V Era more Homo news every week than any two other papers to te Leading County Paper YORK INTELLx ma tta to to to conscience all other liberty AND ADVERTISER No paper scut outside North York unless paid in advaoco a LI V No Single Copies each Newmarket Ont Friday April TERMS per annum if paid in advance The Paint the People Want Satisfaction in every can of 1 SUCCESS WITH PA INT From Chemulpo to Moscow to travel miles of Harbin or miles from Tie pass before they get into a hilly country again To continued pleasures of this life only Interesting Description of a Trip Across Russia BY AN OF NEWMARKET HIGH SCHOOL R Guarantee to Mothers There is only one medicine intended for use ai No Peace Without Price J With Russia It Was a War of- Caprice and Material Losses Must Be Made Good 48 Colors for Inside and Outside Painting Get Color Card at NEWMARKET Plumbing Furnace Work I WAS on a clear hot morning trains have only first-class- and sec- Thursday Oct 8th that class coaches are electriclighted we stood on the dock at Che- and have a splendid diningcar ser- looking for the ship that vice All the other trains are was to bear us on the first stage lighted with candles have no dining of journey homeward It car and have first second third and was low tide and the inner harbor fourthclass coaches The which our ship had steamed so class is about equal to one our proudly at our tending was freight Cars for accommodation but better than a mud flat with barely is not as comfortable to ride in AH enough water in the channel to float the first and secondclass coaches an a sampan The tide in this port- compartment cars and the asjn many other eastern ports has is that in the firstclass rise and fall of thirty feet each there are only two berths time We took a sampan and pro- while in the second class there are to shade ourselves as much as four two upper and two while the Korean boatman compartment is five and a slowly rowed his boat out to the wide by seven feet long and ten outer harbor where we found our feet high They never put more at anchor It was the to a compartment that it will Amur a Russian boat since captured commodate for the night you arc by the Japanese never crowded through the day and We were to sail at one oclock noon you can sit up or lie down as your but the Russian mail was not brought fancy dictates and no one will board till five oclock in the oven- you However you will in all ing and no Russian boat leaves with- probability be wakened three or four the Russian mail and prcmission times through the night to show from the Russian Minister your ticket The fare from Chemulpo to Port The track is a wide gauge being Arthur is roubles and GO kopecks four incites wider than any we have gold The staterooms were in America The rails are the very very comfortable but overcrowded best heavy German steel Tho tics the cuisine was good but the service arc lighter than ours and twice as was very poor indeed far apart consequently the roadbed It is a thirtysix hour sail to Port is not as good Arthur and we dropped anchor in You can only buy a ticket as far roadstead at five oclock as Manchuria a town on the morning However we were not Siberian border Firstclass allowed to land till ten oclock Sun- fare from Dalny to Manchuria on bur day morning We did not object to train was and secondclass llm that it former Japanese minster of the w SSSttaite in aod medicine is article for The Out look small and low and not what one travelled by the Russians before they we reject His- of rescue from would expect when reading or the reach a place where they can hope to tho wrath to come or if forgetting supposed Russian fortifications make a reasonable stand They will Him We fatuously live but for the At an unimportant town as we were strolling on the station plat form we thought we would take a couple of snapshots with the camera The shots were no sooner taken than an officer and soldier were on the spot and we had to band over the films After that we photographed from the car window AH Tuesday afternoon and night we were passing through a fertile plain but at ten oclock Wednesday morning we again came into a country From this on we winding through valleys and around low hills at one oclock we pull ed into the station at Harbin Harbin is a remarkable city in many respects It has sprung upas if by magic within the last seven years It is the banks of isqtvdistant from and tac Russian border It is here line from connects line from Vladivostok to The railway does not pass through the town but by it and there is troubles simple mile and a half of very sandy dusty constipation road to drive over before you get in- worms They make little to the city proper or the business sl naturally because they re section Band and dust were flying the cause of sleeplessness They in clouds and we were glad to get others and no the streets The population is a young children mixture of all nationalities should be without a box of No change was made in the train at Sold by all medicine this point and very few passengers Scalers or by mail at 25 cents a came on from Vladivostok Altera William Medic Co i demonstrator in chemistry for a J L JIM says i ic article is that will me last seven carry on the war until Russia con- in a drug store on ironi viauivosiocK a threehour stay we pulled out Of the station and proceeded to cross the great bridge that spans a river remarkably like the Tennessee or Ohio rivers of the United States Heretofore plenty of trees were in evidence and the land was well tilted but from this on no trees were visi ble and there was no attempt at cul tivation- me The Sequence of the Season BY A HANKER To the dwellers in temperate climes We had entered the broad ours presents far detention as it gave tfsa splen did opportunity to watch the man oeuvring of the new famous Port Arthur squadron and also to notice the farfamed fortifications For four miles to the right or left all that could see were mountains made of decomposed granite with never seen was You can carry five or six goodsized handbags with you but any baggage that has to go to the baggagecar will cost you at the rate of per pood lbs for all over one pood This of course means from to Moscow Was It was one oclock noon on shrub or blade of grass to be day Oct 12th that we pulled out of We watched the gangs of All the afternoon and late HEADQUARTERS FOR DRUGS CHEMICALS AND PATENT MEDICINES THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE OUT OF NOTE PAPER LETTER PAPER Or Writing of Kind Call and See our Quality and Prices coolies arm soldiers as they worked the night were passing thru all day on the new fortifications on a barren rocky country hut in the the hills near us and at night we morning we were out on a fertile could see gang after gang trooping plain level a prairie- Away to over the hills hack of the town the north we could sec the outline of It was ten oclock Sunday morning the hills Clusters of trees could be when the signal was raised on signal seen at any time but they were prin- hill and a few minutes later we willow and were usually steamed through the narrow channel around a village or an ancestral and dropped anchor in the inner bar- lomb land is very fertile and We were soon safely on shore every available fool is under and it was not long till wc haI learn- Millet and corn arc the prill ed that Port Arthur was not catcrin products The Chinese usp the to tourist trade We could not find millet instead of rice when the latter a place to stay in or even our is scarce It magnificent We learned later that they country and were it not for the did not even want commerce there Chinese huts one might think he was All that Russia wanted was to make in certain parts of Ontario Cows Port Arthur a great military strong- and donkeys are the principal leasts hold and have it only for the of burden one place we saw six Mans and let he the donkeys hitched to a plow The town of Russia in the east farmers are very careful cultivators None of the transcontinental trains and work early and late They were go through to Port Arthur They out in their fields before six oclock are all madeup at for the in the morning and were still there west and those from the west have at dark their terminus there The line livery half hour the rain would from Port Arthur to Dalny is very come to a station and stop from fliii minutes In a steppes of northern Manchuria veer ing in a northwester direction we took a straight line for the distant Kingan range of mountains For over a hundred miles there Isnt a single curve in the track At differ ent places you could get ofi and look back and sec three or four stations a line You can look back or ahead and as far as you can sec you cannot detect a curve up or down or sideways in the rails Occasionally we would sec a herding a small lot of cattle and here and there away on the horizon we would see a prairie fire Apart from the Mongol variety and change than to those whose home is in tropics The entire year is a continuous round of mutation ever varying ever in a constant slate of transition In the opening days of the year in the northern hemisphere for two thirds of the day twilight and darkness reigns supreme vegetable nature is dormant and temporarily lifeless not a vestige of leaf on the giant forest trees not flower to gladden the vales and pastures perhaps every j river and every lake transmuted into unless one is totally overcome has secured equitable satisfaction for ones cause This is our ideal in international intercourse The sword of Japan is drawn and the aim for which it was unsheathed has scarcely been attained We want peace which will secure tranquillity in the far east for at least a generation or two The world should know that in tho present war Japan staked her very existence whereas with enemy it was a mere war of caprice Why then in case of defeat should not Russia be made responsible in able accordance with the nature of the affair l believe therefore that in of the adversary aiding for peace the satisfaction she will have to make to Japan should include making good the material loss of the Japan ese other words indemnity Baron says further Japan has not formulated definite terms of peace because she might bo accused of skinning the bear before it was shot have however out lined our idea True Politeness poor and the coaches are singletruck to thirty AGENTS FOR Parkers Dye Works and Canadian Express Baggage Trains Handled with Bread Bread At per ton BEST HARD COAL I Hi ON HAND AT altogether different from those ingrooni a lunch counter and -a- bar tile main line almost every station and they All old town of Port Arthur in all well patronized especially the built up in Chinese style hut bar All day long our train went new town decidedly A crawling over tho plain at the rate- number of fine public buildings were of twelve miles an hour- At every In the course of erection We spent station two or Jtuifslaii soldiers afternoon sightseeing and watch- were on guard ami at every crossing the review the Russian and bridge a soldier was on duty It the viceroy looked oddly out of date to see the to show the enemies of how operators at their desks and the was in the east sagis being ticked out on the paper I Not finding hi Pun slip in the old The majority Arthur we took train in the evening of the station arc substantia stone and to We not structures and thirtyInch walls At anything that night but in the a great many stations they Were 1 morning we were pleasantly surprised building stone lower thirty feet aim at Nutrition In our Bread to Hurt ourselves in a high and threefoot walls They it Palatable which give town with paved shade trees said they were for water they In Hating of town hall and a had too many small windows to look great many fine residences The ma- J ike water tanks They looked Wily of the were of red like- a that could a and brick was in i appearance ami by far the Fresh fruit and port had just been banded in and when we found there had been iJ In an article on Lord the writer relates that on the ice and the laud robed of a tenants dinner at iiu0XV inbound as though worthy farmer sat next to his huts that were clustered around Ranged to adamant j Lordship When ices were put station there wasnt succeeds the genial influ- fore each guest the farmer not know- ling to be seen and not a foot of spring The what he had to tackle took land was cultivated appeared lrcc are now mantled in em- of his usual large lie got to be great scarcity of water and tenanted by innumerable shock but manfully struggled and once did wc a sign of water songsters of the woods causing the got over it Turning to Lord At Thursday we came reecho with their berry he said The froze to the footbills of the moon- melody the lark poised Lordship with that consideration tains Here the hillsides were n forth its love for the feeling of others which is his with scrub oak and silver birch strophes in a- very paroxysm of fer- wellknown characteristic took a and at short distances great piles of a fission and in the shades spoonful and lifting his eyebrows to wood were placed along the rack evening carols out its exultant express feigned surprise replied By to be used as fuel on the engines We in quivering flood of up the water courses tuneful harmony The traling deeper ami deeper into the and dales arc all aglow with mountains Here we found the Primroses and violets anemones weather decidedly cooler Three hyacinth while the hedgerows days before were wearing white finished and adorned with duck and keeping in the shade luxuriance of lowers now we donned our overcoats and And now comes the richer fulness shivered in the sunshine summer nature with more At four oclock in the afternoon J were running along the hank of the S- River six oclock we were at the important little town of violent aroma and away up in the mmmtainr Here there were a dozen or more welibtiUt shops and houses these La bours brought us to where gradually Wanes and Jove so it is A Dangerous Habit Gladstones Physician Gives Warning Against a Growing American Custom town of It here in Its superb richness of coloring tired feet to the town of This is the highest point ami Moscow and Is jirobably are now and garlanded with drapes and tassels of varied berries a the bright scarlet of the greater J Huron ALWAYH OK HAND SOUTH Phone I V A 1 J Jit a arrow rase h of- plague cholera line of In town and 10 deaths we were We foWid many not anxious to prolong our stay wc took the express on Monday noon Oct ha above all the trains starting across continent are at and from J The trains leave at 1 1 oclock jTuesday and Saturday nights These dads block house if necessary At ten oclock Tuesday morning we passed the city of Mukden gates loomed a mile or so to the On puiihed to the north on the plains but with it- variety or with us gliding oravC and pink of down the other hide of the mountain the jet black of the with nothing but a broad steppe be- I tween us and the town of Manchuria it now w has once aga 1 on the Siberian border At noon we were gliding along the banks of arc dumb ami silent the leaf ess the River at five oclock blast from the gelid north reached the border Now as to distances from mast- tho leaden before it pre- line of hills oft to the southeast new bridges partly completed all along w They were wildly built and the ironwork as if might he of American make now came Into a more uneven country but it could not be called hilly ami at Tie Iass The hills there arc very border Is miles The entire dis tance Irom Port Arthur to the HI- Is miles ThlT will give a fair idea of the already travelled by the armies In Maneiiuria and the distance yet lobct- of each year It brings us to glad season when celebrate the ad eat of Him who so loved us that lie gave His very life that we might escape condemnation Dub not avail if a hearty meal is something that Sir Andrew Clarke Mr Gladstones phy sician advises strongly against is absolutely dangerous to into the stomach remedies which aro popularly supposed to aid in digestion of food There Is nothing known to the science of medicine that can per- work of the human Drugs do not and cannot digest the food They simply decompose It What can be more revolting or dis gusting than the thought of taking something Into the stomach that a going to turn the good food you eaten Into a mass of corruption The only way to overcome indiges tion and its evil effects is to remove all irritation congestion and Inflam mation the liver and intestines and Is the only agent known that will do this When a tablet Is taken before each meal every traco of irri tation and inflammation Is removed from stomach and digestive sys tem and those organs will extract from tho food all that goes to make good rich blood firm muscle steady nerves and a healthy body If you suffer with headaches indiges tion flatulency spots before the eyes vertigo or dizziness palpitation of the heart sleeplessness or trouble a fifty cent box of from J It one of our most reliable agents in the remedy is by- offer to return the money 1 does not give complete ffir Send the to