s Hews OH in a ALL arch Stock Sale LAMPS for Extra fire Stand Parlor Lamps decorations regular prices to reduced to A Printed Toilet Set Dinner Sets A tow Dinner Sets left at If Half an Hour Later A number of the are going to Toronto Best Wed nesday to attend a Masonic gather ing and the Manager of the Metropol itan has agreed to the last car till oclock midnight for the ac commodation of all who want to spend the evening In the city Two Weeks Off The United Factories will close on Saturday night for two weeks that is most of the employees will have a rest- The firm intend making con siderable alterations in the furnaces so as to lessen the work of the fire men All the machinists will also be busy making general repairs in the Factory while the engines aret a standstill Brieflets Chief Anderson is now on tfie new assessment He wont have quite so much worry over it as he had last year Get your ticket tomorrow evening for the Irish Concert An old man was sent to the Indus trial Home on Wednesday from the Southern part of the County in a paralyzed and helpless condition men who shovelled snow by contract the past winter have had a snap for once See the new Prints at Toronto Job bing House Davis Cup Competition The members of Newmarket Curling Club have lively time each season over the competition for the Silver Cup donated by Hon J Davis There are four players in each rink and in the first round the rinks under the following skips were winners- Messrs A A and J This week the successful rinks are playing the second round Before the finals are reached there will pro bably be four rounds On Monday evening Mr T rink won from Mr A by points permanent be assured and Jg in a score of tionally financially and pro gressively would be undoubtedly ben efitted and VeWrharket could boast finest educational be tween Toronto and Winnipeg- Sale Register regular quality choice River for fttft finest Selected Selected Raisins Very flte quality Table Figs were Cheap for cooking Very Salmon can Rood fifib cans Tomatoes Corn an Peas Quality ail Prices Fresh rterrlngs fiqtailty for a tea Tea for ft The Leading Reliable AMERICAN YELLOW FOR FEED WHICH VILL BE FOR OTHER GRAIN Royal Household Reliance Family Lukes Pastry Patent atxea on band and deliv ered to any part the town Huron St Storehouse Situation Offered BRITISH AMERICAN- BUSINESS COLLEGE Oldest Quickest Cor Toronto Hockey There was a very good crowd at the Rink Tuesday evening to see the matcribetween the St Georges of Toronto and Newmarket Seniors Tlay opened lively and the visitors made the first score Our boys look ed a little bit shaker but thev warm ed up to their work and at the end of half time had on the score card while the St Georges only had 3 In the half the visitors be came tired out and disheartened and Newmarket won by to Mr Ernie Doyle referred the game There was little roughness and his decisions gave general satisfaction The Scalpers defeated the School the Rink on Wednesday even ing by 5 to Town Band BandMaster of the Highlanders Toronto complimented the band very highly last Tues day evening- on the progress they are making There are now about members and have reached that point where the practices tire a delight It was about oclock when they nut out the Tuesday About applications have been received from musicians in various parts of the province offering to as sist if steady employment can be found In the Town It expected that several of them will be accom modated The Banc has decided to hold a Concert in the Town Hall on Wed nesday the of April and are engaging some talent for the occasion As the proceeds of the Concert will be applied towards the purchase new Uniforms we have no doubt but that our citizens will give them a crowded house The business people have already showed their interest In the Band by a lib- era subscription to get it started now let general public add their contribution and we shall have a musical aggregation of which the Town may well feel proud The College The canvass is being continued for the remaining funds necessary to In duce the Friends College Executive to rebuild here Instead at Pickering village Some narrowminded citizens expressed a wonder that any monetary consideration be necessary overlooking the fact that much property and an exceedingly valuable site at the old location remain the property of ftlc Board which in event of here or elsewhere could only be disposed of at a very material sacri fice Then again we bare heard people who do not stern to realize that edu cational Institutions of this character are not established by means of gov ernment aid but have like moat oth er public benefactions of to be first planted on a broad and deep foundation Once this In ac complished In a growing progressive community like our own a rapid and WEDNESDAY March 14Mr Kirlon and Mr A will have a sale of stock implements on Lot Cod Township Of King the farm credit Sale at one oclock The farm is also for sale Kv- Auct THURSDAY March 22Mr Burns Lot Con Scott will hold an extensive auction sale farm stock and implements at one oclock months credit on sums over J Hester Auct TUESDAY March Isaac Lemon will have a sale of register ed horses and cattle good grade cattle and other stock on Lot in Con of Posi tively no reserve The furniture and Implements will be sold before lunch commencing at oclock See bills I KESWICK Keswick will hold their next regular meeting at the residence of Mrs Alfred Morton on Wednesday March at pm A full tendance is requested as matters of will come up for discus sion Visitors cordially invited to be present Press The Literary Society expect to hold a debate with St Society on the Subject Resolved that a severing of the present rela tions between Great Britain and Canada Would be advantageous to the latter Messrs A Starr A and arc to uphold the affirmative and Jlessrs J Phillips and Miss A Phillips the negative Miss- Sadie Heacock is visiting her aunt in Aurora for a few days Mr Richardson is spending a few weeks with his cousin Mrs A Starr it OIlCHARa 1 f s Council flaVr essence all thats foclri prime beef con- cehtftiLVXl TKiktBOVRIL requires eight pounds of beef to make four ounces of Useitin the kitchen for as well as die palates salte mm iVJ ii A 55535- Mr of Toronto occupied the pulpit here on Sunday evening Miss Phoebe Brown entertained a number of her friends oft Thursday evening Levi Moulds having taken unto him self a wife a number of the boys gave him serenade recently It is to be hoped Levi was more careful in his choice this time and will en counter no such legal difficulty as upon a former occasion Mr anH Mrs WT Playter at tended the funeral of Mrs John Tay lor at Sandford on Monday Mr and Mrs Hall are visits ing relatives in Mariposa BETHEL CORNERS The beautiful sunshine and weather makes ua glad to welcome Spring Our gospel temperance meeting Mon day evening was quite well attended Mr Boyd gave a splendid address A good program was rendered also Mr Draper is spending a few weeks in Toronto with his son Miss Maude left last Tues day for Pittsburg where she intends taking a training course in the Gen eral Hospital Mrs Walker and Master Cecil have been spending a lev days at Toronto and Richmond Hill Mr John of spent a few days in this vicinity last week Mr and Mrs Connolly are spending a few weeks vith their son in Toron to What we would like to know Is why our Endeavor meetings arc not bet ter attended A cottage prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr on Tuesday evening There was a good attendance and an Interesting meet ing The Parliament buildings were thronged on Wednesday with deputa tions from various parts of the Pro vince One of the deputations want ed Sudbury Masey and Townships made into a sep arate judicial district Hon Mr will consider the application Robbed at Haif ax St John March Faulkner an Englishman who ar rived in Halifax on Friday on the steamer Laurentian passed through here today en route West to settle The provided him with transportation to Montreal for he said he had been robbed of SI practically all his money in Halifax On the ship he picked up acquaint ance with two other emigrants whom he nierHeaky and Goldsmith and all went to his room In a hotel in Halifax They had some drink and he fell and later found his friends gone and also his bag in which was his He believes he was drugged It was found next day that his companions had left for the West and the police along the aud lines have School Reports No J Purdy Isaac Mar- ritt Thornton Norman Cook Jr IV Raymond Huntley Frank Mary Mains John Council Reuben Clarence Goodyear Audrey Ernes Jr Archie Pol lock Eva Orvan Huntley St Bessie Mitchell Edna Crowder John Marritt Bessie Jr Russell Emerson Pollock Ross Devltt Lizzie Mason NO Lewis Flossie Johnston Mamie Rose Edith Johnston Allic Rose Clarence Wright Robert Cun ningham Nelson Shanks Floyd Cun ningham Ross Grant Wakefield LaPier Fred Collins H Miller Nora Max Vincent Cain Stan ley Shanks Mac Cain Frank Wilder Louisa MS Blanche Cunningham Mabel Bait Rose Present every day Flossie John ston Wakefield LaPier Ross Grant Miller Arnot Frank Wilder ROY Teacher SHARON SCHOOL Bella Milton Stephenson Ethel Shaw Allan Willie Hall Jr Ajouzo Wesley Gladys Barker Fred Penrose Johnnie Gordon Dorothy Turncy Gladys Penrose Lewis Pc- Merton Shanks Jr III Harry Penrose Harry Shanks John Jackson Fred Hall Walter Davis Sr Gertie Stephenson Heroic Black Sherman Storey Reginald Turney Jr Lindsay W I Clark Carl Wes ley Jr I Walter Tate Laura Penrose Everett Stlckland Melville Shanks Ernest Graham Geo Wright Myrrl Graham Villlc Wright Sharon Feb 20 Special meeting of Council held this evening in Clerks office to receive report of committee appoint ed to obtain Engineers estimate of tost of construction of roadway lots con west report readaqd placed before Council Petition presented by John Steeper which was numerously signed asking Council not to appropriate roadway without estimate and County should build maintain the bridge crossing the Holland I The Council gave a lengthy ani careful consideration to the subject after which the Reeve bylaw appointing and Huntley and the as Com missioners empowered to effect the construction of said work Bylaw regularly passed o Sharon March 2 Regular meeting of Council held this day All members of last regular meeting read and confirmed Communications received from Davidson re Albert Tel ephone Co Anderson sheep claim re work Rutledge re work re Dougherty family A re work Clerk of Taventorus Township re tariff protection to farmers J re timber for bridges lots con West Clerk of King re grant made by King Council and Bradford road Copy of agreement re County and Township in re of said road and bridge Petition presented by largely signed asking that no appro priation be made in re of said road way and the Council was addressed by Ostley and others upon the matter The Reeve introduced bylaws to appoint Road Overseers Keep ers Fence Viewers and Sheep Valuat ors also to commute and determine re of statute labor for the PHONE 3 PROMPT DELIVERY j To arrive Friday a large variety of Oranges California Navels from cheap to per Valencia Oranges very i MARMALADE Are at their best quality and price unrivalled us book your order this week Let Finnan Fresh Sea Lake Trout Bloaters Labrador Herring H9 California Celery fresh and crisp Saturday Bread fresh every day Pure Maple Syrup Pure Clover Honey- Sweet Biscuits large variety 10c lb 7 bars quick Soap 10 bare Soap Handpicked White Beans 6 lbs for fcnfflish Malt Vinegar Rose Bath Toilet Soap for Choice Dates Prunes and Figs 5c lb Choice Table Figs lb Phone fiO An Ottawa despatch states that a meeting of the Dominion Cabinet on Wednesday last Mr Robert of Toronto was called to the Senate In place of the late Senator As a political appointment Liberals throughout the country will endorse Mr Jailrays nomination The despatch also announces the nomination of Dr Douglas Dr vcber Mr Peter Talbot and Mr No Guy Lloyd Re Id Rose III Martha Mildred Wcddtl Lome Burrows John nie Smith Willie Young An gus Kills Pollock Nellie Smith Annie Smith Jr- XL Mcintosh g Charlie Mitchell promoted to Jr clas Floyd Mitchell Present every day of monlb in Bylaws regularly passed the statute labor being reduced by one half and the rate of commutation being fixed at per day with a rebate of per day being allowed to all persons commuting by paying to the Treasur er on or before June 1st The request of the Mt Albert Tele phone Co to place poles on the high way was granted subject to the di rection of Councillors and French The form of agreement as required by bylaw of the County Council was carefully considered and the Reeve introduced a bylaw authoriz ing the same to be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and corporate seal attached Payments ordered Anderson sheep claim work St M Rutledge work lots 20 Con A Tate work lots 5 and Council adjourned to meet in Shar on on April at am- ft Holland Handing Council meeting of Council March Present the Reeve and all tho mem bers Minutes of last meeting rend conririmfcl Communication from Barker to The following bills were presented Go itodd bell ringing C pieces of cedar HO Glover- That the of Geo Rood be paid Hint Mr have the use of for the summer pasture same terms as last year that he pay for same Carried Goodwin- TatcThnt Henry Marsh be paid for wdar and that Mr Glover and Mr Len nox be appointed to seo tree on road which Mr Mouldti claims Is damaging his property Report next meeting of Council Carried Glover Goodwin That the Clerk bo instructed to ask for Tenders to rent the Council Lot from the May to Dec Tenders to be received up to April Carried Good Tate That the Collectors he received and accepted that the Collector bo paid his sal ary 1800 Carried Glover That this Coun cil be appointed a Committee to advertlne tho facilities of Village for Factories etc and to Induce man to locate here Carried Council adjourned ens f MENS BOYS ft Overcoata- Overcoats- e Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats- 8 Ovexooato fl 4 Overcoats Overcoats 15 00 Overcoats 00 Overcoats 00 Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats CO Thia Is the best lot of OVERCOATS wo ever offered at these prices comprising following wellknown makes AND K It W OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET f to Manitoba CANADIAN Hoy as Senators for the North- r num West Territories created at the last Ycun of Parliament St JOHN Teacher A Iron cylindet tons was blown through jo roof Six of If- greenhouses near were destroyed by a flro that started from the explosion of a of brick fad coal oil Loss Henri Que by an ex CHAMBERLAINS COLIC ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY The great buccces of- this prepara tion In the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought Into al most universal use It never falls and when reduced with water and sweetened is pleasant to take It Is equally valuable for children adults For sale by Lloyd McKenzlc of Saskatche wan who Is vialtlne in Winnipeg was robbed of while crowing the St I university grounds and severely dosion J handled Alberta and Saskatchewan ARE YOU GOING TO SPECIAL TRAINS FOR With and from Toronto at p EVERY TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL C CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE Settlers trvtlHnv without vo ilock should train from Toronto dully TOURIST CARS on Alccplny oh Come and Get Prices OF Winnipeg LUMBER LATH Western Canada of uo with lull upfii lo AKent or to A P Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket J Uev of St Barna bas Church St Catharines dismiss ed tho members of tho choir and Is in troublo with tho church- conBcqucnce application to increase capital stock of tho Grand Trunk Pa cific Railway from will be nude at Parliament SHINGLES Park Avenue NEWMARKET March even ing Dr his his lantern Ignit ing hay and straw and smother ing him In tho loft The body was recovered shortly after hands be ing slightly K