J3B Dp Richardson NEWMARKET DENTIST at lit Brooks Block 2nd Tuesday of each month Jersey Grades Heifer from months to 2 year old have been bred also Fresh Cows For particulars apply to STOKES THE MARKET was a good attendance at the market Tuesday in spite of the BREEZES Although this pleasant mild spell Better watch out grannie and hearten for wedding bells The little is woman is a sly one- She and not calculated to make the coatdealer may be Farm for Sale cold and butter was firm Trices as follows filler yet other folks I observe are a before you Mount Albert eggs 26 to chickens llc it superbly it How long would never do- geese to lie turkeys it continue ducks per pair She and Mr Barker of Holland off an married Landing attended the funeral of Dr ken And i hat in Toronto a few days an old esteemed of his IPC- J not having closed Master Bene Cameron who was so bargain a prospective severely injured several weeks ago of his timber lots is preparing to acres close to Mount Albert taring tbercon good 3ricic House Bank Barn welt fenced well water ed and in- good State of cultivation DAVIDSON Mount Albert The Liverpool Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Capital HEAD OFFICE CANADA Mr J A Hopkins met with a pain ful accident through a fall in his barn on Friday A movement is on foot to establish a rural telephone service in this Further particulars later Our young people are now enjoying excellent skating on the pond the ice in firstclass condition Mr John French was taen 111 on Monday and was to attend the first of ttljUMlsthe Township Council which BRANCH vij whilst playing with a loaded iart- stock the mill yard with logs ridge has recovered The The hoys purpose- re- sight of one eye is preserved The turning to New Ontario shortly other eye was completely destroyed James Stevenson enters into board or orncCtvHS Andrew Rao Chairman Went- J Sir Alex til if at ft C DAVIDSON Agent for was reelected a member by the exploded shell A sad warn ing to others who heedlessly trifle with such dangerous things On New Years day there came nearly being a triple drowning in our pond Three of our young folks whilst skating got a ducking While skating in couples Walter Draper and Lucy Crittenden incautiously ventur ed on thin ice and were plunged into icecold water ten feet in depth Miss Lucy clung to partner like Grim Death to a nigger To conduct and pres ence of mind they evidently owe the preservation of their lives Ross session as successor to Mur ray on Feb 1st Our market is on an excellent work ing basis now- Prices good Some few who have deserted and gone to Zephyr market under false impression of doing better had better return here and- discover their error Sup port home industries so sayeth Mr of Man uy Goods and Sell Them Thats all that we do There are no other considerations to take up our time and six days a week we manage to keep busy advertisements always in cite you to display feat we make most of our gain most of our friends and do the most Of our advertising while a visitor or rather goods do it for us Our of Furniture no weak spots It Is ALLAN THEAKER Cold Winter Has Gome Again with it cornea the thought of its We have a nice assortment of Mens UNDERWEAR Youths and Boys also Ladles and Childrens which we have marked to the LOWEST NOTCH MAIL ACCOMMODATION Although the flourishing Zephyr is only seven miles a posted in Mount to j go to Toronto on the morning train and then back to Zephyr and the mail matter from Zephyr to Mount Albert had sent over the same roundabout trip On being made to A PostmasterGeneral of this inconvenience he promised to have inquiries made into lie mailer The result has been that a special mail bag has been put on between the two places and now the two places have direct communication is a boon to both The new went into effect this week get to GROCERIES Our Groceries are complete in way and we mean only to She beat and you will find it your interest to deal with us THIS NEW STORE MEANS BUSINESS SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT PERSONAL Mr of Aurora was in town on Tuesday calling on bid friends- v f Miss Arjie of Toronto is in town on a visit to her cousin Miss Flo Mr and Mrs Richard Long of New market were visitors at the home of last week Mr Harry Shields returned to University on Friday Miss Annie of Toronto is visiting her sister Mrs Eugene Row- en of Holt Miss Dickinson of Toronto was a visitor at the home of Mr last week Mr Byron Forrest of is spending the winter at home in town Mrs was town on Tuesday the guest of Miss Flossie Mr R whose irip was postponed owing to the critical con dition his daughter Mrs Hincr who was undergoing an oper ation in New York left on Monday for where he will some time at the home of Ids son Mr Martin Any person wish ing to see Mr Rowen on business Can obtain full information Iron Mr ice and drew I hem upon firm ice They were both greatly exhausted Ross heroism deserves public Quite an enjoyable box social and minstrel show was held in the town hall here on Friday night Some highgrade talent at lowgrade prices was immensely enjoyed by our young folks the concert some went to the Bawl 0 the boys they came the other day Chuck full of whiskey gin and rum And took me out for a bit of fun To dance at TibbeFs ball Such for aught I know to the con trary may be the song of many a eoo CONTRACTED CHRONIC DIAR RHOEA WHILE IN THE- VVhiU with the U Army in the Philippines I contracted chronic di arrhoea I suffered severely from this terrible disease for over three years and tried the prescriptions of numerous physicians but found thing that did me any good until I tvied Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy two small of which entirely cured me jolly blade in our settlement since young people who dearly love such disease Herman Stein SUTTON gene of Holt Queen Heaters Good Cheer HOT BLAST Cook COAL WOOD A Kitchen Queen Range J ROWLAND Mount Albert ALBERT ft I DRUG Pure Paris Green In bulk put up by Poison Fly Paper end Tanglefoot alio carry a full lixts of among them RAtotlti Cure Family Re ceipt attention or LLOYD love dies there comes a deeolation despite CHAMBERLAINS COUCH THE BEST MADE In my opinion Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the best made for colda says Mrs Cora Walker of California No other will cure a cold so quickly No oth er is so sure a preventive of pneu monia No other Is so pleasant and cafe to take These are good rea sons why it be preferred to any other The fact is that few peo ple arc satisfied with any other alter once used this remedy For sale by Lloyd SHARON Mr who was taken typhoid fever In the Ibis fall relumed to his home a days ago A M spent over Sun day in attending ttr- viccs of the great revivalists and Alerander Mr Grose is in Toronto on Jury J Graham was the hostess a most enjoyable progressive card party Mr Graham assisting in en tertaining the guests so that might enjoy themselves alike Mr Mines Was a gut at Mr Phillips over Sunday friends of Mr A will sorry to know that health dcs not improve being confined to bed most of the time but with the assistance of Dr Pearson hope to see him able to be out soon young people are takln advan tage the moonlight nights and having a good time skating in Mr field Mr Ausmn has been requiring the Webb If you have any old walnut furni ture keep it by ail means It be coming rarer arid more valuable all the time Moat of the pieces arc because when was in fiMoh was at a low ebb An old bureau table or cheat of drawers may made thing beauty with a little expenditure jollification by the kind 0 ion Ave Pueblo Colorado Mr and Mrs assembled there for what may- by courtesy be termed a dance What Prof Davis might j be pleased to term it Im not pre- pared to say possibly a shin dig ioJTbe twins were the moving spirits in getting up the affair but their pleasant anticipations joyment were upset by a coon with a sinister motive He asked a num ber of notorious lads with a view to getting a large collection lot the fid dler and having a great big nibble for himself The got jolly and full double shotted One of onr ladies observed them loading the ammunition was kept in a little So they abused the hospitality ex tended to them The early Miss Rachel to the mysterious Mem and given the Grand Hopper Berry Though but fourteen she was unanimously declared the belle of the ball It Is but justice to say reference to above that many young ladies left on seeing the way the wind was blowing Our very best girls never attend Our sports en masse attended a in Sutton last week and tame home loaded with fowl having Meeting The first meeting of the village Council of Sutton for was held in Town Hall January Mem bers present Reeve Council lors Taylor Greenwood Burrows and Osborne Appointment of officials as follows Clerk Tremayne Treasurer R Board Health A Millard born Medical Health Officer Dr iVinkv School Officer and Sanitary Inspector party up of officers ami I was initiated a in their hall on Wednesday and Williams Assessor Cuttle Collector J McDonald Auditors Messrs and Fry Sidewalk Com Messrs Greenwood and Osborne Com Messrs Taylor and Bur rows Caretaker for Town Hall not decid ed News Hems most cleaned out the whole hooting match notwithstanding a snide game was tried on them The supposed yd target was found by measure to be about yards To those un aware of this it meant the ball would strike low Several of our best shots seeing through the refused to compete Billy Mitchell has yielded to the persuasion of the boys and will hold another here on Thursday guaranteed to all Matrimonial There are growing signs of more weddings There is a movement in Town among storekeepers to close the stores atsix every evening except Saturday during the balance of the winter I would like to suggest that while this matter is being discussed the matter of a half-holiday- each week during at least July and Au gust There were only or stores closed for the halfholiday last sum mer and most if not all of them air no clerk nor assistants I think the fact that a store that employs and clerks or clerk is the bes argument that the said clerk have a halfholiday Thomas Province months is here on a visit and or clerks should per week during on a visit ami rumor sav ing well never mind what shes say ing Thomas is often seen on the south of We wish Tom good luck and happiness When I desire to enjoy a feast of real music I usually call upon a young friend Miss Riddel and as is of a very obliging nature and full of music to the very tips of her fingers am not disap pointed Her fingers fiy across the keyboard like a dancing fairy or as the lightning plays along the telegraph wires during a severe electric storm She is the very soul of keeping perfect time and measuredpoints In which so many wouldbe musicians arc deplorably lacking Being a Scotch lassie her preference is Scottish airs the best in a the world Space does not al low me to descant on the brilliant and Jigs she knows Shu has few superiors among was one of Mrs fttac pupils The secret of her suc cess Is diligent practice and a natural aptitude for the muse She can also sing Ilka a nightingale but is very modest withal The sweetest thing out What is It Why Miss Mary Taylor has got a touch of the automobile craze and has donned the nattiest and swell cap procurable on the All she needs now a lad and an auto car to create a great sensation and set the sporty feminine hearts mad with Jealous burning Mrs Geo Arnold Holt spent a few days here last week She one of those dear old grandmammas Some person or persons skunk hides from the mill night last why did stole on Friday leave one They might have taken the whole lot There was a shooting match x Sut ton last Thursday between Baldwin and Sutton Baldwin shot indiffer ently Mr Kaiser we arc pleased to report returned to Sutton from General Hospital Toronto on night last Skating Is in full swing on the rink these evenings The Hockey Club held their first practice on Monday night Sutton Rifle Club is shooting at Baldwin against Baldwin next Thurs day Mr Harry kit to spend a few weeks in Toronto Tuesday morning is visiting friends ana relatives this- vicinity iMUs Harris of Richmond visited with Miss Bertie over New Miss Clara of Toronto vis ited at the Partonage for over New Years Miss Mae is visiting with Miss Dot at Mr A Vifilted friends in London New Years We are pleased to see Miss Hannah around again- Miss LinsbilJ is with Mrs at present Miss Minnie of Toronto was visiting at Mr A T a few days last week Master Pearson Large of Toronto was visiting at Cedar Brae the holidays Mr Roy Hamer and Miss of Toronto visited at J H over New Years The question is being thoroughly discussed regarding the advisability of building a new in the sectiou north of here The majority are in favor of dividing the section and those residing one and three- eighth miles north coming in with and the remainder going in with school on the fourth A meeting of the ratepayers is being held some time this week when a de cision will be arrived at regarding the division The annual business meeting of the Presbyterian Church took place on Monday last Very satisfactory re ports read from all branches and everything looks bright for the coming ycir The Skaiug Rink opened for the season on Tuesday night Tuesday Thursday and Saturday nights are the skating nights and Friday night is lor hockey The boys expect to have another good team on the ice this year and they will soon be open for challenges from any local teams the of Toronto or The Rats of preferred The Masonic Lodge their first I meeting on their new hall on Tuesday levelling The formal dedication will take place sometime towards spring The AOUW held their annual er sup- even ing Jan 3rd when the following of ficers were installed for the ensuing year by Senior A R Mac Wright MWJ Lewis Foreman Robert Overseer J Odlin Recorder A Financier A Waite Treasurer J Guide Lawrence Foster J J Terry Dr I Graham Rep Grand LodgcChas Wright Alternate W After the business of the evening was finished refreshments were served and a pleasant social evening was spent Mr Emanuel Wright of Port Perry was calling on old friends In this vi cinity this week Mr Wright is a son of the late John Wright and half brother George John A and James Wright of this Mr Jesse of Sharon now of was calling on old friends in town on Monday last A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Wm Bain on Saturday Jan A reception was tendered Mr J Shepherd and his bride on Thursday evening Inst at his sisters home Mr and Mrs Shepherd ex pect to leave for Winnipeg in the near future where they will reside On account of the very inclement Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed in any other way Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric Sunlight Soap will not injure most dainty lace or the I hands that use it because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chemicals Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary Sunlight Soap is better than other soap but is best when used in the Sunlight way directions a c REWARD will he to any person who prove Soap contain form of Adulteration lever Brothers Limited Toronto Happy Thought National Huron MOUNT ALBERT DONT GIVE IT AWAY Wool Is Valuable This Year Sell to A FULL LINE OF CLOTHS FLANNELS SHEETINGS BLANKETS YARNS ETC ALWAYS ON HAND T o an MOUNT ALBERT ON FOB to a switchboard- and extend their lines are endeavoring to se cure subscribers in this locality Their rates low but as each Lambs also I Choice Jersey call to Newmarket over the Bell due to fresh about January Shropshire Cow Co a wires from Aurora would coat the project has not been favor ably received A Bell Co lino which would give us connection with New market and the James Bay station would not lack lor subscribers Penrose has returned from a six months visit In Winnipeg A Reynolds had the misfortune to be kicked in the knee by a cow Hast week and is obi feed to about oh crutches Mr and Mrs a cou ple friends from Unionvllle spent at Browns J MEW GOODS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To Rent A farm of acres being lot Con East Wednesday 3rd the Possession at Concert by including LADIES LACE FANCY COLLARS GENTS KNOTS Also tho Stock of ROBBERS AND For tbc Winter Wear is Complete next few weeks will A Clearing in Special Lines Hell was rather small They gave their usual highclass en tertainment and any person who nev er heard the Bell Ringers missed a musical treat Miss Sarah Turner Toronto is home for a short rest Mr Coo Fogg Is serving on Grand at present en April 1st For full partic ulars apply to MRS I DOUGLAS Holt Cemetery Notice CURED MOTHER OF RHEUMATISM f My mother has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism says Howard of Husband Pennsyl vania At times was unable to nmvu at all while at all times walk was painful I presented her with a bottle of Pain Balm and after a few applications decided it was most wonder ful palri reliever she had ever tried in fact she is never without it now and Is at all times able to walk An occasional application of Pain Balm away the pain that she Was CHAMBERLAINS COUGH RE HARMLESS formerly troubled with For sale whom everybody instinctively loves Lloyd fault giving children medi cine containing Injurious substances sometimes more disastrous than the disease from which they are Buf feting Every sbculd know that Chamberlains Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe for children to take It containsnothing harmful and for coughs colds and croup is unsurpass ed For sale by Lloyd PINE ORCHARD Frank of North The annual meeting the Mount Albert Cemetery Company will be held in the town hall Mt Albert on Monday Jan for the reception adoption of the annual reports election of officers etc JOHN MOORE president Secretary LINER tin ALBERT The Annual Meeting of Cemetery Company Just Arrived A Pine Lot ot Ladies Gentlemens Fancy Slippers Just the lor Christmas present look In our window will you that have the right tblnK Will be held in George Wrights No trouble to goods Shop on free goods bough MONDAY JAN at oclock Directors of the Com- i Ik paying a visit to his parents chosen for ensuing after an absence of twelve years He Wft wltb business meeting c Is accompanied by two of his child- The Vandorf Telephone Co wish The Co wish Pies J J TERRY J AYLWAftD Sec The Peoples Shoe Store W Lehman Prop t the Sovereign Bank MOUNT 1