Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1905, p. 8

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-r- I Idle The best disinfectant of is sunlight It destroy by its brightness all sort terms and at the same time helps the of plants and animal life- Doubt less all have noticed that grows during the night and in dark cellars Bright sunlight destroys genus raouldor other organisms That why it is best to let the sunlight into your houses for its purifjing Influence At the Invalids Hotel and Surgical insti tute Buffalo Pierce chief con sulting surgeon started experiments some three ago with the light in conjunction with the Xray in the treat ment or diseases He got excellent results therefrom and was among the first to adapt this remarkable cure to many cases which it was formerly supposed must of necessity be treated by the knife Not only is Dr Pierce notable for his surgical achievements at his hospital Buffalo but nearly a third of a century he discovered certain roots and herbs which were natures remedies and sue in putting them up in a form that would be easily procured and ready to use This he called Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery It maintains the patients nu trition enabling him to eat retain digest assimilate nutritious food It over- comes irritability and symptoms of indigestion and in this way fever night- sweats headaches etc are done away with It fortifies the body against the germs of consumption grip and malaria it builds up the tissues and puts on healthy flesh desiring to know something about the body in health sod disease also medi cine and surgery without technicalities should read the Common Sense Medical Adviser which can had for cents in onecent stamps for the clothbound book Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo The Sovereign Bank Begin tl ic vear in with our an account Savings Bank Deposits of TWENTY CENTS and received and Interest Allowed on Daily Balance AND Compounded Poor Times a Year without of Pass Hook viz January April July October year fax AND TO Our skating rink which has been considered unsafe for some time but had not been used this winter collaps ed on Thursday afternoon of last week AURORA- The Metropolitan Railway have purchased Mr Proctors lot south of Banbury Livery Stable on St and will build a station house as as the spring open We presume a switch will be run into the lot from St The location for a passenger station is an excellent one ZEPHYR Walter Shuttleworth got a bad smack with a puck on Friday while playing with Sutton which somewhat his face We understand that Jesse Cook has purchase store from J Dafoe and intends refitting it and moving his goods into it John Scott went to Fri day and had some trouble in getting home having to leave his at Allan the line and walk ing home he next day He says that the snow is very deep in that section of the country An exciting game of hockey was played here on Friday evening of last week between Sutton and Zephyr re sulting in a score of six to four in favor of Sutton of each 45 Branches in Canada AND 45 Agents in all Parts of the World Courteous Unexcelled Modern Treatment Facilities Moth ode YO ACCOUNT IS Wallace Bruce Manager BRANCH Manager Mount Albert Branch Slabs Delivered The is holding the week of prayer this instead of last week owing to the late storms that have blocked traffic for a few days The cottage meetings that have been arranged for promise to be of more than usual interest The first of the series was held at the home or Mr Taylor on Monday night Rev Stevenson takes charge on Wednesday night in the ldora Church which is looked forward to with much inter est He will also conduct the Cot tage Meeting at the home of Mrs Ryan on Friday The other services will be looked after by the young people with the assistance of the ladies of the The Un ion is hopeful of doing a good work this HOLLAND LANDING The reception accorded to Lennox MLA for North York in the historic village of Holland Land ing on Thursday night of last week has not been surpassed throughout the campaign The hall was packed to the doors A brief address was read after which Mr Lennox was presented with a magnificent gold j watch In reply he thanked Liberals and Conservatives alike for the vic tory in North York He reaffirmed his determination to deal fairly with par tie The other speakers were I McKay and If of ewmarket The Late Continued from wef Of recent years Monsignor had suffered considerably from heart trouble digestive and kindred ail ments ariti was frequent obliged to participate in many public functions But he was indefatigable in the per formance of his pastoral duties and only severe illness would cause him to givQ up a visit a parishioner A recent instance of the selfsac rifice and devotion on Hie part of the was shown on last Christ mas night when it was bitterly cold with sleet falling driven by a forty- mile gale Just as the was preparing to go to bed a caller appeared at the rectory and asked that a priest be sent to administer the last sacraments of the church William the fourteenyearold son of Philip Ileal who resides at street It was not intended that the should answer but three other assistants were out on other sick calls Fearing- if he waited for the return of one of the assistants the hoy might die without the sacra the got out of bed and went to the bedside of the dying fad A strange coincidence is that but of the day of his death te called at the Healey residence to condole with the parents the boy hating die oh the previous Tuesday The body of was removed Sunday from the rectory to the cathedral where it lay in state attended by selected members of the church societies as Thou sands people were at the cathedral during the day the body The funeral services were held Tues day morning at the Cathedral before a throng of mourners who occupied every inch of seating and standing place choked the aisles filled the gallery and swarmed chapel where they could see little or no thing of the proceedings and even overflowed out into the street where they patiently for hours in snow a Pontifical Mass of requiem was celebrated Never in the history of Newark has a more tri bute been paid to its honored In the gathering there were the great men of the State city and church side by side with the poor and hum ble A former Governor two mayors and many lesser civic officers repre sented the State an Archbishop four Bishops priests Brothers and Sisters to the number of represented the church and the mourner was a Bishop of another church than thai to which he for whom all that vast crowd mourned belonged The chanting the Office for the I Dead began at oclock led by the Rev William Richmond rec tor of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel and rendered by the choir composed of forty seminarians from Scum Hall College and the priests in cadence Dur ing the singing the chief mourners entered the front of the church hav ing come through the rectory and sacristy In the party were the Right Rev William pal Bishop of the diocese of Albany brother of Mosignor and Mrs Doanes strong like ness to his dead brother was noticed at I T V Banner Id the name of our God we Will set up a Tie Tetupranco is imturro And its loins The nravest of the wovld A baud Not glittring arms of war or roll But with weapons mightier far own strength ve come TO the fa is our aim And our countrys shame Alia make her truly bless Though foes may scorn and friends cerise Shall we withhold our hand God on our side can against as stand Then join this glorious crusade Against our s bane Till low the tyrant Drink is laid And joy and Temperance reign peeping Him By J Harbour Many men are kcpt down in the way in the man in toe ihgstory was kept from mounting to anything A gentleman was travelling in the South on horseback when he stopped for a water at a liltln Jog cabin in the backwoods A long and very lank man with a strag gling beard and weak blue eyes was sprawling under a tree in the A slatternly woman a fad ed calico gown was doing in a rock ing chair by the door Two hoys of about sixteen and eighteen years of age were lying Face downward in a fence comer where there was a little grass Five or six dogs were scat tered about- the yard and only one of them had life enough to rise on its forefeet and give a spiritless hark to announce the strangers approach The man slowly raised himself upon his elbow the boys turned on their side and the woman with a little womanly pride still began to twist up her back hair Could get a drink here asked the traveller Why certainly drawled the man Theres the well help your self Maw cant you get a glass to drink out of a gourd on to the wellcurb replied the woman Do not let nic trouble you in any way the stranger made haste to say- I drink out of a well- bucket thats the way do said the man After his thirst the stranger said wonder if I could have my horse put up and fed while I Walk to the summit of that hill where I could perhaps get a good photograph of the valley below I will pay you fifty cents for for my horse while I am gout Yon hear that Jake said rising to a sitting posture He says that hell give fifty cents pfcpafaiionfor As similating ttroodattdRcguia- ling and Bowels of weather is so mild in and Alberta that many farmer plowing and have seeding Kilty thousand dollars Worth jewelry smuggled by Mrs Chad Wick has been recovered by the United customs Infantsantf Child on Kind You i Promotes and tains neither nor Mineral Hot Narcotic- Bears the Signature of Remedy Sour and Loss OF SLEEP- Ice Simile Signature NEW ASTHMA A HEAVY BURDEN I Asthma is bad enough but when bronchial symptoms are added poor sufferer has almost an intoler able existence An absolute specific is found in fragrant healing Catarrh- ozone which cures chronic cases that other remedies wont even relieve For years writes atd of Montreal I battled with agonies of couldnt sleep for nights at a time 1 spent thousands on medicines and doctors without relief but one worth of Catarrhozone cured me Catarrhozone cant fail its guaranteed Two months treatment 5100 trial Thoroughbred Stock for Sale Largo English Berkshire Boars and Sows Jersey Springers one three- yearold Clydesdale Mare also some choice Barred P Rock Cockerels and Pullets J P O Chandeliers for Sale- Six complete with lamps for three or six lights 2 wall brackets which will be sold Cheap on application to JACKSON Methodist Church Newmarket it to have his boss fed your many in the church as lie entered chance to earn money enough to liny the head of the party He sat that spotted ilawg of lien Turners I I ALL KINDS AND DRESSED LUMBER Sheeting LATH Ladders Halt Price COAL Kgg Stove Nut Pea SOFT COAL SELECTED KamrUsewae tie machinery of the tan nery bondholders taken over street fca not paid of Medical Exarainationjje By DR of Y Believing in kroyMtee or not there in no that the doctor can er- wurce of your of physical and a tow I would have helpleaa invalids all lock of and DR A SyraBe L TORONTO of this city will row a match with Tom Sullivan on Toronto Ray in August Frank of the Globe La l The management of the Industrial Fair have the Rand as one ihis attr A accounts for one of the recently reported and money were found in outhouse The of St Cathedral itporU that one day entei the broke open box and carried off the content McCann is in the Hospital with a broken back as the result of a fall from the roof of a at the Don Valley brick One week the of Presbyterian pro Mr A It with a leather chair in recognition of his service for years as tlCaiuie ixstiiisstcr novel experiMic Friday morning Coming down town in street car with him a full of of importance only the department At the man sat next- carried a bag and on leaving the car disappeared With the of his own A minute or two after master the exchange not find man who carried The one left behind only con tained a lunch The exchange of was accident and at the Co s later on where lot parcels are taken no with Mrs immediately besidoj I here aint the bier and all through the cere- the critter with followed the Service buy called Jake as he husked to replied he turned over in prayerbook hardly ever lilt- and hurled his face in the Brass iiiK his eyes from its pages Lute you whirl in and look The Office lor the Dead over the alter the critter Fifty cents will Pontifical A requiem began buy a pile of shot for your new The chancel of the Cathedral was fill- gun with dignitaries of Jhe and I Let do it replied Lute and the vestments the prelate and he yawned yawn priests made an impressive picture Lem I called the man of llie Mass the The sandy head of a youth of about lowing were seated within the twenty years was dhrust out of a eel The Most Rev John window ill the gable of the house Farley of New York the and a voice said sleepily Right Rev J Mctjiiaiil What you want of Rochester a former pastor Heres a man wants his hoss wa- the of tired and fed and Hell give fifty Albany and The celebrant of the Mass was the Right Rev John J OConnor of Newark What Can Do can be of but little benefit And j i for such a preparation must Fop the Sunday School the shall look By P Orth The constant and regular attend- in The Evangelical Messenger sC with j Tlie plligatioh of parents to at- pared lessons cheers and tend personally to the spiritual in- ages the teachers shows that teres ts of their children is founded they have the sympathy and co upon that immutable relation that operation of the home What ex- subsists between parents and child- could we find more pleasant and no circumstances which do and profitable for an hour annihilate this relation can day evening or Sunday morning or diminish its force So than to sit down with your child- Jong as the ties which bind parents and go over the lesson children together exist so long the more difficult parts and en- must the obligations rest upon them to learn and rellect parents to bring up their children upon their meaning are the nurture and admonition of tain such an exercise would be tlie Lord This obligation can- to most children May we not be transferred to another The not then expect your special co- principal object of the Sunday operation in securing a thorough School is to aid you in training up preparation of the lesson and in your children for heaven To aid exciting an interest in them you in this most interesting work Again you can increase the cheerfully offer our service Wo est and efficiency of our Sunday will do all we can to assist yon in School by your own constant the consciences and the anil persona connection hearts of your children that they are aware that certain circum- may be fitted for the duties of life stances such as infirmity domestic and for the rewards of the faithful cares and duties are often given as in heaven And now you will reasons for not attending and unit- low us your humble servants and with the Sunday School But fellowhelpers to suggest a few we think that all should regard things which we regard as essential themselves in some relation as your part members of this institution Wc In the first place then we look hope you agree with us that no to you for the constant and one is ever too wise to study the attendance of your children Word of God and to study it in the To secure the of the school Sunday School The largest and your children must of course at- wisest people look and feel small tend constantly and punctually when undertake to study God We have no authority and no power in his Word If not a teacher in excepting that of persuasion and the Sunday School your influence love ami the general interest the there is ireat ought to he J e rv4 J J to If C si CM CO J Iff 2 it ft a Is cents for doing it Let r Jake do it if you aint too to live exclaimed the man with some The sermon was by llu- show of irritation Then he asked Charles professor of I reckon shell do dogmatic at the Seminary it Shes more than any of the Immaculate Conception Scion of the rest of you Hall and was a sympathetic appre- Maw elation of the life and works of late the The fire at at Insurance of Give nature three helps and nearly every case of con sumption will recover Fresh air most important of all Cherry Pectoral Nourishing food comes next Then a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs Ask any good doctor I Ion All for onsumptiopt Health dally action of bowels I Shu said she was off to a nap cause she was- off to dance in he holler all enough slieft some place over In tlie big woods After several times for and failing to any reply I he man turned to f his wife and why can you do it maw Think of In for your pipe thai fifty will buy IVes an have you the hoys si oc ihc heft of It up Mi thank The man turned toward in and despair and said aint any use mister They wont one of life a ha id Air It any aint ever got in ho world You kin ride from ban to and you wont find an other such a shiftless lot as I have to J reckon theyll feed your down the at Hank Ills folks have got tome energy None of mine have 11111 like shiftless family to keep a man down and he dropped back ward with his hat over his face and Went to sleep yend the to advent friends school may awaken to secure their attendance In the second place we PiUHt look to yon to see that your children properly prepare their logons Perhaps there is no one thing in our Sunday Schools more at the present time than the superficial manner in which the les sons in many instances arc prepar ed Indeed with many scholars it is to be feared there is no prepara tion not even an of the lesson before they reach the class Without such a preparation of the lessons Sunday School present as often as possible If you are never there how ean you make your children understand that it is a place of any importance Besides your presence jives it the atmosphere of home And will not that be a happy day when we shall see the home in the Sunday School arid Sunday School in the home Would not that be the millennium 2 t I 2s Where theres a theres a Keep your shoes polished Then you can always shine at one end if you cant at the other J j a Cured Your Friends Time PAINE

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