An exchange fact that you can read the proof or a newspa per or and the same error without seeing It All newspapermen will tell you so Out just as soon as started ami the paper is Theres Money It For the County 1 The Property Commissioner for the city of Harris has report of Cental shape there that Court House and City Hall completed six tears at a cost of is already get ting too small for the demands on its space As a consequence be re- commends that options be obtained stands the error in front of you so big that you cant see anything else Its a strange fact and is the reason why if is so easy edit a newspaper after it is- printed Mr Smith Feel lias introduced a bill to amend the Franchise Act His aim Vis to enfranchise widows and spinsters for Provincial elections who now have municipal votes FROM BOTH LOOAL STANDPOINT BY EXPERTS Mr the newly elected member for North Toronto was forthwith on property immediately the Hall on the opposite HI The Wilson Star of the remarks The State Department of Agriculture printed a of adjoining the Hall on the opposue occupied or uaoccu side of the street in the bloc bound- Y farms which are for ed by Terauley Elizabeth and Albert sale This marks a feverish unrest streets exclusive of the Queen St not experienced in the Province of The Port Hope Times says At the Town Council meet ing Mr J A of Port hydraulic to the House last week and addressed the Council on the afterwards his name was added to advisability of accepting the j the Municipal Standing and of Peterooro to join with some Railway Committees forty other deputations to interview V the Government at Ottawa to press In reply to Mr for the immediate completion of the Secretary stated that the Asy- Trent Valley Canal Kit Ni J be to any injuries or fc of alteration is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything Best for all household pur poses Sunlight Soap ioriiy is most conspicuous in ihe washing of clothes Common soaps destroy the or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes Even the daintiest linen or lace or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way follow Your money refunded by the dealer from whom you buy Sunlight Soap if you Any for complaint 5c Buy it 5c Toroalv ELLIOTT BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto Ont Has lately received calls for sten ographers bookkeepers cashiers Invoice clerks etc We filled nine of these and had no one else ready to tend This is the school to attend COMMENCE NOW Circular free- J ELLIOTT Principal Cor Alexander ef Application for Notice hereby that Julia Dover of Fuller Avenue City of Toronto in the County of York and Province of Ontario rte4 will apply to the Parlia ment of Canada at the next session for a bill of divorce from her Arthur Frederick Dover of the City of Toronto In County of York on the of and desertion bated at Toronto this day of September A El A Solicitor tor Applicant ftmoe Victoria St Toronto frontage which the block would con- tain- This he adds would provide a separate site for the Court Rooms and County offices now in the build- and leave room for the municipal offices of the city for all time In this recommendation Mr Harris fur ther proposes that the annex building to be constructed for County offices would be connected with the City Hall by means of a tunnel under Street and heated lighted and ventilated from the same plant The question of cost is the next point Mr Harris says the assessed value of the site for the proposed an nex totals He also suggests an alternative site comprising the Mock north of the City Hall on Al bert Louisa James and streets the total assessment of which is given at With regard to cost the proposed annex building Mr Harris estimates it about This he considers a better expenditure than half a million on a new to the present building spoiling its beauty and adine to the inconveni ence of the public in reaching the offices It is not our purpose to fault the recommendation of Mr Harris but if County officials are to be crowded out of the City Hall and bundled across Terauley Street into an annex the County Council and taxpayers of the Count of York will have some thing to say This County al ready paid its share for the accommo dation of its officials in the present City Hall and we much mistake the willingness of our County Coun cil to vacate premises the people of the County have already for to be crowded into other premises which had City municipal offices not been attached thereto would have saved thousands of dollars to the County in the original cost If the recommendation of Mr Harris be comes a reality therefore we make no doubt York County Council will be alive to the situation and see to it that a reasonable proportion of the money paid to the city as the Ontario No doubt on some of these farms occupants have hard pickings to make a Irving but this only implies to a limited number there must be some other cause for this desire to dispose of old home steads around which so many family associations naturally cling for new homes An exchange has this to say about printing all the news A man stopped us on the street the other day and said we did not publish all the news We should say not In the first place theres somebody else depending on us for a living If we published ajl that we would be with the angels- In order to please the people we must print only the nice things said of them and leave the rest to gossip Yes its a fact we dont print the news If we did wouldnt it be spicy reading But it would be for one week The next week you would read our obituary and there would be face In heaven a new The General Sessions opened in To ronto on Tuesday County Judge Winchester on the bench The list of criminal cases numbered 37 charged against prisoners addition to the foregoing is a list of 25 adjourned cases sixtytwo cases in all Not more than about a dozen of the total belong to the County and yet- under our legal connection with To ronto that portion of the costs pay able by the judicial district of York the taxpayers of the County have to pay about onefifth Just why the County of York should be com pelled to contribute so unfairly to wards cost of criminal justice for the advantage of the city it is diffi cult to understand A judicial se paration of the County from the city would be a big saving on the tax- rate for Epileptics at Woodstock would be opened as soon as the ne cessary legislation canbe passed Quite a large number of bills have been introduced to amend the Muni- cipal Act At the caucus last the Opposition declared party fealty to Hon Ross as their leader and he gave them to understand he would remain in the Ontario House instead of seeking honors at Ottawa The member for South Huron is fathering a bill which provides that inmates of Industrial Homes known whreas the to possess means shall be compelled to contribute to their support This is right If they are incapable of looking after themselves the County Judge is empowered to direct appro priations from their property The bill further provides for Inspection of these Houses of Refuge by an officer of the Provincial Government They ought to he well looked after pretty soon the County Council appoints a committee for the purpose then the Grand Jury want a holiday off and they make a visit and now Mr Eit her bill will provide for new- made- officer to earn an easy living from the Provincial Treasury who will also inspect Three inspect ing joints besides the County Council Inspector to keep things straight After a discussion the Council deputation of the whole Council and Messrs- J McColI Huycke J and J o JS Ij J J Preston of Durham will in troduce a special bill into the Legis lature to village of Camp- to become a town without taking over the bridge which crosses the Trent River at that place from the county At present the statute provides the county shall sustain the bridge until such time as becomes a town then it must bear the burden price of our judicial connection tor County offices in the present City Hall will he refunded failing this judicial separation from the city looms up as the only alternative It would seem too from the evi dence adduced at the investigation of charges against the Plumbers Com bine that the County should receive a very considerable rebate on the esti mated cost of the City Hall If the County Council had been victimized by the contractors the way the city appears to have been juggled there would be no end to the chatter about hypnotizing county hayseeds Up about farmers are giv ing pretty large attention to grow ing onions They realize to per acre for the crop The Expositor says Mr J ships on an average about fifty tons of onions every year This at per ton which is about the a lot of money Most of the onions which Mr Ortwein handles grown in the vicinity of Hensall He furnishes the seeds to the growers and they furnish the land and do the work and he purchases from them the product He says there is nothing farmer can grow that will give so good a return for the labor and outlay This is only one dealer and there are others On Tuesday the Premier again reit erated the policy of the Government respeciing dismissal of civil service men Unless something crooked is proven present men will not be dis turbed This will stop certain agi tation on the part of officeseekers Field sen Port Hope is also sending a strong deputation Mr said he was not there to advocate any outlet of the Canal waterway but to urge to press the Government along with deputations from the whole of Central Ontario to complete this great work immediately He had the honor of discovering the Trent Valley Canal some three years ago and whereas the people then looked upon it as a political football today this work has been proven before the Royal Transportation Commission to be the cheapest grain route on the continent and the country must now understand its practical utility both from a local and national standpoint Mr stated he held letters from the leading transportation ex perts of the world endorsing his ar guments behalf of the canal Of course the depth of this new survey has changed the tion The old si feet was a farce and is now Ranged to eight feet four- inches on the slll nine and one hall feet canal cuttings and ten and one half feet in the lake and river give a capacity for a 25000 bushel barge canal the total cost probably being about ten million dollars TLis will give a cheaper grain route than the one hundred and fifty million dol lar Erie Canal the old plus the en largement cost Our canal water way too open up over one thou sand miles of inland shore and open to this great Central Ontario also the vast timber limits of Georgian Bay and besides will be the greatest regulator for Railway freight Review OQQ Majrfe Leaf are made of pure Para rubber are wetproof neat arid lasting rubber has a Maple Leaf the sole and this brand is wan on our rantcc that the rubber is perfect in every way 1 T Insist on your dealer giving- you Ms- Made forever purpose and to fit every shape and style of ladies mens and childrens shoes The Public Accounts of vinCe presented to the House on Tuesday show an expenditure of 39601674 and revenue of Mr Downey is pressing a bill to provide for the exemption of wood lands from taxation CHANGES IN COMPANY to Creditors Notice lo hereby given that all cred itors who have claims against the es tate of Austin T late of East York County yeoman who died on or about the day of January are re quested to file with Esq Newmarket Solicitor for the a statement of their claims properly proven on or before the 2lst day March as thereafter the Executors will distribute the assets having only to such claims as are and they will not be for any part Bald assets thereafter W Solicitor for Executors February lOe and Gravel For delivered by mall promptly to for building for Come tee A Aurora Boy Wanted To learR the Printing One that ha attended High School te or Wo preferred Apply trtfcls EDITORIAL The Telegram rises to remark defer entially While the speculators are busy figuring out the moves to be made by the Dominion Government in the making of new Senators the wise ones in Toronto say that neither of Brock- ville will be made Senators but that Robert J affray of the Toronto Globe has been selected as the Govern ments favorite Pure Red Blood IS It would be to specify which of the twenty odd articles in the March of The Busy Mans Magazine is of most interest From the capital character sketch of Mr Frederic who has done so much to promote Canadian industry to the amusing monograph on his seventieth birthday by the prince of Mark Twain there is not a dull page In the All classes of people are catered to In its contents A special Toronto to the Hamilton Herald intimates that Dr Minister without port folio in the Ontario Cabinet has been turned down recently by his chief The report reads It common talk around the Legisla ture that Hon Dr min ister without was one of the prime movers amon the malcon tents on the officegetting question They inked that offices be thrown open right and left for Conservatives While without doubt there will be many changes In the near future It in said that Dr received ultimatum from the government and was told if he did not like the way the was doing things he had the remedy in his own hands which was supposed to be that he IS NECESSARY TO HEALTH STRENGTH AND HAPPINESS Pure rich red blood is what needed by every women or old Thin weak watery blood is the cause all the headaches and back aches and weakness and weariness alt the dizziness despondency all the nervousness and fainting spells that afTlfct girls and women The only thing that c help you is Dr Williams These pills make new rich red blood that gives new and strength to every organ of the body this way they make pale feeble girls de velop into healthy happy women and for the same reason bring ease and comfort and regularity to women at all ages of life Miss J Dietrich St Clements Que is one of the many thousands made well and happy Pint Pills She says tried medicines but got nothing to help me until I took Dr Williams Pink Pills I subject to palpi tation of the heart throbbing the head and dizziness and fainting spells I had no appetite and was weak pale and discouraged when I began the use of Dr Williams pink Pills Six boxer of these have me feel like an altogether different person and have given health and strength Rich red- blood the true secret of health and strength and It is sirnplv because Dr Williams Pink Pills make new pure blood that they cure such troubles as anaemia loss of appetite indigestion neural gia rheumatism St Vitus dance partial paralysis kidney troubles and the special ailments that only womenfolks know Rut you must get the genuine with the full name Dr Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around each In doubt sent to The Dr Hon Mr Hanna announced in the House a lew days ago that it was the fixed policy of the Government to abandon the system of perquisites of all officials of public institutions except superintendents give them an increase in salaries instead Un der the present system it had been found that adult members of families of employees were living with officials on the supplies of institution The Government bill making im portant provision for forest preserva tion from fire will require that when railways built thru Crown timber lands or timber lands under settlement the railways must main tain fire ranger The Government will make the appointment but the railways foot the salary account The announcement is made that Mr Johnson who at one time was managing director of the Wells Richardson Co Limited Moun- Pro- Montreal Que but who was succeeded some time ago by Mr Thomas Brady is not now connected with this company in any way and that Mr A Richardson who was a former stockholder in the above- named company and also in the Wells Richardson Company of Vermont is not now connected in any form or capacity with either company of the above gentlemen having disposed of their holdings of stock The Wells Richardson Co Limited of Montreal arc the sole proprietors among other articles of the well- known Diamond Dyes Improved nut ter Coloring Lactaied Food and Celery Compound at the present time under the very able management of Mr Brady are doing the largest business In the history of the Canadian Company Montreal Witness Feb 1006 Regular size can Regular size con r Royal Baking Powder is of the highest quality a pure cream of tartar powder the best on this or any other market Its nate- the home against all danger of alum food Wo recommend Royal Baking Powder because of its high quality because it saves eggs flour butter and other ingredients and best satis fies our customers Sold and recommended by HARDY A SMITH HUNTER BROS Mr the newlyelected member for North Toronto has giv en notice of a to prohibit the custom of treating Commercial travellers have asked the Government to amend the local option law so to compel munici palities where it Is In force to sup ply adequate hotel accommodation Commercial travellers make this mistake It Is not the duty of local municipalities to provide accommoda tion for persons who do not contrib ute to the municipal treasury espe cially a class of people who do not produce anything -QOO- Soap better than bat la way Bay and follow Just Like Him Hows This new was could step down and out If report I Williams Medicine Co if true Dr has been getj bo mailed at ting the merry haha from some mem- cents a box or six boxes for of the opposition We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cute J CHENEY Co Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last 16 years and him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm MARViN Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Testimonials sent free cents per bottle An Irishman said I think all the conductors on the street cars in New York City are mindreaders because when he called Elizabeth did not Elizabeth get up and walk out then when he called off Jerome Jerome got up and walked out He called off Briggs Mrs got up and walked out and forgot her pocket book As I was the only one In the car I opened it counted the money and saw that there was just In it I was delighted and be gan to think what I would buy with the money when the conductor stuck his head in the door and called out Morris Sure and that is said I so I got up walked out As I stepped on the platform I met lady and she said Is this Morris and yea says I She said Im looking for fortytwo and says I I haveit and handed her the fortytwo dollars -04- Crashed into Way Freight March About 530 this afternoon a wreck occurred on the Northern division of the Grand Trunk entailing considerable financial loss but fortunately no loss of life A doubleheader from the north drawing twentyfour loaded freight car6 ran away at sema phore about half a mile above the station which it approached down grade at a high rate of speed When the engineer saw that the semaphore was against him he tried to apply the brakes but they refused to work The way freight was standing on the main line at the station about four car lengths above the platform and the heavy freight collided with it with tremendous force- The force of the collision drove the standing train back feet and piled up seven flat cars which were immediately behind the engine driving one them into the freight shed which is badly wrecked All three of the engines several box cars were damaged The train crews jumped when saw that the col lision could not be averted and all hut one escaped without injury except cuts and bruises Fireman Thomas Taylor was severely Injured about the head and face and may lose tho sight of eye Wrecking trains are now at work clearing away the de bris and it is expected that the main line will ho clear morning The passenger trains were not A and palatebio of Bread In Workmens Friend Ajcfllna a poor end tasteless article ucta Breed Why not Bread which Is always Light and Hoist tried you will come again to SIMPSON SOUTH END OAKERY Phone No Great distress was revealed by the medical examination of Intending emigrants at Scotland The Student Volunteer convention opened at Nashville Tcnn with delegates present Nearly are Canadians Hon Minister of Railways said at Montreal that over a million dollars would be spent by the Government rebuilding tho ICR shops at Commissioner Coombs and of the Salvation Army Sold by all Drug- Interviewed Sir Wilfrid and Halls Family Pills for bonuses claimed for settlers 1 the Minister of the Interior regard ing bonuses claim brought to Canada There has only been one February in which there has been less snow than this year That was in when the fall was inches Wolly Bear an Indian Man shot and killed ki another Indian in a row over a deal Five informations have been laid against R St Thom as clerk of Royal Oak Camp No 4 Woodmen of the World It Is alleg ed that he Is short in his ac counts If you your friends or relative with Fin Epilepsy Vitus Dance or Falling Sickness write for a bottle valuable treatise on diseases to Tit a Co Kin Street Toronto Canada All tell or can obtain you Grand Trunk Railway LEAVE NEWMARKET Going and and pm Gotn North and and pm LEAVE TORONTO Goinjc North am pm Going and am and pm Going and am and 1016 pm Metropolitan Leave Newmaxket and pm Early car every Monday at Late car every Wednesday Saturday night at Leave Toronto and cum 180 Pm Late car every Wednesday and Saturday night at Special Excursion Rates every Wed nesday and Saturday afternoon BRANCH Connecting at Bond Lake Leave p Arrive in Toronto pm Toronto 70 and p Arrive in at am and pm An agitation on In to raise the pool room licence council is evenly upon question