Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1905, p. 7

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I i THE ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER- 1 1905 v CHINA HALL Do Mice The Great Canadian National Ex hibition at Toronto year Spe cially low rates via Grand Trunk Council met at Temperance Hill Kcttleby on Saturday Aug All members present The following accounts were order ed to be paid Joseph Billings months sal ary 33 John Cook road work 75 115 ept Our Spring and Summer consign ment of Dinner and Toilet Sets are pretty well to hand now we for quick sale Much Below Regnlar Prices One line we for regular price a perfect set of good quail- For we give you one of our regular Toilet Sets and for we give you a handsome set regular price is The Friends John gravel panada- Hall Yearly Meeting of Sharp road work Friends will bo held in the White J Alliens building Meeting House on St Sept crete bridge 3rd and AH are cordially in- Clarkson on road Vltcd account J McOinnis road work Boiler House road Morlcy Proctor repairs to Work at the new boiler house for bridge the Office Specialty has been going Fred and on fast Too engine running the mix- I er performs the work of or six and keeps the whole busy road Fourteen feet of concrete have been Gray lumber for foundation of the chimney road work and four more will complete the Williams building The foundations for ma- j bridge a walls are well un way Fred Graham loads gravel I on NTI Quick Wesley Proctor road work Borden road work On the 2nd of August Mr Armitage cedar for Greenwood took out a policy in the i culvert Standard Fire Insurance Co Mark- the represented by Mr Lehman sheep claim be paid being two on his barns on the estate of the thirds value of same Abraham Kerr late Allan Cody On the the barns were burned by being struck by I the Reeve lightning On the 24th a check was Councillor Armitage be a coin- received for the payment of the pot- to investigate the claim of icy it pays to insure against the Arthur for damages to gar- lor a 36 To unexpected The Artesian The new well is not panning out as well as had been hoped A depth of feet has been reached and shale Struck The flow at a point ft below the surface is the best one that has been struck and it was de cided to draw the pipe to there This was finished on Wednesday af- A SNAP IN PRUNES to clear them out quick Our regular quality 4 lbs for 25c Excelsior Coffee has stood the test for years with and has given perfect sa tisfaction Do You Use It Car Japan Tea is Good den the fol lowing persons be paid the sum op posite their respective names being entitled to same for the erection of wire fences along the highway the same having been inspected John Elliott rods 20 James Davis 19 rods That A Phillips be appointed in lieu of Andy Jloyd removed for a few minor accidents a the polling No breaking of a wheel etc and the well is complete Continued from last White Beans i peck small Beans any other variety one peck 20 Alsike Clover Seed bushel Timothy Seed bushel j Fall Rye one bushel 1st given by J Stark Banker Toronto Artistically Arranged Display of Grains and Grasses in the straw on a not lees that eight varieties open to farmers only Note Grain and seeds must be grown in the Counties of York- South Simcoe or Ontario Each variety of Wheat Barley and Oats must be accompanied by bunch of not less than six heads of the same grain as exhibited GLASS f- HOOTS AND FIELD CROPS Committee of ManagementMessrs Webb J A Cody and Geo Trivett 50 1 75 WESTONS Toronto Bread PETERS CHOCOLATES Hi Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize 1 Carman Potatoes J bushel in basket Empire State Potatoes bushel in basket 3 White Elephant Potatoes bushel In basket Rose of the North Potatoes bushel in basket 5 Burpee Potatoes bushel in basket 00 6 Potatoes any other variety bushel in a basket Long Orange Carrots 1st Newmarket 1 00 Short Red Carrots 6 1 White Belgian Carrots 1 00 Improved Short White Carrots 100 12 Sugar Beets 6 Globe Long Red purple Top Swede Turnips 6 1st Newmarket Ex pressHerald one year Turnips Mammoth Pumpkins 100 Yellow Pumpkins 2 00 Mammoth Plates for showing exhibits will be furnished by the Society Each ex hibit must be labelled with correct name of variety CLASS FRUIT 50 50 50 50 50 50 APPLES Section 1 Alexander 5 American Golden Russet American Pippin 5 Baldwin 5 Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize p 50 75 now PhilIipsWIIs That Edward Mar shall be and is hereby appointed valuator for polling 1 sion No in place ol Geo who refused to act The following bylaws received their The Leading Reliable Telephone Miss Wilson Will resume her classes in the the ory of music the second week in Sep- several readings and passed and will be pleased to an- Bylaw No to raise certain all correspondence regarding sums for special school purposes fees and tuition before that lime Bylaw No to raise the intending to enter for exam- mentioned sums at the University or Con- For Gen Co Purposes servatory of Music should begin at For Industrial Home the commencement of the term in or- For Court House Debenture that thorough work may he For Gen School Debenture 3000 Address correspondence For Township Debenture iTOO to Miss Wilson 108 Baldwin For Police Toronto 00 For Special Bylaw No appointing collect- Last Saturday the Conservatives of rates J Wells for south- held a picnic at in honor of and A for north- the for this riding Mr Lennox The Aurora hand was Bylaw No 167 to levy a certain in attendance and passed through rate in the Village of Kcttleby for town about pm They remained local improvements till Sunday returning via Jacksons I On motion of John Wells Council Point and the lake shore road Mr adjourned to meet at Geo A Phil- Lennox was made the recipient of a lips Hotel King City Sept complimentary address a handsome brief hag for himself and a beautiful satchel Mrs Lennox Mr Len nox thanked the people and Mr T Brunton spoke Pippin 5 Duchess of Oldenburg 5 King of County Maidens Blush 5 Mann Northern Spy 5 Rhode Island Greening 5 Russet 5 5 ZZ ZZ 75 St Lawrence 5 Conservative Picnic Twenty Ounce Pippin 5 75 Sweet 5 Wealthy Yellow Bell Flower 75 Any other variety named 5 75 21 Seedlings best 5 Collection best and largest 3 of each given by Bros Jewellers Toronto on Bronze Medal value 75 Gold and Goldfllled JEWELRY The most attractive novelties and all the Staple lines are here Rich Cut Glass We are adding many new and beautiful patterns Rich Cut at very moderate prices Fountain Pens Our New SelfFilling Pen is the latest ATKINSON CO JEWELERS Eclipse The astronomical world was all astir on Wednesday when a total eclipse of the sun occurred Astron omers from all over the world tra velled to Labrador Spain Tunis and Egypt the only places from which views of the total eclipse could be obtained At am the moon began to move between the sun and the earth At a in total dark ness reigned supreme at those places stars being visible It was at this lime the astronomers got busy mai ling sketches and photographs the sun flames which were visible outside the circle of absolute darkness From district very poor views of it could IO obtained owing to the clouds These cleared away am and but a small section of the moon intervened between the earth the sun at that time the Series Aug The return match between the Bradford and I Lacrosse was played here today and resulted in favor of the visiting club by Z goals to As Bradford won their home game by goals to I they are winners of the series by goals and will now up against in the final game for the intermediate champion ship The game today was fairly I clean Referee of had considerable difficulty however j In keeping the players in check The home players were the principal of fender eight the locals being sent to the fence to the visitors five No goals were scored In the first In the quarter McCartte the goal for minutes Bradford scored the next two In ten and one minute jrehpe lively No further scoring ShermanWilliams Paints vaB done during the remainder Paints I tried hard to even the fccore locals had altogether the Milter of the game particularly in the last half when the hall was kept on the Bradford defence fully threequarters of the time They however were unable to score mainly through wild W COLE KESWICK KEEPS THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT RIGHT PRICES Red Feather Tea Millinery Okinawa Free to Purchasers m Free Delivery Whitchurch Council Whitchurch Council mot at Wilcox Lake Aug Members all present from County Cork asking Council levy County From Curry Eyre ton of J fcbiiralng enwi for Injuries to illex to lo jniHd by Bafliorry growing Mils by Patrick Voting family while with diphtheria 1J8 repw Con 4 between Id no LP Ike it Ixt Ti5Jiuror wa to pay for ruful Dr bill waq for ration jmuVfl- for Hall to Council jrierfsllnti Councillor Thomson was Instruct to road ami Culver -Ih- nod Jfon The Councillor wto to mvt of Kelly and Fanny for rune aiihtalnod by thrown Lot Con nd the claim do fend action ma doom Council were appointed a iDHptTQt liny Railway on tlio Con and on Hid Con Clerk t Inform urry Eyre that Council not reoogoUe any In of wore the Clerk to the rate county WJ County Homo rate W5 County Court Debenture rate AM gonjral rate rate A to levy He for the Trustees of the fesotlonw to mood at Viin- Hall on tho dity of fieri 23 Crabapples large Crabapples small Best of Snow Apples special riven I by Merlins Photographer Toronto one doz Cabinet Photos value 5 Apples to become property of donor 5 Favorite ZZ 29 Fall any other variety 30 Winter any other variety 5 31 Collection of not less tban assorted or more than 3 of any one variety PLUMS AND GRAPES Plums Coes Golden Drop ZZ ZZ ZZ Green Gage Gage Lombard Glass Seedling Shippers Pride 12 Yellow Egg Japanese any variety 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 75 75 25 32 34 36 37 38 39 41 75 Plums Any Other Variety Collection best and 10 of each 1st to Grapes black bunches Grapes white 3 hunches 45 Grapes red hunches Grapes Collection best and largest hunch each CLASS VEGETABLES Committee of ManagementMessrs J Smith 75 50 50 50 50 50 and Judged Sept I I 1st Prize 75 Section Beets Half Long Long Wood 8 5 Turnip 3rd Prize Cabbage largest head any kind named with roots attached Cabbage Summer 3 heads- lwithrootTattachwl7 Cabbage Winter 3 heads with roots attached Cabbage Red hoods with roots attached Cabbage collection not less than heads named ill attached J Cauliflower 2 heads with roota attached Vegetable Marrow 75 Carrots stumprooted 3rd Prize Z- 7 Carrots Point Hooted 6 3rd Prize T Celery lied fit for table use 3 roots Celery white fit for table use 3 roots fi Celery Golden fit lor table use roots Corn Sweet cars Cucumbers table ZZ ZZ ZZ 77 25 I ft Cucumbers Pickling Citron Hound Egg Plant best 21 HerbsMarjoram Sage Savory and Thyme bunch of each dried Hops grown this year 23 Musk Melon Water Melon Large White Onions Red Onions Yellow excluded Onions White Pickling pint Onions Parsnips root Peppers large Red Pelpern Long Red Pumpkin Small for table use Peanuts plants with nuts attached best matured Radish Winter Salsify Vegetable Oyster Potatoes plants with best matured tubers attached 76 75 76 76 2nd Prize 50 60 60 Our Vinegars Absolutely Pure 60c gallon White Wine gallon Cider 30c Species Guaranteed The superiority of these two requisites for pickling season commend themselves to you If you use ours happy results await you 9 Our Teas the most popular and decidedly the best values in North York Our Japan Black and Mixed at 25c are strong favorites FECIAL 3lb Tins Pork and Beans Beaver lnrge with Fancy Tumbler 20c 1 lb Corn Starch 5c 2 Tins Rich Red Salmon for 25c Soap Chips pound 3 Tablets Pine Tar Soap At Our Provision Counter SMOKED HAMS ROLLS BREAKFAST BACON LONG CLEAR COOKED MEATS ON ICE SLICED TO SATISFY Tel 3 MYERS Cattle Poultry pice PRESERVING SUGAR 75 38 Squash any variety best Pop Corn Tomatoes largest single Tomato named Tomatoes largest named Tomatoes best shape for table use named Tomatoes best and largest named collection of each 1st one years subscription Newmarket Era Tobacco best three plants cut off close to ground Collection Garden Vegetables largest and best not less than kinds of each by J A Sim mers Seed Merchant TorontoGarden Seeds val ued at 2nd by Society GLASS GUT FLOWERS BOUQUETS DESIGNS ETC Committee of Management Messrs Martin A Herb Gardner and To make the competition in cut lowers more comprehensive as well as adding to the general appearance of the Department the So ciety has had made for them boxes of at uniform size 3 inches deep These boxes are intended to ho filled clean wet building sand and sand will be loaned to members by applying to the Secre tary from days before up to and including opening morning Concluded on Page Beware of Summer Germs Will Cause Sickness Unless Stomach is Strengthened One tablet of taken each meal during Die months whenever the stomach is out of order or the digestion will do more than any other Ural incut to prevent the diseases caused by germs at this season If the stomach Is weak so thai food docs not readily digest in it Ihc loud will become a sour slimy mass in the digestive the ideal condition for germs bowel trouble diarrhoea summer illness Mlona will soothe I mucous stomach and digestive tract stimu late the solar and to cause I the the whole nervous system I his re markable remedy will make the whole digestive system so healthy clean and sweet that food cannot ferment and any disease germs which may en ter the stomach will be destroyed Just one small tablet out of a 50- box of before eating and you will have no headaches backaches poor appetite distress af ter eating heartburn furred tongue sleeplessness or general debility It will tone up the digestive system and give perfect health and strength Take and J R Y ton will guarantee to refund money if It does cure The risk Is all his A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST W to IW0O0 Blood Poisons VHmt Kmnoy and Bladifai Bis All BlBOBBOQ to Women mU jojV lime and on cheap tt at coil by experimented which the claim to have it he but temporary ie to at la confidence Ve will treat cuclertluuilr honestly an 1 Ml relief Dob edit com time the cite le Oct New add hit the for confidence Will treat you coclenllouilr and add oa In the time the dis comfort add Shelby Street DETROIT raiCH

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