Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1905, p. 4

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The a Liegai Innovation Blood We Absolutely Necessary to Health St length and ComfortGuod Blood Disease A There has never been a cracker made in Canada that won friends Mooneyes Perfection Sodas They made the nation cracker hungry made us double the size of our factory the first year and made every body think of PERFECTION SODAS when they think of- delicious crackers j The legal of Ontario bad a surprise A worth KC at the InterProvincial liar Dinner given at- the King Ed 7 1 us with red blood dry not ward last the cold jour present including five feet axe cold your lingers judges and at least fifty KCs and your tape blue and pinched it is a of the The that your blood- is thin the sensation- and jour circulation weak Your Of Mr was rf of evening He boldly suggested the abolition of qualifications blood they stimulate the of practising the profession- The- new blood they l save the natural ones of the to every part of your body From finger tips to toes gifted e would make the- ftnd of law as open as journalism healthy Mr Of course be admitted that his re- St boon Quo says About a year savored of heterodoxy but W blood Impoverished and was badly run down My hands after all he said what great harm Sehqol Starding tor Sr Bessie Preiser Joy Isaac Mary Main John ritt Willie Raymond Huntley- Jr Goodyear Ruby McDonald- Audrey Ernes Huntley Carl Jr Mitchell Ernes John Marritt fn I v Last about street cars standing on the tracks this year they are because 1 be cars leave the tracks and take to the Orvau Preston if tic impediments to the practice coutd not stand were removed Merit would trouble was tell In England the same the least exertion further aggravated in sauie kidneys bladder and often I could not cannot be both solicitor and bar- cons Here he can be- That dif- had been removed most SS No fiGwillirabury Standing tor February Salter Alfred Ross Jr Woods Flo Salter Salter Inez Fuller- Ernest Ar nold Ross Curtis Inter HI Irene Wesley Squires A tribute was paid to the memory of the late Clarke P for Centre Toronto by placing a wreath of A beauty to adorn the desk in tho Commons formerly occupied by him on Monday last Brothers limited to any person who can prove that I 1 On Monday last Sir PostmasterGeneral gave a quietus so far as ho was concerned to fche rural mail qdeson Muires Canada He characterized the IVDorotfiy Pearl rttfrtm thenMnoripg Repub lic as one of the wildest schemes which its Government had ever em barked bidding fair to compete with the pension fund contains any forroiadutcraii05 whatsoever or contains any in jurious chemicals s r Srunkdnwodicnsi frayed sore cha evidence that soaps are not pure Sunlight Soaptis guaranteed to be a pure soap Dealers are authorized to purchase money to any one finding cause for complaint Sunlight Soap is equally good in hard or soft water BROTHERS TORONTO bast Monday being private women can practice law In Eng land they cannot So we have im proved upon lessons and our forefathers we not do more The younger stared at the rot and when he went on to point out that the Bar TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET the change is com- am Daily for Wharf ing The proposition of Mr a Trades doctors and common and yet said failed because they to got six boxes- and before they were all gone I knew I had found a medi cine to cure me I took the pills tor about a month longer and every symptom of my trouble was gone and I have since enjoyed the best of health Dr Williams Pink Pills cure alter medicines have actually make new rich blood and so strengthen all the organs and brace up the This is the way they cure indiges tion kidney and liver troubles termed by Mr Hamilton mafcism nervousness neuralgia pal- as being ridiculous and he asks of the heart St Vitus this question What would our Partial paralysis and the ailments that fill the lives of so bench be like if our judges were so- not from men who had undergone take any pills without the full no training lor the avocation But Williams Pink Pills for Pale it does not follow by any means on the wrapper around each box Sold all medicine dealers or Government would 50 a select untrained for the bench boxes- for by writing the Dr J fc Salter May Woods in the at Ottawa did not help w I was an sic irTpiS Proving Squires Present every day Dorothy Salter WILLIAMS Teacher with boats for points on Lakes Orillla North Bay Daily except Sunday for AUaadale Meaford Wharf pm Daily for AHandale Orillla North Bay and points in the Canadian NorthWest Mr- Williams Medicine Co pm Daily except Sunday for v AUandale CoUin i wood and ARIUVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Wharf and to amDaily exoeptunday from gestton should be followed Trained men would always he able to com mand distinction and be sure to ob tain a preference neither do we be lieve he intended his remark to be as broad A p its operations as sonic members of the bar him But one thing is certain our Settlers Coming Another Great Trek From United States to Canada broadminded thinkers entertain prct- Ottawa March 6 J White aBarrie l convictions that the Law Chief Inspector of Emigration Arab- pm Dally except Sunday from Meaford and to make it so More limited movement from the United would result in better repre- States to Canada He believes that sen tat ion course naturally fully settlers will come to the enough professional and laymen dip Dominion from across the line this to some extent in regard to the year as against last year raised but a little public No and Standing for February IV Harry Procter Walter Proctor Zella Denne Walter Traviss Jr Laurel Annie Brown Stanley Barker j III Grieves Douglas Morning Elsie Chilman Ira Traviss Ida Grieves Willie Johnson Jr III fiollie Edna Proc tor Ruby Morning Olive Cousins Sara Freestone Stanley Morning Lincoln Lewis Pt Eva Pierce Rose Pierce Delia Willie Jr PL Eugene Proctor Harry Pierce Laura Powell Myrtle Brown Willie Albert Wilton Average 23 SS No WHITCHURCH Roy McCdrmack Nathan let Robert McCormack Jr Gladys Brooks Scott Stewart Florence Ma bel Jr III Lottie Scott Frederick IL Vivian Myrtle Tcna Myers Pt Oliver Jessie Smart Murray Jaynes Jr Herbert I Clarence Mvers would be to confer again subsidies Premier hinted the Provinces be asked in return or an in creased subsidy to forego their share in the jurisdiction over the fisheries J ft washing for Sunlight A It now looks as if Comity Judges arc endeavoring to play the role of and the- plea put forth is that their remuneration is only per annum Those who talk or write in this way not qualified to speak Most County Judges are also Surrogate Judges and- Local Masters of High Court for which large extra remuneration is to say nothing of other extra duties for which they are paid very considerable fees Altogether the average income of these officials instead of being is nearer or The office never has to go begging a pretty sure indication that there is big money in it Those who plead for increased salaries aro not competent to measure service with remuneration If the present law is changed giving increased sal ary to County Judges it should be accompanied with a proviso prohibit ing them from taking jobs on or acting as arbitrators for railway or other corporations and no additional fees should to them for investigations into munici pal irregularities which may arise within their respective jurisdictions There are two big sides to this ques tion When salaries are increased to meet prosperous times they are novcr reduced to meet years of low prices like other callings in life and the in come is permanent Mot 1 J o cuss ion good can do no harm and may do Writ for r tlllUllHli Writ for Send i We fully vjulpcd office Montreal work tibrcnd is the reference- Ma ma receive over i nrwi papers distribytcd the Dominion Patent Krixineefr A cablegram from the Old Country states that Graeme Hunter on for inducing workmen to come to Canada false pretences in de fence pleaded that he felt justified sending men out because of letters received from the Canada Foundry Co arid the Building Trades Kx- showed lie was act ing in faith and lie was acquit ted Catairh MARION MARION and Solicitors- A despatch from Ottawa states for the past months of the current fiscal year ending I ELLIOTT the Dominion receipts wore WIoO as compared with an expen diture of a surplus over The TORONTO Minister can take an afternoon on Strictly flretclt all depart Saturday to these catalogue tree and com are the same with his Student admitted at any time panacea or a healthy financial Principal in Canada Corner A AlezaAdet T1e news oi the unexpected- demise of Mr Clarke MI for Centre Toronto reached the House of Com- Friday evening as the menv bcrH were asmhling for a night ses sion In the absence of the Sir William was leading the On the day of at Mr made a sultafilc a in Royal Hotel and touching reference to sad la the Town of Newmarket in the event aid Sir William of York there will bo sold edeoncludirig by moving the Farm west of nut re- part of Town- to memory of cooUlnlng and acres more Grand Valley Hallway Co in easy For further grating electric cars or Sunday see or Paris and and the Govern has Vendor Solicitors an action for an injunction to re- London strain Co from doing The With Local Applications as they cat- reach the of the disease Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and trial I acts directly on the blood and surfaces Halls Catarrh Cure not a quack medicine It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription ft is composed of the best known combined with thf best blood purifiers acting directly the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of the two Ingredients what produces such wonderful in curing Catarrh Send for testi monials V Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family Pills are the best Mortgage Sale by Auction OF VALUABLE FARM THE HARDEST FAIN TO Is the pain of a tender corn but experience proves that corns are cur- can now enjoy the tun which Conservatives feasted upor in the- days by of seeing Govern ed quickest by Putnam s Painless leaders dodge the interviewers Corn Extractor which acts in combat the demands of organiza- hours Putnams never burns Mrs president of The only painless j Womans Christian Temperance When you are ready to place your order for your SPRING SUIT dont let the price the only considera tion QUALITY MEANS MORE TODAY than ever before As we have always held our reputation In fair dealings good workmanship and styles we intend to keep it by still carrying largest and best line of Woollens that are on market tola present season INSPECTION INVITED to con vince you of the fact we axe able to compete with all competitors in Price Workmanship and Quality or causes cure is Putnams Use no other COLLEGE CORNERS Union has recently issued an address on provincial political situation She says It must surely occur to us all that now is the time for un ion and after urging a forward movement no matter what the Gov ernment may consider expedient in the interests of the party in power proceeds to say us Or to FRANK Auctioneer For AttorncyGereral ihla order under authority of the Act or the Do minion Parliament of which in declares all lines were wholly within a Province must be Houses and Building to the legislation of that Lota in Province though may come IMA Posts and dor the the goferal ad van- of Rails on lot Con taji3 of Canada Thj Railway Co 4 that both the am CODY Provincial ultra vires The Co contend Federal Government cannot its Its to us talking about tearing powers bo tim the crofts if youre your moth- deleattcn of jurisdiction point of fact Is contrary to of Ifcv- Act of The of this action will be with by all opposed to Sunday talking about tearing if youre your moth- of or tear and the Hockey Player Changed Alexandria March The coroners jury found that hockey player killed in a game at last week canto to ids death by a blow on the head by a hockey stick in tho hands of Allan and that the blow was del deliberately ar1 not In solfdc is held on charge of murder on laid by do- brother Tho preliminary trial will he held Tuesday next at Cornwall Our school teacher Miss St John changed boarding place as Mr J is jioin to he imitrl- ing in the spring Mr Anson is thinking of present ftoing to the in the spring j bis policy is not with his brotherinlaw Mr policy of the people of Ontario that the wave of which sent him into power was not I J j NEWMARKET TO KNOCK OUT COLDS And cure them in an hour without resorting to nauseous drugs use healing Catarrhozoncrthe most pleasant prompt and certain cure for colds ever discovered No medicine to You simply breathe the vapor of It never falls to root out the the worst colds and is bo simple and convenient to use that no one can afford to be without it Warrj Inbaler pocket use it occasionally and you trial site mi Mrs wife of School In spects If Burgess was killed In a runaway accident at Owen Sound rrr Bar it fhi r I N Manning The Carnival held at the ville skating rink was fine music Mr John had the misfortune of losing a cow from paralysis last Mr Mcintosh cannot he ex celled as a horse trader Come and SCO Lots choose ruin Mr Geo Pollock lost a fun horse lust week The is any of the farmers round here arc just for the lo off so US chard can gel his sawmill in his are most awfii here Wedding are likely to ring ing then will he able to in vite friend the Owl over to gel a chunk of the cake Mr Criesley Is breaking a very fiery blood colt at present Wont have a splasher he gets It broken Mrs J was At Homo with a few of her friends on Tuesday evening of this week The Sanderson Bros are quite supplying music for the any dances A great many of the farmers this vicinity attended the rale of Mr on last Miss Stewart nurse who has been home attending her mother Mrs Alex Stewart during her re cent expects to homo to attend her former duties A SICK AT YOUR STOMACH Perhaps as it the bottom had dropped out of your life you want Nothing re stores and order to the stom ach go quickly All and nausea goes away you takeKervnirie and an extra docs or two is sufficient to up In an old tested remedy for stomach and bowel troubles and always can be relied on Sold in large hot- by any means the temporizing policy he promulgated before election and that now he must lie told if he hopes to retain the reins of he must reckon with the IfHs Hon political and friends afford to look on now and see his successor play the contortionist for a season and also sec the- starch taken out of those who abandoned a true friend or a player to the galleries YOU AN PAY HO NAMES U3CD WRITTEN STRICTURE CURED It fioillr BfUbia I fatd 1 T I vln in To the of the Era Dear- Sir I have been asked so fre quently by my friends that I to state through the columns of your paper I hat I am not your Pine Or chard correspondent f am not the author of and know no thing concerning the from week to week over the signature of Sunny Jim Thanking you for your valuable space I am yours sincerely 1 MAY Pine Orchard March ft ItlQ FOR PILKS Itching blind bleeding or protnvl- Druggists rotund money if OINTMKNT falls to cure any case no matter of how standing In to days First ap plication gives case and rest If your druggist hasnt it send In stamps and it will be forwardid postpaid by Mcdlclno Co St Louis Mo I bad I could crcc1rloop over rail tilled COOMiBd I hundred of dollars In vain I Kenned ft Kerjin the latl retort laally I Kraal their I In one week fell and In wit cured G WRIGHT YEARS OR NO PAY if A8 YOUR BLOOD BEEN I BLOOD The wyltfS blood of ill ind lb man op to bo or abould be ictlin too imant wfll r blood pica What Hi you in or ah boneat Men HO NAMES Uaa WITHOUT WRITTBN CONSENT Mat W Mo boa treated too for BOOKS Women and men were- Into by tip police In riots coal way run over by a car at Stratford and killed J Blgaaturt it Cow Michigan Brick of i jiiiiiiii For Two good orchard good location May A on Town Line halt a Would axcea ay weat of foe goo feeth toikaVeowa Residence for House and On Aurora by I the Mr Good Term on the Wart applf For particular apply to o I Newmarket

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