Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Mar 1905, p. 3

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Weeks WHAT OH A Church Remember Literary thi Friday evening- A paper on Oliver by Miss Cody The Wesley League of Whitchurch has kindly con sented to provide the rest j pro gram Next Sabbath pastor will speak on What me in Quakerism and in the evening will preach a temperance sermon The ladies of the and other temperance workers especially in vited Oo Tuesday evening next March game will be played between teams from the United Factories and Spe cialty Mfg Co At the conclusion of this match a game be called between the married and single men of the town All players on each of the four teams are to be nonmembers cf organized hockey club The married men will probably appear in masquer costume A barrelfull of iun is assured Admission and the courtesy of the Rink Company the Rink has been terder- free and the entire gate receipts will bo donated to the National Free Hospital for Consumptives at A local of the so ciety for the prevention of the spread of tuberculosis having been recent formed in Newmarket it is hoped the public will show their so worthy an object by patronage Will be given by the Christian En deavor the residence of Mrs John Hopper Niagara St on March Ail are invited Admission Christian Church Mr A of Ring- wood will occupy the pulpit of the Christian Church at both services on Sunday in exchange with the pas tor Rev who will preach and conduct Sacramental ser vices at Mr a very ready speaker will be greeted with good audiences A burst in the watermain neat the Forsyth House caused an expensive repair yesterday Mr Win McLean one of the Specialty men who came here from has bought the residence of the late Important meeting next Monday evening Grand Lodge meets next week Tie Battle Continues A Good Place to Buy Trunks Suit Cases Club Bags and Telescopes Shawl Straps and Lunch Boxes is at Hardware Band The Mission Bard of the Newmar ket Christian Church held their meeting at the Parsonage on Wednesday afternoon The reports of the officers and the ears work were very encouraging The little ones have raised over for Foreign Missions and have as sisted a number of poor families with clothing and provisions The follow ing officers were elected President Mrs Gilford Mann VicePros Miss Minnie Traviss Secretary Miss A Ida Treasurer Miss Myrtle Organist Lucy Kelly Mrs Mann Millinery apprentices The Co The Irish Program for the big Concert on the evening of St Patricks Day in the Town Hall under the auspices of the Mens Social and Literary Club will be today and plan of Hall will open at Rogers Store at JO this evening There will bo doubt be a rush for toe seats as talent is Each and every performer is a ttnx ijA we could give any number of press notices to support cur as sertion Better still Hie musiclov ing people of Town know from tKeir experience that Mr Treating There were ladies present at the Missionary Meeting held at Maple- ton last Wednesday afternoon Mrs presided during the program which included a vocal solo by Airs Watt readings by Mrs Geo Richard son and Mrs Hughes and an original paper by Atkinson Mrs A field was appoint ed a delegate to the Branch Meeting in Toronto in May At the conclusion of the the spent hour or more with their needles piecing missionary quilts- it is intended to have a bee in the Methodist School Room on the to quilt At Home The Assembly in the Town Hall on Monday evening under the auspices of the Bachelors of Newmarket was one the most successful affairs of tlie kind ever held in the Town Over were present and everything pass ed off in a most satisfactory The music was furnished Orchestra of Toronto and was firstclass in every respect Re freshments were served in the mar ket and were very choice It was about when the company broke up everybody remarking about a splendid time which they enjoy ed Among those from a distance Aurora Dr Richardson and wife Dr Military Mr and Mrs Miss Miss Wells Miss Malloy Miss Miss Thomson Miss Miss Mr J Walton Mr Mr A Mr A Ash Mr Baldwin Mr Jos Mr Wesley Mr BradfordMr and Mrs Stod dard Miss Sutherland Miss Walker the Misses lliompson Mrs Watson Mr Mr Ryan Toronto Misfi Audrey Campbell the Misses Mabel Miller Miss Paper thi Misses Hamilton Miss Karl Mr and Mrs Stewart Mrs Ryan Miss Mara Mr Mrs McCTcIIan March via Tientsin Traders arriving report that last night Japanese gained an en trenched position five miles west of J the gates of Mukden Handtohand fighting until daylight followed with out any advantage en either side Traders further report that the Rus sians becoming alarmed bur art Government buildings preparatory to rotreating The losses already exceed those in the battle of on the Rus sian sida and the Japanese are sup posed to have suffered though this does not seem to shake the Japanese tenacity r noon today they attacked ad vancing their infantry and provoking a counter attack which was first re ported to have resulted in Russian infantry occupying about- pm when the artillery battle in creased furiously shells setting fire to many buildings from which joining a dust storm shroud ed the vase plain in clouds in which the roared at the sun sank To Meet Russian Fleet Three days ago a German vessel ar rive at Hong Kong and reported sighting two Japanese squadrons Hong Kong is about mile- by sea south by west of Port Arthur which was the rendezvous of Admiral Togos licet until after the Japanese army captured that fort A few days after Port Arthur capitulated Togo started away to the southward with the evident- intention of going to meet the Russian Baltic fleet The distance from Hong Kong to Madagascar is about four weeks easy for a fleet of the size of that of Admiral Togo It is the plan of Togo to go directly to Madagascar ami attack the Russian Meet the greatest naval battle since modern battleships have been used In war fare will be fought probably before the end of the present month St Petersburg March The bat tle of Mukden has resulted in a Rus sian defeat Field Marshal once more has proven himself one of the greatest masters of offensive stra tegy since Napoleon Perish Hong March persona perished in a fire some linio ago among the native Craft ofi Province of ISO milts above Canton where thousands con- to celebrate the New Year An immense number ot the celebrants were living aboard sampans and junks which packed the river A fire that was used for cooking purposes tne boat on which it was burning and flames spread to vessels on all sides The blazing boats drifted from their moorings and set fire to the bamboo piers Thou sands fought fires but they were helpless The exact number of per sons burned to death or drowned will never be known StockTaking is over and we wish to thank our many cus- lor the Most Prosperous Year in our History What we have done for you in the past we will endeavor to even improve on in the future BALDWIN BREEZES James Crittenden is any improved- He has from boyhood and it seems going against him Necrosis little if lame to be or too citizens soon to and suit Jock is an exceptionally Tine- dinger and as entertainer Mr lias no superior Mr Geo is in excellent lunjo guitar and mandolin player who always merits applause Miss was here last year and was given a very Many will be glad of the opportunity to near her again This is the fust of Mif Mabel in Newmarket She very highly and Ij taid to be soprano soloist in Toronto at present this Concert as it will the in Town this season Mrs mother VVUIUm and wa born in In axd died at her home in Newmarket r Friday of pneumonia a Her Mr In In again to Peter who Jil in years with family to and and years moved to She Was an earnest Christian mother a Her disposition spread around her She was a of the Church MA a at fcer- She 2 17 yreatardehildren and J The funeral took place on at St Pauls Rev I five of gandofjVMeJii of arat Mr Thori Mid forth- Parry District Mr of Tootto and 4r Vrn of fJefeutifjj from from the Specialty adorned In Stove Snaps thole No- Pearl WiXh tank- wood condi tion cost new for with tank and shelf used one month bargain at Armstrong Deed Niajor Arthur Armstrong JJ of who was iiiiurfl by a car while crossing King street Toronto on Tuevlay in Ceneral Hospital there on Wed nesday one of the men in the JowiLiiip of He vai born in in being the son of late Colore Annstrong of He educated in Canala College He had extensive in town where he resided for forty yearn He was twice married first to Miss Mary and then to Hugh Tliornson a of the late Col of By the first mar riage there were three tons and two daughters The former are barrister Toronto of the Dominion and John In railway postal service The are Mar tin of Toronto arid Mr Perdue vUc of the Anglican at Mr leaven two Mrs One- rant of Virginia aiyl Mrs Murehion of Toronto For in ton York which he retired rank of major He serveI during Raid of I860 Ho a member of the Order had been twice master of his in politics he was a and a mwnljtr of Anglican two and a with Ms brother at the end Sale Register TUESDAY March Mr Thomas will have a ale of implements etc on lot if of atxjut a mile south of Sharon croilit except for poultry and fat animals Sale at Smith FRIDAY March Dr It Mount Albert will held an extensive unreserved sale of Hern Cattle hackney and road horses implements etc on the usual terms Catalogues furnished on application Sale at sharp apt T and P Auctioneers SATURDAY March Farm in King and building in Newmar ket belonging to Slerlin will 1 sold at the Hotel Newmarket at oclock am See ad March 22 Mrs las A Travis Son will have a Sale of farm and on lot Con of Hay grain and roots cash mos credit on over Sale at oclock Smith TUESDAY March Mr Zephyr will id his cattle and implements at one sharp On sums of and under or credit until Nov on sums over that amount J Roster March levor half of lot Con 1 Scott will hold an fclye unreserved auction sale of farm stock and implements at one oclock fcliarp credit on Burns over I tester Aucl MONDAY Marcjj Profit lot Con Scott vill of his farm stock and Im plements without at one Credit until fan on Burns over Hester oe filled by Foil Two To make a but only one gete It When buy V P yen get we profit Yon are in of a paint will glivo every fatal morning at Mount a of Miss Thornton of Thornton living with her motrer while corning with for the wan it Is cclevl with a fainting to which fell backward floor and broke her when found to he cellar She was cay of the bone seems to have in I am pleased to report visible im provement in Mrs Andy Taits Hopes are entertained her restoration to health Mr- and Mrs of are visiting at our hotel iWm Mr Geo Styles has been appointed local agent for the Farm Im plements is ap pointed agent for the famous peer ing binder twine for repairs for their implements and machines Im not the only one sighing for spring It seems to be almost the universal desire of it cant come any some minds Water continues low in wells Many have to carry their supply a great distance Thos dug a new well this winter for his land lord Newborn The great depth of oil the highway makes teamsters very loathe to turn out The hard crust on the snow is such that anyone driving a light conveyance is apt to a dicktns of a pickle on turning out Musical are not the only things agent deals in He can do a cleer bit of dickering in horse flesh and as he is a pretty shrewd chap he aint likely to lose in any deals Our Johnnie Miller tried him I think did him up as he got a team of able horses for a toy team of spotted ponies Humor tells this You know Ive often told yon of our splendid young ladies its a way I have of doing and I shall tell you again willing hut when Im speaking in praise of our own girls somehow or other my mind is sure to revert back to a group of young ladyschoolmates in the winter of 70 and 71 at the old Grammar School at Newmarket Such an ag gregation of young womanhood quiet demeanor and sweet attractive position is seldom seen It is need less 1 presume to add that my eye would frequently wander from my studies to catch a glimpse fascinating creatures Let me see Yes I can name them all The Misses Josephine and Maria Dudley Marion Pearson Prances and a or more or equally charming nymphs Today most of them are model wives and mothers Their cheerful countenances will con firm the truthfulness of my story At last nun men of influence are raising an agitation in favor of pure food Its high time or everything we buy nowadays Seems to he adulterated spiees gin ger jams leas everything in the line of groceries has some foreign matter in it whereby a slight ad vance in profit may be made With such tricks of the trade the public is defrauded Now let them kick Shoddy Everything these times seems to be shoddy It has even come to pass that It has crept into I lie churches and much of the religion is shoddy fair or the outside but vile deception on the Inside I like to look back at the good old days that are past and gone the days of brass buttons dutch bells good old homospun clothes Away with ycAir shoddy This Monday Is a line spell of weather Let be thankful for it In early life I many poems to memory In later days it much pleasure to think them over This one was brought to mind on two Jlttlc brother scrapping dogs to bark and bite hath made them bears and I Ions growl ami fight For tis nature too Hut children you should never let Your angry Your little hands were never made To tear cadi others eyes all at least persons an mind have noticed what a wonderful difference there is in peo ples movement Some in every motion and movement are the poetry motion whilst others again are clumsy and Apparently hav ing no command of their movements In nwne this Is very often duo to physical conformation Sometimes a few lessons from a teacher or a dancing effect a marvel- lolm In a public speaker la sometimes more effective than flight of oratory Continued on Page o ARRIVING EVERY DAY Bargains IN CARPETS LACE CURTAINS and ROLLER BLINDS Li ice Curtain Prices btgin at per pair and end at Our Special at is ecual to many Cur- tains sold at Carpets from upward Roller Blinds Complete from 25c upward j By trading with us you iave Money on every Dollars Worth you buy THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER 1905 to Latest from London and Paris Low Prices THE ROCHE COMPANY Limited A MUST MAKE ROOM SALE A March 1st to March Our and Summer HOOTS SHOES OXFORDS AND SLIPPERS arriving and to lor them we will clear out REGARDLESS 176 pairs at MakeRoom Prices A While lost can you require for Spring and Summer In Infants Roys Girls and Mens veryday and Vine Shoes made by several of best makers in Canada Pourtoen British immi grants recently landed from steamer Bavarian Most of have West I New Yorks elevated and Subway arc badly crippled by a strike One collision occurred la which persons were in jured CASTOR I A For Infants and Children Kind You Have Always Bought of ouu I r March Mow per barrel Wheat per bush Spring Wheat per bush 0 Wheat Rye bush 0 per bush 0 Oats per bush 0 Buckwheat 0 0 Hay per ton Bran per ton 00- Shorts per ton 20 Potatoes Apples per bbl Apples per basket 0 Butter per lb per do Packed 0 Chickens per pair Ducks 00 Turkeys 13- Toronto Everybody como and by our March Sale REPAIRING AND TO A SPECIALTY Our new Spring and Summer Beat Values offered AND- YOU WILL BROS Sutton West Ont Shoe Polish during at 7c tin Black and Tan TERMS STRICTLY CASH r i 1 March White Wheat per Wheat per 07 Spring pel per bush 02 per Barley per bush 0 Butter roll per ft 23 per Potatoeo per bag per Hay per ten Bucks per to a per lb Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb is Beef hind

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