Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Mar 1906, p. 3

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will bo pub paper Kve a copy I supplied a for the Hast Orders The- late Rogers first Vet her estate worth to sister and two nieces Her house on Timothy street she leaves to her Vocal Mis Nay has changed hQioc the To la the to one day Inst week Governor sent them all Ruilding to the- Mrs solitary and bread and water Jly of them were ready to filll US strike and went to oners Wanted Active Man To sell Sineer Machines out store at Aurora studio from the Sovereign- Bank ale Beatrice of Windsor to the right Apply Singer Sewing Co Aurora Are left to her sister Scott of persons lumber Newmarket and her niece Florence w of Ottawa respectively Chance for Teachers Fourteen scholarships to the value So vereign persons induced in a came of Enlargement flnd for Mr who has bein on Sunday teachers will be granted of the Bank here since a dropped on them Mr A our enterprising the Minister of Education to teach- removal of Mr Bruce received in- and wis was the sentence Alderman who has purchased the holding at least secondclass pro- to return to Toronto Preliminary examination in the Block- opposite bis Grocery Certificates A Lister who has been adjourned till intends to build a brick addition at granted from the Rural has been appointed Manager qaiiic rear before occupying school Fund five cents per mile fori here week ago from Sutton Que- 1 The Railway Co the premises Work wilt be com- travelling expenses The Nature bee and is rapidly becoming as the season opens study Course commences on the with the customers of the Saturdays storm Mr hmitl expects to be settled in of April and extends over a period Mr fV twenty cars were knocked out new store during the summer noli- three months is desirable I opinion of i that the different portions of the and trusts Promoted Province shall he represented and not more than one teacher J should come from any one county We See by the Windsor Record that Applications should be received at the Mr A was tendered Education Department Toronto not complimentary dinner prior bis later than the 10th of March departure for Ottawa to accept the position of Business Manager on the Free Press stall Mr had been Manager of the Record and is WW succeeded Mr Fred Hughes of the formerly of the Era Office His many passed friends in Newmarket will be pleased Amos Phillips who was bom to hear of his promotion on which he died after Italia J E1 x lie people of hat Mr Lister have l season closed on cordial a reception a had winter Mr Lister has rented Mr Millards house on Stamped Rugs at Hughes Death of Amos Phillips On Thursday of last week another old residents of Street away in the person of Mr on the Church residence for over years Deceased has been in feeble health since last Fall and was not able to and we out of the house all Winter but have visitors was only confined to bed three His Glad to Get Them Send news Items publish them If you from a distance if accidents occur in days previous to his death your neighborhood or anniversaries parents Owen and Elizabeth Phillips are celebrated let us know Accounts have been dead for some years of removals changes of property being a bachelor he resided deaths marriages etc are the homestead with his brother Mr mate news A postal card even can Benjamin Phillips The other mem- be made to hold lots of matter of the family are Mr Asa particularly names and lips on Yonge St and Mrs Thomas places and your name as Moore of Newmarket The late Owen guarante of good faith Phillips was only two years oi age when his father settled on the home stead in being one of the pio neers in this section of country The funeral of the late Amos lips took place Saturday conducted by Rev ft Chid- ley and the remains were interred at Ontario can still he on more good hockey than all the other associations combined of Sidney Smith Avenue die on from the effects of a fall down a stairway in her own home late the Wanteht before Mrs Smith was in Although last Sunday morning health till Friday when she rather dull anT disagreeable there complained of headache and was a large attendance at the sentiment that she would be seized meeting awl an hour of fit She was years of age itual profit was by all present Fire in the rear of the The attendance at the last by the Company Sunday reached The orchestra College 3mh has been revived and there is a prom- on Saturday afternoon of four or five more instruments New Light Grey Suitings Inches wide for New Lustres We arc also agents for the celebrat ed Dress Goods New Light Grey Homespun inches wide very latest fabric in the trade per yard New Venetian Cloths Valours Crepe Chines Chiffon Tricot Wool Taffeta Wool Tricot SPRING STYLES NOW IN STOCK We have no old stock i or shopworn Roods on our shelves We the best makes in Canada bought for Spot Cash which means a saving to you of on every pair buy Very quick Tapioca 10c Sardines tins for Onion Pickleo largo size small size John Bull Pickles j Bulk Pickles per quart Cooked Meats sliced 4 suit you Our Phone is No I THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER Millinery Apprentices Wanted next week at Hughes The Rink The Band was at the Kink again last Friday night and the skaters en- joyed the music immensely The band was greatly strengthened the new clarionet player Mr The sergeants of the Querns Own next Sunday The S is in a very accepted an invitation to nourishing condition Special meet- visit Buffalo on March as the ing tonight K Regiment of attendance at the League State National Guard Monday evening was double what it The new steamer of the has been recently and a very interest- j Navigation Co called the Cayuga meeting was Mr Charles was launched- at the dock of the occupied the chair and the Shipbuilding Co on Saturday principal address was given by Mr jlast Miss- Mary Osier daughter of Hudson Bowman Mr did the Christ- The anniversary Missionary Service with champagne Luke water he held next Sunday Sermon would have answered the purpose just in the morning by Rev Campbell of as well and showed more sense A Toronto In the evening platform luncheon at the King Edward follow- when addresses the launching attended by about guests The expected a speed of miles an hour S S Entertainment meeting will be will be given on Foreign Mission Work by Rev Campbell and on Home Mission Work in New Ontario by Hon J Davis collec tions morning and evening in terests of Missions Dr Matthew Wallace one of the most widely known and esteemed the- in- medical practitioners of this city 4 bled on Saturday after an illness of their former appearance evening March Mr James has been secured to his seven months Mrs Kate Yeighs death which occurred morning will Board be learned- wiji deepest regret by a res- very wide of friemls and ad- adopted Stic possessed an exccption- on record their high ally acute mind and had undoubted ion of the efficient successful- ability as writer and Phonograph Enter- gratuitous of Mr and Miss Mac Dickenson has accepted 75 Checque Forged which has the record of he- Asa Gordon of Ottawa in reviving the position of soprano soloist in the Settling day be 1st of March re- thc spiritual life of the membership Queen Street Methodist Church vealed the fact that some pled villain not having the prison walls before his eyes The anniversary sermons will he House received o Monday but will There will he also Moving Pictures on Sunday April 1st not receive again fill after Easter including a New York Fire Scene Rev Br Carman the highest official The newspaper reporters Were all Troops In full march a London street the Methodist Church In Canada out their guesses as to the coming scene Parade of Automobiles Battle Dr is an speaker and President of Industrial of Mafeking Defence of Port Arthur no doubt the church will be crowded We have piven a lease of our premises to a new firm for five years from March 15th They will open about April 1st with a new Stock We are therefore compelled to sacrifice our stock or be under the and trouble of shipping it to Toronto and ofier it at auctionnn the trade sale rooms We would like to give our old customers a Farewell Price for any goods we have left and save moving the stock WE QUOTE Ladies Jackets at Half the Cost Millinery at Half Regular Price Mens Wear a Big Cut in Price Dry Goods Your Owri Price WHICH OF COURSE MEANS NO CAN HAVE IT Boots and Shoes have gone up in Price Ours have Gone Down COME NOW LAST CHANCE A of this place and got it cashed at the Sovereign Hank the beginning of February last said cheque being madcpayable at the Ontario Bank iJje forgery has been perpetrated by a person who is quite an expert with a- pen it is imitation of lc the signature of the gentleman whose and Yac name was binned to the cheque Coronation Procession on both occasions Town Council The Metropolitan On evening of last week tfie Manager of the Metropolitan was In Town and bad con ference with merchants While not agreeing with some things that were said Mr Wilson promised to Improve the delivery of freight the delays having caused considerable an noyance to merchants Another matter that was not brought to the attention the Geo- Manager was the habit of the conductors of clearing the can on anient in ht Race moving through the principal streets of Lon don Storm on the Ocean Hockey Match at Montreal besides some corn- Council met last Monday evening sketches including thc Village j Mayor in the chair All members Blacksmith pulling a tooth Santa present down chimney Irish Mr Donne and Mr Webb Mike and the steam roller and Brit- appeared before the Council on troops bathing half of the Horticultural Society for The trip to and the North- a grant to assist them for their will be fully explained by Mr Flower Show as the views were taken by Following accounts passed himself and during the moving pic- Pelts Co Ohio Mining Co selections will be given on 2 cars of coal powerful phonograph freight on above cot a This entertainment has been given A Yule duty on above in over churches of all cleaning snow and always with entire satis- Can Co electric arrival at St When j As the price of admission supplies the car is in from the South doubt the church will Can Co conductor goes through and shouts the children a Joy- United Factories L SO This is as far as the car goes all intellectual treat ami something Bell Telephone Co This order has caused i can remember with delight j A Thompson repairs at on of A on more than one occasion Last a lady from the country Was waiting at the Metropol itan Station from four oclock until nearly nine for a party that she was expecting on four oclock car When the four oclock car arrived at the station of course nobody was in as Hie party that she had expect- A got of at corner of St the person the ex- pectci went to the of a friend and some after tea she to go down to the station and see if there was any trace the parly that the was expecting result was that the party was there arid had been waiting all that time for her If strangers were al- Sowed to remain on the car till the car got to the station which is the A natural Persons J not on street aucb J incidents as would be avoided This the third that- we have beard of similar cases and should be remedied by the Management By the way isnt It tlm that the cars were running to the North one more The tracks tfeclar the people down there would like to ft ears it a convenience people their iri the Worth instead of driving op ARBITRATION THE HAS CAUSED MOKE TROUBLE THAN THE EASTERN QUESTION At one time It could have been settled by arbitration When War Commences Between overtaxed eyes and bard work its time to let us act as Media tors by supplying you with a correct pair of Glasses NEXT TIME YOUR EYES TROUBLE YOU Remember its Arbitration time I ft CO Jovolcrn and Power House L car coal freight on above A Yule duty on above ti 25 C5 Canada Foundry Co account for very shortly as A the plum McLaughlin was injured the freight sheds Monday by a case containing small printing press falling on him He was removed to the emergency Hospital The difficulty with the extern stall at the Toronto General Hospital has been arranged and the doctors have withdrawn their resignations A committee was appointed by the General Ministerial Association to resist any efforts at the removal by the Ontario Government of restric tions upon horseracing at fall fairs The same committee was appointed to wait on the Industrial Exhibition managers to protest against a repe tition of the Midway attractions at future fairs Fire supposedly of incendiary consumed a stable belonging to the Model Cartage Company 1G3 Street and burned to death two ponies last Monday night Dr Alex Sutherland General Mis sionary Secretary of the Methodist church left yesterday for Japan Dr will follow Mr Sutherland Swept Over Dnm At the byeelection in Victoria on Tuesday last Hon William Minister of Inland Rev- was elected to the Commons by Montreal March Mr a vote of about plurality out of an employee of the Mon- Horse Sale a total of 2500 Newmarket Markets March White Wheat per bush 0 Red Wheat per bush Spring per hush 0 Goose Wheat Rye per bush per 0 OaU per bush 35- Shorts per ton Hay per ton SOggs per Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per per lb Geese per lb Turkeys per lb Light Heat Power Company lost his life at Falls day Floating which had come down river was jammed on top of the dam and went on this ice to the middle When oth employees in the power house caught sight of him the was being swept over ton of the dam and for referred to the A grant of was made to the was Horticultural Society 0 23- 26 76 09 0 0 16 went with it into the whirling rapids below A number of men immediately went to his rescue but despite most heroic efforts they were unable to reach him Thc body was carried down stream disappeared An a moment I a seething water and then A CARLOAD OF HORSES Toronto Markets I F and Aid Reginald Geary of Toronto have been appointed by the Ontario Government to represent the province in the Robertson presented a report of insurance companies recommending that insurance of by the Dominion Government Red Wheat per bush 0 on the Power House Two women now claim to Wheat per buah 0 and dwelling house be placed to Harry Walker who Goose Wheat Out March her home near Kemptville Mrs How while pumping water slipped and fell on the ice breaking her leg The old lady alone dragged herself in to the house and there she lay for days without food or care until found a little who as- March The woman is quite old White Wheat per bush and recovery Is doubtful Workers and Drivers From 5 to old belonging to P Wilt be Sold on the Mar kef NEWMARKET Saturday March 17tb KAVANAGH Jr equally the Gore Mutual Perth Mutual and Merchants Co Adopted Council adjourned lhc in the Emergency Hospital on Oats per bush 76 I FOR SALE Live Stock Market Prices of export cattle declined about per Toronto this week vanced from to per Brisk demand for Blockers and The former sold from to Hay per ton 10 Dressed Hogs per Eggs per doz 38- 0 Saturday from an overdose of chlorJPeas per bush 78 0 Ryo Per 0 At opening of the General Barney per 0 week His Honor Judge Winoliester intimated to the Grand Jury that they need not visit the public institutions in the country a Tub or Crock Butter they were recently visited by the per lb Jury at the Assizes This will save but choice butchers stock ad- the cost of a trip from Toronto to J P the Industrial Home P Three special trains were required per on Tuesday to carry Ontario Separate Tenders Wanted Cultivator Frost Wood 3 0 00 14 to For the building of a Basement Wall for Barn Removal of Barn to Basement and necessary carpen ter work For particulars see plans mid specifications at store Address tenders before March to EATON Fennlng St I shafts and couplings Air in good state of repair Also quantity of Rood clean Timo thy Seed on Lot Con Whit- church STARR Newmarket After a contest local option Toronto n Bolton by a malority of eleven on Monday 7 and the latter from who wilt make the Good demand for milch cows Prices range from to Veal calves frWS350 to per cwt lambs Select from to lights and fats their homes of the future A special train of farmers effects left the same evening The total number on the trains Including men women and children was 1 The date of the next dog show has been fixed for Good Friday

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