Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 3 Mar 1905, p. 4

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J Autonomy the bills giving now Provinces Alberta come upor cwitidcr- in next week the well toe had of learning the the try and of the press in regard to the features of the proposed meas ure and so ax as have been able to observe a large He sentiment demands that ciai freedom in regard to and the control of school lands should be conferred upon the Legislatures oi tie irnivs Indeed in the minds Healthy Depend Upon Blood Poor Blood Means Weak Lungs- and Consumption m Every drop of blood in the bod A new has been ordered or the of the Legislature Ac cording to custom the used by must through the during his tenure of lungs are helped and healed belongs to him it is and strengthened great of the position Dr Williams Pink Pills They fill the Veins with pure The Railway Committee of the rich red blood that gives health and Commons defeated Mr vigor to weak lungs is the Lancasters hill fast week for way Dr Williams Pink Pills brace Her protection for railway lungs to threw off bronchitis una in cities towns and villages colds That is way Dr vote was not a party one and Williams Pink Pills build defeated it received a much lungs after an attack of la stronger support than last year On his return from the Wist Indies a- substantia testimonial will he pre sented to During the past week the committee to whom the matter has been commit ted authorized the statement to be made public that a substantial sum has- already been raised and further that the subscription lists would re main open up to March to make additions thereto Until that time Ottawa Bowman Southampton KC Toronto or Cas ey Wood Canada Life Building will receive subscriptions It is expect ed the fund about or pneumonia That is the way Dr inter- Williams Pink Pills have saved dreds in A protest has been entered in the Canada from consumptives Rev P is in con stant attendance upon Alexander Martin the convict in Toronto jail the return under sentence of death lor- the mur der of his infant child and who majority of the thin Jess reprieve be wort so so well Mrs c6rrupt Friday March It is said GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily for Wharf with for points on Lakes North Bay am Dally Sunday for Collins- wood Penetasg Wharf pm Daily for Stay- North Bay and points In pm Daily except Sunday for Colltng- wood Meaford and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bay Huntaville Wharf ana am Daily except Sunday from Orillia and of the Dominion this question was thought to be by Dominion Lands Act Revised Statutes of Canada After setting apart porticos of the domain as school lands that Act states All moneys from time to time realized from the sale of school lands shall be invested in securi ties of Canada to form a fund and tbe interest therefrom after deducting the cost of management snail be annually to the Government of the province or territory within which such lands are situated toward the support of Public therein and the moneys so paid shall he distributed for that pur pose by the Government of such or territories in such manner as it deems expedient about serentcea years old Nothing we did for her seemed to do any good and we feared she was going jiuto consumption Often after a bad night I would get up early to see if she had spit blood during the night A friend strongly urged me to give her Dr Williams Pink Pills and within a month from time she had begun their use she bad almost recovered her Under con tinued use of toe Pills she is now well and strong Dr Williams Pink Pills not only make weak lungs strong but they cure all troubles arising from or deficient blood supply such as anaemia indigestion neuralgia general weakness St Vitus dance headaches and backaches troubles palpitation of tho heart special secret ailments A press despatch from Ottawa states that it is understood General adviser Friday March it s left alone day or night and has been visited by no one beyond his legal and the abovenamed clergy- Lake at militia head- quarters will be gazetted as briga diergeneral in the Imperial army and will remain in Canada tor another four years This intimation is re garded as a concession to Canadian sentiment HO It appears to us the proposition of young girls and women Insist involved in the measures now before genuine with the full name Parliament contravenes the above r Pale People on the wrapper around each section and the whole is Sold by medicine dealers upon itself to arbitrarily forte where or by mail at tents a box upon Alberta and Saskatchewan a boxes for veiling constitution embodying a principle Co Province of Ontario collected in succession duties during the past year Hon Mr Whitney on the Opposition side of House used to call these duties tions Will he now repeal I he suc cession duties act Or will he gath er in the lucre and thank his prede cessors for providing so advantageous a revenueproducer The importance aiding the industries in the time of financial trouble is fully shown by the success attending the same We now learn side of the Dirty wood work or any other part of the house that requires can best cleaned by using not only adverse to existing legisla tion under which settlers have made homes therein but also containing restriction to Provincial freedom not embraced in the constitution of other western Provinces which have tonic into the Dominion In years to come should the Pro vinces desire to have separate schools Ont man Rev says Martio listens to him attentively hut never refers to crime for which he has been convicted- According to the statement of of our professors of botany there are at least three hundred and fifty vari eties of weeds which were not in Canada one hundred years ago Within the last fifty years twothirds of these new varieties of weeds hare gained a foothold in Ontario Th cause is attributed to exchange of seeds from across border and from migratory also as the of trade and manufacture Down in the city is a factory up old rubber overshoes These from all parts of the worlcl and the old linings and dirt are cast upon a dumpheap Weed seeds which found lodgment in these old rubbers in other lands are thus brought to It will remove every particle of dirt and make the whole house bright and cheery Absolutely pure and every bar possesses re markable cleansing power ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR L Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white and injure the hands LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTOr- I Not that the Michigan side of after witnessing the result of op- this country and geminating at these by the great dumpheaps have multiplied and prise river on the Canadian side of the has decided to start a rival flourished till they have been garner ed with some grain crop and thus Of pm Daily poinU Anglicans Roman Catholics Northwest North Bay Methodists Presbyterians Huntaville and Bar- pm Dally except Sunday from or any left to other sects that Mormons be Stilio Chatham Feb The License Commissioners for East Kent met at Blenheim Saturday and re fused to grant any liquor licenses in that town The situation of Blen heim is unique Last year the town voted on local option and the bylaw carried by a majority of five Thc Town Council refused to pass the by law The temperance people appeal ed to the License Commissioners and r they refused to grant any licenses Bar- the Dominion Parliament will no an injustice to the of freedom by insisting the hi rcKaro PROMPTLY SECURED I Writ for our Interesting Of an see ffwledlctf m of or we will tell yen favour opinion it ft Rejects often by We Wti4uct folly Equipped office in 1 at to prompt work quickly cur the Marion Ma rion without chicle la ever Patent MARION MARION llm la depart catalogue at any time J ELLIOTT Principal Mortgage Salt by r- VALUABLE FARM the day of UK at a Royal In Town of fiewtnarkAt In the there will be r Harold being of Lot Trwrv- of Terms For further or apply to CROW I Vendors Or to FRANK The matter was then fought out in the courts and action was taken to compel the commissioners to the licenses The ease was tried be fore Judge of Toronto He reserved judgment and has not given his decision A petition was then circulated in Blenheim signed by a majority of the so the liquor men claimed The License Commissioners met on Saturday to consider the petition It was found that some of the signers were not property owners and the commis sioners refused to accede to the re quest for licenses as Farm for Sale or to Rest if am lot in the 3rd Coo Good wtcat farm of wheat fca the- LLOYD has to Hospital at Hat and to the upon proposed enactment ft to this constitutional is sue embracing the question of the points out objections in clear and terms It Bays The merits of Separate Schools is not supremo and essential question at issue in the measure now before Parliament Neither is the question one of the value of the religious element in educa tion Neither is it a question of the claims of minorities whether Protestant or Roman Catholic to consideration in matters of ed ucation All such questions be settled without dispute The utility of Separate schools may bo granted That a system of edu cation divorced from morality is education its head cut off is a proposition that not The claims of mi norities may all bo conceded And yet the central question at is- sue remains That question id not one of policy bit one of constitutional Which has the to de termine and direct education al policy of the new western Pro vinces Dominion Parliament or the Provincial The Globes answer to that cen tral question- is the answer of the Confederation Act In and for each Province the Legislature may exclusively make laws in re lation to education That an swer cannot be harmonized with measure now before Par liar On this of all due deference to the opinions of the we quite the view forth the extract The bill giving autonomy to Alberta and J Dominion Government for a does not harmonize wrvice to The con- rights the ConMcratlon Act is tract is for throe years and four supposed to to each Pro- are to be employed in relation to education and wo have do In joining who ak that be I power company Report says this seen spread from section to section new company will spend 12000 this summer question of adulteration of ccr- tain classes of fcods sold over Clifford Minister of j cars counters formed the topic for Interior unexpectedly discussion for a time one day last from the South and made his week in Parliament The Minister in Parliament a couple of erf Inland Revenue made rather days after the Mils of AM disquieting statements along this line and bad regard to jams jellies and maple introduced Ho has not yet declared j Others joined in the views thereon and there is much and a demand was made that speculation in regard thereto It is understood however he will so during debate if in accord with his ioJitical past will jIiow a- cleavage from the terms of the legislation I the law be strictly enforced hut this is all gush Demands have been made like this on previous oc casions For The past nil years Government analysts have been pub lishing reports of these adulterations hut prosecutions have followed What Hon Mr should do is in cases where the analyst declares I State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes that he the senior partner of firm of J Cheney A Co doing the City of Toledo County State aforesaW and said Arm will pay the sum One Dol lars for eaxh and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this day of De cember AD I Notary Public Halls Cat art Cure taken Inter nally and directly on the Wood mucous surfaces of system Bend for testimonials free J CHRNEY CO Toledo Sold by all druggists Halls Family Pills arc the best The Model and public School building at Athens was Loss The Bank of Montreal building at was burned Manager Angus and family narrowly escaped with their Uvea Mfccsrs A Allan oi sied a with the The Ontario Assembly has been summoned for despatch of busi ness for Wednesday March It goods adulterated to test the net anticipated that the session before a legal tribunal and if will be a long one as Govern- found true to have the will not have been sufficiently Lamentations on the floor of long in power to perfect much Parliament dont count against j legislation It is uncertain wrongdoing of dishonest persons at present whether Hon Mr avarice blunts conscience to will be back from Jamaica in time the extent of perpetrating public for the opening of the House to as- frauds by putting up glucose and the Opposition leadership or substitutes for strawberries and not In event of his absence Hon Heavy fines and penalties or Hon A McKay will stop these offences and should be will probably be selected to act as Imposed on wrongdoers leader- till Mr Ross returns I I A deputation of Royal Templars The millenium is drawing mi apace Alliance Temperance workers at least it seems so when the tor viewed Premier Whitney last week Mail and Empire- can say such fine for the abolition of the things of the representative of North told him if When you are ready to place your order for your SPRING SUIT dont let the price be tbe only considera tion QUALITY MEANS MORE TODAY than ever before As we have always held our reputation in fair dealings good workmanship and styles we intend to keep It by still carrying the largest and best line of Woollens that are on the market this present INSPECTION INVITE to you the fact tbat wo able to compete M In Pried Workmanship and Quality are Mclaughlin NEWMARKET It McDonald a Mar quette killed at St Fiji wrt fct TO A COLD IK DAY let All the if It to cure algaature each WHY DRAIN WORKERS BREAK DOWN fir not a keeps going as long steam applied He is a creature of blood nerves and delicately balanced organism Many dont realise this bat their brains and down Brain work ers nee a strong bracing tonic like to fortify their and keep the blood pure and rich Take and youll do more work You will have the the and the desire for work be cause your system vdll bo In first- clafts order For your health and take regularly Price at druggists York in the Commons Speaking of railway expropriations Conserva tive organ Sir William Mo- locks admissions as to the of the law governing railway ex propriations will be received with general When a Member of the Government openly declares that a grievance exists for which the law does not provide- lie is under stood to foreshadow a reform Such a statement as the made in the House about the injustice put upon private Interests by the arbitrary exercise of powers field by railway companies cannot but be regarded as tantamount to a pledge that these powers will be cur tailed This paragraph assume that the Post masterGeneral is the kind of reprwxnlative who on find ing a grievance is prepatcd to re dress the tamo and Is complimentary to good Youths Companion rises to re mark Had users of the been able to Its pres ent development thoy would expected that it would take work from tho mesFngers and errand boys to such an extent as to leave thousands of youngsters crying for employment Tho latest census report shows that th telophono sys tems of country today pay a year in wages and salaries that the new construe tiiro year coot as much more moat of which goes to pay labor The telephone is a workmaking instead of a lng device In effect upon the seeking emlOTment This Is of machinery world oyer hundred mecGages go by Wire to one that was cent by a boy and the greater number by darner way more work there was anything in popular major ities as he Whitney and others claimed majorities in the plebis cites of and ought to have their support Mr In the name of morality justice and patriotism appealed for the aboli tion of the bar Aid believed in prohibition and urged that the barroom ought to go and has got to go Thcusands of men he said who did not believe in pro hibition supported tho abolition of the bar In reply the Premier ex pressed his appreciation of the seri ousness of subject but Intimated that the Government had had to consider any questions policy He assured the deputation however that every statement made by him would be made pond and the law as at present will be carried out as It has been carried out before He further stag ed that it would be impossible to do much at legislation coming ses sion but he welcomed tho sugges tions of the deputation Levers Wise Head Disinfect ant Soap Powder Is better than oth er powders as it Is both soap and disinfectant 1 K Established 25 Years NAMES USED WITH OUT WRITTEN CONSENT wi After Treatment A I of of Alexandria was struck on the head during a game of hockey at Waxyillb and killed ft TO CURB CHILLS And such complaints as Shivers and ague we recommend very highly Twenty drops of taken in a hot water with a little sugar three times daily not only stops chills but knocks out the disease completely has a direct action on fever chills and removes thorn In stomach and bow el troubles never falls Its pleasant to quick to relieve and always cures permanently a twentyflvo cent bottle today how the I took your New Treatment tot a serious blood with which I had been auJlcted for years- had consulted of all kinds or blood medicine visited Hot Springs and other water ra- but only pot temporary relief They would help me a time but after the medicines symptoms would break out again running Before Treatment blotches looseness of tho hair swellings Of the palms of the hands scaling Itchiness of skin dyspep tic stomach etc had given up In when a friend advised rno to consult you as you had cured him of a similar years I had no but took his advice In three the commenced heal up and I became I continued Now Method Treatment for four months and at the and of that every symptom hid disappeared I was cured years ago and no signs of any 6 lieu so My boy three years old is sound and healthy I cer tainly recommend your treatment with all my heart You can any person to mo privately but you can this testimonial as you wish a treat Vital rjluil diseases Urinary Bladder and Kidney complaints of men and women Are you a victim Have you lost hope Are you ln to marry your blood Have you any Our New Method Treatment will cure you What it has done for others It wiH do for you CONSULTATION No matter who has treated you for an honest opinion Free of Charge Charges reasonable Golden Monitor Illustrated on Diseases Bealed Book on Free 1 NO NAMES WITHOUT CONSENT ttstMod rst READER mml CorMichln Avev flhcibV FOE 1 for Sale west to A WILLIAMS ItaJaT rfV Heifer axoa nay ttae good few oo PEARSON House and Lots Pear Male fcdWnteg on the apply to WIDDIFIELD Residenoe for On Trier St Aurora Mr Good apoly to A Newmarket

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