i- A EBA I I I Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing Something to make the hair more manage able to keep it from being too rough or from splitting at the ends Something too that will feed the hair at the same time a regular hairfood will remain where belongs on head not on he comb Tift kind of a testimonial Bold lor oyer ftixt7 Alt of SXCSAPZinXA PILLS FOR SALE Bargain A Solid Brick Residence at Cor Prospect and Water Streets Enquire of 4w22 House and Lot for Sale Comet of Queen and Niagara Ap ply to J Britannia Ont For Sale The convenient comfortable Brick- clad Dwelling on street Newmarket occupied by J A Be Your Own Landlord And buy a home Instead of paying heavy rents I have three nice houses for sale GEORGE VALE Cor Park Victoria Aves For Sale AND TO HOLLAND LANDING Messrs Harold and Charlie of Toronto are spending their at Mr I Mr and Mrs and daughter Mabel spent a lew days visiting relatives and friends at Pick ering Whitby and other places On Friday evening last the Church of England held a very successful Garden Party in the rec tory grounds The Tottenham hand furnished music for the occasion After an illness of some months there passed away on Sunday last the late Miss Gertrude Norman eldest daughter Mr and Mrs Root Nor man She was buried at Aurora on Tuesday afternoon On Dominion Day a game of cricket was played in between St James of Toronto and the local team St James was defeated by an innings and runs 0d ORCHARD BEACH Mr John Marrow arid family re turned to Newmarket on Monday af ter spending a week with his sister Mrs Cane Miss Morrow of Mich returned to New market the same day Mrs Hughes of Newmarket is spending a i Villa al so Miss Sarah Wright of Toronto Mr and Mrs Jackson spent the week end at The Orchard Beach Sunday School was reorganize last Sunday morning at Mr St rat nans house with an at tendance of over u four teachers School diirin iidays at 11 oclock each Sunday morning Owing to the wet Weather there was no ser vice at evening Mr fane and family ate oc cupying their summer cottage and had visitors undav TIMES A A To Facilitate Your The Sovereign Bank of Canada rests on Ike solid foundation of satisfactory banking service Every facility known to Modern Commercial Banking is at the disposal of patrons Advice on Investment Securities Letters of Crtdit Collection Drafts Money Orders Telegraphic and Cable Transerg to oil parts of the world American and Foreign Exchange Highest current rates on Savings Deposits mm Newmarket and Mount Albert A LISTER NEWMARKET for whom we looked were quite com petent for the occasion Comic songs by Enoch of Toronto were well received and caused consid erable merriment A reading by Miss Mabel duet Williams bro thers also one by Misses Robe and Mabel were all greatly appreciated Excellent order prevailed throughout the whole pro gramme notwithstanding neighboring clocks chimed eleven ere it was com pleted Proceeds upwards of secret Of It By Susan Hubbard Martin he turned in at the par sonage gate that afternoon Mr Barton Ellsworth did not know He was not in a friendly mood yet his turned intuitively tc- ittle the fee charged hi rtM Drowned in the old professor had said as he rubbed his glasses reflectively your son could lead his classes if he would he has the ability But instead of that his standing is dan gerously near the failure mark If he does not take a different course Miss Mary eldest daughter of Mrs E Deer Park was drowned Friday afternoon at the Spring examina- of the chute in Severn River l reasoned with him but he seems to have no eare or ambition in the matter Such a splendid in tellect too Theres curious lack of enthusiasm about him Mr Ells worth Barton Ellsworths sad face grew An organized search parly is seeking set sadder still No he answered shortly Why it had been weeks since he had so much as spoken to the he It appears she with her brother and sister were in a canoe and coming too near the rapids their craft was upset Friends on shore rescued Kenneth and Laura but Mary did not come to the surface after the accident Comfortable Brick House and Large Lot Good Stable and Daring House Easy terms Apply to Donald Fer guson Prospect St 20tf For A fine brick house on Victoria Avenue in the town of Newmarket all modern conveniences centrally lo cated A very desirable property Apply to A WILLIAMS Farm for Sale acres more or less south half of Lot rear Con Good House bank barn stable soil clay loam in good state of cultivation Plenty of hard toft water Good orchard well fenced Apply on the premises or by letter to ASH Armadale PO For As good a farm as is on St acres Lot Whitchurch one mile from the centre of Aurora Not one foot of broken land on it AH that is cleared is underdrained Good buildings acres wood all kinds in every way Cant be beat Apply Box Au- House and Lot for Sale On Timothy St East at the rear of the Model School House in good repair Hard and toft water Good table icehouse poultry house near ly an acre of land with fruit trees This property can be bought for or less Twothirds cash bal ance on easy payments Apply to MRS THOS HUNTER Newmarket Start for a Summer training in Banking Shorthand or Courses at the British American Business College Which for has taken the lead for Efficiency and for Posi tions Open all year Day and Bight Get down to brines NOV WATSON Cor Toronto Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going South and pm and Going North J 1254 and am and pm LEAVE TORONTO North Ii5 and 1130 pm and am and pm am 150 pm AURORA One of the linemen of the Metropoli tan Railway who are repairing the wires of that line here had a narrow escape from being- lasc Friday He had just climbed one of the poles south of Banburys livery stable to tighten one of the wires- when by some means it fell across the tied wire and sent a shock through the mans body causing him to lose his hold on the pole He fell a distance over 20 feet lighting on his shoul ders in the mud in lhe ditch which in some measure broke his all Had he fallen on the other side of the pole lie would have lighted on the cement sidewalk and in all probability would have been kilted Fortunately he was not injured- and was able to resume work again in a short time A very pleasant event took place at the parsonage Auro ra on Friday evening Juno when the Christian Endeavor Society from Wesley Church visited their pastor About twenty spent a pleasant even ing in music and games and by several of the young men The rain prevented many others from be ing present After refreshments were served by the young ladies and hear tily partaken all present a Verv kindly worded address was read by Mr Arthur Hawkins and a picture of the League beautifully framed was pre sented to the pastor and his family Many kind words were spoken regard ing relationship of pastor and people and for another year of mutual success Arrangements have made by the Methods Conference whereby Rev Storehouse of the Temper ville circuit who was moved by the stationing Committee will remain here for another year KETiLEBV After repairing cleaning and taste fully decorating the King Christian church the congregation held a re opening service on Sunday- fcth July At oclock Rev Mr of preached an excellent ser mon to an attentive congregation in beautiful grove of Mrs Threatening clouds overshadowed us which however did not affect hut a fall of rain in the did prevent an outdoor which also caused the Bap tist minuter of to dis- us The pastor Elder Wrf preached jn the l a full house Owing also to showers Elder of Keswick was unable 1- present be having to drive 20 miles after his service The iiiin a full house In after which Hie sacra ment of the Supper was zs- On evening a garden party was held In above named grove which was a sutces In the midst of the davs of so many electric we were favored as the vas all hope for or desire The refreshment excel lent in quality as well as quantity were lavishly served greatly enjoyed A program then followed Elders and failed otliC the body deceased young lady sang in the Metropolitan Methodist Church choir for several years and being of a happy and cheerful dis position was much esteemed by a large circle of friends She was about twentyfive years of family is occupying a cottage on Spar row Lake for the summer What the Old Man Says thought The truth is professor he went on since my wifes- death Ive scarcely noticed the lad I havent cared much whether he lived or died and the boy never took to me any way his mother had spar- ed His voice broke i Yes yes the old professor an- hastily I know it It was sad blow Mr Ellsworth and the lads loss is equal with yours Never forget that Sometimes were selfish even in our grief A mothers ence knows no boundaries Thank you Was the answer Ill see Basil and Be gentle with him interrupted old professor wamihgly Such fads need careful handling word too much and the work of years in why Basil should there arc two kinds of guls in not study Barton Ellsworth an- world the girl who works and the swered coldly I never had to be girl who gads Commend us to the urged when I was boy I did former Work lends dignity to a ll0 have half his opportunities Well pretty girl is an added charm to her good day professor Its a little The girl who works God bless her to a man of my pride to hear combines the useful and the ornament- such a report of my only son but al She might about on seems full bitterness just sofas gossip read storybooks Drop in see me she prefers to be of some account Ill be clad to chat with you in the world and goes as My he regards to your wife Good pher teacher saleslady or afternoon bravely makes her own way The old professor looked regretfully Such arc the salt of the earth and of after the tall figure as it strode Its a thousand pities whispered the good man that 1 worth looks at things way he does If Basils mother had only lived but I am afraid his fathers pride and severity will only chill the hoy What Basil needs is a wise and tender baud just now we can only advise in these cases and pray As Barton Ellsworth came to the parsonage he went in He had never been there before for the ministers pastorate was yet new The parson age was a sunny little house just now overflowing with children for the new pastor had family The ministers wife herself came to the door in to his ring The baby some fourteen or fifteen months to her skirl in- not at home she said such is the kingdom of heaven James Jeffreys was caught in a cement mixer at Ottawa and fatally injured Secret Is Out Formula of Made Public A Cure for Stomach Troubles are very a remedy Our lealing druggists anxious to have which they as a cure for stomach troubles tested rigidly in every case of heartburn acute dyspepsia wind on the stomach loss of dreams sleeplessness general I Klswor weakness and ocblity or where tbe Wlrt8cIf step in for a gently for But wont you merit Do she heard of his great sorrow and read with a womans quick and ready sympathy the trouble in the thin sad face My babys just learning to valk she added stoop ing to unclasp the chubby This is her second days exper ience She smiled down at the liny toddler at her feel such won derful smile Barton Ellsworth saw the look Theres Womari with a mothers digestive organs do not act as they should Is composed of bismuth sub- by all the very best me dicine known for intestinal diseases It combines with the free sulphur compounds in the bowels forming a black substance which is passed ofl from the body without harm It al so has a soothing effect upon the nerve endings In the stomach With this is combined cerium oxal ate a standard remedy in toe treat ment of all irritations of the stomach and digestive organs heart he thought Instantly Edith Sodium bicarbonate is then added always like that to overcome trie excessive acidity J Because of his wife he followed her usually present in stomach troubles Ill stop Just moment he and vomica for its general tonic said and nervestrengthening powers The ministers wife him- Into This of reliable re me- the little sittingroom The floor dies makes a positive cure was littered with childrens toys for all stomach troubles and per- There was nothing fine In the room haps the only one that can be plain chairs a good picture or under a that it no- two an open piano hut it had thing unless it cures that indescribable look of homo about A large box of Mfona tablets Is it that grand houses so many times sold for cents lack If you cannot obtain from Two little boys four and six yourdrugist it will be sent by mall were playing contentedly on the floor postpaid on receipt of price This is Paul and this is Silas the us for advice on your case from a mother exclaimed rfiornach which will like Bible names best- she cent free The Booth babys I She drew Mill the best chair the J I A The little obedient moving shytytowr their visitor Something of eyes strangely I him Basil fellow he- had been and bor proud Edith was Of him When I am old and helpless she bad often said- my son will take care of me Look at him Barton Arent Ids eyes beautiful and see his firm little muscles Theres no baby like mothers loy she had cried him to her heart The Utile boys having spoken- to him went back to mother They leaned upon her i affectionately pressing their hands against her pretty gown He noticed that she did not rebuke them You have quite a family he re marked gently There are two more in school understand Yes smiled ministers wife two girls Mary andRachel And you you have a Barton Ellsworth and his face grew stern He thought of the professors report Yet he an swered one only little woman saw the look She took the chubby hand of smallest boy clasping it fondly Theyre a great care she said gently but we have always been so fond of our children Barton Ellsworth winced He thought of his great empty house of its lowly grandeur its silent rooms impregnated as it were with- his great grief No wonder the boy not like to stay in them Arid what was she had said Fond of hter children The words rang in his ears still Had he been fond of Basil Had he taken the interest a father should have taken in an only son He had left the boy lo the emptiness of the silent house full of memorys of his mother himself in his li brary night after night He had evinced no care in the lads progress had made no effort to win his love and confidence Day after day he had sat opposite him at meals si lent stern and unapproachable Was it strange then under these condi tions that the boy was about to fail Was it to be marvelled at that he had lost heart in his studies He looked across at the ministers little children as they clung about their mother and in that moment it was shown what a parent ought to he God forgive me he thought He wanted to go home and think it all out Tell your husband Ill come in again he said as he shook the little womans hand Goodhy and God bless vou The ministers wife looked after him a little puzzled I wonder what could have moved hint so she whispered There certainly were tears in his eyes That night at dinner Barton Ells worth looked at his son How did school go today Basil he said The boy dropped his fork The question coming from the usually si lent startled him A flush rose to his cheek Not very well sir he stammer ed I-I- Are the studies too hard asked kind voice No was the answer I could do them all right but the fact is fa ther I havent been studying Barton Ellsworth rose Bring your books into the library Basil he said I think you and I can help one another He went over and stood by him I want my boy to a good student he said Nothing short of the best will sat isfy me I met the professor my son he explained and he thinks you could do better if you really set your mind to it Well see if lie isnt right Its partly my fault Basil he went on neglected you I warn my forgive me will he The quick lushed to Basils eyes Dont father he said in a broken voice Its all my fault I didnt study because didnt think you cared Barton stooped and kissed the smooth boyish cheek I do very much my son he said He seemed to see again a little wo man with pretty children clinging to her gown How they loved her I she was making a success of her mission ami he had come near failing in We have alwayshe heard the soft voice speaking again we have always been so fond of our children At that was the secret of her power and he had found it out Come Basil he gently come my son And arm in arm they went Into library where the picture of a lovely woman smiled upon them as If she knew and understood Youths Companion Ive to follow LEAVE MINUTES SunEght Soap other soaps- used in the Sonbg directions Hard and things of the past in homes where Sunlight Soap is used directed Sunlight Soap will not injure even the daintiest fabric or the and the clothes will be- perfectly white soft and fluffy The reason for this is because Sunlight Soap is absolutely pure contains no injurious chemicals indeed nothing but active cleansing proper ties of soap that is nothing but Buy it follow YOUR MONEY by the from whom yon Sunlight Heap If you And any can complaint BROTHERS TORONTO MADE IN CANADA by A CANADIAN COMPANY PRICE and TERM Sot WRITE FOR THEM should be one in every home ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE THE WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO MONTREAL P TORONTO LONDON OTTAWA ST JOHN N AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE THE DUKE STANDARD AND REGISTERED TROTTING STALLION The Duke Is brown Stallion about ltu and In condition weighs about but one of the finest Raited ttottmC and will inspect this a colt wltbt a of the best bred on thn test Stock Horses on earth Continent and one ot one greatest Routc12 weeks commencing Monday April 30th TU Forsyth Ho THURSDAYKIelnbure for noon and for noon and Hotel To until evening when ho will to I ST where he will remain until Monday Mc0ll 10 Insures living colt days aftr r u ii altor W J charge REYNOLDS Proprietor Loan made to Farmer July coal oil stove In a dwelling house at TO CURB residence was but it was by tho a volunteer fltc Men on night and fire which ensued completely destroyed An Joining residence i alio to e- W TWO fiAYfl droves box