A J THE NEWMARKET ERA FEBRUARY flew- Lost Nolo Riven by Sarah J dated Jan for for one year- Payment- tea been sto on same For Sals Small house acres of land Half mile out of Newmarket Apply tor A WILLIAMS Canadian For- Sale On Niagara St Rood Brick rooms and stable on in good repair A bargain if sold at Apply on premises to For Sal or to Rent A Rood house and lot containing cere of land with a Rood stable and lots fruit Hard and water li from Newmarket Posses- don 1st March Apply to EVES Change I have purchased the business form erly known as the Smiths Photo Studio which I have been Manager for the past six months and would be pleas ed to have any former patroDS as well as any new friends who would me with a call All Work Guaranteed WILSON Photographer Of SPIALL Acres Adjoining Newmarket FOR SALE Situate on Street Good soil good frame barn Also a good House and lot on the side of Street New market containing acres with well and outbuildings complete particulars apply on the premises to Mark Brown owner or to Newmarket Solicitor for Vendor CREDIT SALE OK SLABS AND POSTS To be by public auction on Friday Feb at one oclock at Mill Lot Con West To be Bold in tots to suit purchasers about cords of wood cords of slabs and cedar posts of ail kjods Terms of months credit on peeved notes Parties who use due and are unable to move itaefr wood this winter will be given extension of four months to pay HENRY MARSH Wanted women boys and girls to Magazine Good pay Address East St York City To Farmers Berkshire White Boar will be on lot in the 1st Of King Fee W Horse for Sale Good Purpose Horce used to trolley cart and etc firstian condition Apply to A I Hardware Acre Farm for Sale Part of tot S3 Good and orchard to SILAS Industrial Home Canadas Greatest WANT A Salesman for To la 9JA of of- NOW at the Beat Bin liber- pay free WRITK tl seod toe tor tfc 4J Wc for em or WKLLIHOTOM PtaVLUi Coffer wea The annual meeting of the ih Press Association in Toronto last weet was not only a very social oc casion but one of the most practical in the history of Association The membership has now grown to nearly publishers in Ontario and the constitution was so amended that the Associations of other Provinces may affiliate and thus constitute the Canadian Press Association in fact as well as name At the Press Banquet on Thursday eveninc over attended about of whom were ladies A notable fea ture was the entire absence of liquors and tobacco a worthy the press to set in the metro politan city of rhe Province Prof Smith and Hon Speaker Sutherland were the principal speak ers on the occasion and they duly exalted the importance of the press as a factor in moulding public opin ion and the responsibility of being fair in all political discussions The toasts were drank with hot coffee and cold water and the speeches were in terspersed with selections by some of Torontos best male vocalists The banquet was served in best style and was throughout a complete success A very fitting termination to the two days session of the Association was the Excursion to last Saturday through the courtesy of the Grand Trunk Railway under the personal charge of Mr J McDon ald District Passenger Agent and reception given by the Royal City There about in the party including some ladies and on ar riving at street cars were at their disposal conveying quests to the Ontario Agricultur al College where day was spent in inspecting nearly every department on the farm and many members of the Fourth Estate were greatly Sur prised at the extent and value of the work done At each depart ment the superintendent in charge gave a brief address explaining the nature and result of their particular operations which was very gratifying from both a Provincial and individual standpoint But the climax was reached at the McDonald Institute where the young ladies who are in attendance served a substantial luncheon in a charming manner which had also been prepared by them It was here where President extended a welcome to the Associa tion in a very cordial address Mr Downey editor of the Herald in an eloquent speech pro posed the health of the press which was replied to by the President of the Association Mr of the Toronto News Mr Clark of To ronto Saturday Night and Mr P P of the Kingston Mr MPP of the Kingston Whig each in turn giving great praise to the young ladies and the College officials in general What the Agricultural College for Farmers boys the McDonald In stitute does or the girls thoroughly equips them for the duties of life and in President the Col lege has a man not only thoroughly qualified but peculiarly adapted to the position vO Hot Hes Gone A special to the Hamilton Her ald from Toronto furnishes tbe read ers of that journal a few pointers as to true inwardness for Dr translation from the arena of the Legislature and its emoluments for there is very little credence placed in the failing health story especially in view of the ad ditional responsibility the registrar- ship of West Toronto involves The special goes on to say one is to believe what is being circulated in the inner circles of the Conservative party the real reason of Dr retirement iB that be is fi nancially busted His ventures It appears in connection with several business enterprises have not proven a blooming success the failure of the Dominion linen mills at Increased bib financial difficul ties If these allegations are true one can readily understand his desire to accept a position worth from to leooo a year but there is another fea ture connected with this political and this is the way the Her ald special presents the case Then its an HI wind that blows nobody good To tbe words of a Whitney is tickled to death to get doctor out of the way That he has been a thorn In the flesh of the premier particularly blnce the Whitney government formed his been generally admit ted and were evidences that bis opposition strength was devel oping It Is probably true that the recent In the situation In Toronto would never have taken place had it not for Dr Seattle aggrts- campaign in the interests of at of workers In brief ho a disturbing quan tity and the Conservative party generally will not be that has departed from the arena where he was a disin tegrating Influence Society The Hamilton Herald alludes to it in this quaint way But who would suspected that Dr was a quitter Echo answers who gave tea It likely that Hon Mr Attorneyxeneral will at coming session of the Legislature introduce a measure making it an offence to grant rebates in life insurance I On Tuesday last three elections to the Commons took place when two Liberals and one Conservative were returned viz Lib eral for West Liberal for Saskatchewan and Conservative for Sberbrooxe Que The mania for adopting extreme- measures is on the increase An edi tor in Western Ontario suggests that a scribe on a cotemporary journal should be given a dose of rough-on- by its general manager or something to settle him for all time Why not give him a This is the latest This is what the Record has the courage to say There are too many lawyer legislators They are making laws to bring grist to their own mill Many of the stat utes are fearful and wonderful pro ductions Some day Canada have- less law and more common sense The byeelection for North Toronto to Ontario House to fill the va cancy occasioned by the retirement of Dr to become registrar of West Toronto will take place imme diately Nomination has been fixed for the and polling one week later Sheriff Mowat is the re turning officer Political parties are now lining up for the contest At Government House Ottawa on Wednesday last Hon Mr was in as Minister of Marine and Fisheries and Hon Mr as Minister of Island Reven ue is said Hon Mr may run in the constit uency represented by the late Mr whose sudden demise rendered the office- now filled by Mr vacant A bulletin dealing with highlycol ored confectionery was issued by the Inland Revenue Department at Otta wa this week One hundred and eleven samples were collected the chief object being to ascertain wheth er any of the colors used in the man ufacture of such sweetmeats contain ed mineral impunity under which term is understood metals lead and arsenic The examination resulted in demonstrating the entire absence of these metals An Ottawa Telegram makes the fol lowing forecast of coming changes in the Dominion Cabinet after next ses sion In due course probably after the session Hon will go on the New Brunswick and Hoc Charles will take the Department of Railways and Canals This will leave the portfol io of Justice for Hon A Ayles- worth and a new man will become PostmasterGeneral Mr place as New repre sentative in the Cabinet will It is said go to Hon J Tweedie now the Provincial Premier The appointment of Mr A of Toronto as Deputy of was made by the Ontario Government on Tuesday last He is news editor of the Toronto News Secretary of the University Commission and president of the Canadian Press Association The an nouncement is made that he will en ter upon his duties in the very near future Tbe intimation has been given out that Mr ap pointment is to be followed an other official as Superintendent of and possessing a thorough knowledge of the technical points of the various branches of education After thee changes are all completed the Minister of will be able to do the ornamentation of his office and draw his pay When vacancies in the Senate are filled there will be a Liberal major ity in that body of A little over a decade ago the Liberal Senators in tbe Ottawa Chamber only numbered about a bakers dozen all told and at that period Liberal journals a good many of them at least favored introduction the election de ment or the of the body altogether As then constituted the ferrate was not alluded to as the hospital for decayed politicians many of its members being rejected parliamentary candidate But now that the tables are Liberals we do not hear go much abol ishing the political hospital On the hand the Tory then lustily shouted sour grapes are now taking the old Liberal re frain and demanding Senate The Vindicator Tory rises to remark The very Idea that a legislative body should fee up of political partisans of either appointed for life to cause a rebellion by both sides to put it out of business Tbe thing Is the very of govern ment It Mrs Major Allan last Friday afternoon Invitations issued for a large Valentine party next week Mr Firth Principal of Pickering College was in Town on Saturday Mr ind Mrs J A Were At- Home- with friends on Wednesday evening Miss of Aurora spent over Sunday with her cousin Miss Mr P W Pearson attended the of his cousin at Buffalo on Wednesday The friends of Leh- will regret to learn that she has been ill lately Mrs Rogers of Toronto is spending a week with her parents Mr and Mrs David Rogers Timothy St Miss Beatrice is- spending a few weeks at her grandfathers Mr A I Mr p Morgan our new Alder man and his esteemed lady entertain ed a large card party last Wednesday evening It was in the Era last week that Mrs J Lundys sister was dead It should been Mr J Lun- sister Mrs Evans arid her are packing up to remove to Mr Evans being satisfied with his new situation Mr Robert of is visiting his sister Mrs Morton and intends taking a car load of horses back with Mr and Mrs Jackson celebrat ed the anniversary of their wed ding day by having a few relatives to dinner at The Bowery on Wednesday The News published at Indianapo lis makes the following an nouncement The engagement is an nounced of Miss Augusta Hunter of Talladega Ala and Mr Joseph Com fort Philadelphia Miss Hunter is the niece of ihe Rev Hunter formerly pastor of Holy Innocents Church and Mr Comfort is the son Of Rev J Comfort Both young people arc well known and have many friends in the city The prospective bride is a granddaughter of the late Edwin Hunter of Yonge St Newmarket and her parents now reside at Talladega Alabama oO KESWICK Mr John King and bride returned from their wedding trip on Wednesday of last week His parents a reception their honor which by tbe way was the most brilliant af fair of the kind that has ever taken place in this neighborhood Friend Duncan never does things by the halves His residence is lighted with acetylene gas The reception rooms were very prettily with evergreens and other decorations and with every gas jet burning made the rooms present a Wy fine appear ance The tables were laid for which were filled times or more making at least guests The menu consisted of roast fowl with del icacies of almost very description The arraugements for waiting on the tables etc Were so perfect that all the guests bad partaken of refresh ments by half past nine The even ing was spent in social chit chat in- with music instrumental singing and gramophone The young people with some that were not so young in games etc About oclock the guests dispersed and we imagine that all felt that they bad spent a very pleasant evening to gether Our hope is that when Friend Duncan has his next reception we may be fortunate enough to again bo among the guests Keswick and vicinity are to have a rare treat on Thursday evening next the The Local Option Ex ecutive have secured the famous tem perance lecturer Rev J Hector or The Knight as he is com monly called The lecture will be given in the Christian Church Mr Hector la a colored gentleman Those who have heard him say he is a pow erful speaker We look for a crowd ed A small admission will be charged to nay expenses The Revival Meetings are being con tinued in the Christian Church this week and not largely attend ed quite a number arc manifesting a for a better life On Sunday evening the Methodists withdrew their service and attended the revival ser vices There was on excel lent meeting The fee on the bay Is now about the general work this week in storing Ice for the summer The ice f6 very good quality Mrs has had a severe attack rheumatism but her many friends will be pleased to hear that she Is much better this week Rev Partridge will occupy the pulpit at Methodist Church next Sunday morning and the Sunday fol lowing Rev A Addison of Toron to will preach the annual Missionary in tbe evening Jamee Harper of was to seten In peniten tiary at tor assaulting and a man named THE HOME OF QUALITY See Our New Spring Wall Papers Different Patterns to choose from We are showing a range of Selected Walts English Prints NEWMARKET We waited a long time for winter weather but we have at last got it in the Good Old Fashion Our stock of Winter Wearables is consider ably heavier than we would wish for at this season and as a consequence we are sacrificing those lines that are left Womens Rubbers Pairs to clear at 25c pair fa Misses Rubbers pain to clear at pair Womens Overshoes to clear Button Overshoes Here You Are Boys and Girls We ran across 6u Sweaters for Hoy and White and Knii Made toSull at each On Sale Saturday at men of AH Sizes Read This We Mens overcoats in Fancy Tweeds Bine Beaver and Grey Cheviots Odd Lines but all sizes that sold regularly at 1200 and On display in Show Window Saturday to clear Boys Whose Ages are We have a big snap for yon Boys Over to fit Boys of above ages that all the season from S3 50 to each On Sale Saturday each Mens Fur Coats Coats regular for Brown Saskatchewan Coats regular for Black Saskatchewan Coats regular for Saskatchewan Coat regular for 1175 Mens Fur Caps Persian Lamb Caps regular for Wedge Shape Womens Capennes Hair Coney Caperines regular 50 for Coney and Bear for Persian Limb and Seal Caperines regular lor So MoJe Caperiritt regular for 7 50 Womens Ruffs 2 Coney Ruffs regular for Sable 2 regular 750 for Mnerican Sable 1 Skin regular for it Mens Rubbers Buckle Rubbers Mens Buckle Rubbers Mens Eyelots leather Top Rubbers Sandal Rubbers pair Considering the debenture debt County and the heavy county tax compared with many coun ties in Province we are of the opinion that the County Council were altogether too liberal in their of towards erection the proposed now Toronto Hospital This is the Toronto Worlds lamen tation over Premier Whitney West Toronto registrar And to think Dr health Rave out Just at tbe moment Premier Whitney was about to call him into the Cabinet as Min ister of Health Twelve months ro the town of Co balt contained about a dozen log buildings and a few score tents It looked more like the halting place of tramping than the earnest re sort of men bent on business Now it has several shops a weekly news paper a fourstory hotel and a pop ulation of probably or more We see It also that a trolley line is being projected to connect Co balt and New MURRAY At tbe North End on to Mr and Mrs Ell Murray a daugbter The Alto the parsonage on Jan by Rev J Slack of to Ethel of Himself An absentminded professor was much annoyed by trouble he ex perienced every morning in hunting for his clothes for he never could re member where he had put them the night before when he undressed So he devised the plan of writing down on a piece of paper where arti cle of clothing was placed as he it off and this is what ho wrote Coat on third peg corner of room waistcoat and trousers on chair by bed collar on doorhandle tie through key of door vest on Door by window cuQs on knobs of bed stead shirt on portmanteau socks on gas bracket boots outside door pro fessor In bed Next morning this plan seemed to answer admirably he collected his garments rapidly but when he came to the last item on the ho went over to the bed and to bis dis gust found It empty Ah be cried in bewilderment now the professor Is lost this plan is no good What shall I do now THE Undertaking You can buy your Cheap For AND A SPECIALTY to at John Millard Phono It and SI The Tomb A on Feb 1006 John Montgomery In his year Industrial Home on Feb 4 years Interred at Industrial Home on Feb James years Industrial Home on Feb 4 John Industrial Home on Feb Peter from Weston aged S3 yeara A Kooa end palatable loaf of Bread la Workmens Friend Against poor and article Everyone uses Why not use Simpsons Bread Is always Light and tried you will come to SIMPSON SOUTH END No peaj Park Avenue NORTH All Oirffrt AtfcaUtm Dry Pine Slabs cord CO Dry Hardwood i Body Hardwood Sawed cord a TRY IT i hard