fc T Taxing Railways and Banks Rash Eczema any akin disease disfigures the com plexion because the bowels are constipated or because the kidneys do not rid the system of wast or because the skin itself is unhealthy Ointments salves and soaps are useless Because the trouble is with the blood Orrlng to defective action of or the blood becomes with impurities It these The Hon Provincial Treasurer has introduced a bill to amencf the Revenue Act- of repeals certain sections of the old Act and substitutes other clauses which provide that every bank shall pay an additional assessment of for the head office and lot each additional office branch or agency With reference to railway taxation the Hon Treasurers bill provides that every railway company owning or operating a steam or electric in whole or in part shall pay deposited the blood that make and yainW a tax of per mile tor one track where the lines consist of two or more tracks per mile for each additional track owned operated or used in organized county and of figuring It is because the trouble is with the bowels kidneys or that FRUITSTIVES cure I directly eliminating correct their strengthen them and and make the complexion clear and soft If have any skin trouble or any fault with constipation liver trouble headaches indigestion rheumatism cure yourself with atlvei They ire fruit juices and tonics never fail to cure a box or boxes for Sent on receipt of price if your druggist docs not handle them LIMITED Ottawa Livery The undersized running a Union Bus to all trains Orders by telephone for all parts of the Towr will receive prompt attention A BOYD Old Stand Private Funds to Loan on Mortgage for term of years at per cent repayable in one lump at per cent repayable in sums of or more at time pay ing Interest Enquire at Era Office lu ADMINISTRATORS to Creditors per mile Tor one track and per mile for each additional track unorganized territories Provided a steam or electric railway as a sys tem does not exceed miles shall in lieu of the said tax pay a tax of per mile for one track and per mile for two or more tracks The bill provides that switches and sidings arc not to be counted in track measurements but the pay able is made incumbent upon lease holders as well as original proprie tors to pay the same In cities street railway companies shall pay a rax of per mile for each mile of track the mileage to be computed on single tracas one mile of double track to count as two miles of single railway The bill provides tliat the Govern ment shall set apart annually from Dec a sum equal to onehall the toia receipts from such- railway tax ation after deducting from the total receipts The amount so set apart shall annually be accredited to the cities towns and Incorporated villages and organized townships ac cording to population as per the last Dominion census In case the popu lation is uncertain by reason of change in boundary the Lieut-Gover- shall decide and he may also fix the amount in cents per head of the population without allowing for frac tious of a cent Against the credit to municipalities projected in the foregoing clause the bill provides further thai there shall be charged to each such municipality as a contribution the sum of per head per day for each patient Hon John a apd A Ross prcil a of claim in M P WP- and Arthur suit Geo Fowler P and the Great West Land Co Limited Mr Ross suggested that apparently Mr Bennett must have been try ing to secure balm disap pointment in not having got some years ago a slice of public domain upon easy terms Laughter and cheers When he read the statement of claim Mr Ross said he was impressed the fact that the Conservatives in their land speculations did not trust each other and could not play fair although were apparently all right until they got under the blighting influence of Mr Foster and they were a happy family un til they got into his hands but just assoon as he began to man ipulate matters they have to go to law to get their rights but will be determined in a Jew Possibly it will Legislature prorogues A despatch from Cobalt last week a man while prospecting on Renfrew The discoverer to an inch for the vein the tariff agreed uponTby mine owners and prospectors Clear Lake I is about two mites west of the silver 1 city recognition Cpunpi ejected Sir Hector Charles well Sir John Kir- Robert John Costigan 2H0 Hon Wo5iiM and Sir fflfSurand Hon J I of Feb to the Jrlarifi end of example o mined Pills health 1 M 1 J A Sure and Certain Way- to This Terrible Torture Cure Word has been received that p Muskoka tendered his resignation to He is a of tbo who formerly represented Muskoka arid was ap pointed three years ago is an old Newmarket boy anil will re- by old of ago Mr newspaper man has appointed as Mr on i placed in any asylum or other public institution from such is made J given that all creditors and other persons having claims against the estate of William Alfred Dyke late i patients for whom the Government does not receive pay Details of clause are Riven the Townsb understood the Provincial Treasurer estimates that under the operations of this bill the Ontario treasury will be enriched by about per annum The feature of making lunatics wards of the local municipalities instead of the Pro vince is not generally accepted as a wise provision Lunatics York farmer deceased on or about the 22nd day of February are hereby re quired to file with Robertson Newmarket- solicitor for the fcigteyi- Administrator of the said es tate on or before the day of May 1000 their Christian and cur- names and addresses with full partic- SSTol their claims In writing veri- of particular by declaration and particulars and the of the if any by them And notice Is further given that immediately after the said of May the said Administrator Mr Foster Roasted may proceed to distribute the assets i does not bear equitably There is just one sure scientific cure for sciatica rheumatism lumbago neuralgia headaches you must drive the pain from your blood and nerves with Dr Williams Pink Pills Lini ments cure nerve and blood dis eases Dr Williams Pink Pills strike straight at the cause because they ac tually make new blood Through the blood they conquer the painful pois on soothe the nerves loosen the mus cles and banish every ache and pain Mr J Walter ton Ont says When I began using Dr Wil liams Pink Pills I had been oft work for three months The cords of my right leg were all drawn up and I could only limp along with the aid a slick The I suffered was ter rible Only those who have been afflicted with sciatica can understand the misery I was both day and I took six of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills before they helped me hot after that every day saw an improvement and by the time I bad used fifteen boxes every vestige of the pain had disappeared I have no hesitation in pronouncing Dr Wil liams Pink Pills the best medicine in world for sciatica Every dose of Dr Williams Pink Pills makes rich pure blood That is why they cure head aches and backaches indigestion kidney and liver troubles anaemia heart palpitation and the ills that afflict women only But he sure you get the genuine pills with the lull name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each box Imitations are often dangerous All medicine dial ers sell these pills or you can get them by at cents a box or six boxes for 250 by writing The Dr Williams Medicine Co ville Ont trapping a Musk rat Lawyers sometimes giving a direct yes or no to their questions There is no War rant for this in Jaw A Judge once absurdity of or no device by suddenly asking the counsel if he had left beating his wife Just look at the ques tion either yes or no would have been an admission of guile The proper answer which a witness naturally give is this I have Senate has adopted the lyon pastel by Commons praying arVQuecn to visit SjteAIt was JR scncied Senator In epper Scott made a of His Majestys former vis it when Prince of Wales The mo tion was carried and ordered to be conveyed to the GovernorGeneral for transmission to His Majesty Should the King and Queen visit tho Domin ion in response to the Invitation all past demonstrations would be eclips ed ell Druses beaten my wife a Chancellor contributed a striking article to The Methodist Magazine for May on the lifestory of Margaret Hopkins Cox the wife of the Honorable Senator Cox Her sympathetic benefactions made tier life a benediction to many Among the illustrated articles are How a Railroad is Made with eighteen en gravings The Aftermath in Japan The Bible in Siberia Marie Cor- William Booth and Work Other articles are A Ca nadian Surveying Parly Relhious Thought in Germany and the story of A Pounder who became a trolley conductor Canadian Niagara Power Co are seeking Dominion legislation to confirm the Provincial charter Their bill before the Pri vate Bills Committee gave to considerable- discussion It was finally held over till May The promoters wcro willing to insert a clause ensuring the Govern ments continued authority over the company The big municipal depu tation to the Ontario Government the other has evidently given the Company a considerable jar The indemnity bill of last session was the subject of some discussion in the House last Friday when the P for East York got a for not pressing his bill for a repeal of the measure as he proposed The Oppo sition leader wanted the Government to place the bill on Government or ders so as to get the question but the Premier did not feel called upon to do work for dissatis fied members W uo against hard Trortc lcel in all roller Trltbopl tho strong TE Frost fait The of a Pence ire High pp Steel Colled be broken until the train from I Ho or imt No And Itfo wires are rocked brace Ihe In all down and We thai are the atronet and teat- that jt gVfJVi repaid free of any fence that That iff Frost for by it JAMES of the said- estate amongst those entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of- which he shall have had notice at the time such administration Administrator Newmarket April On HOUSEKEEPERS PREPARED all fino without or Jfcclcnqutclhandy way PRICE CENTS A SMITH Town Carting All orders for tnoTlng and general left Mrs rear of Public School will receive prompt The anthracite coal owners have the for an Increase of wages Tbrte floors In the warehouse of Granger Bros stationers at Montre al fjcollapsed uder the weight of early morning 10 tons stored on the top aVWH All or During last considerable was aflordtjd the Govern ment side of the Commons by the de velopments brought to the surface while discussing a want of confi dence motion projected by the mem ber for North Toronto In reference to Ihe North Atlantic Trading Company In the course of Hon Mr Fosters observations he took occasion to make somewhat grave insinuations of wrongdoing the part of the The motion was for cor respondence with companies and syn dicates for the purchase of Dominion lands since The Government requested that the period be to embrace as far back as when large land sales were made by a Conservative Hon Mr Foster high up In the coun cils of the parly including the braUd syndicate in which the a in the pie and is now to be sub ject of litigation After several members had spoken Mr Duncan for YaleCariboo took Hon Mr Poster in hand and gave him a fearful roasting He said part There was another land deal In which Mr Foster was interested When a certain railway company was very much afraid that the monopoly which they un der the Conservative party and which had enjoyed for a good many years would be destroyed by some mysterious methods cer tain Conservative members of House became possessed of some acres of P land in the Northwest These gentlemen not having the experience that Mr Foster had Immediately went to that gentleman to manage the But no sooner bed Foster Rot the fand than a new neat of was organized A nest of traitors among land spec ulators Laughter These four members of the House were not old birds like Hon Mr Foster In In a most interesting article Shooting and Fishing in the May Canadian Magazine Dale relates the following incident I remember one Spring night on a little corduroy bridge that spanned a creek watch- a trap set on the bank below It was dusk the rich liquid note of the redwings from tire Swamp the bitterns boomed the herons croaked hoarsely ducks quacked and whirred overhead ov the bridge a country lad lounged and stood over the rail beside me was intently watching a suspicious ripple coming up wake of a musk rat up it came spied a musk- rat apple near the trap landed walked right into it At the click of the steel the lad frantically grasp ed my arm and shouted excitedly Mister your traps got a bite oo ptate of City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of J Cheney Co doing business In the City- of Toledo County afadState aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of HUNDRED LARS for each and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence this day of De cember AD A Seal Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free JCIIErTOYAfCO Toledo Ohio Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation It Is thy who feels It most when wlng are clipped ooo- A for Flics Blind Bleeding Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to refand money it OINTMENT fails to cure In to days The News figures it out that the Railway Taxation bill now before the Legislature to double the rates at present levied and give a credit of per head to municipalities has to it As a setoff to this a head contributioneach munici pality is to a year to tho support of each free patient In the asylums from Its limits The new bill would bring about to the city coffers but would make a lev of between and annually There is no justice in treating the helpless as wards of particular municipality they are wards of the Province A press despatch from Ottawa oh Monday last intimates that Sir Taschercau Chief Justice of Canada who has been- on sick leave for some time past has resigned It is further stated in this connection that Hon Charles Min ister of Justice has the refusal the position The latter has been a Cabinet Minister in the Laurier Gov ernment for the past ten years In the event of Mr going on thcSupreme Court Bench the obtains that Hon A PostmasterGeneral and member for North York will become Minister of Justice A gen eral concensus of opinion prevails that no better man could be for the position although the coun try will by sorry to hear of his from the Head of the Costal Department The retiring Chief Jus tice lias been on the Bench for the past years since he has serve upon the highest court of Dominion A bill has been intrbduccd by the Minister of Justice entitled Electric and Fluid Exportation It provides for the Govern ment taking control of export of electrical energy It covers notonly electrical power but fluids and gas such as natural gas and petroleum which can be piped out of coun try Exporting the above commodi ties prohibited without a license The new Grand Trunk elevator at Montreal one of the finest in Do minion was opened on Saturday f VJ J- FENCE frrf ratU lid Arc Cobalt Yarns Is It true that Cobalt is the rich est silver camp in the world This- Is a question which Wallace McUan seeks to answer In the May number of The Busy Mans Magazine Ho writes JtKlglrrgfroin the lavish huge nuggets and slabs of silver have been scattered over the surface of the earth at Cobalt one would con clude that there must be a great store house of the prcdlous metal In the Immediate vicinity That such a storehouse Is generally far the lowest- depth reached In the neighborhood of feet hut of this lower feet was made a diamond drill depth has been reached on the pro perty of- Mining and the proprietors report that as depth Is ore bodies Increase in and richness will take years to ascertain what the rocks Of Cobalt really contain Up to date the diagnosis Is most favorable and it is firmly believed that Cobalt will not only prove Its claim to pbsses- Inx the silver In the but also to possessing greatest rlchtat silver in the world frOOQ American capitalists will a flax mill In Saskatchewan Furniture and all kinds of- Repaired and refinished Pianos polished Send box or call at No uceh St East done I LOW Newmarket ABE YOU GOING TO Gome Prices LUMBER LATH SHINGL ioHI iff I NEWMARKET I Kill tali ihm A Aworeu THE PUKE STANDARD AND REGISTERED TROTTING STALLION The Duke is a seal brown Stallion about hands high and in stud condition weighs about pounds He is not a but one of finest trotting horses in America Ho has trotte4 a trial in quarters in secnus gait GUARANTEE Any one who will Inspect this horse selecting a sire we will guarantee them a present of lM0 and a colt without charge if The Duke is not just as represented and one of the best bred Trotting Stallions on tho Continent and one greatest Slock Horses on earth Route weeks Monday April 30th MONDAY Hotel from to and thence to Golden Lion Hotel Yonge Street for noon j to Hughs Hotel from to and thenee up Yonge to Hotel Elgin Mills for night TUFOSDAY Lemons Hotel Aurpri for noon Royal Hotel Newmarket for night WEDNESDAY Mr Joseph Hills farm Lot 25 Concession 6 King near for noon tor night THURSDAY Kleinburg for noon House for night FRIDAY Thlstletown for noon Islington Hotel for night SATURDAY Black Horse Hotel Toronto for noon where ho will remain Until evening when he will go to his own stable McGlll Street where ho will remain until Monday morning insures living colt payable days after marc foals If colt comes deformed or dies Within time no charge whatever will bo made K REYNOLDS Proprietor J in charge 107 St Toronto Loans made to Farmers at Five Pet Cent Apply 10 Mr Lalng A Expensive Crack The thrifty gentleman from the country had an experience recently In city ways which he cites as a warn ing to his neighbors He had been In town only a few days when ho no ticed a swelling on wrist He went at once to a physician with this result the New York Evening Post tells the story Dr Doc says I and held up my wrist Ah a weeping sinew says ho as If ho had been waiting a year tor chance to study case like mine Thereupon ho gave mo a thewrlstlikea thousand of brick It waft the spelling and hurt a cannon I jumped high In the air and yejle YeUr weeping sinews gone said the doctor Three dollars I was too much surprised to say a word and I paid It But your city doctors get rich dollars I blacksmith would done it for fun of j the Era to absent Its a comfortable feeling to know that you is a Because you get the the backed by a firm that has up sowyou the styles CARRIAGES