Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 3, 1905, p. 4

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ft NEWMARKET Farewell i In the A North Him Unstinted Praise SUFFERED FOR TEN CURED BY DR WILLIAMS PINK PILLS m Neuralgia is the king of tortures A tingliny of the tender skin a t ces never be separated twentvthree years met with the most parts of the empire but years approval of the electorate manv foreign but no an I he re ires with not only their re- meant so much to him as and no spot was so dear to hi and to no Canada and confidence but a sincere and no spot was so dear to him as Sffie that to impaired health may North York He was not he said ILI Stored smilingly- going out of the farming of last week be- business in fact he hoped to be able holiday we were unable to Rive to devote more lime to that of his retirement from the ml was beautifully decorated Mr arena of active politics he dilated Cane presided in the absence somewhat upon the stress and strain of Mayor who had been of public life Of the men who called out of town in or who entered Parliament mTib opening the meeting with him years ago there were briefly reviewed Sir Williams only six besides himself who had ca career and referred to his admin- continuously in the House of the Post Depart- since With this as a test heurgcd speaking especially of consideration for public men Many in nut of the deficit and the pool men shrank from entering or penny postage Sir life because they were unwilling Ham had been instrumental in having to be exposed to the unfair criticism both Newmarket and Aurora made that often assailed who did so ports of entry for Customs purposes Sir William expressed the hope hat Sir William had also interested him- weaknesses and failings would be self in bettering transportation overlooked and that whatever might in North York and largely thru he the conclusions of the people they his efforts the Government bad voted at credit him with bar- to extend the Trent Valley in the most disinterested war en- Canal to Newmarket to serve the country He Sutton and aair reiterated his warm Mr frankly stated of the kind words addressed to that up to the last election he had and about him the good feeling and been an unbending opponent of Sir Kindness extended on all sides The William He had not known memories of the friendships he had him well and had regarded him as formed in North York would serve to merely a strong partisan In gladden the evening of his life however Mr son serving There is a bitter sweet in this with the Canadian contingent had meeting to me he concluded he- been stricken with fever and cause it is one of the saddest part- lav in the military hospital at that can come to a man who Having no influence has formed so many attachments and at the front or with the British Gov- such feelings because have eminent Mr whose house- to to my good true friends hold naturally was griefstricken of North York in my political one morning to Sir William Parity farewell at Ottawa asking his assist- At the close of his address That same afternoon Sir spent a considerable time in dam succeeded in getting word re- personal conversation with many invalid and not satisfied those present with that took particular pains to see that the was well cared for The following letter was sent to Young was later restored to Mr T J Robertson Secretary of his family fully restored When Sir Commit tee to be read at land admiration of Four depajUrieptSi has ah of- what can by energy diligence and capacity combined with rectitude and high ideals Great as have been yotjr services to the country it not through these that you are best known to your old constituents Your upright and noble character sharp sudden stab from some angry generous hand- and sympathetic charity to provide hi nerve piercing paroxysms of heart have endeared you to winter neuralgia The cause of and through these you have been the trouble is disorderly nerves due more to them than merely a rcpre- to thin watery blood The cure is scntative in Parliament While we Dr Williams Pink Pills which make regret your withdrawal from he ad- new rich red blood and ministration of public sex- and strengthen the disordered vice we are glad to know that We Provinces to consider the Question and cure neuralgia shall not be wholly deprived of your military training for boys in the thousands who have proven that Dr- but that in the high schools of the Dominion Williams Pink Pills cure neuralgia is sphere of the judiciary you will still the scheme Sir Frederick made serve your country- That the great- to during the late calm and rest of this new sphere Parliament will give you restored health ami vigor and that life long The Ontario Official Gazette of spared is the earnest of urday names Commissioners for 30 prayer your old friends and constituents of William spoke about half no benefit Mrs Johnson of Simpsons Corner Mrs Johnson says For upwards of ten years I was a sufferer from the awful pains of neu ralgia Overexertion or the least ex posure to a cold wave would set me nearly wild with torture I doctored North York with two physicians but hey did not j REASONS FOR RESIGNATION cure me then tried several medicines but found no benefit The trouble continued at intervals that made life miserable until si or eight months ago when a relation of mine brought me a box of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and urged roc to try them I used this box and then got half a dozen more and by the time I had used them all trace of the trouble had disappeared and as I have not since had the slightest at tack feel safe in saving that the cure is permanent Mrs Johnson is one of the best known ladies in the section in which she resides and is a prominent worker in the Congrega tional church Naturally her family and are rejoicing over her cure and Dr Williams Pink Pills have made many warm friends in that section as a result of their good work It is because Dr Williams Pink Pills make new pure warm blood that have such great power to cure disease They positively cure rheumatism sciatica neuralgia St Vitus dance partial paralysis kidney liver troubles anaemia and the ailments from which women alone suffer The purchaser must be care ful to see that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple is printed on the wrapper around each box Sold by all medi cine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for by writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co The Midland Argus says Poor old Jack- known all over Cen tral Ontario was arrested at Whitby for vagrancy and committed to gaol for six months Guess the author ities considered it would be an act of a home for A press despatch from Ottawa states that a conference will be lieid thenear future between represen tatives of the Dominion ami several is session of William was Knighted a few years later Mr wrote looked him and saying that hence forth he would support him in Un political field In answer Sir Wil liam advised him not to cut himself adrift from his party But I proud to support hint and would be proud to support him again declared Mr with but was accidentally over- October 23rd Dear Mr Robertson I exceedingly regret that owing to an important business engagement in Quebec City I will be unable to attend the Fare- 1 well Meeting to Sir William on Wednesday afternoon I have already written him a per- feeling My eyes had been opened expressing my regret at to the real character of the man I stating my opinion j am to think that Sir William achievements as a public man Mulock has represented the riding of extending to him my North York and that he has done lions to an magnificent work for the Dominion of Judicial position In his Canada I think the Dominion is North York loses the abi- irreparable loss in the with drawal of Sir William from the Gov ernment Mr C spoke of Sir Wil liams friendly attitude toward agri cultural interests said that the farmers of North York would be est and most useful representative I the Riding has ever had and the great success he has achieved as an administrator public business has made the name of his Riding known not only from the Atlantic to the pacific but throughout the bounds of scarcely satisfied with any future re- MmK preventative- who was not a farmer desire to join with the Liberals Mr J McKay editor of the York in expressing him Newmarket ExpressHerald said fiincere ow- that though a Conservative he con- to impaired health he has sidered it not amiss to admit that Sir William was the greatest PostmasterGeneral that Canada had known Alter Messrs C Jackson and Luke Gibbons added their words of apprecia tion Mr T J secretary the committee read the address to Sir William Mulwk which we pub lished last week Called upon to resign his position as Member of the House of Commons for this Riding and also to hope that he may have a long and useful career in his new position remain yours very truly J DAVIS J IHK BANQUET At five oclock Sir William was WILLIAMS REPLY at luncheon in the Court Sir William who was warmly House which was very prettily and frequently heartily rated for the occasion The spread and whose emotions did credit to the host and hostess times made it almost impossible for and Mrs Proctor of the Forsyth him to expressed profound House His Worship Mayor for the kindly references house presided and on the removal of to him alike by politic friends the cloth proposed the several toasts tad opponents Referring to the Responding to Our guest which praise accorded his administration of received with hearty applause the Post Office Department Sir Sir William congratulated said that the success of thai I Newmarket upon the evidences branch was really due to the progress everywhere apparent It with which it was equip- Ol the locality but tin men that The public was not always make a place said he and their fair to the civil servants influence has a corresponding effect in though the welfare of the country the vicinity Sir William went on largely depended upon the manner in to sav if the people continue to which thev carried on their work use of the potentialities of On the whole Canada was lo he con- which Canada is endowed she gratiilated on the class of men In the to become a great nation The service He could not speak climate of Canada has a potent effect too highly the inside and outside the under the sun lie con- slab of the Post Office Department ranted it with Mexico where the Previous speakers had recalled his heat has a depressing effect It Into public lite some years never can become a manufacturing ago Since then up to his retire- country but people are sounding the merit North York had entrusted him Praise of Canada everywhere The with its confidence asking no guar- finger of time Is writing on the tab lets everywhere and it Is for every to do his duty today nothing Is accomplished without labor we sow someone else reaps There is no road to success without industry and application and the effect va rious efforts Is accumulative flumgh retiring from political life he still watch public development and continue to take a deep Interest in everything that concerns North York Great applause Other toasts were responded to by following He hoped he had returned that confidence unimpaired though back deplored as every man bad to do that after all he bad been able to accomplish so little With keenest pleasure he sjoke of good feeling that had prevailed between himself and his ideal opponents not only during all Ms active campaigns but through out Ms whole political career In the future as in the past be both tides WouM so conduct that the true object The Army Major Allan and Capt Our Educational Institutions J Robertson and Widdifield Our Manufacturing Interests Cane R Schmidt aud Aubrey Da vis The Press Jackson Globe re porter L Jackson Our Canal ft Cane Our Banking Interests Ross The Ladies K A- Proceedings were brought to a close by singing Ayld Land Syne in time for Sir William to take the car for Aurora RECEPTION AT AURORA File Mechanics Hall at Aurora was to the doors by an audience in which the sexes were about equally divided to do honor to the late PostmasterGeneral The chair was occupied by Mayor who in opening the meeting referred to his own somewhat unique position When Sir William first ran in North York the speaker had worked and voted for him The speaker had then joined the Conservative party and had lost his vote at every elec tion since He had always felt how- over that if Literal had to be elected he would rather Sir Wil liam was man The former had gone very high in his countrys and the honor done him had reflected honor on Ms con stituency J M Walton Rev Amos Andrew Yule Luke Gib bons Win Linton Rogers Phillips L L all spoke briefly hut appreciatively of Sir Wil liams lone career read the following address The citizens of Aurora and vicin ity with the people of North York in general have long felt it an honor to he represented in Parliament by so distinguished a statesman We have fell proud that through we have been associated with one of the chief departments in the administra tion of the country Todav vou are to say farewell and to sever that re lationship which has so long existed between us We cannot permit this occasion to pass without in some manner giving expression to our of loss we sustain if the at cat respect and esteem in width are held by the people of the rld- The hearts of all are filled Willi regret both at the loss of so able a representative and at the oc- which has rendered necessary your retirement from public life distinguished career in and your great services to the Dominion and the have won for you the respect awl admiration of all classes When we consider vour record since your appointment as PostmasterGeneral we are con fident that no name In Canadian his tory will be more honored than yours Of equal Importance and merit has been your work as founder and head of the Department of La bor Your efforts in trying cure a true balance between capital and labor have won counties of the Province to adminis ter the oaths of office to new ap pointees more especially to recently named justices of the peace The 30 of the County Court the reply a portion of his ad- fieri of the Peace and the naturally covering the Deeds are the officials thus ap- ground as his Newmarket speech in pointed In the County of York the afternoon He said he felt deep- His Honor Judge Winchester touched the generosity display- Irwin J Hill arc the names and the kindly sentiments of ted before any one of whom his old North York friends newly appointed Justices of the live of party Of all the prizes p for York can qualify sought for and found in public life not one was more satisfying than to win and enjoy the love and friendship of those who best know a man In speakine of the reasons of health which had led to his resignation Sir William spoke briefly of the warnings he had received of an impending breakdown- and said that during his illness in the year 1M there was one night when his life was despaired of a fact which he had hitherto never made public Sir William ex pressed his thanks to the Conserva tives of North York for the manli ness ami fairness with which they had always fought him and he honed he had not fallen behind them in fairness For the last ten years he said he had been derelict in attend ing to political duties in the riding but Liberal friends had never com plained but had worked all the hard- I Sheet Metal Workers Union to a paragraph in the who were sued by the Metallic Roof- address presented he said that the Department Labor was not one which created differences but was in stituted to conciliate the too often antagonistic forces of capital and labor Through its instrumentality the principles of right and justice The Federal Government has again vetoed the ant Japanese clause of the British Columbia Act which ieallv was prohibitive being modelled on the Natal Act requiring that emigrants from that Country must be able to read and write in one of the European languages Ja pan is Great Britains ally and the exclusion Act of British Columbia is not all in sympathy with such rela tion Trade considerations between Canada and Japan affords an addi tional reason for the exercise of the veto power by the Dominion Govern ment An important judgment was ren dered last week in the High Court awarding damages against Win Jose ami others of the Interna- UST a word with you and about your Fall Suit and Overcoat We wont waste words We are sole agents for what are admittedly the finest ready-to- wear garments offered in amain the Company The report of the trial in the Mail and states that the jury found that the work men of the plaintiffs company were wrongfully and maliciously coerced to leave its employment by the de fendants being forced to do so by had in many labor disputes supersede the action of Local Union No passion prejudice and other bane- 1 by the International influences Following up his re- tion the parent society The jury mark of the afternoon Sir William also foumd that the defendants the press of Canada to adopt spired by threats or intimidation to more of the dignity of the English induce the customers the plaintiff press in the criticism of public men who would dealt with and the affairs him to refrain from so doing He closed with that he j would always watch with great in- an important pointer for terest the development of North agricultural readers There is York no sense buying unprofitable and The Aurora committed was com- of the following citizens frauds should be turned Mayor T Chairman J Revenue Walton Secretary Willis Polished a bulletin giving If Lumly H rcsuUs sample James A- in open market Underbill Web- April brand of mens fine tailored garments Dont contuse these clothes with the readymade stuff They are different and better in every respect and the very kind of clothes you are looking for They are worn by dressy men all over Canada They solve the clothes problem for the man who wants stylish clothes at a reasonable price Were ready when you W OPPOSITE SOVEREIGN BANK NEWMARKET iter A J Haycock Miillov I Anderson Thin I We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J CHENEY Co Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm KJNNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot system Testimonials sent free Price cents per bottle Sold by all Drug gists Take Halls Family Pills for con stipation The Mutual binder twine plant at that cost sold for WHAT Iff DYSPEPSIA Qualms nausea longing tor food yet dreading to cat You may have tba real thing but will cure like it did Huntingdon Hamilton who I frequent ly attacked with such acuta- dyspep sia that I thought it- was heart dis ease I used and got ro ller I kept on using was cured My digestion la perfect order and I can eat any today Nothing la its good as for dyspepsia and bothered with weak stomachs Mo at druggists Hears have killed 1 sheep on St Josephs Island and farmers are discussing means to exterminate the beasts oee- to Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets AM druggists refund the money if It falls to cure E W for you respect signature Is each tux total fifty genuine ten below guarantee twentyfour not register ed and four doubtful The chief that manufacturers and im porters should be compelled to each brand by a perfectly distinctive name and always sold under its proper name When this is done he Government analyst will be able to state distinctly Hie brands adulterated so that the farmer and gardener may know what he is buy ing This will drive bogus goods very largely out of the market ties binding stronger ban sen timent Great Britain Is becoming the dominating force of the old lands A special cable last week to the To ronto Globe announced Prince Chalks of Denmark will he the chos en King of Norway by unanimous consent of the representatives the people The report adds He is a fine frank democratic gentle man whose urbanity desire to do good arc proverbial in England where he has been practically resi dent since when he married the third daughter of King Edward princess Maud of Wales It is In teresting at such a moment to no- lice that a nephew of King sits on throne of Russia Czars mother being- a sister Alexandria that another ne phew the son of Kings elder sister sits on the throne of Ger many and his fatherinlaw on the throne of Denmark If his son-in- law becomes King of Norway the business will begin to look like a well organized trust CATARRH OF THE HEAD Is very common but very danger ous because It causes deafness and leads to consumption Cure Is as certain to follow use Catarrh- ozone an day la to follow night You simply breathe the fragrant healing which spreads through the nasal passages throat and lungs driving out every of Catarrh I cured of chronic catarrh of the coze and throat writes Ernest Wilkinson of after manyyears misery by which Is a splendid remedy to free tho air passages from mucous relieved quick and my euro has been permanent Price for two months treat ment trial alto A Man and- His Mother in Law Can Sometimes Agree but there are two things that Cannot Agree in Same System a Headache and one of Headache Powders One lias to go and that one is never the Headache ler PRICE CENTS Dp Clank DENTIST i St Newmarket WE PAY to Six dol lars per week cither sex introducing our NEW IDEA free training ra pid advancement opportunity sure Nicholas Company Limited Toronto Mention this p FOR Registered Large English Perk- shire Boars and Jersey Bull Several Heifers Also a choice lot of Yearling Bar red Rock Breeding Hens J J For cement delivered Orders by mall promptly attended to J A Auror NEWSPAPERS For Sab at This Owes BETTER THAN EVER Are splendid advantages offered In every department of our school OF TORONTO For quickly and thoroughly training young people to earn good salaries in business positions With teachers best equipment uptodato courses modern methods and thorough sys tem wo can excellent re sults Our now Catalogue Is a dan dy Write for it ENTER ANY TIME Principal Yongo Sis Toronto tr Livery The undersigned Is now running a Union Bun to all trains Orders by telephone for all parts of the receive prompt attention A BOYD Old Stand-

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