I PERHAPS Will give YOU COM FORT and RELIEF We TEST EYES and FIT SPECS PRO PERLY at REASON ABLE PRICES Watchmaker and Graduate Optician A clocks From ALARMS at GRANDFATHERS at 6000 Come and See Them Give us the liberty to know to utter and to argue freely to conscience above all other liberty AMI ADVERTISER No paper sent outside York unless paid in advance Single each Newmarket Ont Friday March igo6 TERMS per annum if paid in advance Your to Letter Petrifled Forest The and Mrs ill have taken residence at Ottawa and will reside tlietfi during PEN OK REV DEAN HARRIS the approaching session Marvel of Nature That Has Existed Adam upon whom fell the be led to believe that some duty of conducting parties to the settler who was clearing the land Petrified Forest At Adainana I at any moment appear to lire stepped from the train and with the piles Even Before the historic Man Days o in will ON THE FOLLOWING WINTER GOODS Not desirous of carrying any ol these goods over we make it worth your while to buy even if not needing the goods this season Heavy Leather Mitts Wood Heat ing Stoves Coal Feeders Drums etc- Hot Blast Heaters and Oak Stoves Sleigh Bells Body Shaft Team and Gongs Children B Sleighs steel and wood a fine last Friday All Skates and Hockey Supplies I AxeSj CrossCut Saws Cow Chains and fixtures The cat show last week was large attended Broadway Hall being taxed to its utmost capacity by of the ferine tribe The Ontario Society Artists held their opening exhibition last Friday night His Honor the surface there is no plot of and Miss Clark feeing among thc bustling with sharper arrivals Hundreds attended during the evening From the Toronto Mail Phoenix Arizona Feb On the OFF visitors the or that to the chemist more interesting Up to the this week j examination that the the Legislature has been simply mark- ol land in north- ins time Deputations to the known as the Petri- eminent asking for Normal Schools ftel nature exults in have been on band from every part accomplished mysteries in marvellous of the Province except seci impossible transmuta- There is a bylaw in force in this in achievements ind transcending took the stage for the forest midway between the station and the forest felt the stage and with a Companion struck across the country a few mites to visit an ancient forti fication of an Indian tribe that had disappeared many years before the white man had entered Arizona the ruin I passed over the tribal graveyard where a few a accumulation of silver or naments agate spearheads arrow- tips and beautiful pottery was unearthed These had been bur ied with the dead whose bones had to powder many years lie- fore the white vandals had rifled the graves The prehistoric building is now a confused mass of sundried brick and sandstone but when was here 50 ago the Agency for Clydesdale Stock Food visionary lines of rooms were city prohibiting spitting on sidewalks j and the possibilities of traceable in the face of the cliff and in street cars Under its Here where the trees Supporting the ancient remains are s imposed on a man llan upon traces unique pictographs or lie earth to fount time they Jie to- writing which were almost jday with shape and outline iinclianii- tact when the exploring of the a code with Pacific Railroad survey parsed this everything the same save that alone War in j which constitutes tree and gives to luMishable A pressman St at lost a finger one last week It was crushed in press and had to be amputated fell a rear platform it its own generic name Here for Stoves PAINTS PHONE Tinware Plumbing AND PUTTY NEWMARKET of a car a few days and sprained his ankle so badly that it will weeks before he is able to walk A little thing does it just too much a to get l All last week the sessions of tlielf5 tesl Dwellings miles the land is chased with lne Chalcedony jewels which hut the lhe an abandon- touch of the lapidarys art to repro- P A few scattered huts are Miltons Armament of tact unique solitary sapphires- The fa section Urn one tie v ta logs to form a pedestal for the silver Singular Ring Marks Another very singular and as yet unexplained phenomenon of these trees are the rings Or divisionary mark ings encircling them torn end to end These ring marks girdle the logs every inches and do not vary the eighth of an inch Either by the disinteg ration of the mesa or torrential floods the trees have been carried down from higher levels and in the mov ing suffered many fractures and some of them were broken into fragments Now all these measuring or feet break transversely and every time the break is on the ring How these rings were formed is yet an unsolved problem These trees are so hard that at one time an abrasive company of Chicago made prepara tions to grind the trees into emery Their plant was moved to where it Is now falling to pieces from rust and neglect In answer why it was not set up 1 was told that a Canadian company at abot the same time began the man- j ufactureof emery- and lowered the price of the abrasive below the where it would pav to grind up pet rified trees Out of these woods have been manufactured most beautiful lops mantels clock cases pedestals and ornamental arti cles When Tiffanys workmen began a g Speaks in Highest as a Iola mcmbcrofj Corp writes the lowing letter from Jackson Hi nnc- polls Minn We have just received our Spring Stock which includes all the Latest styl6ior the c CASKS PURSE CARD CASES LADIES CHATELAINES GENTS BILL PURSE GENTS BILL FOLDS GENTS POCKET PURSE GUILDS PURSES to to 25 to to to to 50 Legislature lasted to utes No member from the Legislative duties weary the tedious work and long hours takes all the vim out of them According to Park Commissioner Chambers it will take to run the Island this year and the City Engineer wants about for elec tric lighting The Island is pleasant but costly as resort An unusual episode jcas witnessed in the Division Court last week when Judge found that he had to give judgment against an old soldier he handed to the Clerk of the Court a hill to pay the old mans costs Tally one mercy of South America after their fruitless expeditions in quest of El Dorado the gjided man and told of the won derful things and monstrous creations they had seen the Lake of Pitch the disappearing rivers the land and sea monsters the with tails the fe male warriors the Amazons who their name to greatest river in the world the world marvelled but believed Yet when Andrew and returning after years of wandering in the I vasc of the presentation i TC sixinch saw of finest steel aided by diamond dust and when the fourfoot and foundations Mef five with all manner of stones haU was cut sawing the gain of accumulation timbers AT- ami mountain lands in Hie and I neotded rtjsl a ureal forest they had visit- aceoun the wind ious J to one he SUewed tfarh the cast- mighty wind encumbered tlie ground was an of ears among teamed men then a shaking of heads and finally loud and incredulous laughter As well ask them to be- 1 a Webbs Chocolates and Fancy IceCream Bricks ALWAYS ON HAND TICKET AGENTS FOB THE ANCHOR LINE FROM NEW YORK TO GLASGOW YEARS EXPERIENCE Plumbers Supply Company has been adjourned till Tuesday March Anticipating that the ice Would not last through another warm day Urn iccbaatinc of lhe bay Friday last- pulled a series of races They started at 1030 in the morning and raced until dark The new horticultural building to be erected on the Fair Grounds this year will be 220 feet long and he in the form of cross each wing being a different section The new press will be by with entrances leading to a rotunda In the upper story will be a room committee room and Mr It Williams President of the It- Williams Sous Co piano makers died suddenly from apoplexy on Saturday last lie leaves a wi dow and four children was arrested Satur day for vinirniiiig merchants Me telephoned to send goods I to a certain address was around when the messenger came would lake goods and pro ceed to of the piem- telling the messenger to wall for his hut he dir not his appearance- The messenger would then proceed to investigate and to his astonishment find that did not reside there and had vanished He mer chants One hundred more mining leases in have recent ly been cancelled by the Ontario Government more men have been lined for nets in Hay in the existence of a herd of cattle suspended in midair froen in to rigidity retaining their shapes and outlines Yet the forest was there and is here now unchanged and unchangeable Proposed National Park the memorial to Congress adopt ed in by the Legislative Assem bly of Arizona requesting that the millionaire more beautiful or more imperishable material for even a single room of his palace than the trunks at these trees which flourished before iiiau appeared upon the earth When entered the wonderful forest and ascended an elevation from I could command my surroundings 1 experienced a feeling of disappoint ment From magazine articles and letters of travellers was led to be lieve thai this mystic region was a dream of scenic joy I confess I keyed up high these descrip tions and fnr the time was not in accord with toy environment The land here is desert lifted five ox j six thousand feet above sea level and cut up into small mesas or tabic lairds into many ridges gulches and miniature canyons car- vegetation Flowing southward more correctly us would soon strip the forest to the naked desert if Congress had not intervened to save For years despoilers have been at work here gathering and shipping the wood to the Much has been sold to museums and private collect ors but much more has been shipped to dealers and manufacturers Vis itors to the park may earrvawav with them a few specimens but no dealing or trafficking in the precious stuff is now permitted W K i Gentlemen Asa remedy J I troubled I bud tried several remedies without relief A I began to it faithfully before each meal have always kept It in lam now in bettor health than I have been in over twenty years and sure my catarrh is permanently cared cures catarrh wherever As soon as removes catarrh the digestion becomes good nerves strong trouble lahes not by temporarily stimulating them by removing the cause of weak nerves This is the only cure Remove- the cause nature will do thereat remove the cause The Company Columbus for a book treating catarrh In its phases stages also a book entitled and Beauty especially for women A Muddled Magistrate Cost Vanderbilt Ottawa Feb Away up in the district fast Zimmerman representative Florence Feb Vander- Brothers fur dealers of jr who while motoring on was fined for having in knocked over a hoy was mob- his possession beaver skins It and cuffed drew a rcvolv- contrary to the game laws of or in self defence and was taken in the Province of Quebec tor as asked if he wished to bring suit computed at the rate of J20 a skin vcgeiation flowing l in a winding channel is the I KWC s River stone river or Adam of A creek The valley of ilihvr the heavy fmc this river here widens out to the east and west forming gainst Mr not only interpretation of the statutes whose banks ami slopes are rug- and stone forest be made a national the area of- the forest is defined to spurred and ravineil Mere one ft K be Ten miles covered by enters the heart of the For- trunks of trees some of est and section known as measure over two hundred feel And now and in length and from seven to ten feel the position of are start- in diameter In this official state- ling On the knolls spurs and men I we have the limits of the forest J isolated hills in the ravines ami accurately denned and the material of gulches on the surface of the lowland tree Corded hive seen the piled up as if skidded by petrified trees of Yellowstone recklessly across one another some of them yet standing he stone heaps lie the silicihed logs in trees of Wyoming and those of confusion Kvul vwhere with gloves lower California junstinted tin ground is hut the Petrified Forest of Arizona Is studded with gems with chips and the only region in the world where nodules of agate jaspar and cornelian the ale in such numbers all shapes and and display- it the name of a forest in j fug all the colors of the rainbow of in brilliancy and vaiictvi Buried in the sandstone hills rising of Coloring they outclass all the above the valley 10 the west are if unity due him under liscated an infraction the judge grant- Hut Zimmerman did not have the ed provisional liberty convenient at the time so he accompanied by Mrs Vanderbilt he refused to it- Then the lefi for Pisa Before departing trate calculated what was best to do gave to the local under the circumstances The law Big Fire tit At one ton Feb In greatest In- Moncton and of the costliest which the province has ever experi enced the splendid Intercolonitl wav shops an immense establishment which gives employment to over one thousand men were entirely destroy- ied Saturday evening lire man was binned to death The loss is about Ac J Wanted York BEST Is Lemons Bis cults Candies of the Beat fioe Bates Choice Cured Heat The Best Flour And you can get The Best Coal Oil Day or night We have the Oil Tank Correct Measure No Spilling CAM AND SEE US New House of Refuge Another Factory Feb 25 Co council has decided to purchase the property of acres petrifications But Professor Tol- rilied logs three and four feel in man the geologist of the University protruding from the beetling of Arizona tells me there is another bluffs of bluish clay formation lii- dollars notable distinction which places lhe enough logs or what Is forest of Chalcedony Park in class visible of not of agate itself The trees ate much very or but of a soft blending of brown much more ancient than those ol and grjtv and absolutely while Yellowstone Park can- the trees in the valley are uot yet agree with off cent ami some of them transparent as the Very remote beginning of glass The state of mineralization ton lie counts millions of j In which many of these trees years I count by thousands The I are found almost lifts them ires of all other known terial or gems and precious stones said this learned professor opals and geology are of Tertiary ace J aids One of tin while the Arizona goes far region is tin RosyCheeked Babies says in default of payment of a for an infraction the convicted must spend three months in prison nut as there were violations according to his finding Zimmerman would have to be sentenced to about years imprisonment to satisfy the ends of justice Whether from the probability living within that time or from compassion the magistrate set aside this readlug the law and imposed an order instead that all Zimmermans goods and chattels should be sold to compensate the claim of the crown feiied the years sentence to so he secured the services of Mr Tal bot of Hull anil appealed to the su perior court of Ponttac to have the conviction annulled In that court at Brysou yesterday Judge Cham pagne rendered judgment in favor of Nothing in the world is such a comfort and joy as a healthy hearty rosycheeked happy baby But the price of babys health ami happiness Zimmerman upholding the contention Ik constant vigilence on the mothers his counsel that each conns- part The little ills of babyhood could not separately constitute come suddenly and the wise offence and that the proper fine to most extraordinary will always be in a position Natural Bridge an agat- them at once In Jakehld as a for the new coun ty house of refuge The was There was a rivalry be tween Norwood and for the Ifration The new institution will cost The Carpet Factory of Kid derminster which Intends establishing a Canadian branch nlovlng hands has about conclud ed negotiations to locate in wlll he Riven a tree spanning a feet deep and to treat imposed in that case was relieving miniature can- and curing the Ills of audi feet no other medicine can equal I which a man -safely- cross Babys Own Tablets and they are slate absolutely free from Wf Quininn client Mrd NEWSPAPERS The site exemption the Bra to absent friend back Into Mesoolo time probably to zed the formation The differ- yon in- is therefore over many million of years And now The Is m let me try describe this great preservation and shows no signs of and harmful drugs Mrs Win natural wonder as I aw it About sand it lies diagonally across Sinclair Hebron NI says Ba it years there was a man named land measures a span of fret Own Tablets are the best Adam Hannah who lived between San- From end to butt the tree measures cine know of for curing the Ills of Railroad aim the nearest point J 1 feet and as with all the stone young children always keep tin TO CVRB TWO DAYS Tablets Druggists refund money It ft fails to cure GROVES signature is on each box of the petrified forest of the station due nor about eight mil Bridge they Adamana in the of- logs of this regjou there are no limbs Tablets in the house and do fiot A Durlntr the Russian revolt proper- decided to build a or blanches adhering to loft or body know how I could gel along without ty valued at was destroy- the forest and So much of the material n forest them Sold all medicine dealcd people- Imprisoned and the Natural j or more accurately deposit retains or by mail at cents a box summarily executed Temporary name of its natural color bark and shape from the Dr Williams Medicine Co sons were opened in seventeen towns to Mr and so true is the piling that one and so true is the pill