Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Oct 1905, p. 7

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THE NEWMABKBT OCTOBER CHINA HALL Oct Friends Next Sabbath services as usual at am and pm Evening subject Bible versus Pew Rents have to amine the roofs and put them in the proper condition These matters should be attended toearly for if delayed winter will be upon us be fore we are ready Hookey Weetmg All supporters of hockey are again reminded that the annual meeting of the Newmarket Hockey Club takes the corporation ell place in Court Room at Proctors and broke his thigh Thigh Broken On Wednesday an old man named John who was working for the wagon He was re- Hotel at pm Friday night AH moved to the Hospital in supporters young and old are invito yesterday for treatment Sent J young woman arrested by number of Barrie Masons visited stable last week as she Tuscan Lodge Newmarket on Wed- was coming to Newmarket on the evening and exemplified the trolley was Miss Maria Moulds She Outdoor Flings Take the first chance you make repairs on the buildings Ex- working degree after which they was tried by Col Lloyd at Richmond were banQueted by the local brethren Hill on Tuesday and found guilty of followed by speeches and songs purloining clothing and jewelry from They left for home on the midnight the home where she was delighted with their visit a domestic Some of the missing articles were not found but many I things were in her possession and she was sent to the Mercer for three to call your attention to Bargains are offering while this ad appears only No f ONLY TOILET pieces every piece Full Size Printed 3 Colore Green Pale Pink and Apple Green Price 250 Probated Susan Hughes of Newmarket left an estate valued at to her George and Charles Hughes A codi cil was added to the will as follows My said will is confirmed in all other respects except the family clock mentioned and bequeathed to George Hughes which is now bequeathed to my son Charles Hughes or his heirs Col op Cuff Setc Veilings Fascinators Gloves and months other new fall goods in abundance at And other stylish millinery now Hughes at No 2 15 ONLY DINNER SETS pieces Printed Special Combin ation Colors Dark Blue and Deep Pink Price 600 Prizes Payable The Directors of the North York County Fair met on Saturday after noon and after adjusting some small difficulties ordered the Treasurer to pay the premiums awarded A large cumber of accounts were also Notwithstanding the efforts of the Board to keep down expenses to tal foots up larger year after year however it is expected that the Soci ety will come out at the end of the year with a sabstantlal balance on hand I Forester The Independent Order of Fores ters will hold another special meet ing this Friday evening at pm to initiate several applicants Mr J Davidson Organizer tor auditorium the Order is meeting with good suc cess in his work on behalf of the court A special meeting Court Signet will be held Fri day night until further notice S On Wednesday afternoon fourteen or more ladies of the Bradford Mission- aty Society in connection with the Methodist Church visited the Socie ty here the meeting of the church At the conclusion tea was served in the Lec ture Room by the Newjnarket ladies and a very social time was spent A number of the Bradford ladies re mained in Town till the midnight train in order to attend the Organ of- the excellent repast The after noon and evening was spent in social amusement the day being an ideal autumn one Everybody enjoyed themselves and upon leaving express ed the wish that long lite and many returns of their wedding anniversary may be the lot of their host and hostess iOQ PINE ORCHARD Mrs and Mrs Armitage of were visiting over Sun day at Mrs Browns A gang of men with a piledriver are busily engaged at bridging Hop pers Pond J Miss Edna Hill of Toronto spent a couple of days at home last week We are surprised that local were overlooked when the distribution of J P honors took place Our town is without a mag istrate the nearest one being locat- lock of Crape A straight Grocery stock and only the first eery every available space occupied by bright fresh quality goods gain access to this Gro- Davidson paid his semi annual visit to the school on very Requisite and provided the program lor in l was K in the it the Pickling and Preserving To have good Pickles and use only the finest quality Pure Spices WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST and St Lawrence SUGARS Close in Bags Radial Extension The Toronto York Radial Rail way Co has completed the grading on the extension from Newmarket to Jacksons Point via Orchard Beach and Roachs Point a distance of twentyfour and a half miles So League The opening meeting last Monday evening was not as largely attended by the young people of the church as but it was nevertheless an interesting meeting The pastor occupied the chair and gave an ad dress readings were also given by Miss Miss and Miss Regular meeting next Monday even ing Organ Recital There was a good attendance at the Organ Recital in the Methodist Church on Wednesday evening and Miss Coon proved herself to be a musician of exceptional merit Be sides rendering five choice ami varied selections on the pipe organ with Recital in the evening Industrial Home Some fourteen ladies belonging to the Newmarket visited the Home last Tuesday afternoon ami delighted the old people a literary and musical program Mrs took the chair and gave a good address Miss Edna con tributed vocal and instrumental se lections Readings were also given by Mrs Allan Cody and Mrs H Cane At the close of Hie program a quantity of candies were distribut ed and the inmates were as pleased as little children brickcladding the building When these improvements are made the schoolroom more comfortable and present a better appear ance Mr Nelson May was in on Monday Mrs Hunt is visiting her daughter in Toronto o Canned Meats varieties Essence Condensed Milk pickles Sauces Catsups Hams Rolls and BreskJast Bacon We have everything to make your camp table homelike Our Cooked Meats on ice are always fresh and dainty and we slice them correctly We have very choice grade of Sausage made by butcher small size perfectly delicious try them Our Tea Department becomes more popular each month are in advance of the previous one The quality shows up in the cup a prominent lb sales our A a far as we can learn the rails will not the piano and also accompanied be laid till early spring but it is the purpose of the Company to have the service in full operation on or before the 1st of May The Mimico line will be put in commission in about six weeks as it is expected the bridge will be finished in a little less than a month The Com- has a new rotary snow plow to operate its lines this winter in addi tion to the equipment of last year The Presbyterian Church sheds look well and arc completed in time great proficiency Miss Coon to get the full benefit when the rough two beautiful and difficult selections The Leading Reliable Telephone Local Option The Pioneer makes the following reference to local option campaigning in North and South Centering at is a group of municipalities in which temperance is very strong Some years ago carried a local option bylaw but the vote was de- weather comes on While making repairs at the the singers The solos Miss Church last Monday Mr of Toronto Miss Lilian Richardson had one of his thumb Fisher and Miss Edna torn completely ofl by a falling all splendid as well as the duett by window Miss Rowntree and Mr Walter Ste- Fair is about the only They gave a variation to one this Fall that suffered with un- that was appreciated by the favorable weather attentive audience Dancing School opens in Ncwmar- The pastor on behalf of Miss Coon ket next week for the season thanked the congregation for their Slight change in the trains presence and at the same time ex- Corrected time tabic in this issue pressed the hope that they might be I Constable arrested a favored at frequent intervals with trolley one day last week similar entertainments It was she was taken back to Richmond tainly a choice program The Best for Yeans The probabilities are that the Sun day School Convention to be held in the Methodist Church Newmar ket on the and DHh of next month will be the best under the Hill to answer the charge of theft Bean tU Haft BALDWIN BREEZES Continued from page I understand J A Bclha- has been engaged as teacher in Gum Swamp a good appointment need to give them practical ex positions of manners as well as book learning- Rumor says no wedding bells in Egypt land No cage Birdie has flown Love has grown cold Local Option is sadly needed in Egypt Those debaucheries still con tinue By and by their distorted imagination and overwrought nerves will see old black mans elves and el fins snaix etc The horrors are sure to follow Messrs Defoe and arc off for moose not neglecting to take some luscious apples to aid in in gratiating them in the good will of the noble red men There are some pretty Indian maidens up there too Golden aufumn comes again Just at present with the trees tinted in green crimson purple orange and gold we have a glimpse of paradise We will give a cordial welcome to Mr and Mrs John Oldham to our midst They arc well thought of by Baldwin folks in general Mas Wardel thinks it is about as much trouble and expense rebuilding an old house as to build a new one throughout So it is If the potato blight is as had thru- out the Province as in this section potatoes II be worth a guinea a bag next spring A Variety of Biscuits all Choice Prime Stilton Cheese Pure Clover Honey 3 lb Tin Pork and Beans 3 for 25c I lb Corn Starch Jelly Powder 10 flavors for English Halt Vinegar 60c gallon WESTONS Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES Tel DO YOU WANT Kindling food TRY OUR Dry Pine Slabs cord Mixed Wood cord Maple cord W RIMLESS They are attractive doubtless and becoming to many people not advisable for everybody though However makes no differ ence about the rims Its the lenses that do the good The lenses may be in gold gold filled silver or steel rims and the wearer equally in either We fit lenses to the eye the to the features and the price to the amount which you would like to pay ALL ADVISE FREE ATKINSON CO JEWELERS dared void on a legal technicality Auspices of the North York adjoining township of Whitchurch carried local option last year Now a plan is on foot to bring on voting in half a dozen contiguous municipal ities and the prospects are good There are a number of townships in North York in which local option is sure to succeed if the electors arc al lowed to vote upon it Last year the council of East re fused to submit a bylaw The coun cil of Whitchurch took a fairer course and a temperance victory was the result Now it is proposed that go to work If coun cils will refuse to be used the be a series of successes East and King should the certain to E Reliable Store KESWICK You want honest dealing that Ik my aim You get just you buy at the RIGHT PRICE beautiful Porcelain thrown to MISS of bah to charge of the Society The meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society took place in the Presbyter ian Church on Thursday evening of last week Rev A Campbell presided and Miss Nellie Forsyth act ed as organist The address was given by Rev H and was really a masterly effort It was too bad that more people were not present to hear it Complimentary remarks were made on the address by the chairman Revs and Cor nell and Mr Jackson a vote of thanks being carried unanimously The secretary reported the to- last year were 97284 amount were for warded for the Home and Foreign work The election of officers result- as follows President A Coombs A Davidson 2nd All resident tors Secretary L Lehman for some In addition to the services of Mr J A Jackson the Provincial Secretary and good local talent for the day sessions the Executive have been fortunate in securing Dr J J Mills of Toronto to give the address the first evening his subject being The With Century Sunday School On the second evening Rev of Toronto a former pastor in Newmarket will delight the audience with Reminiscences of My Trip Through the Holy Land The even ing subjects will not only interest Sunday School workers but be listen ed to with great pleasure by the gen eral public Programs will be issued this week and sent to all the schools in North York It is hoped that every school will be represented at the Conven tion Names of delegates must be sent to Jackson on or before Nov to secure billets Rose tal receipts and of this Public School Regular meeting last Tuesday even ing President Dr Scott Chair man Messrs Rruce Mc Kay Manning Minutes of last meeting read and approved Principals report for September shows on the roll with average attendance of NonResident fees Accounts passed A cleaning pipes J R D Slate Sale FRIDAY Oct J A will have a sale of stock and furniture on lot con North months credit on sums over 510 except for wood and fat hogs Sale at oclock Kavanagh WEDNESDAY Oct IS Mr 1 Leahy of lot Con East limbury will hold an unreserved auc tion sale of his horses cattle and implements at 12 oclock on the usual terms The farm will also be offered Smith Auct TUESDAY Oct Mr will have an extensive sale of stock arid farm implements on the centre part of Lot 3rd Con of East about a mile east of Sharon months credit on all sums over except for hay grain roots and fat cattle or per cent off for cash Sale at one oclock sharp W Kava TUESDAY Jet Mr Robert Cole East end lot Con J Scott will hold an extensive unreserved sale of horses highgrade cattle Imple ments and at oclock sharp Sums of HO and under cash over than credit un til Nov 1st or per cent off for cash J Kestcr Auct gt tt ft No Honor Roli for Sept Darker Proctor Walter Proctor Laurel Mc- Annie III Douglas Morning Jr III Edna Proctor Gertie Goodwin Olive Cousins Ruby Morn- ing Stanley Stuflles Stanley Morn- Harry Lincoln Lewis Harry Harris Ella Sr Proctor Delia DELIVER GOOD CLEAN COAL Willie Jennie Harris II Charlie Studies Mary Myrtle Drown Willie Laura Powell Sr I Albert Wilton Jr I Edna Average attendance THOMPSON Teacher v the LEAD TORONTO LETTER After somewhat lengthy consulta tion the Police Commissioners have refused a permit to Mr E to operate a bowling alley over the premises of Bros It is reported that detective For rest purposes retiring from the police force to enter the employ of the Street Railway Co to collect evi dence in cases where damage suits arc entered involving the company Despondent because his hand was to be amputated Thomas Hurst a pa tient hanged himself Tuesday in the gardeners lodge at the General Hos pital Lein LoU a young Chinaman who has been attracting a good deal of attention recently by jumping on and ofl street cars and attempting to embrace young women was arrested yesterday Policeman Smith Lou is thought to be insane and will be examined Steam was this week turned into the cylinders of the massive vertical triple cylinder pumping engine of the Allis type which John Son have constructed for the waterworks department at the main pumping sta tion ooo- market markets Oct White Wheat per bush 75 Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat 61 Rye per bush Barley per bush Oats per bush 28 0 30 per ton Shorts per ton 20 Hay per ton ORDERS From Carters Frank Smith Ab Jos Wesley or Direct from Office Phone 1 PEARSON PARK AVE BETTER THAN EVER Are the splendid advantages offered 16 every department of our school- Stray Sheep Came upon of Whitchurch on Oct shire Ram with two marked J W lot Con UK a in its cars also one Lamb the with long tail Owner is requested to prove property pay expenses and take them away WM REYNOLDS Aurora PO Han O a4 knows just how THE OPENING DAYS are Satur day Sept and Monday Oct All are Call and W COLE Pearson lumber Starr Moved by Mr seconded by Mr McKay that the Secretary be instructed to write to Mr Hut In answer to his letter and state that the Hoard has no power to admit his niece Lena to the school without minis the payment of per month Dunham Cedar Vale on Tuesday Resident fees also that the Principal the when guests to the be liihtrucled to collect from Silas number of fifty assembled to A very pleasant event took place at the home of Mr and Wtd Yea Han I the fifth anniversary of their wedding The Interior of Toronto Oct White Wheat per Spring Wheat per bush 0 Red Wheat per bush Oats per bush bush per bush Butter per Eggs per Tub or Crock Butter 0 0 J J rough ton Traviss the regular nonresident fees Depositary W Starr for his children Carried Committee D I Wismer j Moved by Mr seconded by The interior of home was beau- Webb Walter JIiastedo McKay that the Friday follow- decorated with evergreens jr J A Cody A Thanksgiving Day be recognized flags and flowers the chief feature Kane Rogers year as a holiday Carried being two arches surrounded by banks It was arranged by the Executive Moved by Mr McKay seconded by jot flowers the whole being specially that the four denominations In New- Mr Manning that the Principal be arranged for the occasion market Methodist Presbyterian authorized to engageMr to Mr Henry of Aurora sup- Christian and have music to the model students jlled music with his gramophone en- j Beef hind an exchange of pulpit on for the balance of the term at the tertainlng alike both young and old Sabbath morning Oct in the rate of per lesson Carried About oclock the guests were Chickens per jo interests of the work 0 0 rewarded 0 Girl For Dining Room Apply at Hotel MRS J Boy Wanted To learn the Printing Business One that has attended High School one or two years preferred Apply at this office I To Rent Farm acres lot W Con of Georgia One from church school post office etc and three miles from station WALTER PO STRAYED From lot 2nd Con East a Rod Yearling Heifer with white under body white feet and white on end of tall Information leading to recovery will be suitably Dressed Hogs per Beef fore On motion the Board adjourned called to the dining room to partake Turkeys CO10 LUNDY Huron St Newmarket House and Lot for Sale On Huron St West JULIUS ROGERS Newmarket OF TORONTO For quickly and thoroughly training young people to earn good in business positions With teachers best equipment uptodate courses modern methods and thorough sys tem we can guarantee excellent re sults Our new Catalogue is a dan dy Write for it ENTER ANY TIME W H SHAW Principal Yongo Toronto -FOR- HUNTER S To points in Tcmagnml on to points Mattawa to Port Arthur and Sault Ste Marie inclu sive via North Bay or via Co Good going October to Novem ber TO Lakes Midland Lake of Bays River Lakefleld All stations Argylo to Lindsay to Severn to North Bay Points on Northern Co Geor gian Bay and Mackinaw Division Good Going October 26th to Novem ber All tickets valid returning until December For tickets Illustrated literature and information call on J Agent OLD NEWSPAPERS For Sale at This lnico

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