I Weeks s is a town Oar Toronto tetter A big double truck Queen and Fellowship meeting next Sunday morning at oclock in the Lecture Room The pastor looks for a large attendance- Mr Low gave tho ad- das car going westward jumped the A Pine Outing last track at toe corner of Queen and Thursday night Two brief ad- Caul streets and crashed over the last SS5 store of Allan Graham had a good outing in The trip both ways was a jolly one every and in Ottawa store Allan to the length of halt tfle car demolish almost the entire store as well the dciutioa The Womans Missionary Society of damaging the living rooms above a day first the Methodist will hold their Sir regular meeting at the homo of Mrs and three The a the Jm net Wednesday charge of an experienced by a banquet in the evening which neon at three oclock motor man who had been given tor were most heartily enjoyed Fire Test One of the Insurance Inspectors in connection with the Fire Underwrit ers Association was in Town last Saturday and made a test of our fire system 200 feet hose were at tached to each of three yd rants and water forced through all the at the same time test being made with both the Reservoir pressure and the water pumps- We understand that in both cases it was quite satis factory Auction sale of horses in because a large number of the on Saturday i are admit their Mr expects to move in- responsibility but the city is so ex- to his new store next week acting no allowance made for ds- We hear that tie Assembly 1 regular tonight is to be quite a swell affair apprentices Wanted as soon as possible- a Hughes A fire broke out early Tuesday morning in the basement tailoring establishment St and most of the stock was spoiled by water and smoke Loss on stock 15000 on building I The receipts at the Customs House here for February totalled over an increase of over Feb of last year By the decision of the Supreme Court the is not liable to cf either the Host in Mails Hall was decorated lb J Manitoba for The PostmasterGenerals report occasion A couples were for school rate A for the past year gives a list of present and dancing to the music of lhe eases in which money sent in unreg- Prof s Orchestra of Toron- letters has gone astray The to was up till Pro- o News total number of unregistered letters and other card games rcpor which went astray is stated to formed part of the amusement secretary to the Provincial been and the aggregate amount per was served in the in a money lost as about J15000 most satisfactory manner ing in sums from to the gathering was a Bank drafts or Money Orders are the and the Committee expect there Sal Register TUESDAY March Mr It win will have an unreserved of Block- implements and furniture on lot 3rd Con of South of Sharon on sums over ell for cash Sale at H Kavanagh TUESDAY March Mr of tbe Centre Road mile north of Mount Albert will sell by public auction sheep a number of milch cows and- some good young horses also a number of im plements at one oclock re serve as proprietor has sold his farm Smith Auct J 7 TUESDAY March Mr Brown will have a sale implements etc on lot about a mile Sharon credit poultry and fat animals Smith Auct Thomas of 3rd of south of for Salt at Great Sue i The At ICmpIoyees the Office Specialty Works the Town Hall on Wednesday evening is pronounced trie best ever held The was decorated lh About couples were past year gives a list of present and dancing to the music of which money sent in Prof Markings Orchestra of Toron to was kept up till Pro- to send by mail be a small surplus after all accounts arc paid of We learn from a friend that our faithful and esteemed correspondent at Mr Thos Maghon Gardner had gone passed away on Sunday Feb Gardner thought she Deceased was most highly respected her all friends and acquaintances He while by a great interest in church and Sabbath School work and also in te cause of temperance His demise will be a great loss to the commun ity being a man of strict integrity nd a power for good The its sincere sympathy to the bereaved family Sold The Dan ford Roche Co- have li- of their hardware stock to a firm in western Ontario They are row offering the balance of the stock at Reduced Prices They intend to give up business fioki Bone Broken Last Sunday morning after Mr to church would rim son As she was passing through the door of her house her hand being on the storm door a gust of wind caused it to move with such force that she lost her balance and fell on the ice breaking her anklebone in two places As nobody was in sight she drew herself into the house on her hands and knees and had to wait in for more than an hour till her to go in and im mediately went for assistance last report Mrs was nicely Treasurer and commenced his duties the 1st of this The Ontario Cabinet has passed an order for the annexation of the Ave nue Road extension to the city An other the county the citys ability to pay and decreas ing the countys property assessment upon which to impose taxation city is being orgaiiiAii to death A local organiza tion of Cornjshmen was this week The first visit of their the Clover nor General and Grey to Toronto will take place in Easter week on the occasion of the Canadian Horse Show A very decided improvement is re ported in the condition of both Clarke MP- and A- exMayor of this city A young fellow named Harney be came dissatisfied with conditions fol lowing a marriage after two weeks At acquaintance and neglected to vide for her Mrs Harney charged him with nonsupport before the P when he pleaded the marriage FRIDAY March Dr For rest Mount Albert will held an extensive unreserved sale of Shost Hcrr Cattle road horses implements etc on the usual terms Catalogues furnished on application at sharp T Auctioneers THE MILDEST AND SUREST RE LIEF For constipated bowels and piles is Dr Hamiltons Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which cause no griping pain and act promptly Well known to all doctors Use only Dr Ham iltons Pills Price 25c Stocktaking is over and we wish to thank our many cus tomers tor the Most Prosperous Year in our History What we have done for you in the past we will endeavor to everi improve on in the future I m Lace Curtain Prices begin at 25c per pair and end at 350 Our Specialat is ecual to many Cur- tains sold at Carpets from upward f Roller Blinds Complete from upward ARRIVING EVERY DAY Bargains IN CARPETS CURTAINS and ROLLER BLINDS LACE By trading with us you Save Money on every Dollars Worth you buy was the well The I Was not legal because it had been fi Munificent performed by Rev a Our readers will remember that Day Saint The ease was remandV when we penned the obituary of the but if both of these men have perco late Sterling we referred to fraud upon the young wo nan his generous disposition It now they ought to he punished transpires that the old gentleman years ago last Monday the magnanimous has Contingent dominated ever left in his will that the residue men at South his estate after settling claims and Africa and thereby strong paying certain legacies shall be link in the chain of Empire estimated there distributed between four floated from the city honor of the Again Gen Kurokis Via Fusan Feb The Jap- yesterday achieved a signal victory the forces commanded by While victory is important in itself it is more so because the strategic 1 vantage gained by the Japanese Tin fighting was over a mountainous country between and miles east of Vemai which is about miles northeast of Gen infantry again dis played remarkable qualities as hill fighters and proved their superiority to the famous cavalry of Russians The Russians left dead on the field there and lost several machine their casualties are estimated at over a a THE BEST RESULTS FROM BAKING POWDER COMPANY Limited The Friends which held in the School Room of church Jaftt Friday evening was attended and much enjoyed A very instructive paper on Life ami Works of William un was read by Miss Lulu which was followed by a short do- Sunday Schools the in fccription of William Perms home in Methodist Presbyterian Christian The Hon Israel and Mrs England by Mrs Alma Dale who Friends- One of Witnesses stopped at the King Edward for a recently visited there to the will is dead and the other wit- couple of days on their wedding trip J Cornell brother of he has removed to some place They had afternoon tea at Govern- being present kindly favored It may therefore take House on Saturday the meeting with the recitation sonic time to prove the will but in after which Miss it will be probated and it Willson recited Counting anticipated that each of the Sun- A fire at Hot Springs burned a meeting then closed with sirring ay Schools will get about block Five chaired is very seldom that a legacy is given bodies were to filch a worthy object and it shows trie goodress of the man at heart this generous deed his name will be arnotig future gejiera- and the burdens will be light- upon those who so steadfastly hat labor without pecuniary reward for the moral as well spiritual ad van- of the boys girls fend prayer Old to Fore The Calgary Daily Herald on the front page of its of Feb prints a large portrait of Mr John who is fast becoming a business man in pushing western city Having been its popular manager for some years Mr has recently purchased a part ownership in the Dominion Ho tel one of the largest hotel proper ty Deo of On Monday afternoon after three a slight Timothy ties in that city The article at length of the weeks illness following popularity push sportsmanlike qua- stroke of paralysis Mrs and political prominence of Mr pasted quietly away and refers to him as having surrounded by the members of her no jncorMdfrable factor in the family She was faithful and of the present Conservative voted mother and the speedy col- ember for Mo- of her system was no doubt due to her constant attention to her aged at A future as prophesied partner who has been in declining w BALDWIN Continued from page happy hunting ground According to various reports I have of New Ontario it quite fills the bill In descanting on the beauties of Lake Pringle says it is arc fifteen hundred islands big and little lotting its surface Already speculators gaged in erecting a summer hotel on one- of the most attractive ones The have cleared out their wood yard teaming most about cords to Sutton where they get fancy prices The boys have considerable still to dis pose of One of Squire Yates wards a fine- looking young Indian from Island visited our burg recently Here he was as civil and wellbehav ed as one could desire In darings ho smother burg Here he considerable fire- top price for export cattlo at water which fired up all the latent Toronto this week was Good old savage nature and he acted in ones ranged from that down to fi a wild harumscarum way that Mediums arc to 9440 and verily believe son entertained export cows and bulls to grave fears lor the safety of their Feeders are to to and dairy stokers old chaps do Rest butchering cattle to our memories took Selling at tore Furniture For The Roche Co Limited recovered from the ruins Live mediums to common not require very much to to dry cows to and butchering bulls J250 to Calves are to Milkers to 50 The hog market has been more or Jess improving for some time past and now selects are future but they put up a great bat- to as compared tie if in a tight spot It takes a to re call day when this section teem ed with bears wolves and wildcats or lynx Now only an occasional lynx is seen One recently hov ering for several days but no sport was lucky enough to cap ture it are of a cowardly A MUST MAKE SALE Ml V I for Calgarys popular hotel man to health for several years That she this time laot year mighty good dog with lots of sand whom we wr congratulations greatly beloved and selects well vibbes was by the beautiful floral Jack is a son of James offerings that adorned her casket as lights are as usual Aurora and years or ago was the proprietor of the Newmarket of Mr Jam of Toronto at his resldwicc avenue on Saturday at the age of Ms earlier days he had extensive interests In the northern part of York County He was a member City Council as Mutative of St Patricia Vard The in arid came to Toronto VlUi of a few when he lived in Newmar ket atd has MA Toronto ever He well as the large attendance at the funeral service on Wednesday after noon which was conducted by It J by Rev A Campbell Mr being an old and value employee of the United Fac tories the works shut down on afternoon so that his fellow- workmen might attend the funeral her husband deceased leaves seven sons and one daughter to mourn for indeed thoy fight like the old black man Ive seen them make a good Newfoundland cry baby You can look for some rum weath er about a week from now Proba bly rain followed by degrees TttBATMIvNT OF MONIA J Pneumonia is too dangerous a low zero change ease for anyone to attempt to A Conservative friend In referring himself although he have the to the recent flections says he Is proper remedies at hand A not altogether iatlsfiedtheir should always called- It is too large should be borne in rnind however lftke as I well know Is a that pneumonia always from magnificent fishing ground for either a cold or from an attack of grip and lunge eel or bass residents by the proper treatment of these all up arms as I Hey eases a threatened attack of allege the late Ross Govern went There is no sold the Ashing franchise for per A J March 1st to March 20th rhc regular Gospel Temperance meeting will be held in the Hall Bel- haven on Sunday evening March at Mr from will give trie A good program will also he provided We look for a good full house as Mr Gilpin has a great many friends in this vicinity who will gladly hint See Bros March Sale Boots and Shoes on page 3 of this issue TORS A For Infants and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of o may be warded The Town of Brampton nest I on whatever about this as dur ing thirty years and more thai Chamberlains Cough Remedy has with a greater have yet to learn of a market at a special on Tuer- case of a cold or attack of day Feb reduced the of jp day hotel from six to four not grip paving resulted in pneumonia when this remedy was It is treat- annum to some speculative individual A deputation is going to see Premier about it- Us folks would kick if we were in such a muddle eh Mr Win children latter are street To- WV Dr p Columbia York and Mrs Our Spring and Summer BOOTS SHOES OXFORDS- AND SLIPPERS are arriving and to make for them we will clear out REGARDLESS OF COST pairs at Prices While lost you can get everything you require for Spring and Summer in Infants Boys Girls and Mens egad Fine Shoes made by- several of tho best makers In Canada March Flour per barrel SO Wheat per Spring Wheat per bush 1 00 Wheat 086 per bush 0 76 Buckwheat 0 llay per ton 0 00 Uran per ton Shorts per ton 0 Potatoes Apples per Apples per Butter Per lb Eggs per 23 Packed Eggs per Chickens per pair 00 Ducks I 00 Turkoys 0 0 Everybody come and bene At by our March Sale REPAIRING AND MAKING SHOES TOORPER A SPECIALTY Toronto markets Do- it I been selling Cough and prescribing A mall car on the practice for the past six Ohio Railway was burned with years I Use It of to f currency and reentered and have always gotten host See Brow MuatMaker wtWi For ale by T Room March Boots to friend Lloyd Page of issue was a of Mr Hun of ewmarkft Era Our Spring and Summer Shoe are the Best Values ever CALL YOU WILL BE CONVINCED BROS Sutton West Shoo Polish during Sale at a and Tan I STRICTLY CASH vv A 1 rt-i- 9 Teef hind March 2 Wheat per bush 06 06 Wheat per bush 1 Spring Wheat per bush Oats per bush per bush Butter roll per lb- 23- Eggs per Potatoes per bag Dressed Hogs per Hay per ton Per lb per lb iG Chickens per pair Turkeys per lb Beef 18 I reef 50 eef hind