Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 27 Oct 1905, p. 2

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1 J THE NEWMARKET ERA OCTOBER I Boy Wanted 4 To deliver parcels BO A Liberal Money to Loan private funds at 5 per cent on farm property first mortgage En at Era Office House for Sale In Saturday The Executive the North York Libera Association met in Newmar ket on Tuesday afternoon and decid ed to call a MassMeeting in the Town Hall Newmarket on Saturday Oct at pm lor the pur pose of selecting a liberal Candidate to represent North York in the Par liament of Canada for the unexpired parliamentary term A cordial in- Tho illustrated articles in the Magazine or November are An account of the remarkable mis sions maintained for over one hun dred and fifty years by tbe Moravians at Labrador also an account of the Underground Railway by means of which thousands of slaves escaped to Canada Modes of Travel in Chi- Our Society POINTS na Peasant Schools in Russia and Current History in Cartoon A rumor obtains among temperance Miss Sara Richardson Was ins in Toronto over Sunday Mr Miller was home from Victoria College for Thanksgiving Hon K is in Montreal the North End Newmarket is extended to all interested ftpply to or selection of such candidate to CM HUGHES Attend the meeting Newmarket now taking up their roots Heifer Astray is people and in antibarroom circles in and Quebec this week on that a drastic liquor bill is Ml and Mrs E Jackson spent to be brought down by the Govern- over Sunday with friends at at next session of the leg- 1 torn It provide for j people spent a pleas ing the license fee and also for so evening at Mr C Canes on changing the license system that none but bartenders licensed by the Gov- ss m eminent can do business or sell uor under a severe penalty Women are to be protected against the treat- ling system by men in hotels while of Aurora attended sale of liquor to minors is to be the Thimble Tea given last Friday a broken day anyway extraordinary offence It by Mrs John Came upon lot in Con East about the of Sept a 3yearold Red Heifer Owner is requested to prove pay and take her away GOODWIN BROS Hundreds Of Stenographers Typewriters Book keepers Correspondents Office men Business Teachers Railway Clerks places from the let the Liberals of the old Banner further understood that Gov- Mr Elmer Cole Toronto was the Riding round the standard thus showing some of tbe inter- est political matters Riding round the standard will so amend the law as to awl of his cousins Messrs Lome make the submission of local option and Hoy Cole over Sunday bylaws compulsory on municipal j Ml- J W of Toronto councils on receiving petitions signed was the guest of the editor during by a given nu of ratepayers stay in Town this week A meeting of the Executive of the of Avenue Conservative Association of North Presbyterian Church Toronto York took place in Newmarket on Saturday It is understood that North York ByeElection Every farmer teacher scholar and clerk get catalogue at once Could cot fill positions offered in Octo ber A iyMCA Bldg cor Yonge Toronto it Good Apply to Mrs Aubrey Davis Vic toria Ave Newmarket T H Simpson Bakery PARLOR OPEN EVERY EVENING Oysters Served in any Style Come and Try Them tar Hot Sodas every evening start ing next week SIMPSON Of course Toronto papers know all about politics of North York At the close of last week Conserva tive journals told their readers what was in the air politically and it windy enough On Monday the Globe had a lot to say as to the why and wherefore of coming events and here i is Some of it is not far Liberals here other parts are simply speculative Both Liberals and Conserva tives are beginning to display ac tivity in regard to filling the va cancy in the North Riding of York caused by the resignation of Sir William At a meeting of the Executive of the Conservative Association at Newmarket on Saturday it was definitely decided to put a candidate in the field to oppose the gentleman who may be select ed to champion the Liberal cause and it is resolved to call a mass meeting of Conservative voters to make the choice of a candidate This mass meeting it is antici pated will be held on the 2nd or of November- A meeting of the Central Com mittee of the North York Liber al Association will be held at Newmarket on Tuesday to lis a date for the holding of the mass meeting at which a candi date will be selected Next Sat urday is mentioned as the at the Manse on Friday Mr has been coo- routine business was transact- fined to house for about a week ed Some discussion took place re- to an attack of pleurisy the approaching Miss has returned from in this Riding to fill the vacancy oc- spending a very pleasant month with the retirement of Sir Mrs James in Co William but it was 1 of Button brother of Mr M of advisable to postpone action looking to the bringing out of a called at the Manse last for the present In case decide to nominate the new PostmasterGeneral it is within the range of possibility in view of the advantage of having a Cabinet Minister as our representa tive to aid in furthering the pro posed canal enterprise that an Op position candidate may not be placed I in nomination m masterGeneral Sir William took charge of the department he had to face a deficit over Since then the service has been added whieli has been an annual loss and last the service there caused a of 1001140 hut notwithstanding j this drain upon the Departmental ex penditure the financial statement for year ending June 30th shews a surplus of This demonstrates what it means to have a man at the head of the postal management the year new post offices were opened postal note offices were increased by in number and 2tK new money order offices created Also an in- I Mrs Fin fay to home at Norwood week after making a five weeks visit at Mrs and two children of Toronto who have visiting at Mr J left for home on Monday Mr Sherman Fletcher who has been residing in Seattle Wash has moved to Huntsvillc- He passed through here Monday Miss Fisher left on Wednesday for a months visit in Western Ontario Her brother accompanied her for Thanksgiving holidays Mrs Watt of Fergus is here for a few weeks on account of the peri- illness of her sister Mrs Hughes who is now improving Mr Taos Gardner was in Toronto visiting with his sister who live- in Philadelphia and whom has not seen for the past years Mr Aubrey Davis and Mr lot lis were in New York Boston ami American cities last week picking up SOUTH END BAKERY Ho KEEPS ALL KINDS OF FRESH GROCERIES MEATS VEGETABLES Your Patronage Requested CORNER MAIN ONTARIO RAILWAY -FOR- Thanksgiving Day Good October and returning until October between all fctaUona in Canada to De troit and Port Huron Mich Bridge and Buffalo For Hunters Single Fare Good going daily until Nov to Points in on fa to points to Port Ar thur inclusive to Port Arthur via Co Good Going October to Novem ber TO Lake Midland of Pending Rivet All fetation to Severn to Bay Points on Co Division All tickets valid returning until December For ticVftta literature call on J Agent date Meanwhile there are many ru mors in circulation as to the pro bable candidates On the Con servative side the following gen tlemen arc all credited with hav ing a large number of supporters and are said to be willing to stand if selected Major Allan Newmarket Archie King Township John John Newmar ket A Reeve of Sutton New market Dr Forrest Mount Al bert and George T Toronto In the Liberal interest the fol lowing are mentioned in addition to Hon A Aylcswortb as possible candidates Co Council lor J Rogers Au rora Cane Newmarket and County Councillor Mi Cane states that the organization of the Liberal party Is in good order and that every thing is in readiness for the elec tion when it comes along A leading Conservative said We have a strong candi date in view and under the of Mr Lennox PP who is popular with the Canadians of both sides we are in a splendid state of pre paration and with any ordinary Candidate against us I believe we can win the riding EDITORIAL NOTES The new Province of Alberta is now in the throes of a general elec tion to its first Provincial Assembly Nomination takes place In all the electoral districts on Tuesday next and polling day is fixed for Nov The Campaign is said to be vigorous ly conducted Both political parties confidence of coming success but both cant win crease of post office savings latest developments in the leal li lt is estimated that Jet- business were posted an increase of The postal stamp sue amounted to an increase of With this record before him the new PostmasterGeneral will have a hard task to maintain the pace set by his predecessor Mis Carpenter who has been visiting with her Mr Scott for the last throe months left on Monday to spend the winter with relatives in Mr David Mayes of Toronto who spent a week with old friends at returned home last it i Passing through Town Bad storm on Great Lakes son of Mrs Margaret of Toron- Chicago III Oct The storm which last night and Coday swept over northern Lake Michigan Lake Huron and Lake Erie was one of most severe in recent years So far as returns are to and formerly a resident of New market was killed at Cleveland last summer His friends will regret to learn of his demise We clip the following from the rf obtainable tonight Upholstery Journal To- vessels have been completely wrecked during the recent convention and twelve or fifteen others more or Canadian Associ- severely damaged Twelve lives are known to have been lost and as the gale south ern Lake Huron and Lake Erie is still blowing fiercely tonight it is feared other losses both of life and property will be reported within the next hours The boats lost are as follows Tug Frank perry sunk off Boot land in the group Steamer Joseph Fay run ashore near Rogers City Midi awl broken to pieces by the waves Mate Joseph was drowned The boat is owned by A Bradley of Cleve land Barge I P in tow of the steamer J Fay driven ashore near Cheboygan Mich Schooner L strand ed in Isle harbor Boat hazi ly damaged but crew was saved Schooner Minnedosa foundered two and a half miles off Harbor Beach in Lake Huron early today carry ing down entire crew of eight men Schooner ashore eighteen west of Pa Schooner supposed to be the Tas mania or Ashland of the fleet sunk two and a half miles southwest of the southeast shoal on Lake Carried crew of eight men of whom nothing is known Steamer Sarah She I den beached and wrecked near Lorain Ohio Schooner Kingfisher beaten to pieces off Cleveland jJThc- barge belonged to Montreal Transportation Corn- THE CASH BUYERS AND SELLERS NEWMARKET BRACEBRIDGE The Germans are ac- by experts to be the most expert manufacturers of Furs in the world It is the centre of the Fur Business more Furs being made there than any other two countries Labor is also very cheap Importing direct as we do for three stores in large quantities puts us on the same purchasing basis as the wholesale FUR houses We are in a position to sell you FURS at about the same price as some of our competitors buy them for It will pay you to come in and have a look over our fur values before purchasing FUR RUFFS to FUR STOLES to FUR CAPERINES to FUR MUFFS FUR COATS FUR 1800 to to CAPS to 1200 PURITAN BUY Were selling a lot of Puritan Brand Underwear for Ladies and Children these days We have confidence in recommending these goods to our customers also add our personal guarantee of Money Back If Not Satisfied grocery I Prime Pork Sausage 10c lb Davies Hams Rolls and Bacon Cold Cooked Meats Pure Clover Honey lb Puritan Laundry Soap bars for Golden Net and Silver Moon Salmon for 25c UNDERWEAR HUNTERS TEAS AND BE HAPPY Mr Alex Millard entertained a number of the visiting funeral di rectors at dinner in the Nile room at Amongst those present weu Prof of Waterloo Wallace of Sussex Richard Tees of Montreal Geo Mc Laren of and others A delightful evening was spent I lie friends expressing their pleasure in bright and happy speeches The World cartoons Provincial Treasurer Matheson for being late in his endeavor to effect his loan in the Old Coun try and hangs out this sign for the man from Perth to reflect upon Not much of a hustler Those downoasters arc proverbially slow anyway Russias international loan of fif ty million pound sterling has been arranged Great Britain taking four million pounds Henry night watchmen at the Canada Carriage dropped dead on his rounds IBs lantern set fire to the place and a bad fire was prevented by the prompt action of another em ployee DO YOU WANT Cradle In King Township on tbe inst the of a son Wife of A- J- Customs Department at Otta wa has issued instructions that here after all sheep exported from Onta rio to the United States must first be inspected departmental vet erinary and must not be permitted to leave Canada unless accompanied by a certificate that they are free from contagious and Infectious and otherwise fit for exports The aVft tor the Buffalo market They are to be Inspected at Shipments via Montre al will be inspected there and by oth er route- will be inspected at the in ternational boundary This order An engine and tour coaches docs not apply to sheep for breeding a speed test on the Pennsylvania graving or feeding accompanied by Railroad covered J2I miles In certificates and has running for not more than about six years and al ways between Fort William and Kingston transshipping her cargo then lor Montreal She carried about bushels of wheat and had a crew including captain arid mate of about ten men The Tomb a lengthy illness at- her home St Newmar ket on Oct LOOS Margaret widow of George Has kell in her year Funeral oclock Thursday morning At the residence of his grandson Selby Sharon on Oct Wellington in his year Inter red at Newmarket Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon LLOYD At on the wife of Mr Lloyd of a daughter BOTHA MAt the Maples on Friday Oct to Mr and Mrs J a son Dry Pino Slabs cord Mixed Wood cord Maple cord no a DAVIDSON At India on Sep tember the wife of Rev D J Davidson of a daughter ami granddaughter of Mr J I Davidson of 1 The At the Meth odist Parsonage on Oct 1005 by A Partridge Mr Leslie Stephens of to Miss Mary Mor ton of North MORTONHAFFHAt the Metho dist Parsonage on Oct 25 1H05 by Rev L Partridge Mr Leslie Morton to Miss Carrie both of Kes wick DELIVER GOOD CLEAN COAL the LEAD ORDERS From Frank Smith Ab Trlvett Jos Wesley or Direct from Office Phone HOAGA PEARSON PARK AVE Acre Farm for Sale Being the east quarter of lot in the 2nd Concession of Whitchurch The premises are well fenced and in good arable condition Good barn frame house and plenty wa ter Orchard of good fruit Will sell for cash or on easy terms For further particulars apply on farm opposite R SIMPSON Newmarket Montague Mich on Oct of apoplexy Asa Wing Rogers son of the late Levi Rogers St in the year of his age minutes including stops J ST NORTH i All Orders receive Careful and Prompt Attention THE LEADING Furniture House You en buy your Special Rates for Thanksgiving On the Metropolitan SINGLE FARE will be given good going October and good to return up to and on October SPECIAL SERVICE The regular LATE CAR will Toronto on Wednesday night Octo ber at pm for Newmar ket and intermediate points On Thanksgiving night A LATE CAR will leave Toronto for- New market and intermediate points at pm This will give all who wish to visit or attend any Iho Concerts Theatres and forth in Toronto an opportunity to do so and return home same evening There will be AN EARLY CAR from Newmarket on Friday October leaving at am for To ronto and intermediate points Farm for Sale acres being lot Con Land in good condi tion well watered Firstclass buildings only mile from railway A corner lot Grist mill stoics Ac adjacent For further particu lars apply to Pringle Baldwin P or CHAPMAN lf38 Hillside P Execu for late Susan Chapman Farm to Rent East end of lot 26 Con 3 East miles from ville This farm of one hundred acres Is alt clear and in a high state of cultivation Good buildings youiiK orchard hard and soft water and mostly done For fur ther particulars apply to MRS SOULES on premises or to WALTER LAPP P House and Lot for Sale Belonging to the Estate the late Susan Hughes En quire of M Hughes or Furniture Cheap For Gash Aurora Special Rates 1 SINGLE FAKE will be given on the Schomberg Aurora Railway UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING going October and 2Gth A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at residence John Millard Phono and and good to return up to and on Oc tober Sec the Sham Battle and March Past lu Toronto on ThanksglvlngDay L WILSON Traffic Manager Girl Wanted For Dining Room Apply at Eagle Hotel MRS J Boy To learn the Printing Business Ono that has attended High School one or two years preferred at this office

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