NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY j I wnDocto If he you to take Ayers Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble take it IF he has anything b titer then take that But we know what be say for doctors have used this coufh medicine over years I 4 I it few COOT m fur all fcVrt Ortfva sua vers MUX- Wfe Hie Hub WIDEAWAKE AKD Aurora Mr A A shipped 2 car loads of horses to the NorthWest on Tuesday last They were a fine lot ami Mr will no doubt real ize a large figure for them un derstand he has purchased a large block of land in the West also QOQ m As showing the trend of prices for real estate since the en trance of the James Bay to that town Mr Johnston re cently sold a small strip of land there for that he paid for about three years ago- oec i Interest Paid Quarterly if Hi ft Column Means more than interest paid half- yearly or yearly You as a busi ness man will see the advantage he your account large or small De posits of and upwards received Interest Paid Four Times a Year of Newmarket and Mount Manager Newmarket IP fcowtla with on of at Just Our Literary Society paid a visit to last Thursday evening and spent a pleasant time with the Literary Society there A joint pro gram consisting of songs readings recitations and dialogues was render ed after which the ladies served a dainty lunch The return visit will he made on Friday evening March when a joint debate en- Farm fOr Sale Or Resolved that a discontinu- of the union now existing be- In the Townfibip of King Great Britain and Canada would he beneficial to the latter will GERALD PEARSON be given A literary program Newmarket P also Ik- rendered All strangers SALS Brick Ho tee hard toft water Good garden good to Apply to A WILLIAMS Newmarket arc House for Sale cordially invited to he present And acres of land near Cemetery Barn and hard SNOWBALL Main Mr and Mrs Clayton Davis came very nearly being asphyxiated by Huroa Newmarket j on Saturday night They retired on Friday night in their usual health Apply to Mr Burke cor of Farm for Sale and had invited Messrs Thos Davis land John Davis to take dinner with them on Saturday When they ar- of late E Hunter they found the door locked but Street near Newmarket blinds were up and could see the brick house bulldingi old couple lying in bed So they ideal farm home See Angus the assistance of Mr Jas llama Atty Newmarket or Davis and gained an entrance and Dr J A Hunter Dallas Tex Choice Property FOR SALE In the- Town of Newmarket and acres Rood house and table in firBtrclaes repair Fine gar- All kinds fruit Apply A WILLIAMS I found the couple in a dangerous con dition being almost overcome and unconscious Had not these gentle men been there no doubt it would have been a Sad ending They are doing as well can be expected For Sale School Reports S No For the Month of Feb Tab Vera 1st 2nd Tab Tab Lawnnee 3rd On Niagara St good Brick House rooms and stable on lot all repair A bargain if at Ft once Apply on premises to Delia Farmers Troubles HE HAS TO COMPETE WITH LABOR ALSO- Toronto Feb No belter pre sentation of the farmers view of tariff has been made in recent years than that contained in the admirable address delivered at the Canadian Club luncheon yesterday by Mr of Crown Hill Mr is a graduate of the Agricultural Col lege exPresident of the Ontario Ag ricultural and Experimental Union and his public utterances show that he has inherited the courage and abil ity of his late wellknown father Hon Charles the first Minis ter of Agriculture for Ontario Mr observed that the farm ers are as a rule a silent class foreign labor Who pays his bill The Canadian farmer competes with cheaper foreign labor than the manu facturer does He competes with the jhalisavage labor of Argentina with pauper labor of India with the cheap labor all the world in the British market which is his only exporting market We have bur cheap labor competition and we have dear labor at home here just as dear as any class in the country have For the Era Idiosyncratic Diversities BY A BANKER- How extraordinarily varied and di verse are the tastes and predilections their views were not often beard but j of the several individuals of a Importance warranted their or even of a family Here ing beard more often than are j is one an ardent lover of Nature The rural population comprised three- whether her- glories arc displayed fifths of flip population of the midst the wild and majestic try while had three times as of the ravines and gorges ami much capital invested all the tiprcared peaks and pyramids of the enterprises of the country com bined the figures being for the farmers and for the Other interests More than that they added to the wealth of the country per while other producers combined added Who Adds Most Wealth I know that will be challenged at once Mr added as the cen sus figures show that the products of the manufacturers were MSI If you will look at the question you will find that the manufacturer adds to the wealth of the country only by the additional value that he gives to his raw material therefore the amount of his raw material has to Sir no Drink In his great speech in introducing the Local Veto Bill in the House of Commons In April Sir William then- Chancellor of the Ex chequer referring to the evil effects of drink said is no man I believe upon either side of the House who will dispute the infinite mischiefs of excessive drinking or will deny that such mischiefs do now exist in There may be and there are I know great differences as re gards the remedy which is to be applied to these evils but as to the evils themselves I will venture to affirm and think I shall not be that there is no social question comparable in importance to that of the evils of excessive drink ing in this country It is often said and said with much truth that we ought to apply ourselves to the remedy of social evils poverty Is there any man here who will say that one of the greatest causes of poverty in this country is not excessive in dulgence in drink Wages raises the question which occupies the minds of the wagepaying and wageearning classes Is there any thing which operates so prejudicially upon both classes of the community as the evils arising out of drink I ask any man who knows anything of the history of crime in this country ask the judges ask successive Home Secretaries ask the of this country and they will tell you with an unanimous voice that one of the principal causes crime In this country is excessive drinking Is there anything so destructive to the happiness of the home which it is in cumbent upon all of us to regard as that which is sq fruitful cause desolation and misery of an or midst restful beauty of Temperance Work in Japan A A Unique Temperance Organization I consider education and the use of strong drink utterly incompatible Principle was sitting at his desk when I went in to congratulate on his strict prohibition stand in Normal College Immediately him our he rose to his feet and quietly but decidedly and in excellent English is professors be deducted from the census figures j did noisome story in law Court Under existing circumstances said or to engage in some other sorry Mr the farmer is convinced j ignoble diversion And here vel that no twisting ami turning the another a tariff can add very much to the price heart and soul Good House for 8ale Arid quarter acre lot on St all in good condition Town water inside JACOB HUSH Newmarket For tram Ft Pansy Sanderson Wil lie Moulds Hazel Howard Smith Flossie Watson Jr HI Melville Sanderson Alon- Cole Willie Howard Pearl Bertie Irons Gertie Nelson Stanton Ill Sanderson Ursula Cole Stanley Jr IV Smith Percy Cole Anthony Ernest Watson Flora v Fred Johnston David Sweet Smith Present every day Hat tie Sedore New Frame House with furnace electric light and bath room all fin-i- uptodate also a stable J dle Sanderson Ursula Cole Mel on lot A if sold at once Ap- Smith Fred of what lie has to sell but on the other hand he knows that the tariff does add the price of what he has to buy As ai illustration Mr said that by actual experience he had found thai it took the price he had received for fleeces of wool to for a tweed suit which he bought We dont know where the money goes hut we have an idea the has something to do with it some how Mr amid laughter soldier in his his whole profession yearning for that stress of battle and of frenzied strife when midst the thunder the captains and the shout in roar and the hiss of projectiles and the maddening excite ment of the wihl charge he with heavy broadsword now cleaves the foe in twain or transfixes another to I lie hilt or fells another and another And then there arc those of more peaceful disposition who delight in unravelling the hidden mysteries of nature or in peering deeper and deep- and applause As to the farmers be- into the profoundest depths of the on ply to Corner Niagara aid Newmarket 2w4 1 Acre Farm For 8ale Lying on South of Kagle St and fronting on St Good modern barn and orchard trees Will be sold In block or parcels to Newmarket P For Sale or to Rent The Hamilton House at Roachs Point including furniture and limy business at once- Proprietor la going West For price and particulars apply to It A HAMILTON Proprietor Point House and Lot for On Timothy St at the rear of the Model School House in good repair Hard water Good Stable lothouse house near ly an of land with fruit arid Apply to Newmarket Johnston J A Teacher No WHITCHURCH I 20 Gladys Brooks Nathaniel Merle McCormack Robt McCormack Jr Stewart Florence Clara Grose Frederic HI Vivian St HI Myrtle 20 vin I J Llewellyn Peterson Jr McCormack 20 Jes sie Smart Murray Jaynes Ne va Sr Good Calm Jaynes Jr HRohert 1C Muriel Good Inter Smart Stanley Carl Jaynes Peterson Junior Arthur 9 Average attendance 21 The numbers at the right arc the number of days the pupils attend ed prosperous he admitted that they were better off than they used to he Hut by keeping accounts on a farm it had been shown that allowing for in terest on investment and wages for the sons the farmer had nothing left for his own wages That capital had in most cases been handed down from pioneer days the grandfather who hewed down the forest All the farmers could get was gained only by the greatest frugality good man agement and carefulness They had to pay from to a year with hoard and washing for a hired man owing to the competition of the fac tories in Hie towns which were pro tected by the and enabled to pay higher wages than the farmers The had been reasonable in their tariff representations having only asked that if any change be made the be downward instead of upward and that the British pre ference be carried on as far as it would go Has Foreign Competition Too The Manufacturers Association Mr continued have urged for more protection they- must compete with cheap foreign labor and great aggregations of foreign capital- What is the position of the Canadian farmer He pays the bill to help the manufacturer compete with cheap mighty of the snows or along the shores of the great ocean its foamcrested curling billows hurl ed in fury with the roar thunder against the adamantine rocks or a sea of whirling surf eddying and gy rating midst the boulders and overturned crags and which in wild over the windswept shore the more placid the country lane with its and festooned hedgerows and its wealth of glowing floral beauty Or here another to whom all these glories offer absolutely no attraction whatsoever and who would infinitely neither students nor prefer to watch the vicissitudes of a a f cockfight or to listen to shall at any time so long as connected with the college whether on holidays or other days on duly or off be permit ted to indulge in the use of alcohol The rule he made on his own initia tive after giving his reasons it in a public address in the city I pic of years ago before the first fac ulty and students were enrolled and it is most consistently and success fully enforced Mr has long been considered the Department Japan one of her most cultured and efficient agents Though not a Christian he is in the best sense a gentleman and a scholar The formal opening of the college took place last fall It is a govern ment institution the second its Wnd the first in the capital and so representatives of the De partment were present as well as the educational leaders and the high er officials of the province and city There were over one hundred and fifty guests In addition to the more formal exercises there were Va rious sports and a great- the whole enlivened by the music of a military band And yet not drop of strong drink was served that dav but man was asked to Partake freely and nil of the best kind of lea ami coffee It is more than probable that such an ignoring of even the Japanese sake on an occasion of so much importance and rejoicing ami the enforcement of a prohibition rule so rigid and Ciier- al arc both unprecedented in the Is land of the East O unfathomable abysm of the infinite and searching out those other uni verses sunk in the profundities of the illimitable or in learning how to combat the growth of those minute organisms which engender dis ease or in many another mode to benefit or instruct the human race while enjoying to the full the rich gratification of research And there too is the flaccid vouth content to waste the whole of his spare time in the constant perusal of the third- rate novel or in some other insipid and vapid manlier the orator sway ing the spellbound multitude with his burning eloquence the philan thropist whose chief pleasure is to benefit his fellow creatures with many another all diversely occupied and diversely disposed But whatever ho their occupation or whatever their taste and predilec tions those enjoy the happiest exis tence who remembering that this life hut f time while the- to come if for eternity make sure of a glorious future by accepting the Re deemer Who died that thev might live as their Saviour and their nev erfailing Friend The school at Sask was burned last week Farm To Rent Union St miles of Queens Fine brick good barns and out buildings Fences In good repair and land In good state cultivation Plenty of water good orchard and all conveni ences Apply to mm Village Drops Into Lake Home March The village of built on the perpendicular above Lake in the f Brewia was almost entirely destroyed thin morning by the rocks suddenly giving away apparently be cause the lake had eaten Into the base of the cliffs Fortunately the disaster was by roaring sound which alarmed the WM inhabitants One was killed About feet of rock and the house on It swallowed up by Box I the lake- To There Is help for every woman who suffers from headache faint- depression backache and other ailments during those Nature makes a heavy demand on her strength and vitality Every woman should take Pi to help her through these trying periods to keep the system in a normal and healthy condition The girl just entering woman hood and those of years find benefit from Pills Taken at the first sign of they give prompt Read the special directions fori women with every box la Cntd In I A Dream Interpreted A laborer lately told his on waking of a curious dream which he had during the night He dreamed that he saw coming toward him in order four rats The first one was very fat and was followed by two lean rats hut the rear rat was blind The dreamer was greatly per plexed a o what evil might follow as it has been understood that to dream of rats denotes a coming ca lamity He appealed to bis wife concerning this hut the poor woman could not help dim His son a sharp ad who heard his father tell the dream volunteered to be in terpreted The fat rat he said Is the man who keeps the saloon that you go to so often the lean rats arc my mother and me the blind rat father Ih yourself Catholic Recorder While on his down from Moon River on Tuesday Mr John Campbell of Tiny lost a valuable team horses through the Ice He had been work ing in Hie lumber woods up there and the season being over was on his way home The team was worth l wards of sfevrL t A- ftLirW- f Absolutely white flour makes the beautiful white bread the kind wc all like But white bread is not necessarily pure because it is white To be pure it must made from purified flour There is only one method of making flour absolutely pure tricity No impurity searching purifying work of this electrical process The electrical method is employed by every big mill in the United States In Canada the only flour purified by electricity is and that by elec- can withstand the Household Flour- therefore it is the only flour that can bo considered as absolutely pure Say Royal Household to your grocer hell do the rest Flour Mills Co MONTREAL OgiWies Book for Cook contains of excellent recipes some never before published Your grocer can tell you how get It FREE After Treatment Drs K 25 Years 3MO USED WITH OUT CONSENT lie at the healed took your New itothod Treatment for a serious blood with which had been for twelve years I had consulted a of phy sicians taken all kinds of blood medicine visited Hot Springs and other mineral water re sorts but only got temporary relief would help me for a time but after discontinuing the medicines symptoms would break out again running Before Treatment sores blotches rheumatic pains looseness of hair swellings of the glands palms of the hands scaling itchiness of tho skin dyspep tic stomach I had given up In despair when a friend advised me to consult you as you had cured him of a similar disease years ago I had no but took his advice In three weeks time the sorts commenced to heal up I became encouraged I continued the New Method Treatment for four months at the end of that time every symptom had disappeared I was cured 7 yeari and no signs of disease since My boy three years old Is sound and healthy I can recommend your treatment with oil my heart You can any person to me privately but you can use this testimonial as you Wan a We treat Debility Varicocele Stricture Vital and Skin diseases Urinary and Kidney men and women- Are you a victim you lost hope Are you intend ing to marry Has your blood been diseased you any weakness Our Method Treatment will euro you What It has done for others it will do for you FRBB No matter who has you write for an honest opinion Free of Charge Charges reasonable BOOKS The Golden Monitor Illustrated on Diseases Men Sealed Book on Discuses of Women Free NO NAMES confidential i Cor Ave Shelby Detroit MichT READER ft WITHOUT lint and coat of treatment UNKENN Cured in One Day HO CURE HO PAY The tippler the habitual drinker and the most confirmed and hopeless drunkard can bo quickly cured by the new remedy without the of the sufferer No publicity no interruption in business no loss of time Write today for never fails it has cured thou- sands it will cure you Full treatment price Registered letter postal note or money order THE CANADA CHEMICAL LABORATORY Toronto known Ainon the lHdr the ik which other tor a bd4koru a good tea lorpuirerlioxvoru or Boot or for any tough lob beet by genulno the T ELORA OMT EPILEPTIC FIT No with New Vegetoblo Dtsoovory EUXENE No spasms tremors convulsions or epileptic treatment Not like the bitter disagreeable and harmful bromide compounds This wonderful euro is pleasant to tho taste aids digestion purifies removes pimples and rash clears the complex ion strengthens tho brain and Intellect and perm cures epileptic fits Write today to the Cana dian Chemical Laboratory Kimr St West Toronto Canada and feet their Free Cure Offer JP