Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Jan 1906, p. 3

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Weeks Local Hems toW IS OH ABOUT Tic old year passed out and the new one came in with perfect quiet ness in Newmarket Not the sound a bell was hoard quite a pleasing wi a few years ag -j- the Colors The Hockey boys have purchased a new uniform and green and see them shine on night Collingwood vs I M rf fl v Installation of officers next Monday by the District Deputy Master Workman Henry Fisher At close of the business supper will be served lts if lhe Forsyth House of Ti Election pi postponed until next Wednesday lull at tendance Shooting Several sportsmen took part in a shooting match at Stickwoods brick yard Years day The en trance tee was too high to make it very Interesting i York Creditors About or creditors of te York Loan Savins Co met at the Fire Hall last Friday Mayor read the circular received from the official assignee Arrangements have since been made Willi the Ontario and Sovereign Banks receive the the creditors and give receipts- there for It is important that all credit ors attend to this matter at once The annual meeting of the Town Band will take place Friday evening Jap at 8 oclock AH members are requested to be present First of the Season Dont miss the Hockey Match d vs Newmarket at market Rink Monday evening sharp fe York Co Uoon V The Sovereign Bank Canada will receive York County Loan Savings Co PassBooks and will in connection therewith to free of charge for account of the liquidator Hockey The bulletin of the announced on Wednesday the post ponement of the game at billed for Friday night and of the match at New market lack of ice- The Utter game will likely played on Monday Horticultural The annual of- the Newmar ket Horticultural Society will take in the Fire Hall Wednes day evening at The finances of the Horticultural Society are in bet ter now than ever before It hoped that here will be a good Championship Hockey The first hockey match of the sea son will take place at Newmarket Rink on Monday evening next Jan vs Newmarket intermediates- in the first game group No of the series Our boys cited on Christmas night by to and be- Tuesday night Hove they can do it again on Monday evening next Everybody go an many Depositors In this vicinity of the lately sus- York Loan Savings are handing their PassBooks and Certificates in to the local branch of the Ontario Bank for Collins an employee- of the Lowndes Co is another clerk gone wrong by selling goods and failing to make returns- Over of the elite of the city the ball the officers of the Stanley Barracks given at the King Edward Hotel on Friday evening Edward the painter taken to St Michaels Hospital after a collision with an express wagon at Queen and Church streets on Decem ber 23rd died of his injuries on Sat urday morning Deceased was years old of a divorce alleged to have been granted by a Rabbi of a Jewish synagogue is to be tested by a prosecution instituted on Saturday by Start Inspector Archibald of llie Morality Department against Mas a Russian Jew and his wife Thousands of Toronto citizens at tended watchnight services at the White cheer the to victory Puck fac ed at ft sharp m One man carried home a goose a turkey the result of a raffle last Tuesday night the Public School Teachers d Miss failed to put in an ap pearance on Wednesday i Regular at the residence of Mrs Hughes next Tuesday afternoon Chureh In accordance with the request the local branch of the Peace Society the pastor will preach on Sunday morning Jan on the sunject of Annual meeting will Miscreants still occasionally clip fcecM third wek of pi and The different organizations ol attendance of members for the recep tion the annual reports and church will be prepared to id Carl Was hurt while playing hockey on the pond one day list week his ankle being strained He is able to be around again Splendid skating on Fairy Lake on New Years day and a big crowd enjoyed the exercise Dont forget the Free Lecture next Monday evening The United Factories were or Tuesday and Wednesday to permit of the cleaning of the boilers other changes in machinery Very slippery yesterday morning baft No mill The late William Clinton of Kettleby well known in North York left no will and his Joseph Rogers of Kettleby County Councillor has applied for letters to adrhimpter the estate It is valued at and consists of a in Con King township house and lot in hook debts implements and household 300 The beneficiaries are Mary widow Lome ard Harriet and daughters annua reports The young gentleman who helped Remember the Social this Friday Ladies St Andrew Room- would save him- Ward will provide refreshments Going to Mr fox years a member of the tance withoutlharge churches tlators Permit the new Knox Church and Sabbath school was issu ed from the City Architects offices on Saturday The building which is to be erected on Ave west side nerHarbord street will cost Court of Appeal llie of for keeping a disorderly- house at Hie Woodbine The arose out the betting on the horse races there- Mayor has asked oil Kens to start a fund for the new General Hospital by subscribing Messrs Torrey and Alexander evangelistic meeting atMas- Hall before audiences numbering many thousands on Sunday last Tie first serious fire to at the since its erection happened Monday morning when No contrary to cottage occupied by female patients was almost completely destroyed a loss of over Rev James Associate Secretary of the Methodist Missions has accepted a call to Dominion Church Ottawa While stepping from a Broadview car last a surveyor fell and frac tured both bones in his right leg Another lot alleged dishonest em ployees have been arrested This time it is in the liquor store of Co and Mrs Clark held their annual reception on New JANUARY BEGINS THIS WEEK i White and Grey Cotton Ladies White Underwear Curtains Table Linens Etc In fact everything in White Goods Bale only lasts this- month After which many lines will advance in price per cent prej Reading Room last boob taken in was by Cliff Knowles the first for by Mr Graham is self exposure by returning it prompt- Library tickets for ready for subscribers eo gram staff left last week lor n England where he will be a represen- of the Canadian Associated Press I At a large gathering of members of Mich Jan John the Press Club in the library himself up tonight confessing Telegram office Mr was that he had a baud in the murder of presented on behalf of the Marie Hart at Hamilton Years day of Torontos with goldmounted umbrella ami a last October handsome cane and on behalf of fort on says she was his half sis- Telegram staff with a gold watch She was killed because she had pendant Mr Hector to the police about most prominent political and judicial were among the visitors The municipal election in the election- of Mr over made the presentation for the Club himself and two Mexicans his part- Mr by a and Mr for the Tclejners who were passing Party politics and the liquor K staff money The mementoes were suitably acj He and two other men he said and the newspaper names were made of the occasion a farewell to one of the most popular and respect ed of their number S The review service last Sunday was very and well attended Solos were given by Miss Edna gle Miss Bowman and Miss Morris recitation by Miss Hewitt reading by Mr Bowman a short address by P Pearson and an excellent address by lit A Coombs Honor for the last quarter is as Roy Cody Carl Leila Manning Douglas Scott Cur- and Harold Maw Honor Roil for the yearLillian Smlley Roy Cody Carl BtySie Douglas Scott and Harold i Union Meetings of the Methodist Christian churches met on Satur day evening and completed arrange ments for the Union Services to be held in Newmarket January by Mr Asa of Ottawa two churches are uniting in Me meetings being a about the Friends pail last week Mr Cane was appointed and Mr J Stephens was decided that ser- ies will held in both churches on the but op the follow- v- will be held in the Church and the after if Church It is expected that a onion their in the music aid If Manning Morrinon were appointed a committee to arrange alters 0 Jackson Manning were appointed a an it decided that collections will taken up on Tuesday and Friday to defray Union prayermeet I will be held weea in the Methodist Church fie nit in the Christian on Thursday evenings- The KvangellhU have much In places and it Is hoped they ma called by some papers the with appendages pears to have had controlling both Mexicans enCe in manipulating the vote Ex- operating last October in Ham- License Inspector Hastings was and the vicinity j under the greatest majorities for carefully refrains successful candidates were in the milting that he had any part in the strongholds ol the liquor men The actual murder but admits that it j millenium has not come to Toronto will mean a long term in prison to yet I him if not hanging j bill for quiet wedding took place at the however that he tiled J rat ion has been drawn up by the residence of the brides mother haunted by the fear of Graduated Nurses Association of O Roadhouse is a Mayor of Newmarket cousin of the ham St on Wednesday preferring to give himself and have the matter ofi his mind up terms in which the Legislature is morning when Mr J Smith XT I a before united marriage to Tberessa W1 the graduates of all nurses Rev A Campbell he training schools must appear before dating Miss Annie Cochenour was j bridesmaid and Mr Geo Smith of brother of the groom assisted Only the immediate relatives were present The bride was dressed in a plum- colored tailormade suit with hat to match and carried a shower of white roses The bridesmaid wore pale grey over pink silk and carried pink roses The grooms gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls and to the bridesmaid a pearl crescent After the wedding breakfast Mrs Smith left for Buffalo and Rochester on a two weeks honey moon On their return they will re side in Toronto The bride and groom are among- our most popular young people carry with wishes for future success The extends its congratulations KliTTLKBY 1 allowed to practise in Ontario jWlicn this scheme becomes law we will find some graduated nurse refus ing to care for some unfortunate be cause the family have help employed Mr and Mrs Harrison Proctor of I not having a certificate Street were the guests of temperance this city brother- Mr Prod or totally miscalculated Thursday of last week Mrs Andrews of Aurora is visiting OUR BLUE AND BLACK WORSTEDS AND CHEVIOTS have stood the test also THE STYLE AND FIT WORKMANSHIP THE BEST F- WILLI NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON MAIN STREET OO Dry Pine Slabs J cord Dry Hardwood Tops cord Body Hardwood Sawed cord Sil rf- is the Best TRY IT CHOICEST FRESHEST A ROYAL BEL NORTH YORK THE WDRLd OK a y have similar RINGS relatives in this section Mr Fox or Toronto pay ing a to his old home Elm- hurst Farm Mr Fox is looking fne and says he is enjoying good health Mr Harry Fox Detroit is also visiting his brother Robert at Elm hurst Mrs of Toronto and family are spending Christmas holi days with her mother Mr Halo id Mr Albert Baker who has the past summer in the North spent Christmas with his parents here also of Toronto Mr Jenkins teacher of this sec tion ban procured board at Mrs Mr Bert Davis and family of Man itoba are visiting relatives and friends in this section Mrs Win Iredalc of Newmarket is vishlne friends here and also her sister Miss Ella Davis of Toronto appear to jits strength when asking the Council to submit a bylaw to pronounce on license reduction 1ollUcs dominat ed temperance by a large majority Some people say that Mr was punched because he knifed Hon Ross at the late elections but Mr him self things his defeat was owing to the powerful organization of the liq uor party There having been no modification or amendment to the North annexation measure as proclaimed by the North now part of city of Toronto but at a tax rate of four mills less on the dollar than Is the general rate of- taxation for the city This concession does not ex pire until The annexationpro clamation went into effect on Jan The year started out well at the Toronto Custom House with a lead of over five thousand dollars in ad vance of the first days entries a year Mr Penrose of Fine Orchard has purchased from the celebrated importers Crouch St Son the magnificent Royal Belgian Stallion BRIS3AC The long lookcdfor election is past ago The favorable to At oclock the rising bell rins at the dinner bell any old time the fire bell and all the time the door This month its the Wedding Bell LET ONE of these rings remind you of our selection of rings ENGAGEMENT- BIRTHDAY WEDDING RINGS Ho better choice to be found anywhere CO end Opticians i and yet the ratepayers arc not some would have had the old Council swept Into the dead sea of oblivion hut after all when the flood came they reached out a rescuing hand and saved some of them How lever now that a few of them are to at the board for anotheryearlt is that the new blood infused the Council may be the means j of their more serious consideration of the affairs the municipality The Winnipeg City Council will again make application for power to regulate the smoke nuisance In the After twelve hours of steady snowfall one of the heaviest snows for many years now covers the whole ot New Mexico Conditions un precedented- The wither is causing much suffering among natives and Indians the largest January receipts on rec ord Aid Graham will give notice of mo tion to change the date of municipal elections to the 1st Saturday In De cember instead of 1st Monday in Jan uary believing it to be more conven ient Of course legislation will be necessary The detect believe they have evidence of the robberies of three stores of about Good man a secondhand dealer was ar raigned on Wednesday and remanded till Friday Daniel Sullivan lor stealing several bicycles arid sundry goods an old offender was sent to the penitentiary for three years On New Years day the Street Kail- way gross receipts amounted to 8- and carried It was election day Last year the gross receipts on New Years day to tal that was sent to Newmarket by this great firm a few weeks ago to be sold This horse is a very beautiful representative of this famous breed and is noted for bis magnificent style superb action and perfectly temper He weighs pounds Is years old and arrived from Bel gium the of October last and horsemen hereabouts should take im mediate advantage this great opportunity to improve the horse inter ests of their neighborhood by patronizing this grand animal The firm Crouch Son who Imported this fine horse arc the greatest firm in the world in the business are are noted all over the world for their cele brated horses especially their famous Worlds Fair Champion Belgians Lemons Oranges Raisins Bis- cuite Nuts Candies the Best Extra fine Dates Choice Cured Meat The Best of Flour And you can get The Best Coal Oil Day or night We have the Bowser Oil Tank Correct Measure Spilling CALL AND SEE US S GRIFFIS It is well worth a trip to Mr Penroses farm horse to sec Ibis grand H It Prince Arthur of and a distinguished party will vjeit Canada in April Failure of candidates to file their property qualifications has necessitat ed a new election at New Hamburg Ont Employees of practically all the New England mills have received an increase n pay ranging from to 10 per cent A brawl between Dutch and Jap anese soldiers in on Monday resulted in several of the partici pants being taken to the fllQPkots Stock Market Owing to the Christmas season the cattle markets Mils veeK teen itt a peculiar condition the have been very light mid the demand not active Prices were as follows Export cattle from to S Butchers cattle from to Light feeders Heavy feeders 415 No offered Hogs from to Toronto Jan Building Timber AND Cord Wood for Sale The undersigned offers for sale good Tamarack Cordwood and Building Timber Will bo sold on grounds the old Turner property lots East Vonge St or delivered in quantities to suit purchasers For terms enquire of GLOVER Holland Landing For Sale or to Rent Two houses- Charles St Apply to corner Huron and Possession at once EVES Bush Land for Sale The east half of Lot No 1 in the Con North acres Will sell either the wood Jan White Wheat per bush without the land or the wood and Wheat per bush Wheat per bush Red Wheat per bush 77 Spring Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 75 Wheat Wheat 70- per bush Rye per bush Rye per bush Barley per Barley per OaU per bush r per too Bran per ton Hoes per 75- per ton 00 tter per lb 76 the land For particulars enquire of BENJAMIN P 00 Tub or Crock Butter 0 0 d Potatoes per bag 0 1 Chickens dressed per 0 Oft 0 f per per lb to Hay per ton roll per per Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Ducks per lb For Sale On Second St A good sevenroomed Brick House and four Lots Good drivingshed and bard water weir soft Water also Town water in to a proprietor is going For particulars apply to Troyer on premises i r

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