THE ERA FRIDAY- WilW- -BAN- up Head Toronto NEWMARKET BRANCH- General Banking Baslfeess TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits SKAT CORRKKT DRAFTS ISSUED AT SLtroiKtS cterllofr J3d American Drafts and farmer Collections Manager LEGAL J Robertson Barrister Notary Public Main Street Newmarket to o Farm Security Barrister Solicitor etc Money to Loan at Rates QriictDtviiioti Court Building- Ontario Barrister CoDTeyancew e doom South of Post Of- Aurora win on Saturday Court J Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Loan Reformer Block Hone to Loan J A for fire ttf to at Cuneot Ratea AtthePoatOffloeNeirmarket abound the COP WOBTH TO RECORD ZEPHYR The hockey match which m play ed hereon between the teams of Mount this place resulted in the score of to in favor of Zephyr White Foot cutting logs in Horners bush last week he accidentally let the axe slip cutting a bad gash in his foot necessitating the doctors care STRANGE mm m Mr and Mrs Davis of Newmarket were the guests of Mr and Mrs A on Sunday Quite a Dumber of our young people attended the dance at Mr John Armours on Wednesday evening and all report an excellent time A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr Edward Mar shall on Wednesday March 1st when bis second daughter Louise was mar ried to of The bride who looked charming in a handsome gown of white crepe de chene trimmed with chiffon and ap plique given away by her father and attended by her sister Ella who also was dressed in white Mr E Carson of Richmond Hill was best man The Rev Newton Hill of King City officiated in the presence of about fifty guests Their many friends tender heartiest congratula tions oao AURORA A Ramsay Insurance Aaeot and on Farm Property Town Bank Newmarket flips Simpson and Goods Frank AUCTIONEER Straw Newmarket- Bolton Hewitt PaperHaogerand House MtlUrda Lane and On arch Street John R Estate Broker and Financial Agent Bonds an J Auditor Assignee farms sold or exobanjred for City Property Loans TORONTO fl nd Sanitary Room AW Chamber 1 all pitas and estimate made at Bra Office will receive prompt attention Jackson MARRIAGE LICENSES At Baa Office Newmarket Papers at On Thursday evening a laughable and unique entertainment was given in the Mechanics Hall by a number of ladies under the auspice of Church Social Club The entertain ment was called the Spinsters Con vention the members of which were supposed to be slightly past the mat- rimomalage but still anxious to se cure a partner for As might be expected the costumes worn by the were of somewhat ancient date Each lady performed the part assign ed her in a most admirable manner The transformation scene where the members entered a machine and were transformed into some desired charac ter was very amusing and the part taken by the substitutes firstclass Much of the success of the entertain ment is due Mrs Willis under whose management the entertainment was undertaken mm Past the Century Richmond Hill Marchjll A pleas ing and unique event was held in the basement of the Presbyterian church here last evening when Mrs Susannah Maxwells birthday was fitting ly celebrated Mrs Maxwell and daughter are the only colored family in the They have long kept a laundry her and are highly and esteemed as useful citizens The chair was taken by Reeve Sav age and short addresses were given by J A Grant Rev Camp bell Harrison M MeHatr and A The old lady was presented with the amounting to and she also remembered by many of our former citizen An interesting musical programme was refreshments were served to all present Trie old lady who has passed the century mark in enjoying good and last evening must have been one of the happiest events of her life -FOH- ftXS ao to WJ Ait you We teva17 arcaU But ar or may tfck a Bui atv to give you you are to you are UaI or We clip the following from the Oko- Review of March m Col formerly a of North After able and conclusive by Col of an hour and a the following resolu tion were unanimously adopted Resolved that we the electors of in the District of Alberta in mooting avmblod do hereby most emphatically protest the retention of our by the Dominion Government beJievjng we that are the able all the proposed province and in the grader the terms of the Jnuh Amerlcaii Act that the at tempt of to the people of the Territories by by -Docnrn- the vlnioni of the North American Act That the exemption of lands and property of the P is con trary to the and at riance with tin principles of EARL f Csnadaa New GovernorGenera Earl Grey the brother of does not come to Canada as ft stranger for he has a frequent visitor at Ottawa during Lord regime He was born in of an old Northumberland family living at since the sixteenth century His grandfather the second Earl Grey was the Whig Prime Minister who carried through the Reform Bill In Alfred Henry George Grey the new- GovernorGeneral not need to fall back upon a family tree for a record as he has made his own name secure He was educated at Harrow Trinity College and Cambridge taking high degrees in history and law and at an early age entered polities for six years a member of Parliament- In while he was making an ex tensive tour of South Africa word came to him of the death of his uncle to whose title and estates he succeeded Earl Grey was a dose friend of Cecil Rhodes arid was the one man who knew how to manage him and on more than one occasion when the Colossus of South Africa threatened to cut loose from the mother country and an Independent republic the gentle firmness and Influence of Grey made the threat fade Into thin air He Is one of the executors or Rhodes will and has an influential in the Rhodes scholarships After the Jameson raid in he succeeded to the administration Rhodesia and here strength of mind and purpose his knowledge of men and methods his tact diplomacy and personal magnetism enabled him to ride bravely over many obstacles He has the courage to take the initially whenever it seem3 right to branch out Into new lines of effort and Is a lover of humanity On his large estates- he has successfully carried out his Ideas of cooperative partnership he is the organizer of the Public Hoik- Trust Company which takes over and manages the saloons of England in the public interest At a labor meeting In Scotland a fewyears ago he stated his belief that the gigantic trusts of the United States could be checked only by a cooperative plan limiting the interest to five per cent and prohibiting the sate of shares in the open market Earl Grey has clearcut features dark eyes a slight patch of hair mak ing an oasis in the desert of his baldness a military bearing and a quick ener getic decisive manner His family consists of his wife his son Vlscouut and his three daughters Lady Victoria Grenfell Lady Sybil Grey and Lady Evelyn Alice Grey At the Toronto tetter There was a very large at the of exMayor last Friday and also an unusual large attendance at the services in St James last Sunday morning Little Charley was playing tag with boys on his birthday when a car en Church Street ran him down The was dead car was brought to a standstill nonunion Day has finally I cm dp- on as the day for tin- to Toronto of the Regiment of Buf falo The Regiment will be the I guests of the Queen visited Buffalo in No- In a Sunday fight inns Queen St East was so badly injur ed that he had to here ic General Hospital Two James a wellknown book keeper was found dead in bed at his home Mutual street last Sunday afternoon He had been poor health for about a month Deceas ed leaves a widow and five children The abiding influence of the IC Clarke in the church where be worshipped for many years was am ply testified last Sunday night Christ Church was filled to overflow ing on the occasion of a memorial service of its late member The town of North Toronto on Saturday carried a local option by law by a majority of The by law into effect on August when th three- bars in the town will be closed THE I i i i tv a 5 o will Boon be here b this year now is the Building Material tending to build Units to commence buying your We have a complete supply of all Builders Hardware such as PUTTY NAILS NAILS VA1RNISHES GLASS and all kinds SHELF HARDWARE The Repairing Harness Made to Order Furnaces Tinware YOU SHOULD USE Because It Is Reliable Some one has said A single fact is worth a ship load of argument A few facts I introduced this tea to the public about ten years ago In that short time the business has grown to such proportions that we now occupy the largest Tea warehouse in Canada business has been built up without extensive advertising The merchants who commenced handling Red Rose Tea ten years ago are the most enthusiastic in its praises today The merchants who sell it the people drink it have found that it could be relied on The brand Red Rose Tea is accepted everywhere as a guarantee of the highest quality and those who it are its best advertisers Ask some of your friends about it T John NB BRANCHES TOftONTO WINNIPEG J A ALLAN CO- NEWMARKET KCITLEBY three years you have given faithful service present this Bible as a of our appreciation of your work u Hoping you may We able to continue in the work and the of all that your life be evening daughter Miss narked with growing in Viola who has oily given Balers fterviceias organist for nearly three I Signed on behalf of the school years After the evening had far ad- Mr Ham in social games ami all y it On the evening of Marcfi the and scholars of Kettloby gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs It to spend had done ample Justice to the good provided by the ladies he most important event they gathered then took place add ress read by made by Miss Webb anil Following in the To Miss Dear Friend We the nd of your homo to express to you feel ing of gratitude which arises in our hearts concerning your as our school nearly Mis Kthel and Mamie Ixvo of Km fefigji LOSING WEIGHT Your Is out of needed a process forms blood strengthens the and keeps your pliyrfcal up to proper standard lost fifteen pounds through la grippe writes Cyril Lah of Hartford but soon regained my former weight and Improved my health by Its the beat and finost tonic I ever used Use It assures health Price at A now Company In to fche Streets When Margaret Andrews was twen tylive she received what she thjiigiit was a call lo a foreign mission field Her parents although at they tried to dissuade her put no obstacle in the way of her hopes and fill of eagerness she began her training at a school in another city- One day she received a Her mother had met with an accident just how serious could not at once he known Margaret packed her hooks and took the first train home expecting lo return in a Long before the weeks had passed she knew that her dream must he up Her would never he able to do anything again and Margaret instead of making her journey to strange lands saw herself shut in to the duties of housekeeper and nurse a year or two she bore her dis appointment in silence then she went to her pastor with it The pastor was an old man vho bad known Margaret all her life lie looked at her steadily for a moment he said slowly You are liv ing in a city of two hundred thou sand Isnt there need enough about you fill your life Oh yes the girl answered quickly and I could give up lie foreign field It isnt that Hut I havent time to do anything not even to take a mission class and to see so much work waiting and he able to do nothing Margaret the old minister said come here the girl followed him to the next room where a mirror hung between the windows Her pale and unhappy faced her wearily All up and down streets the old minister said In car the stores the markets are people starving for the bread of life The church cannot reach them they will nCl enter a Hooks cannot them many of never open ed a book There is but one way they can ever read the gospel of hope of joy of courage and thai is in the faces men and women Two years ago a woman who has known deep trouble came to me one day and asked me your name X wanted to tell her she how much good her happy face did me hut I was afraid that she would think it presuming on of an utter ranger Home day perhaps you Will tell her for me Margaret my child look in the and tell me If the face you nee there lias anything to give to the souls that are hungry or joy they are more than any of us realle who unknown to themselves are hungry for righteousness you think If woman If she were you now would say what sho two years ago The girl gave one glance nd then away her checks crimson with It was hard to answer but was no coward She looked up into her old friends grave eyes Thank you she said I will try to team my and accept- my mission to the streets- Youths Companion 1 i r 0 F to Hand Winter Goods Must Go TOftONTO JOBBING HOUSE I i ESTABLISHED This Vc are continually adding new goods to our stock week there are Waist Sets Brooches Sash Pins Newmarket Souvenir Spoons Also and Watches You can depend on article being exactly as repre sented and reasouaWojn price If your Watch or is not right let us It and If we cannot repair it to give satisfaction there will bo TGWATSON and Graduate Optician A woman always thinks Its her turn when he passes woman on atrcet o Levers Head Soap Powder dusted the bath softens the water and Desirable Residence Tfc corner sad Park Is In flrsclass infix property will be sold LOTS will sold on Park or ArMiU food Terms J new stalling a system In A second a longer than you think It Is and quit a number of things can done In a minute if you keep County moving A J ft r NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones srosJI Ordering J RAH IBBUBH OF LICENSE For Sale A Cream only used all in good run ning order A guarantee goes with It For further particulars apply W A DYKE Lot St or box Newmarket The- secret of power intellectual or physical la conccafratlon Ralph Waldo Emerson CURE PILES Itching blind or piles Druggists money If OINTMENT fails to cure any case no matter of how long in to days First ap plication gifts case rest If druggist it send In stamps and It wilt bo pootpaW by Paris Co St- Louts Mo wo i