Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Mar 1906, p. 2

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i THE NEWMARKET E of desire to thank my friends and for their kindness sym pathy through the illness and death of my beloved wife SALTE Farm for acres South half of lots and in 2nd Con of buildings MiTCHKLU Baldwin LOST On Tuesdiv of the from near a Fur Scarf sir tails Finder will favor leaving the Etches long a great lSr Office Farm for Sale acres being South half of Con West about miles from Bradford Good grain and stock farm large bank barn brick house J- Bradford Since the Government got power the editor of the Herald has became so wealthy that ho flaunts bills in the face of the Aurora Banner and protests the statement hat he departed from the path of virtue in connection with John Smith City episode He is putting up bluff to divert atten tion but the less lie says about it the better for joints- 3w7 Stray Dog Came to my place of Feb a Pointer Flitch with brown head and face white legs and dark spots will pay charges and her away CRFEDAN Newmarket To Boys and A deputation from the Vegetable Growers Association of Ontario will wait on Hon Nelson Min ister Agriculture today to press upon him changes in the method carrying on experiments in the grow ing of vegetables They will also ask for the establishment of several vegetable experimental plots vari ous points in the Province this policy is decided upon Mr Lennox should see to it that North York has an experiment station located at Gum Swamp unless indeed or that other plac with a warm name located near by has a prior claim The record of life insurance wrong doing hi the neighboring Republic furnishes verv suggestive to insurance company managers in Can ada John A is dead dieh ard AMcCurdy is a physical wreck James Alexander is near to death from paralysis and James H Hyde is an exile from home- The record is a warning to all reckless financial highflyers What the Life Insurance Commission may reveal with regard to Canadian companies is still an unknown but the fact that action the line of official en quiry pas been deemed a necessity is presumptive evidence of uneasiness to say the least Geo HOB ft couple of Bowl week Mr Isaac Brock is in the city on jury this Miss Olive Hodge of Toronto was home over Mrs J A gave an af ternoon tea on Mrs S Cane was visiting friends in the city over Sunday Mr and Mrs Walter ol Toronto were home Sunday Mr Wesley of Toronto Med ical School was home over Sunday Miss Maude Richardson and her mother spent over Sunday in Aurora Mrs Calvert of Toronto sister Mrs Hewitt is here on vis it Mrs entertained a number of ladies one afternoon last week Our millinery dealers were at tending the openings in Toronto this I week Mrs Joy sister of Mrs Robert was here on a visit for a few days Mrs Cane entertained some on Wednesday at- attend Mrs- Timothy Guns Dolls Skates or you wish riven for a few hours work after school S the Grocer will tell you all about it DONT FORGET The Opening SATURDAY March OF WILSONS PHOTO In Reform Block Newmarket All sittings on that date and from to will receive Photos for the dozen The has been remodelled and itfurnished with and uptodate fixtures Call and see all the latest styles of Photos Successor to J Smith J WILSON Photo STUDIO Oh no no not on your life with the lavished wealth of can it be proven that the conductor of a local paper known as the Express- Herald personally inscribed his name in the register of the Lucas House Toronto as John Smith City but he stood by looking smil ingly while a did the deed for him without dissent or repudia tion and immediately after in com pany with the aforesaid gentleman joined him at the supper table a n guest of the Lucas House Now let John Smith City pledge his which he flaunts in the face of the Aurora Banner in contradiction of this statement and see how quickly j his hank account will take a cramp Assembly Notes ladies at ternpon Mrs Dr Fred of was the guest of Mrs over Sunday Mr and Mrs J gave a progressive euchre party on Tuesdav evening- Mr Inspector made an official visit to the Separate School on Miss Morrison daughter of Mr Donald Morrison i spending this week in the city Miss Bison of of Mrs Richardson spent a week with her in Town Miss Annie Elliott of Sandhill is spending some time with her sister Mrs A Coombs Miss Willis spent a week at Mr J College Corners returning home Monday Mrs J of Bronte arrived on Saturday and is speeding a week at The Bowery Colonel Lloyd and Mr John Rosa mond were up at Orchard Beach on Monday and had a good time Miss Hat tie A Morrison of To ronto home on Friday last and remained until Tuesday morning Mrs Henry Richardson who was taken suddenly ill on Saturday last we are pleased to say is improving Miss Brown of Elgin Mills cousin of Mrs A Coombs was spending a couple of days with her last week Colonel Lloyd left on Tuesday to Mrs- a week with St Mr spent cry th Miss Cole went the city this week to ery openings Rev J was in Bradford on Monday evening assisting Rev Dr Long in special services- Mr and Mrs A son of are spending a few days with Mrs Clark Ave J Rev M of St- Cath arines brother of Mrs spent a couple days last week Mrs of Orillia and Miss of Toronto spend the- week end with their mother Mr and Mrs spending a lew days visiting- and relatives in Toronto and St Catharines The many friends of Jennie Howe will regret that she is lying seriously 111 with typhoid- in Toronto General Hospital Mr Stewart Little who came home sick Detroit about seven weeks ago and was taken with ty phoid fever is gradually improving notwithstanding a serious relapse a couple of weeks ago V Mr Michael Cain who has been in the employ of the Railway Co for over years has been oil duty foe more than a week on account of ill ness but expects to return to his post as baggagemaster next Monday Rev- Wye Smith and Mrs Smith of St Catharines formerly of Newmarket announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Kathar ine to Mr James Alexander Adie ol Montreal the marriage to take place in April OF QTJALn -ja-vvU- I reaper Pattern The Store for Good Hosiery- COMMUNICATION It is understood from intimations giver by the Premier that the Pro vince of Ontario will be re- 1 attend the funeral of Mrs T I prevented at the inquiry to made by the Dominion Governments Com mission on Insurance of Railways Canals Canada TRENT CANAL Holland Riyer to Newmarket Notice to Contractors I SEALED TENDERS to the undersigned and endorsed Tender for Trent Canal will be received at this office until oclock on Monday the 2nd day of April for deep ening and improving of a channel a point in Cooks Hay Lake Ontario to the mouth of end up the Holland River and the East branch thereof to the Bradford Road at Holland Landing Plans and Specifications of the work can be seta on and Monday the 2Cth February at the office of the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals Ottawa at which place forma of tender may be obtained In the case of firms there must be attached the actual signatures of the full name the nature of the occupa tion and place of residence of each member of the same and further an accepted bank cheque for the sum of mutt accompany the for work this accepted cheque be endorsed over to the Minis ter of Railways and Canals and will be forfeited if the party tendering de clines entering Into contract tor work at the rates and stated In the The accepted cheque thus in will be returned to the respective parties are pot accepted The or any Under not neces sarily afCjpied order K JONES Secretary of arid Ottawa Feb inserting this went without authority from the De partment not be paid for it A charter is being applied for this session for an electric railway from a point in or near Toronto to Port Perry a distance of miles The road is to run through the local mu nicipalities of York Township and Village vllle Whitchurch Township and Town Reach and on to Port Perry In Township the road skirts the Village of Union vJlle as well as Markharn It is proposed to buy the rlgjit of way wholly thru private property and survey work will begin at once when the charter is granted The promoters applying for the charter ace Robert Miller R P and Joseph Todd ville Smith Columbus and J Stark Toronto In reply to Mr May the Hon Min ister of Education on Friday last stated that among other appoint ments in Normal Schools Miss had been appointed Instruct or in sewing at Ottawa In place of Miss Livingstone at the instance of the principal Miss Livingstone it may be said is the daughter of one of the Liberal candidates in the last election A girl named Tremblay and a boy named choked to death at Montreal The girl swallowed whistle and the a button A Care for files Iteming Blind Bleeding Protruding Piles Druggists are authorized to Harrison at Forest formerly of Brooklyn There is a slight improvement in the conditional Mrs J Collins who has been very low during the past three weeks Mrs Ambrose Cane left for Win nipeg yesterday having received the appointment of Matron of a Child rens Hospital in that City Mrs John Ashworth Saska toon nee Miss Evans school teacher was the guest of Mrs Ross at tew week Miss Anderson teacher near Woodbridge was homo with her par ents Mr P J Anderson and wife from Friday evening till Monday evening Mr J went to the city on jury on Monday Mrs accompanied him and visit friends in the city for a couple of weeks Mrs Coldheart of Clearwater Man who has been visiting In this section of the country for the past two months called on her brother Rev A Campbell last Saturday Mr Stevenson Marie visited his Mrs Morrison and Mrs P J Anderson a couple of days this week He reports business brisk at the Mr Fred who has been for some time in the employ of Mr grocer left last Monday morning to take a position In the wholesale grocery Mr of Toronto Mr McOec merchant of visited his sister Mrs V on Tuesday His ft lends were pleased to see him looking so well He reports business good His mother has been with Christmas Mr Geo of New York was in Newmarket on Saturday attending the funeral of nis brotherinlaw late Mr Smith of Richmond Hill who was interred at Newmarket Cem etery Mr Lundy Is a brother Dr Walter of Toronto tho family formerly residing In ket Mr Downey has Introduced a bill I Mr A Cody of Red Deer for the election of Water- formerly of Mr Editor- In your issue of 2nd inst one Fair Play airs himself on subject of Inspector Davidsons resig nation in a series of meanly insinuat ing interrogations Fair Play knows perfectly well that a H or P Board acts upon the Educational barometer of the district and that it has the pri vilege to criticize the work its em ployees The C being in tho in spectorate and in many cases associ ated in educational matters did not need committee of investigation Mr Davidson resigned the inspect orship The County Council accept ed that resignation The position was then open to all applicants Perhaps Fair Play feels that the should have declined the resig nation with thanks Messrs and had a perfect right to apply for the vacant position Both are men beyond re proach men of educational and moral standing in community for years and either is above any ungentlcman- conduct towards Mr Davidson or any other person as insinuated by Fair Play EQUAL RIGHTS March Why it First Because of long and careful study of the tastes and requirements of the ladies of this vicinity Because of our honestly endeavouring to pro cure the best that we can get in foreign markets as well as the choicest of Canadian manufactured goods An attempt to describe the many new lines which we are showing this season would be useless as the beauty of the new fabrics have to be seen to be appreciated We can only indicate that the trend of fashion for early Spring wear is for plain light grey and fancy grey suitings of which we have a great showing In colored suitings we are Jalso showing all the popular shades of Broad cloths Cheviots and Venetians will also hold an important place for Spring wear and it is particularly here where our PRIESTLEYS Black Goods show themselves these goods have been sold in Newmarket by ourselves for many years to our best customers They are guaranteed to give service Some of the new cloths are Mohair Cord Barathea while Henriettas and Broadcloths are much in demand Grocery pish for Lenten Season Warren Brand tin Cascade Brand 10c tin Silver Moon 2 for Golden Net 2 for Columbia tin Clover Leaf tin 2 for Sardines 10c 12Jc 15c Finnan 10c lb laddie Ice Castle Brand tin Kippered Herring King Brand 10c tin The polica of London Ont are making a thorough investigation Into stories drugged whiskey which come to them Recently quit a number of persons have complained of becoming drunk on very few drinks and of having been relieved ot money One man not specially in the habit ot imbibing on Tuesday last told the police that he had been relieved of Selling drugged whiskey over bar in order to tap a mans pock et is the latest Mr Lennox has given notice a bill respecting fees of officers engaged in administration of justice Hon J chairman of the Railway Committee states that the new Railway Hill the Government is introducing will provide for a Rail way Commission similar to the one at Ottawa In presenting the estimates on TuevJay the Provincial Treasurer ex plained that the increase in expenditure was really smaller than at appeared Most of tho changes were matter of bookkeeping and would be offset by cash returns to the For instance it cost 100000 to cut timber along the Railway right of way but good sum would be re alized for the timber when marketed TUB ALTAR LLOYDAt the Christian Parsonage Newmarket by Rev W Chid ley on March Mr Boyd East son of Mr Richard Boyd to Miss Lloyd daughter Mr W Lloyd of Newmar ket the Baptist parsonage on Wednesday Feb by Rev J Wil liam Edward of township to Minnie McGregor of Mount Albert At the resi dence of the parents on Tuesday Feb 20 the Rev Mr Bedford Mr Edward merchant of to Miss daughter of Mr and Mrs John THE CRADLE the Con of East Feb to Mr and Mrs H a son STOKES On March 1st to Mr and Mrs Geo Stores Uxbrldge formerly Albert a son Sutton Feb 26 to Mr and Mrs John Taylor daughter BEL At on February to Mr and Mrs John Bell a son Town on March 1 to Mr and Mrs Clifford Wilson a daughter TUB TOMB PHILLIPS At the residence of his brother on Yongc St East on March Amos Phillips aged years month King Council THE LEADING A Undertaking Vortcs every that Ontario settlers up there are years Instead of one and another en- not pleated with the Autonomy Bill acting that Park Commissioners of and although Alberta went Llberatlt municipalities shall be appointed by was undoubtedly because of Instead of Mayors j sional politicians herding the tK of oldtime Liberals Lennox h hill to amend the Act voted Conservative rath- I I I You can buy your re Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at John Millard Phone and GRAHAM In Aurora on Sunday Feb 25 Margaret Graham aged years Mount Albert Thurs day Feb 16th Robert Har perIn his 62nd year his homo in Whit church on Feb Casper in hie year Hill on Thurs day March James Smith of Buffalo Y Interred at Newmarket last Satur day TERRY In on Thursday March 1st Eliza wi dow of the late Terry aged years Interment on Saturday Cemetery Funeral from the home of her brother Mr Ough Mt Albert At Aurora March Mrs mother of Chief Police aged 80 years 6t J I1HPER MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All will receive and Prompt Attention Council met at Hotel flchombcrg on fcUturday Feb Members all present Reeve In tho Chair The Council In Committee of whole on bills Mr Norman in the Chair when the following were ordered to bo paid Joseph Hillings salary 88 James Kitchen blacksmith bill CO I Win Boys repairs to culvert Gray plank Hart etc John Cur IK road work A Wells gravel John Cook road work 1 Kplly road work 80 hauling graVel White gravel Norman Audi tors report of the Treasurers ac counts tor the year ending Dec 1005 be adopted Deacon Norman That a grant of twenty dollars bo made to King Agricultural Society for the following sheep claims be paid being 28 value of same Boys 8 Luke Gibbons 35 Deacon That be paid balance of for services as sheep valuator for 1005 Deacon That following persons bo refunded their Dog tax Frank It Armstrong Deacon tender of for Tow hip printing be accepted DeaconThat the tender of Win Williams for the of tile be accepted Deacon- Burns That Reeve and Mr be a Commit ter to purchase necessary moulds tor tho manufacture of crota sewer pipes for this Township Deacon Norman That the library grant of 1500 MtcMurchy Norman That a of be made to slit East awllllmbury In opening a Into Bradford a por tion of King Township that the ciniiloy Mr T to guard the of King an to right of any liability and other matters that may and the seal of tho Corporation be hereto affixed Oil moron of Mr Council adjourned to meet at Mr Hotel on Grand Trunk Ry System SPECIAL OHB WAY RATES To Billings Mont Denver Colorado Springs Salt Lake City Nelson Vancouver Portland Ore San Francisco Tickets on Sale Dally Special Settlers Train to Every Tuesday during March and April Special Train with Colonist Sleep er will leave Toronto p m for Manitoba and North- West Passengers travel ling without live stock should take Express leav ing Toronto pm The Shortest Line to homo Thursday pm arriving in Havana Cuba early Monday morning Di rect connection Tourist rates in effect For tlckeU and full information call on J Town Agent J D McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto GROCERIES CHOICEST FRESHEST BEST I Lemons Oranges Raisins Bis cuit Candles the Beat Extra fine Dates Choice Cured Meat The Best And you can get The Best Oil Day or night We have the Bowser Oil Tank No Spilling CALL AND SEE US I March J OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at This

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