Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1905, p. 3

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1905 Weeks iioeal Items WHAT OH ABOUT Church Why not attend Friends Church next Sabbath Morning service am Subject Do things just bap- pen Evening service pm Last Thursday afternoon Mr horse became frightened at the car and kicked up- a rumpus dur ing which the window in Mr Pliz- shop was broken and a little girl in the rig badly frightened No other serious damage was done In the prize list of tbo North York Agricultural an error oc curs in the prize to be awarded for Collection of Fine Arts Class Sec IS prize for this sec tion is cash instead of a piano drape donated by H Aurora- Town schools open Tuesday Labor Day Monday Model Schools open Tuesday Little has decided the sidewalk on St is balder than his toe He stubbed it and the nail will come life around Hie Hubs OOP find to AURORA In the town park Aurora on afternoon the Snowball foot ball team succeeded in defeating the iisUing team the senior of the senior champions of Toronto by a score of as great Methodist Church Good congregations heard two very fair sermon on Sunday by the Classes Resumed pastor In the evening Mr Waller Will a scholarship post-grad- Stephens sang Abide with us very pupil of Mr A Vogt of To- well Conservatory of Music will Love Feast next Sunday at 10 a resume her class in piano in town in the lecture room Sacrament this year and will be pleased to meet will be administered her former pupils and interview ones at Mrs Wrights Queen am six Mr Frank Montgomery of Erie Pa who at one time resided at Kes wick has been visiting his Mrs at Bay View Villa for the last two weeks He favorite returned home last Monday Mr Sbeppards family turned Aid turned I J What a little soul is VlVa Cole Shes happy as the day is long Like a little love bird Her merry voice is beard Warbling and trilling her sweet song Shes spending a few days with her uncle Geo Yates with whom also with The Owl she is Sat- favorite John Alexander is very bad with an attack of inflammation proceeding from a rupture of the diaphragm The Hicks Almanac is recording or forecasting this weather just perzacl- as it happens Every man of in telligence should make it a point to secure one for next year It would be a paying investment Wouldnt it Mr Lra man A great handshake of friendship for The Owl from Elder Sol Prosser whom we met with old Gran- his driver en route for Castle- ton their home Tell all the re- folks you met Elder Solomon looking been on a bury friends a pedal rc Solo SI week hale and hearty Hed visit with North A to the city this week I at the new of the morning service Mrs Wrights Queen St Sunday School is at East Thursday September the next Sabbath between the hours of three pm 19yearold son of- of Special Service Leaving Toronto pm and Mr Howards family intend re turning to the city next week Mr Murphys to Washington J somewhat later Mr Geo left for Manitoba harvest last Monday Mr John and might start Ken Tornlinson the Dr with my neighbor rub off quite a string of men who are very rood in assisting their wives to do milking churning etc No matter how big a days work theyve done they dont forget this necessary duty As most of our farmer yards Mill Ends Saxony Flannelette regular for yard Sheppard Check Gingham Shirt ing 5c yard Ladles Night Robes Flannelette Night Robes at Ladies Wrappers Made of English Dimity in Black and White only regular for u Will be in Full Swing Everything New and makes and the best values you ever saw The best Sept Law each of Keswick are butter This ache THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER visitors this week I Miss is visiting at Mr saves them a lot of back- Joseph Pollocks I very sorry to hear Mr Ja was drowned while losing at Isabel- the town team was Hazards boy Master Ross to la Island for Cane Sons first his leg lanced and is in a on Monday morning The body lhe Tire Com- state owing to blood was recovered in about an hour pany o Toronto who are tied Saturday while some trunks Coroner McLean issued a certificate first p and hampers filled with clothing were of death from accidental causes The the A Clark Co being conveyed across the Bay to be body was taken to on the werc here a week sent to the city by train an accident steamer City of Toronto on Tuesday the first two the visitors happened by which a young got away with four runs batting trunk filled with her wearing apparel Howard almost at will all over the packed expressly for the city slipped lot Newmarkets fielding was very off the boat into the water While fair though some costly errors were the three men who were in the boat indulged in put out the Tire- wire trying to get the trunk in again works in the by catching a hot the boat filled with water and away one otherwise good for a home run went men trunks and hampers to Newmarket could not get going till the bottom of the Bay However the fourth and did all their scoring in the next four some with the aid of the umpire an importation from Fall Term opens Sept mo rning for burial Reckless Driving On Tuesday afternoon two young fellows who were driving an automo bile passed through town they were so drunk that they could not keep the car going straight but took in all the road at once On Eagle St they almost ran up on the sidewalk by the Presbyterian Church and then across the road into the bridge in front of Mr Oilmans house breaking it to atoms On Wednesday afternoon at the home of the brides parents Isabel Thompson eldest daughter of Mr John Thompson of Ontario St Toronto and Mr William Corn- forth B were married by the Rev John of Kemptvillc The bride was dressed in cream silk and her bridesmaid was Miss Jean MacKinnon of Tiverton Mr Thos of Newmarket was best man Mr and Mrs Comfort go to Cleve land and Indianapolis on their wed ding trip Mr was drug gist for a time in The Roche Co- drug department- Mt Albert The score 1234 Howard alls well that ends well The men recovered the goods by means of help and then returned with the young ladys trunk They say the men presented a sad appearaiue hut not so tragical as the expression of the young ladys face when her trunk was opened o oo KETTLEBY Newmarket Umpire Draper Batteries Wilson The junior team that came up miss- the car they should have taken awl had to play the second game of Mr Jas Seymour ol Rochester doubleheader at pm They rived at his parents home here on had a belter team than the Monday last and will remain till and trimmed the locals in fine style Friday with bis family who the tune of him some Id days On Tuesday the town team went to Miss Mabel Elliot takes Mount Albert arid were defeated by Cayuga on Friday to the a score of Mount Albert will marriage of a lady friend Miss I fag- play a return game here gart Thimeen may be all superstition but there are a few in town who think On Tuesday the Mrs has made a great improvement premises by grading the grounds and painting the house Tourists returning campers and harvesters excursion- on Lie keeps the line busy through hen J A W Allans store has been painted j Miss Mabel and Ida Kendal of To ronto are visiting friends in His vi cinity Miss Vera of Toronto is the guest of Miss Mabel Elliott The Misses Page Maple the Rev this MM It was a great bit of enterprise for the Era to secure the right to pub lish Miss sketches of prominent personages They are cleverly and interestingly written Don miss one of them Three clever little names arc Ivan Aylmer Foster and Bruce Riddel And Ill have to brag them up a little as their mammas are quite proud of them and if they got started blowing they might overdo the matter These are three of our bestbehaved boys and clever scholars Ivan ten years of age this Sept com ing lately passed into fourth class He trudges over miles daily to school and to find a better boy to work might puzzle you Ask his pa or ma The telephone service along our street is being thoroughly overhauled and Improved The single strand the Owls clothesline as it used to be called by Joe is being replac- IT by four copper wires This will S allow of a considerably larger amount of halloing and doubtless when the phoncrs get irritated of a corresponding amount of the reverse of Hello Geo Yates is laid ofi work owing to overexertion injuring the mus cles and nerve of his back A long rest will it is hoped restore him The Era mans impressions of the old sod and side trips in Scotland is being eagerly scanned by our people especially Scotchmen as it recalls many nevertobeforgotten historic scenes Squire almost devours the My esteemed friends ami Turner spent One of the largest and best commercial schools in Canada All of our graduates get posi tions Write for handsome catr alogue J ELLIOTT Principal Corner Alexander a former resident of this place hut lately of North Bay second son of Mr James Ross which took place on Monday last Deceased who was sick only a few days was just in his twentyfifth year and was a victim of that fatal malady appendi citis His remains were brought to his fathers residence here where a large number of friends attended the funeral on Wednesday interment at Rev chad and Rev J Back of Maple officiated at house and grave Deceased was highly respected and a favorite with all who had the pleas ure of his acquaintance U Wl Get hard wear and should be carefully made of good materials if you would have them look well OUR U I S 0 Look well because materials and satisfy are very attractive find it pays to use the very best of our Customers Our prices never- WILLIS NEXT DOOR TO ATKINSON STREET t have almost completed harvest and threshing is the order of the day Mr Ceo Watson is at present laid off work accidentally falling in the barn and breaking ribs Rev of will preach preparatory services on Friday in Presbyterian Church a day Communion will be held on Sabbath Mrs at eleven oclock Very Provoking Mrs Donald Kill- bridge is at present being del bad her flock of young turkeys repaired the Council having decided j with relatives here last week Baseball team went to Mount guests at Albert in big bus the week one that figured in the upset a cou ple of years ago There were in lJlf lew nights ago The crime is laid the present wooden structure the bus and they were put in room Mrs Marshal of has Brer Foxs door Mrs Neil of Street J at the hotel They were beaten been visiting old friends around town Peter is Sunday under the parental by a score of and going home the past week quUe nowconfined to his bed roof Miss Belt of is rusticating M6 fa Mr Jas Burling and going home were badly upset over it Thc storm Mr Eugene Holt superinduced by caught them about a mile from Sha- by his brother of Dec toil cause Peter has raised ten crops Obverse and reverse of bronze medal donated by Ryrie Bros To ronto for best collection of apples at North York Fall Fair trou- and it was so dark that a per- calling on relatives in this son couldnt see his next neighbor the past week- Mr Michael Kennedy has given bis Hashes lightning regret that medical aid house a new coat paint they were over it was not yet been secured to Exhibition traffic is telling on the CTer frequently a the illness attending Mr Major of rye in succession on one field the last Ibis years being as good if not the best of all Flour per barrel minutes late is now cat au now to wWdl tut where thty were About mile east months Mr Stephenson Sidewalk on Main St from the Wtir the sympathy his friends top of the hill north is being torn up ivesti and no had Mr fruit- lc call Ys rt V he j ii smashing the top and side and carload of Duchess apples that Kra tf The pole on the car last lC the debris shipped from North York were the Mr Fred having just Nobodys business it taking a putting stack cover on an oat present as if day evening while the car was going on switch up to the Ma- lw furiously hurt raKing a putting cover on an at present as if couple of hours to bring the latter let his fork slide down who forcibly abducted to A few rode to Sharon hotel side of the stack and it remained had bitten off more ter the bus was righted and the rest aKa the stack tines upward Mr wi through mud and afterwards slid down that might cost them a thousand Miss Florence Rolling of Toronto is visiting in our burg A large number from here attended the sports at on Civic hol iday Rev p Campbell Maple occupied An animated question box in the pulpit in Methodist Church in KprinK Wheat per bush person of a telephone lineman came the absence of the pastor Rev along last week A turn of the ton Hill Rye per bush crank and Arc you the fellow they Miss Myrtle McCallum returned Barley per bush s Another turn home after visiting friends in Maple eh does the Recent visitors Miss Wood of for your news at Mr Tcasdales Miss Z 10 in my politest style- Cameron Maple at Mr J per 0 Tofonto markets of lands Mr and Mrs Lemon ton Butter roll per The will open at am on Some hoards were secured here and a fc lighting upon fork in such Tuesday Sept AH who pur- temporary seat rigged up After a manner as to run a tine through attending are requested to be was up the drive was con- shoulder and as a result be on hand on the opening day Classes to Newmarket where they carrying his arm lit a sling It will be organized for all branches of arrived in a pretty bad shape j hoped that wound may not High School work excepting Senior with mud and soaking wet prove serious about oclock Mr Carey Bliss Cairo Michigan visiting friends in this section Market Leaving The Commercial course which has been fco popular will be continued with as much vigor as ever The of this course which was organized about four years ago are no plainly visible Several of our Cattle trade at Toronto this week graduates are filling important poii- firmer Hogs arc down but Iambs in offices already In fact a advance person holding a High School Com- cattle to Diploma is Utter qualified food butchering cattle for life than the ordinary graduate of the College Milch cows to Dry cows to is Messrs John Black and leased for a term of years farm We suppose our local member be going around Hinging Its nice to be a daddy Oh dont you wish me to nice to be father a bouncing baby boy Calves to Wft per ewes bucks to 50 to Parents who wish their children pre pared for life cannot do than them to Newmar ket High School The Hoard have spring lambs decided that St is inadvisable to take each up Senior Leaving work unless Select hogs lights and fats Is to four No school with three masters la doing Senior The horse market looks good for leaving work and the advanced Com- the fall trade Heavy horses are merdaf work as well The Hoard good demand fine therefore would prefer to sacrifice real note Three clever lifelong and cherished friends of the Owl J J Dickson and j Pollock To these the Owl greeting and Last week by invitation of Dr Dr Noble ami Mr Walker Sutton has Sin gle Geo Smith Raven- shoe J Kestcr Zephyr met there and enjoyed an afternoons pleasure with the rifle Our Charlie isnt ashamed of his score on the program Dr Noble did a neat turn too but what about J Kh I cant blow for him this at Mr at Mr Campbells Mrs Lemon of Toronto potatoes per hag at the Manse Miss Sadie Graham per pair at Mr Robt Wiles Popular I Belfry Aug White Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush Red Wheat per hush Oats per hush 0 Rye per bush 43 15 Barley per bush 0 Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per cwt fore Beef hind trs Hay per ton 8 Chickens per lb Turkeys Aug i iiu- fill no no 20 Send the Era to friends a wellknown Man farmer was trampled to death by his horses 80 80 0 52 0 0 00 CO 0 0 14 John the British labor leader Is In Canada to investigate Immigration possibilities will joy BREEZES time of them arc on my Hat of frlcndH No end news but Ill have to knock off for this time THE OWL STRANGE Mr Thomas Ross an old resident the Senior Work rather than j the Commercial work former affects the Interests of My or at most whereas Hie would affect three men that num ber notional exhibition Will to held in Toronto to Sep See or special rates Smart Old Folks Squire Charles and Morton far Into their eighties are taking long tramps these days in some cases five and six miles whilst grandma Tornlinson is very active for one of prices being her years has lately been buoyed this place passed away at up by the prospect of a visit from residence of his son Mr J Ross bis brotherinlaw Mr Meadows and after a lingering 111- CURHD OK LAMM HACK niece both of hut the ago of sixtyeight years OP on Saturday evening he received loaves three sons and one hid been troubled with lame sad Intelligence that whilst making and one granddaughter arrangements for her Canadian trip funeral which wan largely attended his ntecc bad suddenly died She took place on Tuesday to Aurora left Mr a legacy Cemetery four brothers and two Miss Fountain had a city of deceased acting as as guest last It for sale Mltn Maggie Is spending a it Is with sorrow that wo have to SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE THE COUPONS Coupons arc thc same cash because they can be exchange for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing Ask your grocer for paiticulars us for Premium List A gift is of littfc value if it consists of something you have no use for In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need every and flXO for fifteen years and I found a recovery In the of Chamberlains Pain Halm says I John This August liniment is also without an for cousin Grand Trunk ad- sprains and bruises by Lloyd fortnight with city friends report the death of Mr Ross I LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO CANADA HIl J To Cure a 1st One ay Cart Grip Laxative Quinine Tablet MIfflon told In This signature tj I -v-xsri- MUK ifc

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