f The BRA gives more home ews every week than any two other papers in North combined is acknowledged to County Paper fc- J t J J yyu i A vj INTELLIGENCEE AND AD York unless paid in advance No Blaglo Copies So each- Newmarket Ont Friday May TERMS per annum if paid in advance Oof Toronto telle to paint your use will do the job for the least money and at the same time give greatest satisfaction and longest wear The Paint gives these results every time Its a pure leads zinc and linseed oil paint Its mixed thor oughly and ground very fine by powerful machinery It covers most surface to gallon and wears for the longest time ii- Its a paint you can depend on Use it and youll be satisfied if COLOR FOR ALL OF GOOD PAINTING AT SHELF AND HEAVY HAR Furnace Work Plumbing and General thing NEWMARKET PHONE 28 PI AND IS BETTER POSSIBLE THAN EVER BEFORE AGENTS FOR Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express Baggage for Trains Handled with Despatch TIMOTHY TURNIP CLOVER CARROT SEED ALSIKE MANGOLDS CEMENT Daniel Small was fined and costs last Friday for selling liquor after hours Martin Mason another liquor storekeeper was fined for selling liquor to a person under years of age Louis Cane will have his post office address at the Kingston penitentiary or the next three years for having forged a check defrauding J J Mc Caffrey Mr Edward Pearson York Township and well known died on Friday as the result ol a runaway accident Deceased was years of age and leaves a widow three sons and one daughter The Orange Sentinel official organ of the Orange Order has been pur chased from the I Clarke estate by Mr Hoi ken of the News He will assume the management on the 1st The receipts of the Street Rail way for last month were and of this the city received as its share This is an increase of marly oyer last year when the citys percentage was only The charges of mismanagement of the city lumber yards against Street Commissioner Jones were Investigat ed by the Hoard of Control and found to be baseless Nearly all the amendments to the Municipal Act desired by Toronto were approved by the Municipal Com mittee Paid scrutineers at munici pal elections will not be allowed to vote and the cumulative vote for the Board of Control is no more Orders for plans have been given for the new church building on Ave for Knox congregation The new edifice will be constructed of stone with a seating capacity of There will be no galleries The City Fathers have decided not to allow a merrygoround at River- dale Park this summer Visitors may still get that feeling how ever by watching the bear dance When Karl Grey reaches this city he will no doubt continue to hear the race cry at the Woodbine Thieves broke into St Josephs church forced open the poor box and it some time during the week The theft was discovered on Sunday The amount the thieves got is not known A street car accident that may re sult fatally happened on Saturday night As a result Worth is in the Western Hos pital suffering from a skull Worth fell from his bicycle against the car The Officers of the Royal Grena diers celebrated the Battle of by holding a dinner at the Ar mouries on Saturday night John Buckle a street car conduct or fell off his ear at the King St subway receiving injuries to his head He was to the Hospital There are now ten cases in the smallpox hospital and all according to Dr arc traceable to the case of the young man who came to the city from Downey near Strat ford A young man now In the smallpox hospital was to have led a blushing bride to the altar last Wednesday a had disappointment to the contract ing parties On Monday last a workman engag ed in building the new shop near the let a piece of lumber ac cidentally slip from his grasp It struck one of the heavy feed wires leading from the powerhouse to the trolley street car The wire came down and struck a rail making a ground circuit horse power at a pressure of amperes The sudden snap of this Immense current through the generators Boon For Q A As Seen by a Canadian Mr Brock ho Oldeib In United States Mr Is Brock of McLennan county Tax has attained the great ago of years having been born In 1788 Hots an ardent friend to and speaka of It In following terms Dr remedy I Written specially for the Era I ing at almost every memorable visit when lie found the power to prohibit certain classes of the slightest signal in ft is a small from travelling on such high- go boa been my tor many years and I attribute my good health and my extreme age to It exactly meets all my have como to rely It almost It was eight oclock Wednesday with gold In the Royal Chamber morning when we reached Moscow there were two pillars that were in- had very little trouble finding our laid with gold and cost to the Hotel Moscow One hies has little difficulty in getting around Away up on the top flat was the the large cities of Russia A lalwom that Napoleon occupied on his is wait corner and at the driver is on the box You tell I kept as he him in English where you want to left it The furnishings arc worn and he will answer in Russian but the bedcoverings are in threads He doesnt know aThe room is so small and plain that word you have said and you dont feels like doubting that it was have found to be j Know what he has said but he cracks ever occupied by the great Napoleon reliable remedy for coughs colde ca- his whip and away you 50 About He must have been seeking a and diarrhea I the time you think you ought to be retreat whence took possession of at your destination he pulls up in or he would be less likely to be front a big hotel jumps oft and molested in that room than in any goes inside in a minute he re- other in the Palace However we turns with the porter who politely assured that it was the very asks you in excellent English Where room and had not been changed is it you want to go sir place of interest was the tell him and away you go As you tower of Ivan which is to the the streets will be Palace It was from this tower surprised to see pedestrians stop in that Ivan the Terrible watched the front of every Greek church the slaughter of his enemies at the foot church cross themselves and it was also at the foot of bow Your driver too will slow up this tower that the Grand Duke oft his hat cross himself and fi assassinated last winter drive on There arc stairs to the tower One thing always to he remembered ta in Russia is to keep your passpbr Till a Russian town and to a hotel the first thing they do is to take your name where from where going and your profession This is sent once to the police who arc thus notified of your presence You will have to get your passport vised twice in Moscow or an if you want to stop over The first will allow you to stop over in the city an The of and kopecks SI it yo dont get this done you will be sent I back from the border and held till is of si one walls floors and you get it done If you stay six On every flat there is a months in Russia you will have to the top fiat there get a Russian passport from the Gov- of the province you arc in ami bs A reek chapel The bill of Mr Lennox to amend the Act to regulate the Speed and Operation of Motor Vehicles on Highways is at hand Clause amends sec the original Act by requiring auto vehicles shall have placed on each side In a conspicuous place and in figures at least eight inches long and also upon the lamps on each side of said vehicle to lighted alter dark in figures at least eight inches long the number said motor vehicle so as to plainly visible Sections 6 and of the present Act are repealed The next clause gives power to Coun ty Councils by bylaw to regulate speed of motor vehicles on highways outside of towns and cities also be especially valuable to old people Brock Catarrh is the greatest enemy of old age A person entirely free from catarrh la sure to llvo to a hale and old- age A free book on catarrh sent Thai Medicine Co Columbus eoo Some Girtls A number of requests have been received for a list of names for girl babies The following are among those most liked Amy Angela Ada Agatha Alice Audrey Aline Alda Anna Amelia Adelc Agnes Bertha Beryl Beatrice Blanche Bessie Clare Cora Cecilia Christina Ci cely Charlotte Caroline Cynthia Daisy Dorothy Deborah Edith Evelyn Emily Eileen Esther Florence Frances Faith Gladys Greta Gertrude Gwendolen Grace Hilda Honor Helen Henrietta Hester Isabel Ivy Inez Irene Jessie Josephine Janet Joan Ju dith Joy Jean Kathleen Katharine Laura Louise Lily Lois Lctttia Lucy Leonora Lilian Margaret Mary Martha Mercy Mildred Muriel Mabel Maud Naomi Nina Nell Nora Olive Olivia Prudence Patricia Phyllis Phoebe Ruth Ruby Roberta Rachel Re becca Rita Susan Babys Battles Battles is the title of a valuable little hook on the care of Infanta and young children pub lished by the Dr Medicine Co which will be sent post free to any mother who asks for It It tells you also some thing about Babys Own Tablets a medicine that cures all the minor ail ments of Infants and young children a medicine praised by every mother who has used ft Mrs Richard Smiley Leonard says We on your person that if is possible to get of any city in the world Right in front of you is the canal while be yond it and all around you lies the city It is a city of churches and wherever you look you can see the domes towers and minarets of the national church It is a magnificent city sleht sun- r fir beams striking them light them up like gold When travelling toward this will be attached to your British second flat opposite the passport A Russian cant go from onc province to another without a and received us very kirn passport We were told by an American that it necessary to get our passport vised it was only a scheme to take money from We thought we would avoid this extra extortion and It got us into a nice peck of trouble at Warsaw of which we may have more to say lat er on It was a raw October day cloudy and rainy overhead and muddy and wet under foot when we started out to see the sights of Moscow Our guide was an excellent one and knew city perfectly It con trasted pleasantly with our experj- TJie chapel is small but well finish ed it has been royal chapel at some time In one corner near the altar there was an image of Christ hanging on a cross The crown of thorns and the blood stains were still on his brow while around bis neck hung a wreath of faded flowers It was so real and lifelike that you felt as if you were in the presence of the Christ him self Within a stones throw of the tow er stands the great bell that fell with the of the tower It has a hole in the side an inverts in another city where our guide through which you could easily got lost and we had to And our way back alone After viewing the usual sights a city took our way to Krem lin Just Inside the gates we came to a number of rows of cannon balls Each row of balls bad a length of at least IOC feet a base of feet and -oo- tapering to a point at a height of I feet Over each row there was The first time a young man falls brass tablet with the following in- in love he wonders what struck him drive a horse and you could stable three of four of them inside of the bell It is the largest bell in the world and weighs lbs The population of Moscow is about a million and a half J blowing out the circuit breakers and a very sick baby In our house AND IceCream Soda lay wan only about but Pi anrt Limn o I NATIONAL PORTLAND LIME Best Hard to the public and will them with ICE CREAM and ICE CREAM AL80 them from serious injury but went to the engines and electrocuted one bending a trip valve and blow ing out everything in the power house Every car on the respective lines were brought to a standstill As the accident occurred a little be fore am the stalled Ion their way to business engage ments had a terrible time The dc- we got Babys Own Tablets They were the first thin- that did her any good and I think were the mcahs of saving our little life I praise them to all mothers All medicine dealers sell these Tablets or you can get them at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ecrlpllon Taken from by the brave Russian soldiers in Wo suggested to our guide that they just change it to read Left by Napoleon In when the brave Russian soldiers ran away Boys ought to bo whipped each time they smoke cigarettes Ralph Littler Kicker didnt doctor build you up Doctor Yes but he seems to think he built a bank Harpers It Is hardly probable that they follow the suggestion A little far- 1 TRAY it seemed to some almost the passengers HUT V AT J Huron SERVED WITH OR E A take great care with our Cream to make it will our cm torn ere SIMPSON The latest Idea In timepiece con struction is on exhibition In a jewel lers window in Union Square Lon don It Is a Parisian product The ease is of and the model of a dog The dial of the clock Is set In the side of the canine figure The swing of the tail corresponds to the movement of tho pendulum and in animals open mouth a palpltat No tongue is in constant Honey Insomnia The use of honey for Inducing and quieting- tho nerves a vow thing Wurth tells in Die that one night when unable to sleep ho rose from hie bed and horped him self to some biscuit and honey The effect was gratifying Since then ho has taken two or three of extracted honey at a dose frequent ly at when restless and has always experienced the people ought Jo make a note of this American on we came to camion plac ed In rows over them the same tablet and inscription Taken from Napoleon etc There Is not a place In more replete with historic Interest than the old Royal Palace in Mos cow This was the place ol all places in Moscow to us One of the palace guides conducted us through all the building The rooms were all different and yet finished In tho same elegant style The throne room Is a large room on the second floor and at the front of the palace It Is oblong In shape with throne at one end of It The guide A womans clothes are ninetenths of the joy she has in life and ninety- nine of the sorrows of the man who pays tor them WHY PROM RHEUMATISM Why suffer from rheumatism when one application of Chamberlains Pain Balm will relievo tho pain Tho quick relict which this liniment af fords makes rest and sleep possible and that is many times its cost Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised told us that the paper on the walls to find that after a whllo relief cost rubles a square yard became permanent Mrs V Tho floor was Inlaid with every vari ety of wood known and was gather ed from all over the world It cost rubles a square yard The gctt of Yum Yum Tennessee A writes I am a great sufferer from rheumatism all over from head to foot and Chamberlains Pain Balm steps to the throne were Inlaid with I la only thing that will relievo liver while the throne was Inlaid pain For by W Lloyd ways of the County as may he speci fied Sec gives like powers to cities and towns to regulate and govern persons using motor vehicles Mr has a bill before the House to amend the Assessment Act Its purpose is to define the maximum of assessment of private telephone companies The Hod Minister of Agriculture has a bill to amend the Public Li brary Act It consists of one as follows No person shall be ap pointed on a Library Board who is not a British subject Mr Sutherland has likewise intro duced a bill to amend the Act to regulate the speed and operation of motor vehicles on highways Section one provides that the owner or oper ator ol a motor when meeting a ve hicle drawn by a horse or horses or any horse upon which a person is riding he shall stop his motor feet from the rider or driver and not proceed until receiving a signal from such driver or rider to proceed Also the shall give as sistance if necessary c Clause enacts that any person operating a motor shall be liable in any civil ac tion for all damages unless the de fendant can that the dam ages were incurred by reason of neg ligence or want of care of the person claiming damages Mr Downey has this amendment to the Municipal Act Every public road street bridge and highway shall be kept in repair by the cor poration and in default of the cor poration so to keep in repair tho corporation shall be liable to any punishment provided by law This lets councillors out and makes tho general public pay for neglect of council Mr Lennox has a bill before House to amend the Municipal Act relating to tecs payable by hawkers and pedlars The maximum license ho proposes for counties is as fol lows for a twohorse wagon for a onehorse wagon for a pushcart or carrying a pack or bas ket Mr Peter Ryan is summoned to appear before the Public Accounts Committee to tell why he got such large fees for being auctioneer at timber sales Dr Willoughby wants to make it compulsory upon every city and town to provide a court room for holding inquests Mr Thompson has a bill to extend the timo of return of assessment rolls this year till the of May This will meet the exigencies arising from delay under the new Act Premier Whitney lias presented a bill to amend the Surrogate Courts Act Its provisions with regard to appeals from Divisional Courts on certain points named important Also with regard to security of ad ministration so as to ensure rights of Infants The Premier also has a bill relat ing the Executive Council Ho proposes to change the designation of Commissioner of Crown Lands to that of Minister of Lands and Mines Likewise to change the Com of Public Works to Minis ter of Public Works Another bill promised by the Gov ernment was introduced on Thursday by the Premier to abolish the num bered ballot at elections to the Leg islature Dr has presented a bill which declares that the dividends derived by shareholders from shares in a telephone of telegraph company shall be Assessable This same bill contains a clause declaring that Court of Revision and the County Judge Board of County Judges or a Judge or the Judges of the Court of Appeal have and always have had under preceding sections of the As sessment Act jurisdiction to deter mine not only the amount of any as sessment but also all questions as to whether any persons Or things aro or were assessable or exempted from assessment under the of this Act ui