON President K N ROBERTSON Secretary car at the corner of j will ask the companies develop- University avenue power at Niagara Falls and Ham- arrived hen on Saturday and will with a street College Mondav afternoon and had a narrow for of a minimum of escape for itself and its occupants j horsepower for longdistance The remains of the late Mr Walter transmission the winter She leaves on Monday to sec her sister near Whitby who is very ill Miss Bertha Wtddel Toronto KC who was killed in the Salisbury train wreck on the first- Mr Thomas Director Colonization estimates that K J Courses AND NEWEST in and Shorthand Subjects with the most definite personal instruc tion are given at Cor Toronto Veli favorably known for years ttKs oldest in Bright wellventilated firvtclass appoints Unusual advantages connection with YMCA received at any time FALL TERM FROM SEPT Catalogue on request WATSON Principal Th Toronto that it the Provincial baa of a radical character by which the of the Provincial year be changed and winter tea of Vat Legislature fy January to June there were drowning in Poin of arrived in the city Tuesday men have been placed on the farms morning on the train I of Ontario this season of which over from New York The funeral took were handled by his department place yesterday to St James nearly as many as the Salvation terv The funeral of A and balance by Dominion who was also killed in the Salisbury officials disaster took place on Tuesday ooo Owing to the difficulty Provin cial Secretarys Department has ex perienced in procuring numbers or the front of motors police magis trates are being asked by tbe Gov ernment to use discretion in dealing with charges preferred against motor ists The Guard Band will give a concert in Leslie Grove evening Between and men will be needed to harvest this years crop the North West Is the report of lite Manitoba Government Agent Mr here this week All the licensed and liquor store keepers of the city who were given a short extension of time the License Board last April to al ter the premises or sell out have complied with the order of the Board Chief Inspector Purvis reported Tues day that everything in this connection was satisfactory Bishop has intimated he will take the month of August for vacation He will live at his Island cottage and conduct services at Centre Island Church Rev Cooper Robinson who has for the past two years been assisting in the work of the Anglican Missionary has been appointed go to Japan in September to carrv on work for the society In that country The portrait of Mayor painted by Sherwood has been by city for the sum of has been delivered and will be hung in City Hall A couple of dozen men and boys who were In swimming on the sand bar at the Eastern gap on Sunday without bathing had to answer for theft offence in tbe Police Court A candy stand on the wharfs at Esplanade was broken on Sunday night The thief was arrested and has been to break stones at the Jail for tbe candy be carried An attraction week In on to Mr and son of Toronto were visiting at Mr J Downey spend her vacation with her brothers Monday in Town and her sister at Ingle- j L of Toronto Junction wood Lake visiting with her sister Mrs A Mr P Roden and Miss Roden Evans at the New of Toronto came up on Saturday and Collins and daughter accompanied by Mrs Montgomery spent Monday with Mrs A Clever Capture Niagara Falls July 17 One of the nest captures of a fugitive in police annals was carried out by officers from this city and St Catharines at an early hour this morning and Henry of Mlddlclown Conn is now in a cell at police headquarters awaiting extradition on a charge pi murder The crime with which Bai ley is charged was a most brutal ono He was employed as a farm laborer by who lived about four miles from He went to there in June On July was found dead in his home having been beaten to death with an axe as he sat in his chair Bailey was missing as was also five or six hundred dollars had received for property ho had sold and Bailey had lived together alone Bailey knew that had the money The crime was committed on July and was not discovered for three days On July a horse and rig which were missing- from the place were found tied In a thick wood five miles away Detroit River the Miss Rheta Brodie is spending- a coupje of weeks in City Mrs awl Miss Jen nie spent Monday pi Law yer Miss of New York is vis iting Mrs Allan Howard and other friends Irf this vicinity Hon A and Mrs ire enjoying a yachting cruise on tbe St Lawrence Mr Walter Eves and bride have returned to Town but will not re ceive till tbe awl of Sep tember Miss Veroa Howard daughter Mr Allan Howard part of her holidays with her grandma at and Miss spent over Sunday at Mr Bransons Cottage at Orchard Beach Mr J Godson of Pence Sask who was quarantined for six Weeks on account smallpox was allowed his liberty on He expects to spend a few weeks with friends here before returning home Rev A Campbell and family expect to leave for their holidays on Monday Mr Thompson of Toronto who is wellknown to many of the congregation will supply the pulpit Prayermeeting will be dis continued for four weeks Mrs is visiting her daughter Mrs Dr ot Minn and is accompanied by her daughter Dorothy also her sister Miss Kelly ot New York They took in the boat trip via and and will return via alter spending a month or six weeks iMr Irwin and wile of De troit who have been visiting his par ents Mr and Mrs B Irwin of Sharon lor the past ten days leave for Toronto txday Mrs Irwin who is soloist in one of tins churches In Detroit assisted the Methodist choir here on Sunday evening and al so rendered a beautiful and very ap propriate solo immediately after the sermon Over ono hundred people attended the reception at on Monday afternoon and evening Mrs Jackson was assisted In the drawing room by Mrs J where Mr and Mrs Edgar L Jackson and Miss Louise Jackson were introduced Mrs Atkinson presided over the tea room and was assisted by the Misses Richardson Miss Mabel Cane and Miss Bertha Little answered tbe door bell Joseph Robinson street Mrs A S Williams and grand son Byron are spending a week at Orchard Beach with her daughter Mrs Cane Mr Harry bride from the were visiting ids bro ther Mr J Biougnbm a few days this week Mrs A J Taylor of Winnipeg of Mrs It Morion an absence of seven years dropped in on her unexpectedly Sunday morn ing Mrs Tavh by her daughter and also Mrs Rail- ton of Assa They ex pect to spend a couple of months here it worth something to know that Barns Chicken Houses Tool Sheds etc have fireproof roofs Wire Edge Ready Roofing Is absolutely fireproof and waterproof and practically wearproof It is cheaper than shingles and lasts lifetime We will send you a free sample Test it yourself copy of our illustrated booklet Wire Edge TUB CRADLE Whitchurch July 1006 to Mr and Mrs Wesley Wil liams a daughter Town on July 17th to Mr and Mrs If daughter ARNO In Newmarket July 100B to Mr and Mrs Jos a son THE TOMS DONER In Newmarket on July Margaret Doner wile- of Doner aged years Interment at Con Sunday July 16 THE LEADING Farnitare Undertaking Bouse also mail Mores everywhere it for you Insist on CO LIMITCO our handle having it MONTREAL and I Everybody Enjoys Good Flour i y Royal Household WAN SHORTS KINDS OK CHOP AND ALL EVES Huron Street Flour and Feed Store 22 ft J MAIN St J All Orders WIl receive end prompt Attention You can buy your Wdsbury Alta a system at a cost of Arthur Bales working the Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going and and pm Gob wd am Furniture Cheap For Cash J knocked by some shunted sustained injuries from which 30e 1 Ma pm UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING LEAVE A ot NlKht il At Lake District pm Millar pm 17 Bid v Winnipeg has Rone visit them for a pm am A ftta

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