I- Feed your hair nourish it give it something to on Then it will stop falling and will grow long and heavy Ayers Hair Vigor the only hairfood you can buy For 60 years it has been doing Just what we claim it will do It will not disappoint you Bat tiirr Vti or lint It mvftd It ft fcw nil J- PILLS The North York Livery Consider yourself and keep up a look Our horses look and you loot gay And the great impression People look at you then at the horse and say what happy people And from feeling that you dont to take a nice new buggy out in he mud and dirt we use all ones Our horses have been on straw but cow we have some sawdust it If you require anything in our line call on us or call up phones or S3 Town Carting also done A Proprietor S U and examine a copy ot our catalogue If you have any idea taking a pre paratory for a Good Paying Position We believe there is no school equal to ours or methodic business train ing and tor producing good results We solicit investigation and ANY TIME NO VACATIONS SHAW PRINCIPAL Newmarket Horticultural Public Notice hereby given that the Annual Meeting the above Society will be held in the Fire Hall Newmarket on WEDNESDAY JAN At the hour of oclock pm for the reception and adoption of Annual Reports Election of Officers c A General Attendance is Requested A meeting of the existing board Trill be at the same place on above date at oclock pm WEBB KEITH President Secretary WANTED around the Hob I Start the New Year AND COB- WORTHY TO Court Udora held their an nual election of officers on Saturday el en ins resulting as follows Harvey VCR Wcs Rut tie Sec Harvey Kin Sec Webster CO J Ryan Jr A Jr Wilson The court intends holding an apron social on Thursday evening Dec A pigeon match was shot off here on Dec 15th A largecrowd and weather fine A supplementary meeting the Farmer Institute of North Ontario will be held at Zephyr on Jan on Jan All are wel come Account The being T INTEREST PAID TIMES A TEAR WITH A Savings Account Bank of a chartered bank is authorized by to accept deposits YOUr Savings with an Institution Incorporated by Parliament for the purpose Government Supervision- A Guarantee of Safety Newmarket anil Mount Albert Best Rates Money Orders issued EVERSLEY An old landmark has been removed from coiners viz the old red brick shop which was built for a blacksmiths shop by the late Thomas Scott over fifty years ago An excellent concert was given in the schoolhouse here on Friday even ing last by the pupils of the school assisted by many expupils under the able management the teacher Miss The lengthy and varied program consisted of choruses recita tions and dialogue- which displayed the vocal and dramatic talent of the young people The Lloyd Bros or chestra assisted by Mr Harrison con tributed a generous share of good music while Mr rover Lloyd sang several solos very acceptably At an opportune moment as the pupils finish ed sinking Santa is coming that venerable patron saint of the children appeared and held the fascin ated gaze of the little loin He not only distributed the contents of his pack but also the fruit from the load ed Christmas tree making young and old happy is to be con gratulated on the success of her under- SCHOMBEUG A bazaar held in the town hall last week in aid of Womens Aux iliary of the English church Lloyd- town A very enjoyable evening was spent has had some crowds on its market but it is doubtful if has been a crowd to equal that in attendance at the market on Wednesday Both sides of the streets were lined with rigs and it was not for a to get thru the jam for an traffic thru the- vil lage being closed It the of this Mr Fevers engine coming into the village scared Mr horse and the animal breaking away get there Of course cracks were in tho game Messrs Charles and Herman J and John Kester Tomlinson brought home trophies galore One of our unsuccessful ones somewhat sere over defeat and charged das with dishonorable and ungcntlemanly sporting The complaint was laid before His Honor The Owl who dis missed it at once No sir las loar has an enviable reputation for honorable and gentlemanly conduct The charge has created quit a little breeze Mr and Mrs Arch Murray spent at his old home Kettleby Mr Thompson Toronto Was a guest at Artie Tomlinson attends a wedding in Toronto this Wednesday ran into another belonging to Celebrated Mr and probably inl with it the shaft of the buggy enter- Geo Toodinsons She came homy taking eoe A reliable for Newmarket and country Good pay territory Sample or outfit free Our terms are the beat the business We need a of character and ability fall and winter months OVER ACRES The choicest and moat tensive Hat in Canada including and ornamental small and e4 potatoes Fast offered for the first Write for terms now to THE NURSERY CO Toronto Oat and Gravel For cement delivered Order by mall promptly attended to A Aurora men make more find Medical Examination Free By OR K of Believing in clalr- or not there is no the that the doctor can ex plain the source and of your either mental or and to health and who would have Invalids all their fiend lock hair age OR BUITKRFIKLD AURORA Mrs was taken to To ronto last week to have an operation for removal of a tumor We are pleased to learn the operation wan most successful and she is in a fair way towards recovery While returning home from deliver ing bread in on Tuesday eve ning an when nearly opposite Mr Haines place on Wellington St east the front wheels of Mr Herb delivery wagon dropped into a hole in the road and Mr Grim- was thrown violently out of the wagon and sustained some severe bruises He was rendered insensible for a time and when he came to the horse was nowhere in sight He made his way up to Mr Haines house and later was brought home by Mr Haines In the meantime the horse which had broken loose from the rig found its way home Another well known of this town away last Friday in the person of Mr Jacob Taylor Deceas ed had been ill for a long lime and a- three weeks ago went to the Gen eral Hospital in Toronto for treatment but unfortunately lie failed to rally and away at that institution on Friday morning Mr Taylor had been a resident of this place for bout years He served in the British Army in India for years and when the rebellion broke out in the North accompanied the com pany which went from here to assist in putting His remains brought here for interment and on Sunday Company head ed by the Regiment Band accom panied the body to last resting place in the Aurora Cemetery Ho leaves a widow but no children A disastrous accident occurred at the residence of Mayor on Thursday morning of last week This fall Mr installed a steam boil er in the basement his residence for and everything was working satisfactory until Thursday when for some unaccountable reason the boiler exploded wrecking two- brick walls in the basement and blow the top section of the boiler thru the floor into a room above raising the floor up about four feet and break ing the glass in the window in the room furniture in several of the rooms was badly damaged by the water and Mr ha1 been in the furnace room about five before the accident and everything was all right Fortunately no one was injured but the inmates of the house- a bad scare Banner ing its neck The runaway animal damage another buggy before being captured received a severe scorch ing Tuesday night It is said to have about eleven oclock in one of the jewelry stores and before it was gotten under control had des troyed Mr Dennis drug store Mr Williamsons jewelry store Mr Headman butcher shop Mr Butlers jewelry store and a vacant blacksmith shop The citizens turned out and rendered yeoman service and only by this mean were many other buildings savedMr Chan tiers store having a particularly close call The plate glass windows in Mr Attridges new stores across the street were ruined by heat How the fire originated is known BALDWIN BREEZES Crowded out last veek The village was startled on Satur day by a telephone call from Toron to announcing that Miller re cently of this place had committed selfdestruction His last mortal remains were interred in Kim Grove Cemetery beside his sister who died a vear ago on Sunday The motive for the rash act was undoubtedly due to domestic infelicity Those who have been silent observers recognized that Joe was pulling hard against the stream and was contending against hard luck I and many For you alone Fin living- set my brain awhirl Cow Testing Probably every in Canada would like to obtain more profit from individual cow his herd but present there is lack of ration amongst farmers to accomplish this object in Denmark the home of cooperntioii there have been testing associations since and there are now nine thousand- farmers having their cows tsled systematically Similar work will pay here and pay well Where- such work has been done the average production per cow hits speedily been raised twenty and even fifty pounds of but per annum Surely there are hundreds of farmers painstaking and thoughtful willing to little enterprise for an almost cer tain return of from f Ire to ten dollars more than at present from cow per year In Michigan was organized In September Can adian farmers need to take this mutter up quickly and seriously As an instance of what substantial progress Is possible when Individual cows nre tested a farmer near villr Que furnishes a strik ing Illustration fifteen cows were kept giving an average of only pounds of butter In tests were commenced of each cow separately The milk being weigh ed regularly In twenty cows wore kept on the same land which when purchased in would liot decently Keep nine cows and the average production per con was pounds of increase of 123 pounds per cow can be attained on many oth er forms Your Money Refunded th dealer from whom buy Sun- Soap il yea flnl any I for Soap is better than other soaps but is best when used in the Sunlight way reward will ptnon center Injurious ftny Buy it and follow directions Lover Toronto loaded with boxes At years Jan 1st she is a and tolerably active old grandma The trials and tribulations tnat Uncle John underwent in getting himself up in style suitable for the occasion to attend the wedding in Egypt was heartrending In do ing his toilet Uncle John found to his dismay that his darling daughter Mary had neglected to laundry his shirt Uncle John hustled about built a roarin big lire and dried that shirt almost powder Enlisting the services of a neighbor ing housewife who did it up ia im maculate puriiy Uncle John jump ed into it hind end foremost and arrived on the scene a day behind the fair In his haste he forgot the wedding gift or did he ever gel one Rumour says no Paul drew a great crowd to his emporium of fashion and- beauty on Saturday even ing by engaging an orchestra which edified the throng by musical selec tions A brass band was hut didnt turn up We all said when Harry Vomer j the Department is anxious sold his pony thank goodness that fanners In ft After the trials of a shopping trip or a round of calls there it nothing that will freshen you up so quickly as a cup of hot All the flavor essence nutriment and all thats food in prime beef is concentrated in BOVRIL Once you realize economy of youll Always have it in your kitchen j t V me mum- work will he an end to his madcap gallop ing races but hes got another clean limbed nimbleheeled colt that prom ises big Harry doesnt go a mile a minute not his fault The station is at on the James Hay line Let it he called lock My angel wrote the lover Unto the Baldwin girl ers can speak a good word for de ceased as he was a goodhearted very industrious and a master me chanic at his trade mason and brick layer He leaves a widow and two bright little ones Sutton sportsmen had a highly shooting match on Thursday last The local sports seemed oft their nerve Walker only doing himself proud What the matter be Dr Charlie Scott Amos Millard James Thos all failed to Heed the Era to absent Consumption Cured Never lose heart if you have consumption Others who have been left to die by the doctors have been saved by and it will save you- too Consumption is a power ful disease but is a more powerful remedy It practically puts new life into the system increases nutrition purifies blood tones up the nerves kills germs and repairs ex hausted tissues Dont waste time and dont lose hope until you have tried PRONOUNCED M by all AMD TREATIOB Dr TA Llmltod jxfai Offer Voct TORONTO You The happy day Im waiting My angel and my pearl Dear sir thus run her answer Abjure your foolish pen Ive told yon many times sir What now I say again The clergy have decided That the angels are all men Many items of news given me I forget I crave pardon for such lapses of memory I had so much to learn and remember in youth that all the cellular tissues of my brain must he occupied Most of us re member what was taught us in manners excepted but forget what is told us late in life Home our local characters before Squire on Wed- NORTH Too- late for last week Quite a number from here spent Christmas In the city among them being Mr Charlie Martin and wife from the Lake Shore Mr and wife of Keswick Mi John Cordon and wife of Roachs All had a good time In some illustration testing under in 1005 by the Dominion Department of Agriculture It was shown that very poor re turns arc received from many therefore the urgent need of cow testing associations is up parent Valuable practical bullp tins the subject are available and will bo sent free to any cant Where twenty of a factory will agree to weigh the milk from each cow on three days during the month through the milk ing and furnish themselves with scales and sample bottles cost lug about two to three dollars com plete the Minister of Agriculture an that the testing willhe done free of cost to the patrons to Sir J A Dairy Commissioner Ottawa will be glad to hear from any progressive farmer or factory owner In any community relative to this most Important matter and will arrange for meetings to cuss the question I Haul in Winnipeg Winnipeg Dec 29 The Winnipeg branch of the Merchants Bank of j has been twice robbed within the past couple of weeks The loss j will bo and the thieves have left not the slightest clue The first robbery occurred two weeks ago when a parcel con taining mysteriously disappear ed from tho tellers cage The in- 1 was making his usual visit and was engaged in checking over the cash Leaving the cage lor a moment they found upon thWr turn that the package of money had mysteriously vanished affords is the study trees for now when it became lhey lheic that a package containing had lhcir character is laid disappeared Tho package was pre- or ollieiwisc stands out distinct angle the branches with the trunk the bark the knots and all the holes and crevices ate revealed at a glance Hut trees like other plant societies have their own favorite soil and situation and here from my sta tion on this slope I am able to see something of the company of trees the hillside and the valley be low Hard maple hickory a tew beech and a solitary iron wood these are the hillside trees Out is net You remember the fable of a real bone for its shadow which he saw vator in mind that a Geld Dust that under the name of washing powder Dont accept a substitute get the real Gold Bust with Gold Dust Twins on package OTHER GENERAL I floor and silverware and GOLD DUST I clBomln fcaUi room pipes and U- Mute by THE K COMPANY P a- Makers of SOAP GOLD makes bars soft Winter in Woods One of pleasures that winter pared for transmission to Townships Bank through the clear ing house but upon arrival the package at its destination it was found that the money had been ab stracted a dummy substituted In its place fin Anecdote Handel On one occasion Handel was caught a shower of rain and being with an umbrella was obliged i they are crowded so close together Here Ib more Catarrh in this sec- to seek shelter in a that cannot sec their general out- j of the country than all other Kit her Handel was in a hi- Mine and shape The bark however diseases put together and until lent mood or else the blacksmith is a sufficient guide and there is no last few years was supposed to bo showed ho conversational symptoms possibility of a hickory for incurable a great many years for En a little while the latter began a beech or an for a maple doctors pronounced it a local disease hammering away at his anvil beech tho most beautiful of all and prescribed local remedies and his work with a the trees in winter for it is then by constantly falling to cure with little thought the use his visitor that- tho mottling of dark and light local treatment pronounced Incur- was making him and his anvil for able Science has proven catarrh to it Is said that Handel was listening be a constitutional disease and there- all the time to the strokes fore requires constitutional treat- hammering on the anvil which by Halls Catarrh Cure two sounds ac- by J Cheney Co In time and tune with the YOUR WORD IS GOOD o We ask for no reasons if a subscriber wishes to paper He has a right to discontinue it and should bo tho best Judge bis own affairs We aim to produce a good local paper for who want it and are willing to pay for it The price Is always per year but on other pa- pors wo can usually save our subscribers some money JACKSON Publisher Down In the valley below in the men fact Ohio Is the only constitutional tune the man sang formed a bass 1 moist catch a gHmpso of the cure on me market- It is taken In- companiment Handel on reaching stately elms whose graceful lernany in doses from drops to a borne renumbered the air and crowns aro perhaps the It acts directly on hammer accompaniment Ho wrote most beautiful ornament that a Ca- and mucous surfaces of the down both and so we owe to a tem lhey oiler one dollars of rain composition known as for any case it fails to cure Send The Harmonious appears to the best advantage on the Ontario bark a beauty of shading which has made tree a favorite among na ture lovers and has given it the pic- name of Painted Beech IvU IN Villi 1 for circulars and testimonials Address J Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists CO landscape can possess J Stevenson in Canadian Good House keeping o Take Halls Family Pills for con- make frivolous bo funny By attending the popular ONI Our reputation for superior work well known and we protect this repu- Women manage to work up tho Idea Students admitted at any plications through a disposition to that their opinions are at all Catalogue remarks intended to worthy of most careful consider- J ELLIOTT Men sometimes create corns Con A