J rf r j -jiKVWMKEr- feKA FRIDAY rone For over sixty years doctor have endorsed Ayers Cherry Pectoral for coughs colds weak lungs bronchitis coo- sumption You can trust medicine the best doctors ap prove time you have a hard cough I fcU ir a da est I 34 I recoil ill Sill bite Jab AX WORTHY TO V LAKE WILCOX Mr Jo has rented his and boarding house for the summer Mr has sold his- place to a man from Toronto who will possession shortly Heal estate is booming around here Mr Barber has sold his farm to Mr Thomas and has purchased Mr Reynolds farm on the 2nd conces sion of Whitchurch This is one of the most open sea sons your correspondent- has Known or years The Hay was frozen over in the middle of December- hut afterwards became open until daybfthis week Now is the season of thy for subscribers in at rears to accounts also those that to re new their subscription The agent here J will at I cm to it for you Me is also pleased to receive new Mr Morton took a trip to the city one day this Mis M Walker who hasbeen Oof better fl0aal v My buy said Uncle Irani you sioulJ lea in while yet youre f with the Misses her home In the city on Monday Mr Dan Morton brother our geniai tiiercharit is over from borough visit id of ers PILLS bow1 regular Aft and gently taking every precaution to pre vent While from a buggy a day or two ao Mrs H Marr was un fortunate enough to break her leg Joseph Wales treasurer of the Village public school re ceived thru the mails a donation of from an unknown contributor It was a draft and was cashed at the Standard Hank in The postmarked Toronto and The North YOix Livery as tic inclosed letter was in printed letters the yourself and keep up a Our horses looV sorry and you took gay And the contrast a People look at you then at the and happy people And to you from feeling that you dont i lo take a nice new buggy out in the mud and dirt we use all old ones Our horses have been kept on straw but now we have some sawdust so If you require anything in our line call on us or call up phones or Town Carting also done A If Proprietor Davy a yardman employed by the GTR was somehow struck by a trail- in the street yards about midnight last Friday and one of his tegs- was broken Looking forward to anticipated sport of snowshoeing this winter more snowshoes have been sold in this city than in ten previous years and still the snow comes not In July last while buying vegeta bles Mis Partes lost a dia mond Recently information was re ceived at the detective department that a boarder at King St while eating strawberries last summer Mr John of South swallowed a diamond which is visiting relatives and friends found wa among the berries this vicinity 0 his plate He had the Mr Alfred has turned set in a ring and was a short sojourn in Michigan a present of it to his newly-wed- Miss Gertrude has pone to Detectives got hold of the Barrio on a visiting trip among her friends there Mrs Klliott and young A chap can dodge much trouble by a good grip on his tongue- Ive noticed that the fellers who with joy keep most touch Arc those who over gossip never com ment very much Of course one dont grow With a man of quiet type Unbosom secrets to him oer a bottle of a Pipe Yet my boy youre bound notice as your years of youth slip by That who keeps bis mouth shut never gets a blackened eye There must be some connection tween a man whos quick speak His thoughts on all occasions and a bruised spot on his cheek For its chaps alius when horsesense would quite for bid on ill LOAN and Savings Company A Depositors Certificates and Passbooks will be received at all branches of THE BASK of CANADA All necessary payments and transfers of money made free of charge Newmarket and Mount Albert W L circumstances took possession of the Whose skin goes into ring and had the diamond removed j their optics under lid from the setting The ring went it may at first be hard my the have returned home from an extended the husband and the diamond stream of talk to shun visit to her parents at Scotia -Umc- People are now Perhaps by quiet you lion curious toknow how detectives got j a lot of fun his identity becoming known SURE u and examine a copy of our catalogue SI you have any idea of taking a pre paratory course for a Good Paying Position We believe there is no school equal to ours for methodic business train ing and for producing good results We solicit investigation and ENTER ANY TIME NO VACATIONS The Mammoth Fair Company es tablished here some or years and controlled and owned by Fred has assigned The principal creditors are Toronto whole sale houses- The firm was a pro gressive one and carried on a general country trade employing from to ten clerks and have since their establishment here done a uniformly good trade William the was a publicspirited and much sympathy is expressed t the failure Speculation in stocks is said to be in a measure responsible for the failure The ladies of the of the Methodist Church Miss Gertrude Dougherty with a gold brooch in recognition of her services as organist for flic soci ety The presentation was made by Mrs J Park and Mrs H- Hodgson read a nicelyworded address appro priate to the occasion be held in w BeMlrf had Hall near the last of January or dare to be- announced later Prizes j pcrson with will he given for the following contracts for City Hall furnishings for best Temperance recitation people will be glad to learn that this Company skirts arc will miss curious to know how detectives got a a lot of fun clue to the diamond But theres this sweet compensation Mr J manager of the which wise men wont deny Oifice Specialty Co and Mr Charles He whos learned keep his mouth secretary who was book keeper in were both examined on the civic investigation last FOR NORTH YORK given by public school pupil Best Temperance solo given by public school pupil Best Temperance recitation giv en by adult Best Temperance solo given by adult- West Temperance essay and 2 are open to all Public School pupils in the township of SHAW PRINCIPAL WANTED clean A perambulating agent for a picture enlarging concern named Was placed under arrest on a charge one John Armstrong of Deer Park It is about time the compensa tions cry to hotelkeepers was play ed out Stopping the sale liquors docs not prevent hotelkeeping while on the other band the punishment of crime committed as- the direct result of the liquor traffic costs more than the license money amounts to and are open to all adults No open to all AH wishing to enter the contest will kindly send their names to Miss Alice not later than January opcne Monday before Chief Justice No Gospel Temperate will h he he hi in this will talc Ju c fc the place of it Press Supt jurymen tMs JIayor inaugurated the shut never gets a blackened An so your Uncle Hiram With an eye t your success Would fain the little lesson on your youthful mind impress Think twice ere your opinions reach On things men talk about An then for pity sakes my boy dont ever speak them out It may look idiotic in a man t smile an blink An never say a word out loud of what hes come think But the god of facial beautys apt nudge him on the sly Since the man who keeps his mouth shu never gets a blackened eye Roy Green in the New York World o Burned to Death Penrose Sons of Pine Orchard has purchased from the celebrated importers Crouch Son the magnificent Royal Belgian Stallion that was sent to Newmarket by ibis great firm a few weeks ago to be sold This horse is a very beautiful representative of this famous breed and lis noted for his magnificent style superb action and perfectly temper He weighs pounds is 4 years old and arrived from Bel gium the of October last and horsemen hereabouts should take im mediate advantage of this great opportunity to improve the horse inter ests of their neighborhood by patronizing this grand animal The firm Crouch Son who imported this fine horse are the greatest firm in the world business are are noted all over the world for tbeir cele brated- horses especially their famous Worlds Fair Champion Belgians It is well worth a trip to Mr Penroses horse- farm to see this graad Mi llie Council A reliable agent for Newmarket and kurroujtdiK country Good pay territory Sample or outfit Our terms are best in the business We need a of good and ability Baring fall and- winter months OVER SCO ACRES The choicest and most extensive Hat of stock in Canada including and stock fruits and potatoes Fast sell ing offered for the first Write tor terms now to THE CO Toronto Ont You Risk Nothing By attending the popular ELLIOTT Our reputation for work is well known and we protect this repu tation Students admitted at any Catalogue Ire ff Principal Cor Alexander VIVIAN Mr Herb is all smiles these days It is a young woodchopper Miss spent Christmas un der the parental roof Mr Penrose of Pine Orchard spent Christmas at Pine View Farm Mr and Mrs J Brooks and fanuiy spent New Years at Mr J Ducks of Farm Mr has returned to To ronto after spending a week with his parents at this place Young men should not stay so late that they cannot find the right home and get their horse down Mr and Mrs of Altona were the guests of Mr and Mrs J rooks on Saturday Mr Wells of Toronto visited at Pine View on Friday Mr and Brooks were out rabbithunting last Saturday Mr and Mrs of To ronto visited at Pine View a few days last week FROSTY fOOi ZEPHYR The inaugural meeting of the Town Council took place on Monday morn ing last according to statute All the members elect present as follows Mayor J Councillors Cane T J Robertson A Smith and Keith After subscribing to the necessary declarations the Mayor briefly ad dressed the Council He was sorry that two members of the old Council were out hut welcomed Mr Keith the new comer He thought the New would not be a very heavy one for the Council A number of odd jobs had to he completed such as fin ishing up the cemcat walks ard road the general repairs would engage their attention Mr Robertson presented a bylaw for the appointment of Auditors High School Trustee and member of the Public Library Board Bylaw read a first and second time After going into committee and filling a couple of blanks the committee rose reported progress and asked leave to sit at the next meeting of the Coun cil adjourned until next Monday evening 0 St Paul Jan The heaviest On New Years morning the mates of the womens ward in House of Refuge at noticed issuing from the lavatory An alarm was given and upon opening proceedings of the Council for jti they found Mrs Gillespie a 100C wearing the silk hat a Kings woman with her clothes on Counsel uniform white kid gloves and she was Very badly be- other paraphernalia ye olden the- flames were extinguished toimc Rev M- Pearson offered the garments were completely con- prayer of invocation isumed up to the waist and she evening paper calls attention intense pain Brewster was the growing tendency to plant once summoned but could o no- in the back kitchens of a- thing io relieve the poor womans dermanic favorites This is one sufferings and she expired in the to secure workers for She had been in habit hut the very idea of making poll- a pipe and it is supposed of hack kitchens only lighted pipe in her rocket reached by narrow sidelanes and up garments On two Let OLB OUST do ft of of it by I ftdvIa Clmrxcc re management committee of Zephyr Methodist Sabbath School held its annual meeting and reelected all its former officers and teachers The Secretarys report showed that there were on the roll and an av erage attendance of The recent netted and then was a balance of in the treasury with which to begirt the new year The superintendents report showed that the school had enjoyed spiritual pros perity as well A- collection of TG was taken last Sabbath for the Sick Childrens Hospital Toronto The officers reelected James superintendent Pickering assist ant superintendent Frank Cook retary and Clarence Myers treasur er services t Sand- lord Methodist Church will held OH Sunday January Special services morning and evening Rev of erly of On Monday even ing Mr Harper of will give a lecture and Mr will deliver a short address several back steps is repulsive No wonder lady voters did not care to he seen in such places Mr Ceo I Davis who has tra velled with the TorreyAlcxandcr evangelists for the last months addressed the St Johns Presbyter ian Church Sunday School last Sab bath afternoon Such a response was given to his exhortations that the Sunday School lesson was drop ped and a revival meeting held Over previous occasions holes were burned in her clothes in this way hut no further damage was done The un fortunate woman did not give an alarm and was completely exhausted when found Prevalent Superstitions The throwing of rice for luck is professed a desire to seek Christ popularly supposed to have its origin of in I The Bay was frozen over on Tucs- somewhere in the nebulous times day for the fust time this winter jour cavedwelling ancestors hut This is the latest in fifteen years Crown Attorney Curry has com menced a crusade against alleged ex tortionate moneylenders The of fices of a couple of loan companies fell here and the street railway sys tem wan practically put out of busi ness- From North Wisconsin come reports of a complete tieup of all railway traffic From North Dakota received indicate a blockade but the heavy snow crippled the caught phone and telegraph and reports are meagre Several trains have not been heard since yesterday the opinion of those who tudy these matters India is undoubtedly the birthplace of this old custom In France and Germany it is looked up on as a purely British institution hut In other European countries it not uncommon a bridal couple in Greece example being invariably pelted court case the evidence showed rice and cottonseed as they a moneylender had charged his vie- emerge from the church door The Urn 10 per cent a month besides tak- Jewish custom of distributing roasted a mortgage on worth of fur- corn among the wedding guests comes for a loan from a common source no Two prisoners at the city fall made while in Italy confetti although a dash for liberty on Tuesday but associated with carnival lime is in the neighborhood of also thrown for luck at weddings were raided entire contents seized snowstorm since prevailed in the warrants issued for their for hours yesterday rs Some weeks ago in a police for Snow to the depth of eighteen inches The Manitoba Hotel at Portage destroyed by fire The vaa filM with who night apparel ClairvoyantPsychic Medical Examination Free By BR of Y Believing In or not there no gainsay ing the that the doctor can ex plain fie fiourcc and of your mental or physical and Li to and happiness who Would have re- invalid a all live Send lock hair name aod at to- KESWICK Mr John Viarrliicr is fust complet ing his new house which Is of the the village and is an addition to the roadside leading to the shore We also notice that Mr has had several applicants for lots on the other hide of the road and will put them lo the market In the The prospects for as a sum mer report arc booming Mr Draper wm of Mr Ste phen Draper fs Michigan Rev Partridge gave ah lent in the Methodist Church lat Sunday morning which greatly appreciated by the re vival fcerv1 in Christian Church Cured Bronchitis is a pretty had if you dont cure it luit it docs not do much damage when promptly treated is a specific for all affections of throat lungs ami bronchial tubes You cant have both Bron chitis and in your system at the same time Better have lie Bold In Drug In for If your At Hot if you liic lloiiH our on Jlli MM pi Dr A 11 I Victoria Park Turbines Originally confetti consisted of corn a which no carried its consolations with it if not to the harassed bridegroom at least to the crowds who invariably in turbine steamers there In a mark in full force at the church absence of vibration while the position low in hull of the ma- throwing a shoe for gives gnat stabilfly and in uch h carried pair Is a men of war makes belter protection vcry flncicnt flI and affords facilities in- maneuvering ie father of the The practical advantages of turbines R many They reduce the oil hill fi same early belief credited the bride groom with supreme command In the management of his home if the shoe should happen accidentally to hit him considerably and while they occupy less floor and cubic space are simple In construction and operation In a turbine there Is nothing to wear out The only parts subjected to friction are the bearings at the extremities of the spindle hut these run in oil and after years of constant service show no wear Parsons tur bine plants of WO horsepower and I- into the wont- cure catarrh horsepower which and its useless to squander money electric generators lor years have on tablets bitters and liquid not yet cost a penny for repairs dies Catarrh a disease of The steam turbine dates hack to nasal passages throat and BC when Hero of Alexandria tubes Stomach medicine DRUGGING WONT CURE CA TARRH All the medicine the world taken In his book Ich Pearsons Weekly on reach parts It only grant healing Catarrhotone which is breathed all through the air passages that Is to reach the seat of the point shows a desire to tarrh No failure ever known if find out what other fellow knows was used It heals On Sunday evening while Mr and and doesnt irritate It soothes kills Mrs If Wright of were germs and therefore cures Use fat tending church burglars entered lie only the one certain house and secured Mr Wrights cash- cure Two months treatment I box containing The box was trial size t I found next morning on the station platform minus the money but other papers were left In the box There Is The White Companys saw- no clue to the thieves who seem to shingle mill at was their escape by fire Tomb because dishes have to be washed times a year summon to your aid let the twins do youf work GOLD DUST is womans best friend dirts worst enemy OTHER GENERAL I Scrubbing floors washing arid FOR vork oil cloth and GOLD DUST I bath room pipe etc and soli Made by THE FAIRBANK Montreal P Makers FAIRY SOAR- n makes mates soft Bush Land for Sale The cast half of Lot No I in the Con of North acres Will sell cither the wood without tho land or the wood and the land For particulars enquire of P J OTiSx rf- U Building Timber ANr Cord Wood for Sale The undersigned oilers for sale good Tamarack Coed wood and Building timber Will bo sold on the grounds Turner property lots St or delivered In quantities to suit purchasers For termB enquire- of Holland Lauding Bill Stuff for Sale The undersigned has his sawmill running now and is prepared All any for bill stuff up to filly long Orders can be lifted on the shortest notice wanting any bill stuff should In their orders at once long straight trees are cut Parties at a distance can their lumber part way or loaded on cars at Brad ford or Gilford Call and avoid rush The will also hold an auction sale the latter part of January of slabs wood and cedar the date of which will bo announced later MARSH Bradford a YOUR WORD IS GOOD We ask for no reasons if a subscriber wishes to discon tinue his paper He has a right to discontinue it and should be the best judge of hie g own affairs We aim to produce a good local paper for thoc who want it and arc willing to pay for it Tho price is always per year but on other pa- we can usually save our subscribers some money- JACKSON Publisher Newmarket Ontario f i Farm for Sale condition watered fences good good roads uptodate buildings and conveniences J mile from gristmill stores Ac adjacent Situation ideal It and you will want to purchase Lot Con Tp County of York at village Baldwin For further information call on or write to Mr Chas Baldwin PO or wrjte to Mr Chap- man Hillsdale PO Executor estate of late Susan Chapman i J J