the era Friday march ONTARIO Sent to the Bottom Paid up Heed Toronto President General NEWMARKET BRANCH a Banking Baste TRANSACTED Interest Allowed I on Deposits PAS SENGERS RAMMED BY LINER OUT SIDE HALIFAX A Race Between Life and Death Halifax March A terrible ma rine disaster was narrowly averted I on Saturday evening when two ocean liners carrying hundreds o passen gers collided on Head at it utfi and reach- A I dock only in tune to prevent sinking deep water As it- is the at foiKis Allan line Parisian lies sunken fiUTMoifDd American bought end her wharf with a great rent in her stern fifteen feet long and three old promptly attended to- C Wanner J Barrister Notary Public ho Office Main Street Newmarket Security Barrister Solicitor Public etc Money to Loan at Lowest Rates Court Building- Ontario feet wide and the HamburgAmerican liner AJbano is being libelled for COO The latter was also in a sinking condition when it reached safety A MILE AHEAD Both steamers were entering the harbor at the time of th collision Parisian was a mile in the lead with English mails and Barristers Coareyiuncera o Cboppln South of Poet nee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will alio be on Saturday and Court for J Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Foods in at X Block Money to Loan INSURANCE J A for Fire and Life from Liverpool The was from Hamburg with passen gers Off Head the Parisi an slowed down to pick up a pilot and while the was getting aboard the steamer which was al most at a standstill Captain John son who was on the bridge noticed that the was approaching him at full speed The Parisian was on the west side and on the east side or the channel when to Johnsons consternation tn Aibano suddenly seemed to change her course and bear directly down upon the Parisian Just then the Aibano signalled that she was going full speed astern but Captain John son at once saw that a collision was inevitable as the Parisian was at a standstill The headway could not be stopped Johnson sent the Parisian full speod ahead and by his prompt action saved his ship from sinking and averted what would un doubtedly have been a terrible disas ter Had the Parisian remained as she was the would have oney to at Current I her amidships and nothing At the Pott Office Newmarket R Ramsay Insurance lyw Hates on Farm and Town Property Bank Newmarket flits Simpson and Fancy Good Duncan AUCTIONEER Collected Newmarket Bolton Decorator Oh urea Millards Lane and John fl Broker and Financial Bond Auditor Assignee Insurance or Tor Property stSX KM GUGL1ELMO MARCONI Father of Wireless Telegraphy This is the age of the elimination of the essentials We have horseless arrlages trackless trolleys printing loveless marriages wine clocks without hands apples without seeds and greatest of all teleg raphy without wires Marconi who succeeded in performing this miracle of science which has been the dream of electrical experimenters since is a young Italian bora at Bologna and not yet thirty years old His father is an Italian landed proprietor and his mother is the daughter of James Jameson the famous Irish whiskey distiller At eight years of age Gugiielmo showed the first faint buds of promise of inventive genius at twelve his tutor attempted to rob him of one of his devices at sixteen he was absorbed In chemical electrical and mathematical problems and at twenty he was almost taxing the faith and love of bis mother with the seemingly Insane proposition of attempting to telegraph without wires through hills and forests across streams and over fields When he was twentyone he went to England and somehow managed to interest Sir William engineer of the British telegraph system suffi ciently to secure his cooperation When Marconi succeeded In sending a mes sage two miles a success sufficient to irritate him by the golden visions of greater distances yet to master he was like Moses viewing the Promised Land which seemed impossible for him to enter It seemed hopeless to persist further and he was discouraged almost to despair but stuck loyally to the problem until the highwater of conquered distance to one hun dred and twentyfive mites On December the scientific world by the news that Marconi bad succeeded In talking to England from Newfoundland across miles of air and water There was smile of compassionate tolerance for the inventor who Imagined he had done this the smile of one who does not wish to arouse another from the empty happiness of a pleasant dream But soon it was that awoke to the realization of the marvel and the fresh morning newspaper printed from news carried to the vessel by and served with the fresh rolls on the breakfast table in proves anew the wonder that grows greater as Its field broadens and develops Marconi was the first to send a recorded message through space by electro magnetic waves in tbe first to telegraph from a moving ship in and the first to speed a wireless message across the Atlantic f Act A lie of In W Hit AcrbritU would have saved her from sinking Although the Aibano signalled that was going astern the Parisians passengers state that she seemed not to have slackened in the slightest in her dash toward the Allan liner she crashed bow on into the Parisian striking her thirty feet from the stern and ripping big hole four feet wido and fifteen deep on the starboard side below the waterline The impact listed the Parisian to port and the thought she was over is that intended to steam led lor As soon as the ips todaHimilar pro began to sink rapidly astern quarantine station first But in so will be taken by the Alba- Johnson did not know the extent of attempting something went wrong nos agents the Parisian will he the damage hut immediately shouted in ho engine room or with the steer- libelled Both steamers will require drydocking and extensive repairs il0m course one Thanksgivings were in all the RACE FOR LIFE All the rooms city churches for the escape from The boats were quickly got ready struck were empty drowning of the Parisians launching and blowing signals having left them just Had the collision occurred a Parisian was driven at to take tea in the mites further out she could not distress full speed for her pier She was settling astern awl Iter sjccd was greatly retarded hut at oclock she reached Ivor pier was quickly swung into her berth and in five min utes time the soven hundred Parisian had somewhat similar ex- SUi f gers were all rushed ashore As pimps there was grave danger of the compartments Arcade A aVrcMtet and and made on all of at Era will recetre saloon Had the rooms been have reached dock Among the pied many fatalities would surely passengers was Prof have resulted master of College Cambridge GOOD DISCIPLINE w C0mca Canada to deliver a an v lectures the first of which The which was the aft the Old Testament occurred on the an sinking at her dock five powerful A steam pumps were immediately Peerage passenger Inward A alongside in tup and set to it dock a 2ft5 wJ work to keep the afloat She time alter and all children was coming to tana- had a list J la a a list sixty only a lew whom were The passengers panic si rkk- Mn en after the collision and ihe discipline exhibited on both had a trying time to enforce following the accident was The crew were sent to cut away lnol and sling while The Parisian in her dock oclock Sunday morning bow remaining above water Divers have been continuously at work patching up rent In the starboard side It is expected that I the rent will be stopped ptTanchise City Council London has followed in the wake Toronto City Council and endorsed the propo sal that the Legislature shall extend the municipal franchise to property- owning married women Should this change in the municipal law be approved and carried into by the present Government- it Will add materially to income of Regis trars by the transfer of real estate from husbands to wives throughout the country and make a large in crease in the work of preparing pub lishing and confirming voters listsf Be it so the married women should be heard from as well as spinsters and widows Thc cost of transfer- ring and registration of landed pro perty however might bo saved by providing for the wife to be assessed jointly with husband where the property of the husband reached a stated value This would enable married women to enjoy the right of franchise independent of a class of men not willing or generous enough to transfer sufficient real estate to qualify them to vote and who are quite as well qualified to exercise franchise as those already enjoying that privilege With all due respect to our law makers we a strong con viction less Important amend ments are annually made to mu nicipal code than the proposed en franchisement of married women and it is no discredit to manhood suffrage voters to say hat the class of women proposed by the above mu nicipal Councils to be enfranchised are equally entitled to the privilege with those who enjoy it on the ground of having obtained their ma jority as farmers sons or joint as sessment with their parents BLOOD POISON OFTEN RESULTS From paring corns with razors Wise people use Painless Corn and Wart Extractor the stand ard cure of America and Great Bri tain for all sorts of corns warts and bunions Use only The Grand Jury of Cornwall re turned a true bill Allan hockey player for manslaugh ter and the trial opens on Tuesday GUARANTEED CURB FOR PILES Itching blind bleeding or protrud ing piles Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any no matter of how long in to days First ap plication gives ease and rest- 50c If your druggist hasnt it send In stamps and it will be forwarded postrpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo Robert Quick a Canadian farmer near strangled his young er brother Alfred Quick probably in a fit of Insanity lasuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES I Era at If 1 lifepreservers were distributed Sev eral women fainted as the learn er commenced to settle In water all there was great excite ment CANVAS OVER HOLE The Parisian ran a groat race for start pumping today when an harbor her docks thronged will be made to raise the panicstricken passengers who be- steamer Hovel the Captain was going to beach The crew placed AT FAULT Captain Johnson was making his in the yawning gap in the side with little as water rose in the Parisian which he after compartments with great rapid- transferred from the Pre tty Tons of water rapidly filled w holds and llie ship to settle more arid more The consid erable distance from the scene of the GO TO I SMITH Newmarket accident to the dock was covered in forty minutes After the collision tho hack ed off and at oclock came up to her dock Her stern Is bent and her stove in The con duct of Capt Kuderhold of Ai is Inexplicable One was formerly in Sardinian and carried the first Canadian contingent to South Africa It is stated that Albanos claim that the Pa risian attempted to cross her but most reasonable explanation of the collision in view of the alleged action of the Aibano is that cap tains telegraph order from the bridge to go astern was mistaken In the engine room Hut even- if that were so there wa apparently no attempt made by those In com mand of the Aibano to change course Passengers on the Parisian that tho on decks of the Aibano stood waving wUUg fcwrwa tie But til ualva to work a But fc tits Rite you fciift if ka are V are Either or catarrh is certainly In fact it Is one of the most dleeaus It fragrant healing hats aa the German boat crasl- is No matter how Parisian They vigor- long you have guttered with catarrh denounce the action of the can be perfectly cured by the antiseptic vapor of Catarrh WRIT FOR LIBEL oxone which at issued In of th trouble and on behalf o such a healthy condition in the that catarrhal simply cant trow of the and throat for years My post rite were al ways stuffed up I had a hacking cough cured me completely never fall- Two I A Infanta and The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought treatment trial Blgnatoro of I MANS MOST CRITICAL Very often the vital resources are very small at fortytwo but if not then between fiftyseven and sixty- two ol age there is a strange down and low vitality It is important that this transient strength must bo imparted to the tired brain the weakened nerves must bo fortified wise man will use whose potency is particularly applicable to these criti cal periods quickens whole being imparts vigor and pow er pushes back the onset on senility In a very manifest way be cause gives strength vi tality and vigor that It Is useful to old men Try It Price Tho Parliamentary library at Ot tawa to be enlarged TO CURBS A IN DAT lets All druggist refund If it Cairo la each Russia has ten steam ers from the HamburgAmerican Co to carry coal to the Baltic feet EVERYONE WITH SORE THROAT Should know how quickly cures I can recommend very highly for throat writes Mr of St George I once had a- very throat and my chest was full ot cold and soreness Every cough hurt me I cured my self very quickly by rubbin my cheat land throat vigorously with and using it also as a gargle I believe to bo tho beat gen eral remedy for emergent sickness that one can got We have used It for twenty years In our house Tithe Kind Hare House and Lots For sale adjoining tbe Church on the Weat sppl to FIELD For Sale Two In and Also A Spring Would exchange any of for milch cows PEARSON FOR Tta clad Dwelling street occupied by J A Sand and travel For by promptly to A Aurora For Sale for From ol Barred Ply mouth Rocks and Strains and White and Ducks Eggs per Dot ting ten chicks or re place at half price Also largo English Berkshire rigs Springers J COWIESON THE LEADING i A a Spring will soon he here so if you intending to this year now Is nuns io commence buying your Building Material We have a complete supply of all kinds ot Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS YT Y NAILS VAJRNISHBS GLASS and all kinds of SHELF HARDWARE OOO Harness Repairing Harness Made to Order Stoves Furnaces Tinware J A W ALLAN CO NEWMARKET vwtvQ OUR FIRST 0 F Spring Prints to Hand Winter Goods Must Go TORONTO JOBBING I ESTABLISHED Our stock of SILVERWARE is complete and more IT CONTAINS Only that which you may no of buying Only that which will bo as good after years of use as It was the day you bought it Only that which wo recommend with confidence and guaran tee And it never costs more than an little as possible It Is a pleasure to show our goods WATSON and Graduate Optician Desirable Residence Tta corner of Vlstcrfa and Park In flrotchua property will bo sold LOTS wl or nva rcacon- J Good to Rent of King feeing lot la lood cow tt4 farm Fall to w4Mt In ground Apply to JAMES MAHRa anfllnf a ripUo may aoHtin vbMktr a fr for rlthot In of any adaotlf Ui NEWMARXElV LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones