Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jul 1906, p. 6

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NEWMARKET DENTIST at Brooo Block on 2nd Tuesday of each month Reynolds Teacher of Piano Will bo MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at Mrs B Terrys Pupils prepared for Toronto Con servatory of Mu examinations The London INSURANCE COMPANY A Tillable AweU of Subscribed Capital Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH HOARD Chairman J Deputy Andrew V J man Re Alex at Current Hale C DAVIDSON Atfcot Ml Albert CbleTAireni fur Spring Goods Arriving Nice Selection In DRESS GOODS PRINTS GINGHAMS ETC Special Values In BOOTS AND SHOES AND WALL PAPERS New Styles HATS CAPS READYMADE CLOTHING MILLINERY J MOUNT ALBERT LEHMAN The Peoples Shoe Store Dont forget that we carry the most complete and uptodate stock in town ladies and Kents Fine Boots and Shoes Also mens and hoys Heavy Shoes made to wear Rips sewed free of charge on shoes bought at The Peo ples Shoe Store Opposite Bank Queen Heaters Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves COAL WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE We carry full line of PATENT MEDICINES REMEDIES RHEUMATIC CURE Prescriptions and family Receipts receive personal day or Another big crowd at the market on Tuesday butter IS to 20c eggs to ELECTRIC STORM A most disastrous thunderstorm vis ited locality on Saturday Rain fell in torrents in the village and a short distance to north hail fell with such violence as to ruin toe crops several farmers Hail stones were discovered lodged in lencv corners on toe following morn ing The barn belonging to Mr of concession iwas strut by lightning and burned lb BASEBALL An interesting game was played here Saturday between the Foundry team of Weston and local nine The game was well con tested on both sides and resulted in a win for the home team vis itors were somewhat handicapped by their catcher failing to put in an ap pearance and Draper of last years senior leant helped them out and caught a good game The score Mt Albert 0 12 Weston Batteries Shields Draper Draper the American citizen is a bangup good fellow Collectively Mr A J proprietor the they are for proof read Rand Alberta is staying Spanish American war history where singing burets were dropping May celebrated her with his brother Mr Daly arrival at adult on July in Messrs J Daly and the following manner On Saturday were in the City on Tuesday at pm our locality was visited by The driving mare Mr the most disastrous hail and thunder on which Dr Daly performed the op- storm collection Dont lady friend The song remained Members all present except Dr sumx Greenwood homeward which reached juai in The following accounts were passed t storm and ordered to be paid J Taylor lumber McLaughlin J Earl Dent A Burrows Lee A Millard Millard A Millard Millard Crouch Bell Telephone mm ft GO 3 38 50 with terrific force- Hail the size of marbles fell to the depth of a foot in many places Fortunately the storm was short but an immense amount of damage to the crops was done The artillery of heaven boomed with aw ful roars fires Hashed and shot hail showered on the surrounding district The chief force of the storm centred between Owl town and Baldwin the sufferers are jThos Tibbet Ben Frank 5 Duncan Crawford William and others These persons suf- by damage to crops to the extent Moved by Mr Osborne seconded by hundreds of dollars Thos Tib- Mr Taylor that a grant of be homes were made to the Georgia and North lhc investment of Mr Gordon Douglas of Toronto was in town for a few days and left for Saskatoon on Tuesday to spend the summer Mr and Mrs A Jones were visiting friends in last week Miss of Sharon was a visit- to visited at home of Mr Lun- Miss Leek spent Sunday with friends in Sutton Mr and Mrs Stewart of Toron to at the home of Mr over Sunday Mrs Penrose is visiting at the home of Mr John Crone Miss Ada has returned from a visit to frieiKls in and New Liskeard Mr Cole has returned a trip to Detroit Rochester other places across the border Agricultural Society Carried Moved by Mr Burrows seconded by Mr Osborne that no chairs be lent out of the Town Hall In future to any one Carried Council adjourned Report of promotion exams held in Sutton Public School in June To Sr III Horner Brady Treloar P Osborn Thayer Horner Ernes H At kinson To Jr III Treloar Bailey W Taylor T J Phillips Brooks To Cross A McNabb the Boer War but they stood the racket Tbe last remnants of the hail did not disappear till nearly noon on Sunday Vagaries of the storm Many trees were almost half stripped of their foliage root crops were torn from the ground root and branch window glass suffered severely fences and buildings resembled a pepper and salt where the hail had struck John Fountain and wife were severely shocked by the electric current The same thunderclap shattered a window in the home of Mrs John Miller and daughter who were shocked whilst near the stove at tea The hail beat a tattoo on chicken coops at Squire and when the inmates from and Mount Albert Continuation Class i Form marks possible Lea Edwards Ramsden 1 Graham Wesley Theater Gertrude Walton Eva Gertrude Moore Burnham to arms to repel the invader them to death and so on ad infinitum Dominion Day reflections by The Owl What a glorious country this would be and how happy and pros perous her citizens might be all needs Is a wise immigration policy to populate our country with a loyal and Kaiser Carpenter Comer L K BERRY Teacher BALDWIN BREEZES On Wednesday last a number of personal from here mostly of Christian Church attend- patriotic people Our Canadian Ladies Aid at Mrs John ttarrinjne a doing their part No doubt their wards the accomplishment of this not so much to Aid as to see purpose but you must give race track to witness a matched race between Walter Grossed Lightning and Hnonyinous but were doomed disappointment as and his failed to materialize so Coom- horse had a walk over Uncle Sam came to bet And like Old Glory hollers When Jockey Harry swept oer the line And scooped in dollars bene Not quite in accord with facts as the stakeholder son still holds stakes J Not to be cheated of heir quarry the crowd got up a small purse and a scratch race between Murrays and Harry pony was won in the order above I dont much blame our lads for loving to see a race In my youth ful days I was a devotee in a humble way but had a wise old daddy who held a tight rein The only lime attempted plunging heavy betting was on the track at in the early sixties when Billy Riley was the king of the local turfskippers secured a dime for running a mes sage and this J placed on Billy at even money I lost and thus ended my career as a turfman Amongst the Tartars of Central Asia the women arc the finest horsewomen in the world riding bareback side ways the fleetest horses they possess No circus rider can surpass them a circus horse is trained to just one gait he changed which the rider would probably have a spill Miss Lucy Crittenden with Howard and have gone for an outing in Id like to know what Hicks Al manac had to say in reference to our last storm Im quite sure about thc last week of July there will come a change for dryer atmosphere That is none too soon to please farmers Mrs Grills new stable is a dandy quite an ornament to the premises as it is good workmanship Donald Riddel has a wellfilled diary for consecutive years Go to him for verification local history Put down late hailstorm my friend ha Fearing Standard WO ST CtJEXESJSVXXXj stock before Weill buying elsewhere Finest lines ever to Wall Papero from So per roll up Merle Jennings 1 I marks possible report is favorable e Pearson Bertha OBrien spent Clara Walton Form Millard Steeper Frank Rams den Reginald Willbte Etta out of For term work the grading is in per cent Form If Graham j Gertrude Moore Walton Wesley Theater Merle Jennings Clara Walton Form Ktta Bertha Myrtle Millard Supper Clarence Pearson was I what a Mrs i The can Niagara Falls Frank Reginald Absent from part of exams hut graded according to marks obtained when present Principal i Patti is viivng Wood lie forajcouple of weeks holiday at the Bison City Of course excurt alone But who ie I may not tell I may call this a pre- nuptial trip J suppose One of our handsome young indies is getting a new superb hat and many other unmen tionable etceteras that Some of our young folks remind me of my grandfathers clock always on the go Garden parties concerts excursions they take them all in and the money passes out Mr Harry remains pracl unchanged Dr Charlie has advised him to go to the hospital Douglas Thompsons has hinged his faculties and at limes is quite serious The general health of our citizens is satisfactory at Our American so the press reports say time man give them time It be all done in a day though arc occasionally one who seems and overly anxious to help OH the good Paints the tied that Full stock Now is to put it on Groceries Fresh and at the Lowest Prices Machine MADE IN CANADA Oil Paris v J -TT- J rr 1 work Such immigrants wails are undesirable On Saturday evening the sporting fraternity of the surrounding district assembled here at the Ontario Bank HAS OPBNKD A ranch At barn by feel which went without a hitch The stone foundation was built by Mr Win and the frame work by Mr of Sharon The barn stables will a model Mr learnt his trade with Mr John of Keswick one of the in North York and he has proved himself an adept There was a big crowd and the at the close were greatly enjoyed ooi SHARON against old mother Britannias auth ority when she was merely trying to collect a small revenue to aid in the maintenance of national expenses Oh those Yanks remind me of naugh ty kids that fret under the curb and restraint of paternal authority In HABIT A general banking business branch where all their old East friends be welcomed and accorded thc same tier turn and accommodation as at their NEWMARKET BRANCH ROSS Manager T LLOYD Jersey Grades for STOKES Albert Joraey Bull Vox Service He won 2nd Toronto and lit as a calf J Rev Dougherty the new curate of St James Church made a number of pastoral calls In UK- village this Week SU AJrs Phillips pertained a of on Tnotaday eVeMng Pauline of Chicago and lady friend are spending a month with Mrs also Miss Alice Kwight Toronto Wadt of Ottawa Visited a few days with relatives in the Mr and Mrs A J Mr arid Mr Abb Will farm visited over Sunday Mrs Knchhav at Deer- hurst Mr and Mr Thomas of De troit are spending their vcaUon with Mr Irwins Mrs B Ir- wln entftrUiot4 number of friends in honor on Tuelay evening Tie trustees of the school fcrtive the house raised ready for the new stone foundation SUTTON WEST ONTARIO Central Office of Bell Telephone Co No extra charge to Cemetery PHONE GEO H WIGHT THE QUALITY HOUSE ii fflV jii This Is Dry Goods Store a Shoe Store a Grocery Store A Hard ware Store and a Clothing Store Thus we cater to about every inter eat of the People All under one roof You can readily appreciate thc of this convenience when shopping Each section receives as much care and supervision as if it was a sep arate store by itself We Invite you to do your trading here We prom ise that none but unquestionably reliable goods will be sold you and that your money will do its full duty DEPARTMENT GROCERY Tomatoes per cans Corn for 2c cans Pear for 25c Victoria Crocs Salmon per Chips for 6 Rice for 25c Rolled for lb Raisins for ZEPHYR Thc Orange brethren of the village are getting their paraphernalia ready for the glorious The Masonic Lodge must have con tinued in session a long time as it took some of the brethren from here two days to get home ville Miss is home en joying her holidays She says she likes the city fine There were very few out to or School on Sunday on ac count of the rain but Mr Scott gave a flood sermon in the afternoon and Mrs T A Wilson did splendidly in thc evening is certainly a great churchworker Henry Thompson in get ting up his barn on Saturday after noon notwithstanding downpour of rain The men went at it with a will and put it up without a hitch Take warning and dont go to sleep on the train or you may he right through to Jacksons Point Miss Clark milliner at George has gone to her home at Fergus after having a most success ful season here The Presbyterian church choir will miss her very much but all join in wishing her a pleasant holiday and will have warm wel come for her on her return Considerable sensation was caused on Saturday by Bob running the street saying lightning had somewhere in north end of the vil lage and he saw smoke issuing from some building About stal wart men joined in the race to the north end arriving out of breath to And everything then the jokes and the laugh were i timed on Bob The strawberry festival on the Meth odist church lawn on night was a grand success Considerable interest was manifested in the foot ball games four teams taking part Con vs Zephyr vs The Filth Con and Zephyr teams won out after two Very closely contested games J has been giving some free phonograph concerts much to the delight the villagers His new Edison is really a fine instrument Mr Samuel Taylor has completed a scries of successful meetings at the James Bay gravel Camp where he has been working under instructions of the local PINE ORCHARD- Misses Park and Forfar of Toronto were the guests of Miss Penrose over Sunday Mrs has visitWg in for a few days Mr Frank of Boston Mr and Mrs Lewis Lukes of Toronto and Miss Bertha of Chicago paid j a short visit to Mr old home on Saturday last A number of young people held a picnic at Wilcox Lake on Wednesday afternoon Mr Hall has returned to his home in Michigan Mrs Hall and son remaining for some time with her parents at Miss Marie is visiting her grandmother Mrs Brown Three telephoned have been installed here and other subscribers arc anxious to get theirs Mr Walter Wasley is very il with an- attack of appendicitis Miss Ethel Starr is home from To ronto on her holidays The Salvation Army will next bring immigrants to Canada A pulpwood area in thc Lake- of the Woods district has been leased by the Government Farmers have you secured PEA have a very fine lot Also all kinds of If not we on band CHOICE ALS1KE RED and MAM MOTH CLOVER and TIMOTHY Just received a car of American FEED Highest price paid for Grain Potatoes etc Also a full line of Fresh Groceries for sale MOUNT ALBERT We Went All Over tin lb Currants for Bars K Soap for Ask to have your parcels delivered ENGLISH FOR SALE HERE WIGHT The Leading Merchants on Monday to draw stone and I Rev Stevenson preached to LOL on Sunday pm it being thc oc casion of their annual church parade A large crowd went to from this locality to celebrate the glorious twelfth Miss Mary is home alter a serious attack of Typhoid fever the hospital at Cincinnati Mr Irvine Harvey was in bridge last week writing examination we prophesy bin success Miss Is the guest of Miss Winnie J to get this furniture We something different something ex clusive and we got it r If you want something unlike any- thing else in town here where choosing is easy The store was never before more full of all that is right In Furni ture and if wo know anything about buying moneys worth la here ALLAN PAYING 20c FOR EGGS MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER Y GOOD MU8M Yard Wido Prints Special Yard Pieces Best Quality Print 12 vd for inn Ladles and Childrens Veals up iastwcek are going Insertion and Lace for GROCERY SNAP or Laurel Canned Peas very special tin Canned Com very Bpeolal tin Canned Tomatoes Aylmer Mleviiie Brands tin Comfort Soap 7 bars tor A ton of Salt Bacon from of the ft at lb Radian Pikers for Jelly Powders full sire ok Parlor Matches rog Be or John Bull Pickles reg bottle for So Yeast Cake Box Soda lb Starch teg box for Canned Plums for 10c Gallon Apples 25c can Prunes very fine ft Pptatoea per bag Johnstons C

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