NEWMARKET Albert Block- on 2nd aid fe- each month Reynolds Teacher of Piano Will be at MOUNT ALBERT every Tuesday at B pupils prepared for Toronto cervatory of M The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Balance Capita Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA BRANCH MONTREAL BOARD Or DIRECTOR Andrew Esq CbMrman Esq Deputy Samuel 8 Esq Accepted at Currxt DAVIDSON Chief for Dominion MANAGER MARKET Butter was decidedly firm at Tues days market- but despite ihc cold the attendance was good Butter to 2ic to chickens to He lie ducks to lie geese to PERSONAL Mr A Williams of was in town on Tuesday and has de cided to open a law office here Miss Elba kit on Wednes day last to train for a nurse at the SHARON Dixon preached an ex cellent missionary sermon St James Church on Sunday Miss visited a few days week with her friend Mrs Miller in West Mr is well pleased with grocery business which he started two months ago and is adding Newmarket bread fresh daily to his stock Miss K is spending a fortnight with her sister in Toronto Miss Phillips is taking charge of the der revival hymns will The address commence at The services will be in Metho dist Church on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday evenings on Thursday and Friday in the Church Other meetings will ranged and announced later The Christian people of village are asked to cooperate to the services helpful General Hospital Toronto her absence Miss Davidson of is in at home of her brother Mr Davidson On Wednesday afternoon very Buy Goods and Sell Them Thats all that we do There are no other considerations to take up our time and six a week we manage to keep busy advertisements always ite you to see our display make most of our gain most of our friends and do the most beat advertising while Are a visitor or rather Roods do it for us Our supply of Furniture weak spots It is complete J THEAKER Cold Winter Has Gome Again with it comes the thought of its We have a nice assortment of Mens UNDERWEAR J Boys also Ladies and which we have marked to the LOWEST NOTCH GROCERIES Oar Groceries are complete in ev ery way we mean only to get beat and you will find it to interest to deal with us ffHIH NEW STORE MEANS BUSINESS WW SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT pretty wedding took place the home of Mr Geo JnMount Albert when his eldesfr daughter May was united in the holy bonds ol matrimony to Man The drawing Frhk Ross of meet all interested in church work at oclock in the church on Thursday the loth Inst Miss returned to her duties at the school on Monday ii AFRAID OF STRONG MEDICINES Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines BALDWIN BREEZES room was decorated usually given for rheumatism large weddingbell of roses was performed by the Mr Mount ed by Rev Mr of The bride was altetietibyfher sister Miss Emma of Sunderland At the appointed the bridal took IheircVV whi played not with and evergreens From knowing that quick relief from pain an arch of green was suspended a ma be had simply by applying Cham berlains Pain Balm and without tak ing any medicine internally Rev of Magnolia North Car olina for eight years with a Jamc due to severe rheumatic pains He has been permanently cur ed by the free application of Cham berlains Pain Balm For sale by T Lloyd It will you to keep A social under the auspices of trie Ladies Aid Baldwin Christian church will be held at the residence of John on Monday eve A cordial invitation is ed to all This is the kind of weather to make i tjie fuel dealers smile babies in our block are To Mr and Mrs Jack Stevenson a son Mr and Mrs jr Baldwin a son To Mr and Mrs John Oldharn Baldwin a son and heir Married on Jan 31st Mr Frank Smith Zephyr to Miss Nettie sec ond daughter of Mr and Mrs Lou Draper lot 2nd Con Nettie is our best young wo men and we regret to see her remove from our settlement Mrs John spent a with his big entertainment as he arc grcat wo may not attain to greatness We notice that how ever hard- the times may be or no odds how tight the financial crisis the small boy never is so Completely strapped that he cannot help the good cause along The new teacher at Gum Swamp is a lady from The gentle man engaged by phone didnt show up Gum Swamp pears to have been a bugaboo in his mind No 3 E Dorothy Pearl Woods Ernest Florence Sal ter Ha2el Salter and Wesley Squires equal Inez Fuller Irene Kolley Ernest Curtis Jr Ill Bertie Salter May Woods McDonald Minnie Clark few Donald McDonald I DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool is Valuable This Year Sell to Lee days last week with Mr Warriners Sr Squires Amy Pegg ons and daughter She met a very McDonald I A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND A MOUNT ALBERT HOLLAND LANDING which pains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea At the in your home It only costs if you and you sion of the ceremony showers Sold by fell from the bell upon the jVk bride looked charming siifieclHniepver ivory SH l cordial reception The kicking ltie fertile imagination of the author of the report Dr Noble is a fit candidate for the Royal Humane Societys Medal It is reported that a week ago whilst enjoying a fishing outing at Jacksons I Ward J IRENE Teacher Lloytl some pearl brooch the gift groom The bridesmaid Wore pale carried whileroses and wore a McK green eolienne carried pjjik roses at joins gift to the a fifur lis set with to the giuomsman a pearl I Point he was the We to have Veioer McK to report the hero of to ductal service conducted f R was at Mr Mcj a lifesav ing exploit Owing to the mild a large ice floe on which were adopted son r fisnermen became detached from Hon on Feb le n a was being rapid ly carried out to sea by a strong breeze shore The Dr hastily brought a boat into requisition and The gifts Kafn the inter- went to the rescue He had articles of silver and cut glass Mill rough spend a few days- Cemetery at oclock leaving fori Dr Smith delist who visits here every Tucstay except the first Tues day of the TJfonth will be here as RURAL TELEPHONE icsday next It was A very enthusiastic in item a few weeks ago in the tht Dr being here on Tuesday of a rural in this vie ity hall evening About were j moJf present composed y and Mrs visiting before their home- in the Wcit Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook Stoves WOOD Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND ftiesday next mistake in item a the Dr being a rural in this f hall scay prominent Iwldrt The tleCttvegjf election of as follows ply as the tf Parted ice on out men President J VicePrcfa Secretary Davidson Treasurer W now may and seen break Mount Alberf Directors Anojapp ham Nathan Stokes John John D It was unanimously go ahead with the construction owj line is already number of the poles will be laid on the ground early next week and work will commence as soon asweather conditions are favorable The line will he equipped with the distance instruments the central switchboard being in Mount Albert There is no doubt but that thisjjnc will one of the greatest public eon veniences inaugurated and if any further parties wish to selves of the privileges offers they must do so before Marj 1st as after that be admitted on as favorable tpnnS telephone lines are now ntijj successfully operated in Mr alter a a Mr J J Sunday to McK an Council Members present Councilors wood i ALBERT DRUG STORE wideawake and progressive district of the Provider at is no reason why this line should not be equally successful The yw Company will he known as TbMt Telephone Dr It was the Council Jot storjng books Ac It- Greenwood gave notice of two- lionffifcrjjjjiqg liverymen arid AbtJaw respecting the Liquor Act educed and laid over until Hockey Match took place on the night between Sutton Sutton boys seemed own way as far jraSnRC score went in favor of Pure Paris Green In bulk pat up Ifc fxktjtt by Poison Fly Paper and Tanglefoot I Rev A Brace of will conduct the Anniversary in the Methodist Church next Sunday Canadian i- We alrw carry a full lint woong and For Rheumatic Cure and Family Re- receive pergonal attention or LLOYD Chemist and DrugKlut the past week A number are complaining about the coal bin get- ling Mr Hill shipfed a carload of to the last He Is shipping carload to Toronto this week Sutherland and Miss Ay ward are Indisposed Miss Sutherland has leach since Monday Our new road and bridge Bradford is assured at Council granted commence in a few days fc The flayer times pj of being J J w Laundry The has Laundry in Brooks Block Mount Albert kinds of done on terms Proprietor water It was a case of Pull for shore sailor Pull for the shore Heed not the rolling Waves But bend to the oar etc By the the last pair were re leased their perilous position almost speechless from The old Dr has been for years but this was a to bus- wholesale life saving sup- Mrs John of the short West was visiting her aunt Mrs cold snap Win Tonilinson sr last week She as Miss Charlotte was our schoolmate away back in the sixties at school Mrs Andy Miller is going on a vis it to her son Andrew at Lindsay She has not been at all well since the tragic death of her sod The shock was too great for her nerves The tidings were not gently broken A great many think there was foul play in connexion with his death There should have been a coroners inquest I am glad to see that some of our men at least show good sense by preferring the society of our own matchless girls Now theres Charlie Daily he winds his way where the Lily blooms so fair Carl is always anxious concerning the news and though there is but one delivery of mail per day he occasionally returns the second time fearing lest he may have missed some mail our Pranks preference seems to be for precious gems such as a Ruby Thats right hoys support home industries I wish all subs in my section at least were as prompt as Mr Matt He pays prompt on time if not before It is spot cash will him Another Coon is the direct opposite to him Its hard squeez ingonly a cent at a time so to speak taken with a very sudden illness accompanied by vertigo last week not heard there is any Improvement Squire on let Inst passed the milestone In lifes journey He is not enjoying very robust health On the same day Miss Lucy Critten den turned the milestone about the most stage of life not much opportunity fori Mr- Albert York fc but Daly lhe farm as fairly as any man could bargain hut last week sent a message to the effect that he had thrown It up A depos it should have been Insisted upon It Is the that talks Defoe Murray are still with us J will not attempt an explanation SS No WHITCHURCH Gladys Brooks Nathaniel Roy Robert Merle Jr Stewart Grose Ruby Frederic HI Vivian Brad ford Brooks Jr III Myrtle Llewellyn Peterson Jr Smart Oliver Mc Murray Jaynes Neva Sr Calm Rosy Good Jr Robert Muriel Good I Intermediate I Smart Carl Stanley Karlyle Peterson iJiiij The Sutton Rcfcrce Brooks meted out all round used to an open rink of large prorations could not play on closed and comparatively small here There were too many men in play to allow of any combination play on either side and offsides Were very frequent- Miss L Hill is spending a few weeks with her Mrs J at Mr Graham and a lady friend spent Sunday out near We are sorry to hear Mrs Bur nett is still seriously ill Mrs J Lemon Mrs lower Miss Longfield and Mr Chase spent an evening at Mr J Ranters the eighth last week Mr Kcnnosly was home from Scott a few days Mr T Mahon was in Toronto a few days last week Quite a number spent Monday even ing at Mr Fodders in hon or of Miss Dougherty who has been a member of the Christian choir for a number of years and who has gone to reside at Stouflville for a time An appropriate address was read after which she was presented with a beautiful gold Watch Chain Oysters were served and in wee small hour of the morning a1 dispers ed having spent an enjoyable time Winter has come at last thermometer stood at below week The ball given by the Dramatic Club last week was a grand success The Young Mens Club intend giving one on Friday Feb Styles Cain floor manager Mr J was visiting friends in the city last week Joe reports everything The A intend giving a concert In the near future Our band has organized for the sea son with Mr as band- master Mr Walter Fuller gave a card par ty one evening last week The Chosen Friends intend giving a concert and ball in the near future Our assessor is making his annual visit Mr A Bruce was visiting friends here on Sunday last Call again AH Mr John Stephenson looks happy now We can guess the reason why another Our ice races come next week Look out for Neils Flying Fox The School Board have decided not to support the Rink Our new sec retary was a sport once himself but he is married now MEW including LADIES LACE FANCY COLLARS GENTS KNOTS the Stock of RUBBERS AND LARAGANS For the Winter Wear Is Complete For tee next few weeks will A Clearing in Special Lines OF- MOUNT ALBERT -fc-OOO- Council of Sharon Feb Council held Feb the mid Sutton Crocker Treloar Kaiser K McLaughlin Daly Heaver aultlcss hockey in spite man Some people repentance turns the searchlight astern lets the ship take care of itself re re A for Pile Itching Blind Bleeding Protruding Piles Druggists ate authorized to refund money if OINTMENT falls to cure in to days rom From From From From re From From From From on NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J Life fchort but there are hours as Ion aft all COUGH DY THE MOTHERS FAVORITE The soJng and healing of this remedy Its pleasant dMe and ft prompt and permanent have a favorite with people especially prized by children for colds croup wys an contain fivltecUstic Services There will be Union Evangelistic Services held In our town Monday Feb The speaker ftkbe Rev Walter Russell A was educated in Montreal since his graduation has been in evangelistic work in Canada the Unlkd States In this work he has met with signal the mission in Toronto Mr Russell came from Chi cago where he was holding meetings and conducted the overflow meetings The In the Metropolitan Methodist church At present he Is holding meeting in or Some hitch In the securities I contains noyd in to a as to by Lloyd Toronto and alter spending a it a- i wore at Button will go to Kingston relief Jlid as It to a campaign there There will be meetings every nOMrdurn or other lieve Stevenson has moved Into Mrs store where he purposes I understand to open up a general store business Business will hum now No need of going to Mrs on great style when she visits Owltown once In a while public shall never hear- the of that beautiful poem If will visit and pay him some of his money held intrust The old gentleman in in need Base friendship is the worst kind of friendship given an adult continently Pot sale In the week except The great and we trust the commencing at ft oclock a sng on Saturday evening l service at which the bred with a return visit I Jersey Grades for Sale Six Fresh Young Cows on hand years old I STOKES Mount Albert The Peoples Shoe Store If you want good reliable Rubbers dont fall to call on us We Sell Nothing But the Best Heavy working Shoes made to wear Fine Shoes In Ladies and Gents made by the best manufacturers in Canada car we sew all rips free of charge on Shoes bought at our store Fine Repairing and Shoes made to order The Peoples Shoe Store W Lehman Prop Opposito the Sovereign Bank MOUNT ALBERT Meetin All members present Councillor John French made required declaration of took his seat at Council Board Minnies of lust meeting From repairs road Brown Mill From Bounty claimed dog destroyed From W Rolling claimed dog It Belfry sheep claim fly claim Hunter Bros re repairs- roadway President of Ontario Ass Super Telephone Co re removal of line from Road Brooks re error In pay ment of taxes Dougherty Family re aid French ender re cedar Horner re Rainden re location of Temperance Hall lot in Albert From J Thorpe grt from Si Council for Bridge over Holland From York County Council Commit tee of Auditors r- Treasur- erV accounts for 1005 On motion the report of the audi tor wiis adopted and fin ally and ordered to be sign ed by Reeve and Clerk and publish ed form The the coun cil were appointed re Town Line- and- villages re repairs and removal of from sidewalks In said village I West Town Line J Huntley Town Line l eon South Town from con East A Lapp North Town John Smith Town LlneJotm French Village of Sharon J Village Albert- French and Lapp Village of Hill The Introduced a re of permanent ce ment In village of vllle ByLaw regularly passed the Reeve and Councillor Hill being ap pointed for wild work and the and were authorized to tem porary am required Tor said purpose On motion the Treasurer was to accept the original amount of Taxen No nan on Collectors Roll of lieu of amount charged on said lot as arrears and the Cleric was to levy tnxefl on Temp Hall Lot in Albert tor past two year at an valuation of Twenty Dollars The Reeve and Councillor Hill appointed a special tec to the County Engineer to mark the boundaries the lots 115 and con as also to Hi location of Bridge over on said roadway Payments were ordered as follows viz J M Kltely repairs culvert con J sheep claim Rolling Bounty re dO It Belfry sheep claim sheep claim J Moore re audit John re Audit Geo and work Hi aid to Dougherty Re aid to family A repairs re 1 rebate of taxes re levy on buildings burned The and Clerk were ins tract ed to sign and forward a petition to Local Legislature asking I See- MW of Municipal Act be oo amended that Corporations not be liable re accidents on road ways except where culpably negli gent Council adjourned on Friday am to meet March 2nd at at and Colds are the most danger all forms of disease A neglected cold leads Bronchitis Consumption Pneumonia Coughs are the result of irritat ed bronchial tubes cures coughs by removing the fating particles and healing the inflamed membrane It Is a germi cide and destroys the tubercle germ It is a looic that strength ens the lungs the liver and tones up the system It makes for better health in all conditions of humanity Get strong and cough will dis appear Makes weak people strong It cures coughs of the most obdurate kind and breaks a cold in a few hours OF ALU PRONOUNCED ALL TRW A Kins Toronto J I