Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Mar 1906, p. 2

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WTAn jTviie ffiO w- of behalf of the family I desire to thank the many friends and neighbors and also the employees of the Office Specialty for their great kindness sympathy and assistance in consequence of the death and funeral of my brother NEIL DYKE SALE Drill hoe Cultivator 3 horse ft Cultivator Frost Wood horse a shafts and couplings All in good state of repair Also quantity of good clean Seed on Lot Con Whit church STARR Newmarket P i Separate Tenders Wanted For the building of a Basemeut for Barn Removal of Barn to Basement and the necessary carpen ter work For particulars see plans specifications at Aylwarrfs store Address tenders feore March to EATON St Toronto to Manitoba Alberta and Saskatchewan special trains for settlers With effect from Toroato at pm EVERY TUES0AVDJR1HG MARCH APRIL C CARS ATTACHED HO EXTRA CHARGE lrvlnr lire LIS pm from TOURIST CARS On wit i- Guide ami Canada to set tlor with rale- full upon application to Alt or write to rotter P A P ft Toronto ATKINSON Agent Insurance Investigation Develop during the Past in regard to the manner in which Life Assurance Companies have been managed in the Republic has created a certain amount of easiness in reference to similar com panies in this Dominion No special of wrongdoing has been pre ferred but in to remove doubts and to allay public anxiety the Fed eral Government have appointed a Commission to make investigation into the whole question of Life Insur ance in Canada- The gentlemen to compose that Commission are as fol lows Judge Ottawa sen ior Judge of tie County of Mr J Managing Direc tor of the Toronto General Trusts and Mr A- TKent ac countant Montreal- It is understood they will enter upon their duties al most immediately so as to enable their report to be presented at the approaching session of Parliament in sufficient time to enable necessary amendments to the Dominion Act to be passed before prorogation Al though it is claimed by the Finance Department that the inspection ot Canadian Companies during the cur rent year by the Superintendent Insurance and his officials has been very and quite sufficient to en able Hon Mr Field to submit needed amendments to present legis lation yet in view of the interest in regard to ques tion the Government considered- it desirable to have a more genera in vestigation before taking action Policyholders will be better satisfied after full and free inquiry by an un biased Commission and Parliament will be in a position to more intelli gently consider any legislation that may be submitted Assembly Notes Last week Hon Ross asked for a return of those commissioned to issue marriage licenses and of the appointments to commissions of the peace Hon Mr undertook to have them ready after some days fiDITORIflk zZr if- T EBSWAI POINTS rMiss fva Lush is visiting in Town Sale The Dominion Parliament will vene next Thursday is that Mr Knowies of Assinj will move the address in reply to the Speech from the Throne and week that it will be seconded by Mr j Gertie of Toronto holm who was elected at a over Sunday byeelection for Mr Borden who is paid a S of Toronto it- j as Opposition Leader will then his little piece It is now given out by English press correspondents to this conti nent that King Edward can never walk again without the aid of a Pane or crutch The Kinds fall while shooting in Windsor forest last No vember resulted in breaking a tendom Achilles The King is years and nature even with surgical assist ance cannot completely repair broken tendon Achilles of a man of that age the correspondent avers on a stick King Edward walks very slowly and with a Pro nounced limp was -Mrs- euchre The Mai and Empire has got a kink in its respecting the Senate When that body was three- fifths Tory it was paragon of good nessthe bulwark of Canadas con stitution etc etc ad infinitum Now that it has become decidedly Liberal it is faulty to a degree vea doubly and as com pared to former times It would be a fine thing for Canada if both poli tical parties could agree on the of that fifth wheel to our government machinery cut it loose and let a relic of other was two the or Toronto Squire A CARLOAD OF HOR S 23 Workers and Drivers From to old belonging to Will be old on Market Saturday March 17tb Hon Mr has given notice of a bill entitled An Act respecting steam electric and street railways This is intended to cover every ap plication tor railway charters- with out the necessity of resorting to charters and with provisions re quiring said applicants and electric companies to be subject to a Board of Railway Commissioners to settle all disputes between them and muni cipalities Mr will also in troduce another bill providing for the appointment of a Board of Commis sioners to settle all electric railway disputes The estimates presented to the Leg islature contain a large appropriation for increasing the extending the A horticultural work at Experiments in the vege table culture line are to be made and the information gained will be for the benefit of whole Province indications are apparent that the output of Iron mines this year will be the largest on record The Lake Superior ronton predicts an output of tons of ore and tbe fur naces arc expected to turn out of steel Structural iron will be the future in greater quantities than ever and con tracts are let covering all the steel be produced for many months- The rail mills will not be able to supply the demand New iron fields discovered will somewhat relieve- Abe pressure but will not he ready to meet present- wants The announcement is made that the Minister of Education is prepared to grant fourteen scholarships for a three months course in Nature Study it the Institute scholarships are of the value of to- ew teacher and to each female teacher An allowance is also granted at the rate of five cents per mile for travelling expenses from the Rural School Fund Teachers applying tor this course are required to be holders of at least secondclass professional cer tificates Applications accompanied by inspectors recommendations should be made to the Deputy Minis ter of not later than the of March as the course com mences on the of April KAVANAGH ARE YOU GOING TO It understood Pratt for South Norfolk has a bill in course of preparation to be introduc ed Mils boston to compel manufac turers of proprietary medicines to print the formula of ingredients on the outside of the wrapper and be- fore placing the medicine on the mar ket for sale must tend the to the Provincial analyst to be approved This will put some of the patent out of medicine manufacturers Come and Get Prices LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Park Avenue NEWMARKET The Standing Orders and also Pri vate Bills Committees of the House organized on Tuesday The member for North Ontario was elected chair man the first named and Mr calko of Hamilton of the second Both committees got back into the same old rut of other years and recommended the extension of the time for receiving bills for ten days Some member of the Private Bills Corn made kick but the majority were for the extension Up to this week applications for Private Bills have been made The Dominion Government in view of the revelations across the border have appointed a Commission to in vestigate the insurance business of companies operating in Canada The Commission will consist of Judge Tavish Ottawa senior of the County of Carleton Mr J Managing Director of the To ronto General Trusts Corporation and Mr A Kent accountant Montreal The investigation will be commenced almost immediately In surance companies have been ordered to forward to Ottawa the names officials and salaries paid during the past year It is to be hoped the Commission will do its work thor oughly AH solvent companies do- iiiR safe honest work will be this opportunity of showing their soundness but the shaky kind will be the howlers home over Sunday Ross gave a party one evening last week Mrs J entertained a number of ladies Friday afternoon Misses Wythe Toronto spent oyer Sunday with Miss j of Toronto was the guest of- Mrs Bruce over Sun day entertained fast Friday after noon Mr- Tim Wesley student Knox Toronto was home over and family are visiting her mother in this week Mrs of niece of Mr Jacob visiting here last Mrs Watson entertained a number of ladies to tea on Tuesday afternoon Miss Partridge entertained num ber of young people on Thursday evening of last week Miss Lukes of Bradford guest of Mrs Major Allan three this week Mrs Martin of visited her fatherinlaw over Sunday Messrs Win and George Holmes of Toronto Police Force were in Town one day this Miss Libbie Penrose of Pine Or chard was the guest of Miss Part ridge on Friday of last week Mrs J Davis and Miss Davis entertained a number of ladies on Thursday afternoon of last week Mr of Toronto attended the funeral of the late Geo Smith iu Newmarket last Friday Mr Case and his daughter Miss Lottie Case of Toronto were visiting friends in Town over Sun day I Miss Millard and Miss Ha- Millard of Toronto were home over Sunday also Miss Lottie Mr Albert ston writes that they have not had any snow this winter weather very mild Dr and Mrs Scott received con gratulations of many friends last on the event of their China Wedding Ash Wednesday being a holiday at the Toronto University Mr Leslie Jackson came up to Newmarket and will remain over Sunday Mr Geo Evans of East was in Town last Saturday tho first time for three months Mr Evans is just recovering from a seri ous illness Mr of Siutaluta who has been visiting in this section for the past two months left hist Saturday for his home He is a nephew of Mrs Morton of this Town ffsrsjs 3 vii Canada The Home of VI 9 f x 4 T mm o K WES X Two for What You Two for 25c Want in ALWAYS AT NKWMARKET8 CASH Standard reliable trustworthy qualities that wont fail you nor prove disappointing for Spring wear Good heavy soles that are proof against the rough roads styles that are dressy and comfortable at prices far any other store in Town Buying direct from the manufacturers in large quantities enables us to outclass our competit ors Peerless Shoes for Women We control for Newmarket this celebrated Boot for women Its made in Vici Kid and in cut and turn sole and is the equal of many shoes sold at and for No Split heavy extension soles rows of steel slugged sewed throughout with waxed thread the best work ing boot in the No Mens Box Calf Boots stylishly made standard sewn very special at per The Unicus Shoe Mens and Box Calf Boots made only with superior quality of leathers and findings of Canadian English and American markets Goodyear welted popular prices Si and per Childrens Shoe This is one that we shine in We have added many new lines to our stock and are in a good position to supply tho wants of the little tots GROCERY BREAKFAST FOODS Mcintoshs Rolled Oats Mcintoshs Swiss Meat Wheat FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN Grape Nuts Saxon Oats Banner Oats Canada Flakes Force Malta Vita Quaker Oats Mr has given notice of two bill one to regulate the and operation of motor vehicles and the other to arnnd the Act respecting FOE SALS Brick rooms hard toll water Good good lo- Apply to A Newmarket Mr for a return the names of all officers at tendants or other officials of the asy lums prisons and other public of the Province in the depart ment of the Provincial Secretary re ceiving perquisites allowances or any nature whatever wheth er in Koods or beyond amount voted for their salary the estimates Childs Rings Found On Main Owner prove property pay ticmt at Office of amendments to the Mu nicipal Act are turned in daily some days nearly half a dozen It will be a vik or more before hills arc printed nd distributed obtain Mr will for a Inlormatlon dairy herd at the On tario College paid for at the college etc According to the report of one of the Farmers Institute lecturers to there is much of reform in the couutiec of Huron and the por tion of fie finds more and fewer children there than in any other part of old Onta rio One Middlesex school ho annojncdhad because there was but one child of school in its The farmers ar cattle and mixed farming Is at a standstill on account of scarc ity of and barns which former ly held crops of will be in ruins Toronto could furnish enough spinsters to marry off all the bachelors In the three couuttea The factories and workshops arc crowded with females who are their lives by running sew ing machines and followinK other la borious pursuits for about a dollar week above their board bills Here is a for the empire to do somu work that will count Send several hundred of these up West to help make homes for In this connection the Mail hat the young women corning out undfr the auspices of the Salvation from the Old Country will not break their journey till they land In he counties of Middlesex Bruce or Huron Mr Lennox ban also given notice of a private bill to admit to practice as a barrister Horticultural Society To the Editor Era Newmarket Sir Permit me through your col umns to make a suggestion to the Officers and Directors of the New market Horticultural Society I an admirer of flowers not only for their beauty but likewise because the cultivation them in our homes has a tendency to refine and elevate taste of family circles and also the community My suggestion is that the Horticul tural Society hold an early Spring Show of cut flowers and bulbs tulips narcissus daffodils etc Such an exhibition might be held on three or four tables arranged in the centre of the Town Hall at very little expense The prizes need not be large The Society a Town organization and as such i make no doubt the Council would grant use of the Hall at a mere nominal figuro by way of an experiment Such an exhibition would afford opportunity to dispose tickets of membership preparatory for the usual August Show and have a to Increase public Interest fn the organization The new Town Hand would perhaps give two or selections on occasion and no doubt two or three local vocalists would cheerfully ren der a tew solos and Air up an agree able program Yours refreshingly March let 1500 CHAMBERLAINS ERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY The great success of this prepara tion In the relief and cure of bowel complaints has brought it into al most universal use It never fails and when reduced with water and sweetened Is pleasant to- take It Is I equally valuable for children and adults For by Lloyd BELHAVEN Kingston 0nt Feb Yesterday morning Henry ot Raglan The weather has somewhat changed Road awakened and was shocked at and it has left the roads in very bad finding his wife sitting in a chair shape dead When he retired Mrs Mlddle- very happy event occurred near ton apparently in her usual stato here on Wednesday Feb at the of health She was out walking on home of Mr Rose when his Tuesday night Death is supposed daughter Nina was married to to have resulted from heart failure Hamilton of We wish them many years happiness and prosperity Mr Draper is visiting in Toron to at present Mrs Wilson Brougham is visiting friends in this vicinity The new arrival at Mr James Nel sons is a boy Jim seems to be very much elated Mr Morton spent a few days In Toronto last week There is a rumor that the farmers of thlG locality intend building a telephone line from Roachs Point by way of Keswick and Sutton Such an enterprise should meet with the approval of every farm er in the district A Gospel Temperance meeting will bo held in the hall on Monday March 5th at oclock Rev Boyd will deliver an- address Songs and recitations by local tal ent Everyone is cordially invited to attend TUB CRADLE WOOD At Lloyd town on February lOOeto Mr and Harry Wood a daughter TOMB fa MATT In Newmarket on Feb 24 1006 Peter Matt of in his year THB ALTAR the residence of the brides father on Feb 28 Mr Hamilton son of Mr Geo Hamilton to Miss Nina Rose daughter of Mr Jas Rose all of North COOK SUTTON At the the brides father on Feb by Elder of Newmarket Mr Cook of East to Miss Louisa Sutton daughter of Mr Sutton of King Township tho Methodist Parsonage Bolton on Wednesday Feb by Rev A Rod well Mr Walter of the township of to Miss Downey daughter of Downey Esq of the township Albion COONEY- St Johns Church Newmarket Feb by Rev Fatber Whitney Mr J of to Miss May Deacon of Newmar ket THE LEADING Undertaking House You can buy your Furniture Cheap For Gash Send he Era friends UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phone and a roadhoush MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Boarders Wanted Grand Trunk Ry System SPECIAL OHE WAY RATES To Billings Mont Denver Colorado Springs Salt Lake City Nelson Rosa- land Vancouver Portland Ore San Francisco Tickets on Sale Daily Special Settlers Train to Every Tuesday during March and April Special Train with Colonist Sleep er will leave Toronto p for Manitoba and North west Passengers travel ling without live stock ehould take Express leav ing Toronto pm The Shortest Line to Cuba horn Thursday pm arriving in Havana Cuba early Monday morning Di rect connection Tourist rates in effect For tickets and full Information call on J Town Agent J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto on At The Cedars Also BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Park Ave- Apply to MRS SCOTT Cor Victoria Park Avcs Iw Newmarket I Men Wanted Good reliable men In this to represent us and to farmers splendid seller during spare time or Splendid opening for a hustler Write for particulars to toe Canada an Fence Mfg Co Ltd Woodstock Farm To Rent acres on Union St 1 East of Fine brick house good barns and out buildings Fences in good repair and land in good state of cultivation Plenty of water good orchard and all convent- Apply to MRS W MORTON Box A A

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